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||| A Reversed List
module Data.SnocList
import Data.List
import Data.Fin
%default total
public export
Cast (SnocList a) (List a) where
cast sx = sx <>> []
public export
Cast (List a) (SnocList a) where
cast xs = Lin <>< xs
%transform "fastConcat" concat {t = SnocList} {a = String} = fastConcat . cast
||| Transform to a list but keeping the contents in the spine order (term depth).
public export
asList : SnocList type -> List type
asList = (reverse . cast)
Uninhabited (Lin = x :< xs) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
Uninhabited (x :< xs = Lin) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
||| True iff input is Lin
public export
isLin : SnocList a -> Bool
isLin Lin = True
isLin (sx :< x) = False
||| True iff input is (:<)
public export
isSnoc : SnocList a -> Bool
isSnoc Lin = False
isSnoc (sx :< x) = True
||| Given a predicate and a snoclist, returns a tuple consisting of the longest
||| prefix of the snoclist whose elements satisfy the predicate, and the rest of the
||| snoclist.
public export
spanBy : (a -> Maybe b) -> SnocList a -> (SnocList a, SnocList b)
spanBy p [<] = ([<], [<])
spanBy p (xs :< x) = case p x of
Just b =>
let (as, bs) = spanBy p xs in
(as, bs :< b)
Nothing => (xs :< x, [<])
Show a => Show (SnocList a) where
show xs = concat ("[< " :: intersperse ", " (show' [] xs) ++ ["]"])
show' : List String -> SnocList a -> List String
show' acc Lin = acc
show' acc (xs :< x) = show' (show x :: acc) xs
public export
Functor SnocList where
map f Lin = Lin
map f (sx :< x) = (map f sx) :< (f x)
public export
Semigroup (SnocList a) where
(<+>) = (++)
public export
Monoid (SnocList a) where
neutral = Lin
public export
Foldable SnocList where
foldr f z [<] = z
foldr f z (sx :< x) = foldr f (f x z) sx
foldl f z Lin = z
foldl f z (xs :< x) = f (foldl f z xs) x
null Lin = True
null (_ :< _) = False
toList = (<>> [])
foldMap f = foldr (\v,acc => f v <+> acc) neutral
public export
Applicative SnocList where
pure = (:<) Lin
fs <*> xs = concatMap (flip map xs) fs
public export
Monad SnocList where
xs >>= k = concatMap k xs
public export
Traversable SnocList where
traverse _ Lin = pure Lin
traverse f (xs :< x) = [| traverse f xs :< f x |]
public export
Alternative SnocList where
empty = Lin
xs <|> ys = xs ++ ys
-- Why can't we just use an implementation here?!
export %hint
SnocBiinjective : Biinjective (:<)
SnocBiinjective = MkBiinjective $ \case Refl => (Refl, Refl)
||| Find the rightmost element of the snoc-list that satisfies the predicate.
public export
find : (a -> Bool) -> SnocList a -> Maybe a
find p Lin = Nothing
find p (xs :< x) = if p x then Just x else find p xs
||| Satisfiable if `k` is a valid index into `xs`.
||| @ k the potential index
||| @ xs the snoc-list into which k may be an index
public export
data InBounds : (k : Nat) -> (xs : SnocList a) -> Type where
||| Z is a valid index into any cons cell
InFirst : InBounds Z (xs :< x)
||| Valid indices can be extended
InLater : InBounds k xs -> InBounds (S k) (xs :< x)
||| Find the index (counting from right) of the rightmost element (if exists) of a
||| snoc-list that satisfies the given test, else `Nothing`.
public export
findIndex : (a -> Bool) -> (xs : SnocList a) -> Maybe $ Fin (length xs)
findIndex _ Lin = Nothing
findIndex p (xs :< x) = if p x
then Just FZ
else FS <$> findIndex p xs
--- Properties ---
--- Usual snoc-list append (++) ---
appendAssociative : (l, c, r : SnocList a) -> l ++ (c ++ r) = (l ++ c) ++ r
appendAssociative l c [<] = Refl
appendAssociative l c (sx :< _) = rewrite appendAssociative l c sx in Refl
appendLinLeftNeutral : (sx : SnocList a) -> [<] ++ sx = sx
appendLinLeftNeutral [<] = Refl
appendLinLeftNeutral (sx :< _) = rewrite appendLinLeftNeutral sx in Refl
--- Fish (<><) and chips (<>>) appends ---
fishAsSnocAppend : (xs : SnocList a) -> (ys : List a) -> xs <>< ys = xs ++ cast ys
fishAsSnocAppend xs [] = Refl
fishAsSnocAppend xs (y :: ys) = do
rewrite fishAsSnocAppend (xs :< y) ys
rewrite fishAsSnocAppend [<y] ys
rewrite appendAssociative xs [<y] (cast ys)
chipsAsListAppend : (xs : SnocList a) -> (ys : List a) -> xs <>> ys = cast xs ++ ys
chipsAsListAppend [<] ys = Refl
chipsAsListAppend (sx :< x) ys = do
rewrite chipsAsListAppend sx (x :: ys)
rewrite chipsAsListAppend sx [x]
rewrite sym $ appendAssociative (cast sx) [x] ys
--- More on append ---
toListAppend : (sx, sy : SnocList a) -> toList (sx ++ sy) = toList sx ++ toList sy
toListAppend sx [<] = rewrite appendNilRightNeutral $ toList sx in Refl
toListAppend sx (sy :< y) = do
rewrite chipsAsListAppend sy [y]
rewrite appendAssociative (cast sx) (cast sy) [y]
rewrite chipsAsListAppend (sx ++ sy) [y]
rewrite toListAppend sx sy
castListAppend : (xs, ys : List a) -> cast {to=SnocList a} (xs ++ ys) === cast xs ++ cast ys
castListAppend [] ys = rewrite appendLinLeftNeutral $ [<] <>< ys in Refl
castListAppend (x::xs) ys = do
rewrite fishAsSnocAppend [<x] (xs ++ ys)
rewrite castListAppend xs ys
rewrite appendAssociative [<x] (cast xs) (cast ys)
rewrite sym $ fishAsSnocAppend [<x] xs
--- Pure casts (including `toList`)
castToList : (sx : SnocList a) -> cast (toList sx) === sx
castToList [<] = Refl
castToList (sx :< x) = do
rewrite chipsAsListAppend sx [x]
rewrite castListAppend (cast sx) [x]
rewrite castToList sx
toListCast : (xs : List a) -> toList (cast {to=SnocList a} xs) === xs
toListCast [] = Refl
toListCast (x::xs) = do
rewrite fishAsSnocAppend [<x] xs
rewrite toListAppend [<x] (cast xs)
rewrite toListCast xs
||| Append an element to the head of a snoc-list.
||| Note: Traverses the snoc-list, linear time complexity
public export
cons : a -> SnocList a -> SnocList a
cons x sx = [< x] ++ sx
--- Folds ---
foldAppend : (f : acc -> a -> acc) -> (init : acc) -> (sx, sy : SnocList a) -> foldl f init (sx ++ sy) = foldl f (foldl f init sx) sy
foldAppend f init sx [<] = Refl
foldAppend f init sx (sy :< x) = rewrite foldAppend f init sx sy in Refl
snocFoldlAsListFoldl : (f : acc -> a -> acc) -> (init : acc) -> (xs : SnocList a) -> foldl f init xs = foldl f init (toList xs)
snocFoldlAsListFoldl f init [<] = Refl
snocFoldlAsListFoldl f init (sx :< x) = do
rewrite chipsAsListAppend sx [x]
rewrite snocFoldlAsListFoldl f init sx
rewrite foldlAppend f init (cast sx) [x]
--- Filtering ---
filterAppend : (f : a -> Bool) -> (sx, sy : SnocList a) -> filter f (sx ++ sy) = filter f sx ++ filter f sy
filterAppend f sx [<] = Refl
filterAppend f sx (sy :< x) with (f x)
_ | False = filterAppend f sx sy
_ | True = rewrite filterAppend f sx sy in Refl
toListFilter : (f : a -> Bool) -> (sx : SnocList a) -> toList (filter f sx) = filter f (toList sx)
toListFilter f [<] = Refl
toListFilter f (sx :< x) = do
rewrite chipsAsListAppend sx [x]
rewrite filterAppend f (cast sx) [x]
rewrite filterStepLemma
rewrite toListFilter f sx
filterStepLemma : toList (filter f (sx :< x)) = toList (filter f sx) ++ filter f [x]
filterStepLemma with (f x)
_ | False = rewrite appendNilRightNeutral $ toList $ filter f sx in Refl
_ | True = rewrite chipsAsListAppend (filter f sx) [x] in Refl
filterCast : (f : a -> Bool) -> (xs : List a) -> filter f (cast {to=SnocList a} xs) = cast (filter f xs)
filterCast f [] = Refl
filterCast f (x::xs) = do
rewrite fishAsSnocAppend [<x] xs
rewrite filterAppend f [<x] (cast xs)
rewrite filterStepLemma
rewrite filterCast f xs
filterStepLemma : cast (filter f (x::xs)) = filter f [<x] ++ cast (filter f xs)
filterStepLemma with (f x)
_ | False = rewrite appendLinLeftNeutral $ [<] <>< filter f xs in Refl
_ | True = rewrite fishAsSnocAppend [<x] (filter f xs) in Refl
--- Functor map ---
mapFusion : (g : b -> c) -> (f : a -> b) -> (sx : SnocList a) -> map g (map f sx) = map (g . f) sx
mapFusion g f [<] = Refl
mapFusion g f (sx :< x) = rewrite mapFusion g f sx in Refl
mapAppend : (f : a -> b) -> (sx, sy : SnocList a) -> map f (sx ++ sy) = map f sx ++ map f sy
mapAppend f sx [<] = Refl
mapAppend f sx (sy :< x) = rewrite mapAppend f sx sy in Refl
toListMap : (f : a -> b) -> (sx : SnocList a) -> toList (map f sx) = map f (toList sx)
toListMap f [<] = Refl
toListMap f (sx :< x) = do
rewrite chipsAsListAppend (map f sx) [f x]
rewrite chipsAsListAppend sx [x]
rewrite mapAppend f (toList sx) [x]
rewrite toListMap f sx
mapCast : (f : a -> b) -> (xs : List a) -> map f (cast {to=SnocList a} xs) = cast (map f xs)
mapCast f [] = Refl
mapCast f (x::xs) = do
rewrite fishAsSnocAppend [<f x] (map f xs)
rewrite fishAsSnocAppend [<x] xs
rewrite mapAppend f [<x] (cast xs)
rewrite mapCast f xs
--- mapMaybe ---
mapMaybeFusion : (g : b -> Maybe c) -> (f : a -> Maybe b) -> (sx : SnocList a) -> mapMaybe g (mapMaybe f sx) = mapMaybe (f >=> g) sx
mapMaybeFusion g f [<] = Refl
mapMaybeFusion g f (sx :< x) with (f x)
_ | Nothing = mapMaybeFusion g f sx
_ | (Just y) with (g y)
_ | Nothing = mapMaybeFusion g f sx
_ | (Just z) = rewrite mapMaybeFusion g f sx in Refl
mapMaybeAppend : (f : a -> Maybe b) -> (sx, sy : SnocList a) -> mapMaybe f (sx ++ sy) = mapMaybe f sx ++ mapMaybe f sy
mapMaybeAppend f sx [<] = Refl
mapMaybeAppend f sx (sy :< x) with (f x)
_ | Nothing = mapMaybeAppend f sx sy
_ | (Just y) = rewrite mapMaybeAppend f sx sy in Refl
toListMapMaybe : (f : a -> Maybe b) -> (sx : SnocList a) -> toList (mapMaybe f sx) = mapMaybe f (toList sx)
toListMapMaybe f [<] = Refl
toListMapMaybe f (sx :< x) = do
rewrite chipsAsListAppend sx [x]
rewrite mapMaybeAppend f (toList sx) [x]
rewrite mapMaybeStepLemma
rewrite toListMapMaybe f sx
mapMaybeStepLemma : toList (mapMaybe f (sx :< x)) = toList (mapMaybe f sx) ++ mapMaybe f [x]
mapMaybeStepLemma with (f x)
_ | Nothing = rewrite appendNilRightNeutral $ toList $ mapMaybe f sx in Refl
_ | (Just y) = rewrite chipsAsListAppend (mapMaybe f sx) [y] in Refl
mapMaybeCast : (f : a -> Maybe b) -> (xs : List a) -> mapMaybe f (cast {to=SnocList a} xs) = cast (mapMaybe f xs)
mapMaybeCast f [] = Refl
mapMaybeCast f (x::xs) = do
rewrite fishAsSnocAppend [<x] xs
rewrite mapMaybeAppend f [<x] (cast xs)
rewrite mapMaybeStepLemma
rewrite mapMaybeCast f xs
mapMaybeStepLemma : cast (mapMaybe f (x::xs)) = mapMaybe f [<x] ++ cast (mapMaybe f xs)
mapMaybeStepLemma with (f x)
_ | Nothing = rewrite appendLinLeftNeutral $ [<] <>< mapMaybe f xs in Refl
_ | (Just y) = rewrite fishAsSnocAppend [<y] (mapMaybe f xs) in Refl