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synced 2025-01-06 07:23:11 +03:00
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64 lines
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import Data.Vect
import Data.Fin
import Language.Reflection
%language ElabReflection
data Ty : Type where
Base : Type -> Ty
Arrow : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
-- Ty can be translated to a host language type
interpTy : Ty -> Type
interpTy (Base t) = t
interpTy (Arrow s t) = (argTy : interpTy s) -> interpTy t
data HasType : Fin k -> Ty -> Vect k Ty -> Type where
Stop : HasType FZ t (t :: gam)
Pop : HasType i t gam -> HasType (FS i) t (u :: gam)
data Lang : Vect k Ty -> Ty -> Type where
Var : HasType i t gam -> Lang gam t
Val : (x : interpTy a) -> Lang gam a
Lam : (scope : Lang (s :: gam) t) -> Lang gam (Arrow s t)
App : Lang gam (Arrow s t) -> Lang gam s -> Lang gam t;
Op : (interpTy a -> interpTy b -> interpTy c) ->
Lang gam a -> Lang gam b -> Lang gam c
data Env : Vect n Ty -> Type where
Nil : Env Nil
(::) : (x : interpTy a) -> Env xs -> Env (a :: xs)
-- Find a value in an environment
lookupEnv : HasType i t gam -> Env gam -> Elab (interpTy t)
lookupEnv Stop (x :: xs) = pure x
lookupEnv (Pop var) (x :: env) = lookupEnv var env
interp : Env gam -> Lang gam t -> Elab (interpTy t)
interp env (Var x)
= do res <- lookupEnv x env
pure res
interp env (Val x) = pure x
interp env (Lam scope)
= lambda _ (\val => interp (val :: env) scope)
interp env (App f a)
= interp env f <*> interp env a
interp env (Op f x y) = f <$> interp env x <*> interp env y
eval : Env gam -> Lang gam t -> Elab (interpTy t)
eval = interp
testAdd : Lang gam (Arrow (Base Nat) (Arrow (Base Nat) (Base Nat)))
testAdd = Lam (Lam (Op plus (Var Stop) (Var (Pop Stop))))
evalAdd : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
evalAdd x y =let add = eval [] testAdd in add x y
testBlock : Lang gam (Base Nat)
testBlock = Op {a=Base Nat} {b=Base Nat} plus (Val 3) (Val 4)
evalBlock : Nat
evalBlock = eval [] testBlock