André Videla 75032a7164
Emit warning for fixities with no export modifiers (#3234)
* Emit warning for fixities with no export modifiers

This is to help update all the existing code to program with explicit
fixity export directives in preparation for the behavioral change where
they will become private by default.
2024-04-03 15:41:57 +01:00

214 lines
5.6 KiB

||| General purpose two-end finite sequences,
||| with length in its type.
||| This is implemented by finger tree.
module Data.Seq.Sized
import Control.WellFounded
import public Data.Fin
import public Data.Nat
import public Data.Vect
import public Data.Zippable
import Data.Seq.Internal
%default total
err : String -> a
err s = assert_total (idris_crash s)
||| A two-end finite sequences, with length in its type.
data Seq : Nat -> Type -> Type where
MkSeq : FingerTree (Elem e) -> Seq n e
||| O(1). The empty sequence.
empty : Seq 0 e
empty = MkSeq Empty
||| O(1). A singleton sequence.
singleton : e -> Seq 1 e
singleton a = MkSeq (Single (MkElem a))
||| O(n). A sequence of length n with a the value of every element.
replicate : (n : Nat) -> (a : e) -> Seq n e
replicate n a = MkSeq (replicate' n a)
||| O(1). The number of elements in the sequence.
length : {n : Nat} -> Seq n a -> Nat
length _ = n
||| O(n). Reverse the sequence.
reverse : Seq n a -> Seq n a
reverse (MkSeq tr) = MkSeq (reverseTree id tr)
export infixr 5 `cons`
||| O(1). Add an element to the left end of a sequence.
cons : e -> Seq n e -> Seq (S n) e
a `cons` MkSeq tr = MkSeq (MkElem a `consTree` tr)
export infixl 5 `snoc`
||| O(1). Add an element to the right end of a sequence.
snoc : Seq n e -> e -> Seq (S n) e
MkSeq tr `snoc` a = MkSeq (tr `snocTree` MkElem a)
||| O(log(min(m, n))). Concatenate two sequences.
(++) : Seq m e -> Seq n e -> Seq (m + n) e
MkSeq t1 ++ MkSeq t2 = MkSeq (addTree0 t1 t2)
||| O(1). View from the left of the sequence.
viewl : Seq (S n) a -> (a, Seq n a)
viewl (MkSeq tr) = case viewLTree tr of
Just (MkElem a, tr') => (a, MkSeq tr')
Nothing => err "viewl"
||| O(1). The first element of the sequence.
head : Seq (S n) a -> a
head = fst . viewl
||| O(1). The elements after the head of the sequence.
tail : Seq (S n) a -> Seq n a
tail = snd . viewl
||| O(1). View from the right of the sequence.
viewr : Seq (S n) a -> (Seq n a, a)
viewr (MkSeq tr) = case viewRTree tr of
Just (tr', MkElem a) => (MkSeq tr', a)
Nothing => err "viewr"
||| O(1). The elements before the last element of the sequence.
init : Seq (S n) a -> Seq n a
init = fst . viewr
||| O(1). The last element of the sequence.
last : Seq (S n) a -> a
last = snd . viewr
||| O(n). Turn a vector into a sequence.
fromVect : Vect n a -> Seq n a
fromVect xs = MkSeq (foldr (\x, t => MkElem x `consTree` t) Empty xs)
||| O(n). Turn a list into a sequence.
fromList : (xs : List a) -> Seq (length xs) a
fromList xs = fromVect (Vect.fromList xs)
||| O(n). Turn a sequence into a vector.
toVect : {n :Nat} -> Seq n a -> Vect n a
toVect _ {n = 0} = []
toVect ft {n = S _} =
let (x, ft') = viewl ft
in x :: toVect ft'
||| O(log(min(i, n-i))). The element at the specified position.
index : (i : Nat) -> (t : Seq n a) -> {auto ok : LT i n} -> a
index i (MkSeq t) = let (_, MkElem a) = lookupTree i t in a
||| O(log(min(i, n-i))). The element at the specified position.
||| Use Fin n to index instead.
index' : (t : Seq n a) -> (i : Fin n) -> a
index' (MkSeq t) fn = let (_, MkElem a) = lookupTree (finToNat fn) t in a
||| O(log(min(i, n-i))). Update the element at the specified position.
adjust : (f : a -> a) -> (i : Nat) -> (t : Seq n a) -> {auto ok : LT i n} -> Seq n a
adjust f i (MkSeq t) = MkSeq $ adjustTree (const (map f)) i t
||| O(log(min(i, n-i))). Replace the element at the specified position.
update : (i : Nat) -> a -> (t : Seq n a) -> {auto ok : LT i n} -> Seq n a
update i a t = adjust (const a) i t
||| O(log(min(i, n-i))). Split a sequence at a given position.
splitAt : (i : Nat) -> Seq (i + j) a -> (Seq i a, Seq j a)
splitAt i (MkSeq xs) =
let (l, r) = split i xs
in (MkSeq l, MkSeq r)
||| O(log(min(i, n-i))). The first i elements of a sequence.
take : (i : Nat) -> Seq (i + j) a -> Seq i a
take i seq = fst (splitAt i seq)
||| O(log(min(i, n-i))). Elements of a sequence after the first i.
drop : (i : Nat) -> Seq (i + j) a -> Seq j a
drop i seq = snd (splitAt i seq)
||| Dump the internal structure of the finger tree.
show' : Show a => Seq n a -> String
show' (MkSeq tr) = showPrec Open tr
public export
implementation Eq a => Eq (Seq n a) where
MkSeq x == MkSeq y = x == y
public export
implementation Ord a => Ord (Seq n a) where
compare (MkSeq x) (MkSeq y) = compare x y
public export
implementation Functor (Seq n) where
map f (MkSeq tr) = MkSeq (map (map f) tr)
public export
implementation Foldable (Seq n) where
foldr f z (MkSeq tr) = foldr (f . unElem) z tr
foldl f z (MkSeq tr) = foldl (\acc, (MkElem elem) => f acc elem) z tr
toList (MkSeq tr) = toList' tr
null (MkSeq Empty) = True
null _ = False
public export
implementation Traversable (Seq n) where
traverse f (MkSeq tr) = MkSeq <$> traverse (map MkElem . f . unElem) tr
public export
implementation Show a => Show (Seq n a) where
showPrec p = showPrec p . toList
public export
implementation Zippable (Seq n) where
zipWith f (MkSeq x) (MkSeq y) = MkSeq (zipWith' f x y)
zipWith3 f (MkSeq x) (MkSeq y) (MkSeq z) = MkSeq (zipWith3' f x y z)
unzipWith f (MkSeq zs) = let (xs, ys) = unzipWith' f zs in (MkSeq xs, MkSeq ys)
unzipWith3 f (MkSeq ws) = let (xs, ys, zs) = unzipWith3' f ws in (MkSeq xs, MkSeq ys, MkSeq zs)
||| This implementation works like a ZipList,
||| and is differnt from that of Seq.Unsized.
public export
implementation {n : Nat} -> Applicative (Seq n) where
pure = replicate n
(<*>) = zipWith ($)
public export
implementation Sized (Seq n a) where
size (MkSeq s) = size s