mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 01:01:59 +03:00
* Emit warning for fixities with no export modifiers This is to help update all the existing code to program with explicit fixity export directives in preparation for the behavioral change where they will become private by default.
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||| This module is based on Todd Waugh Ambridge's blog post series
||| "Search over uniformly continuous decidable predicates on
||| infinite collections of types"
||| https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~txw467/tychonoff/
module Search.Tychonoff.PartI
import Data.DPair
import Data.Nat
import Data.Nat.Order
import Data.So
import Data.Vect
import Decidable.Equality
import Decidable.Decidable
%default total
-- Searchable types
Pred : Type -> Type
Pred a = a -> Type
0 Decidable : Pred a -> Type
Decidable p = (x : a) -> Dec (p x)
||| Hilbert's epsilon is a function that for a given predicate
||| returns a value that satisfies it if any value exists that
||| that would satisfy it.
-- NB: this is not in the original posts, it's me making potentially
-- erroneous connections
0 HilbertEpsilon : Pred x -> Type
HilbertEpsilon p = (v : x ** (v0 : x) -> p v0 -> p v)
||| A type is searchable if for any
||| @ p a decidable predicate over that type
||| @ x can be found such that if there exists a
||| @ x0 satisfying p then x also satisfies p
0 IsSearchable : Type -> Type
IsSearchable x = (0 p : Pred x) -> Decidable p -> HilbertEpsilon p
private infix 0 <->
record (<->) (a, b : Type) where
constructor MkIso
forwards : a -> b
backwards : b -> a
inverseL : (x : a) -> backwards (forwards x) === x
inverseR : (y : b) -> forwards (backwards y) === y
||| Searchable is closed under isomorphisms
map : (a <-> b) -> IsSearchable a -> IsSearchable b
map (MkIso f g _ inv) search p pdec =
let (xa ** prfa) = search (p . f) (\ x => pdec (f x)) in
(f xa ** \ xb, pxb => prfa (g xb) $ replace {p} (sym $ inv xb) pxb)
interface Searchable (0 a : Type) where
constructor MkSearchable
search : IsSearchable a
Inhabited : Type -> Type
Inhabited a = a
searchableIsInhabited : IsSearchable a -> Inhabited a
searchableIsInhabited search = fst (search (\ _ => ()) (\ _ => Yes ()))
-- Finite types are trivially searchable
||| Unit is searchable
Searchable () where
search p pdef = (() ** \ (), prf => prf)
||| Bool is searchable
Searchable Bool where
search p pdec = case pdec True of
-- if p True holds we're done
Yes prf => MkDPair True $ \ _, _ => prf
-- otherwise p False is our best bet
No contra => MkDPair False $ \case
False => id
True => absurd . contra
||| Searchable is closed under finite sum
-- Note that this would enable us to go back and prove Bool searchable
-- via the iso Bool <-> Either () ()
(Searchable a, Searchable b) => Searchable (Either a b) where
search p pdec =
let (xa ** prfa) = search (p . Left) (\ xa => pdec (Left xa)) in
let (xb ** prfb) = search (p . Right) (\ xb => pdec (Right xb)) in
case pdec (Left xa) of
Yes pxa => (Left xa ** \ _, _ => pxa)
No npxa => case pdec (Right xb) of
Yes pxb => (Right xb ** \ _, _ => pxb)
No npxb => MkDPair (Left xa) $ \case
Left xa' => \ pxa' => absurd (npxa (prfa xa' pxa'))
Right xb' => \ pxb' => absurd (npxb (prfb xb' pxb'))
||| Searchable is closed under finite product
(Searchable a, Searchable b) => Searchable (a, b) where
search p pdec =
-- How cool is that use of choice?
let (fb ** prfb) = Pair.choice $ \ a => search (p . (a,)) (\ b => pdec (a, b)) in
let (xa ** prfa) = search (\ a => p (a, fb a)) (\ xa => pdec (xa, fb xa)) in
MkDPair (xa, fb xa) $ \ (xa', xb'), pxab' => prfa xa' (prfb xa' xb' pxab')
||| Searchable for Vect
searchVect : Searchable a => (n : Nat) -> Searchable (Vect n a)
searchVect 0 = MkSearchable $ \ p, pdec => ([] ** \case [] => id)
searchVect (S n) = MkSearchable $ \ p, pdec =>
let %hint ih : Searchable (Vect n a)
ih = searchVect n
0 P : Pred (a, Vect n a)
P = p . Prelude.uncurry (::)
Pdec : Decidable P
Pdec = \ (x, xs) => pdec (x :: xs)
in bimap (uncurry (::)) (\ prf => \case (v0 :: vs0) => prf (v0, vs0))
$ search P Pdec
||| The usual LPO is for Nat only
0 LPO : Type -> Type
LPO a = (f : a -> Bool) ->
Either (x : a ** f x === True) ((x : a) -> f x === False)
0 LPO' : Type -> Type
LPO' a = (0 p : Pred a) -> Decidable p ->
Either (x : a ** p x) ((x : a) -> Not (p x))
SearchableIsLPO : IsSearchable a -> LPO' a
SearchableIsLPO search p pdec =
let (x ** prf) = search p pdec in
case pdec x of
Yes px => Left (x ** px)
No npx => Right (\ x', px' => absurd (npx (prf x' px')))
LPOIsSearchable : LPO' a -> Inhabited a -> IsSearchable a
LPOIsSearchable lpo inh p pdec = case lpo p pdec of
Left (x ** px) => (x ** \ _, _ => px)
Right contra => (inh ** \ x, px => absurd (contra x px))
EqUntil : (m : Nat) -> (a, b : Nat -> x) -> Type
EqUntil m a b = (k : Nat) -> k `LTE` m -> a k === b k
-- Closeness functions and extended naturals
||| A decreasing sequence of booleans
Decreasing : (Nat -> Bool) -> Type
Decreasing f = (n : Nat) -> So (f (S n)) -> So (f n)
||| Nat extended with a point at infinity
record NatInf where
constructor MkNatInf
sequence : Nat -> Bool
isDecreasing : Decreasing sequence
repeat : x -> (Nat -> x)
repeat v = const v
Zero : NatInf
Zero = MkNatInf (repeat False) (\ n, prf => prf)
Omega : NatInf
Omega = MkNatInf (repeat True) (\ n, prf => prf)
(::) : x -> (Nat -> x) -> (Nat -> x)
(v :: f) 0 = v
(v :: f) (S n) = f n
Succ : NatInf -> NatInf
Succ f = MkNatInf (True :: f .sequence) decr where
decr : Decreasing (True :: f .sequence)
decr 0 = const Oh
decr (S n) = f .isDecreasing n
fromNat : Nat -> NatInf
fromNat 0 = Zero
fromNat (S k) = Succ (fromNat k)
soFromNat : k `LT` n -> So ((fromNat n) .sequence k)
soFromNat p = case view p of
LTZero => Oh
LTSucc p => soFromNat p
fromNatSo : {k, n : Nat} -> So ((fromNat n) .sequence k) -> k `LT` n
fromNatSo {n = 0} hyp = absurd hyp
fromNatSo {k = 0} {n = S n} hyp = LTESucc LTEZero
fromNatSo {k = S k} {n = S n} hyp = LTESucc (fromNatSo hyp)
LTE : (f, g : NatInf) -> Type
f `LTE` g = (n : Nat) -> So (f .sequence n) -> So (g .sequence n)
minimalZ : (f : NatInf) -> fromNat 0 `LTE` f
minimalZ f n prf = absurd prf
maximalInf : (f : NatInf) -> f `LTE` Omega
maximalInf f n prf = Oh
min : (f, g : NatInf) -> NatInf
min (MkNatInf f prf) (MkNatInf g prg)
= MkNatInf (\ n => f n && g n) $ \ n, prfg =>
let (l, r) = soAnd prfg in
andSo (prf n l, prg n r)
minLTE : (f, g : NatInf) -> min f g `LTE` f
minLTE (MkNatInf f prf) (MkNatInf g prg) n pr = fst (soAnd pr)
max : (f, g : NatInf) -> NatInf
max (MkNatInf f prf) (MkNatInf g prg)
= MkNatInf (\ n => f n || g n) $ \ n, prfg =>
orSo $ case soOr prfg of
Left pr => Left (prf n pr)
Right pr => Right (prg n pr)
maxLTE : (f, g : NatInf) -> f `LTE` max f g
maxLTE (MkNatInf f prf) (MkNatInf g prg) n pr = orSo (Left pr)
record ClosenessFunction (0 x : Type) (c : (v, w : x) -> NatInf) where
constructor MkClosenessFunction
selfClose : (v : x) -> c v v === Omega
closeSelf : (v, w : x) -> c v w === Omega -> v === w
symmetric : (v, w : x) -> c v w === c w v
ultrametic : (u, v, w : x) -> min (c u v) (c v w) `LTE` c u w
-- Discrete closeness function
Discrete : Type -> Type
Discrete = DecEq
dc : Discrete x => (v, w : x) -> NatInf
dc v w = ifThenElse (isYes $ decEq v w) Omega Zero
dcIsClosenessFunction : Discrete x => ClosenessFunction x PartI.dc
= MkClosenessFunction selfClose closeSelf symmetric ultrametric
selfClose : (v : x) -> dc v v === Omega
selfClose v with (decEq v v)
_ | Yes pr = Refl
_ | No npr = absurd (npr Refl)
closeSelf : (v, w : x) -> dc v w === Omega -> v === w
closeSelf v w eq with (decEq v w)
_ | Yes pr = pr
_ | No npr = absurd (cong (($ 0) . sequence) eq)
symmetric : (v, w : x) -> dc v w === dc w v
symmetric v w with (decEq v w)
symmetric v v | Yes Refl = rewrite decEqSelfIsYes {x = v} in Refl
_ | No nprf with (decEq w v)
_ | Yes prf = absurd (nprf (sym prf))
_ | No _ = Refl
ultrametric : (u, v, w : x) -> min (dc u v) (dc v w) `LTE` dc u w
ultrametric u v w n with (decEq u w)
_ | Yes r = const Oh
_ | No nr with (decEq u v)
_ | Yes p with (decEq v w)
_ | Yes q = absurd (nr (trans p q))
_ | No nq = id
_ | No np with (decEq v w)
_ | Yes q = id
_ | No nq = id
-- Discrete-sequence closeness function
decEqUntil : Discrete x => (n : Nat) -> (f, g : Nat -> x) -> Dec (EqUntil n f g)
decEqUntil n f g = decideLTEBounded (\ n => decEq (f n) (g n)) n
fromYes : (d : Dec p) -> isYes d === True -> p
fromYes (Yes prf) _ = prf
decEqUntilPred :
Discrete x => (n : Nat) -> (f, g : Nat -> x) ->
isYes (decEqUntil (S n) f g) === True ->
isYes (decEqUntil n f g) === True
decEqUntilPred n f g eq with (decEqUntil n f g)
_ | Yes prf = Refl
_ | No nprf = let prf = fromYes (decEqUntil (S n) f g) eq in
absurd (nprf $ \ l, bnd => prf l (lteSuccRight bnd))
public export
dsc : Discrete x => (f, g : Nat -> x) -> NatInf
dsc f g = (MkNatInf Meas decr) where
Meas : Nat -> Bool
Meas = \ n => (ifThenElse (isYes $ decEqUntil n f g) Omega Zero) .sequence n
decr : Decreasing Meas
decr n with (decEqUntil (S n) f g) proof eq
_ | Yes eqSn = rewrite decEqUntilPred n f g (cong isYes eq) in id
_ | No neqSn = \case prf impossible
interface IsSubSingleton x where
isSubSingleton : (v, w : x) -> v === w
IsSubSingleton Void where
isSubSingleton p q = absurd p
IsSubSingleton () where
isSubSingleton () () = Refl
(IsSubSingleton a, IsSubSingleton b) => IsSubSingleton (a, b) where
isSubSingleton (p,q) (u,v) = cong2 (,) (isSubSingleton p u) (isSubSingleton q v)
IsSubSingleton (So b) where
isSubSingleton Oh Oh = Refl
-- K axiom
IsSubSingleton (v === w) where
isSubSingleton Refl Refl = Refl
0 (~~~) : {0 b : a -> Type} -> (f, g : (x : a) -> b x) -> Type
f ~~~ g = (x : a) -> f x === g x
0 ExtensionalEquality : Type
= {0 a : Type} -> {0 b : a -> Type} ->
{f, g : (x : a) -> b x} ->
f ~~~ g -> f === g
interface Extensionality where
functionalExt : ExtensionalEquality
{0 p : a -> Type} ->
Extensionality =>
((x : a) -> IsSubSingleton (p x)) =>
IsSubSingleton ((x : a) -> p x) where
isSubSingleton v w = functionalExt (\ x => isSubSingleton (v x) (w x))
-- Extensionality is needed for the No/No case
Extensionality => IsSubSingleton p => IsSubSingleton (Dec p) where
isSubSingleton (Yes p) (Yes q) = cong Yes (isSubSingleton p q)
isSubSingleton (Yes p) (No nq) = absurd (nq p)
isSubSingleton (No np) (Yes q) = absurd (np q)
isSubSingleton (No np) (No nq) = cong No (isSubSingleton np nq)
parameters {auto _ : Extensionality}
seqEquals : {f, g : Nat -> x} -> f ~~~ g -> f === g
seqEquals = functionalExt
decEqUntilSelfIsYes : Discrete x => (n : Nat) -> (f : Nat -> x) ->
decEqUntil n f f === Yes (\ k, bnd => Refl)
decEqUntilSelfIsYes n f = isSubSingleton ? ?
NatInfEquals : {f, g : Nat -> Bool} ->
{fdecr : Decreasing f} ->
{gdecr : Decreasing g} ->
f ~~~ g -> MkNatInf f fdecr === MkNatInf g gdecr
NatInfEquals {f} eq with (seqEquals eq)
_ | Refl = cong (MkNatInf f) (isSubSingleton ? ?)
dscIsClosenessFunction : Discrete x => ClosenessFunction (Nat -> x) PartI.dsc
dscIsClosenessFunction {x}
= MkClosenessFunction
(\ v, w, eq => seqEquals (closeSelf v w eq))
(\ v, w => NatInfEquals (symmetric v w))
selfClose : (v : Nat -> x) -> dsc v v === Omega
selfClose v = NatInfEquals $ \ n => rewrite decEqUntilSelfIsYes n v in Refl
closeSelf : (v, w : Nat -> x) -> dsc v w === Omega -> v ~~~ w
closeSelf v w eq n with (cong (\ f => f .sequence n) eq)
_ | prf with (decEqUntil n v w)
_ | Yes eqn = eqn n reflexive
_ | No neqn = absurd prf
symmetric : (v, w : Nat -> x) -> (dsc v w) .sequence ~~~ (dsc w v) .sequence
symmetric v w n with (decEqUntil n v w)
_ | Yes p with (decEqUntil n w v)
_ | Yes q = Refl
_ | No nq = absurd (nq $ \ k, bnd => sym (p k bnd))
_ | No np with (decEqUntil n w v)
_ | Yes q = absurd (np $ \ k, bnd => sym (q k bnd))
_ | No nq = Refl
ultrametric : (u, v, w : Nat -> x) -> min (dsc u v) (dsc v w) `LTE` dsc u w
ultrametric u v w n with (decEqUntil n u w)
_ | Yes r = const Oh
_ | No nr with (decEqUntil n u v)
_ | Yes p with (decEqUntil n v w)
_ | Yes q = absurd (nr (\ k, bnd => trans (p k bnd) (q k bnd)))
_ | No nq = id
_ | No np with (decEqUntil n v w)
_ | Yes q = id
_ | No nq = id
closeImpliesEqUntil : Discrete x =>
(n : Nat) -> (f, g : Nat -> x) ->
fromNat (S n) `LTE` dsc f g ->
EqUntil n f g
closeImpliesEqUntil n f g prf with (prf n)
_ | prfn with (decEqUntil n f g)
_ | Yes eqn = eqn
_ | No neqn = absurd (prfn (soFromNat reflexive))
eqUntilImpliesClose : Discrete x =>
(n : Nat) -> (f, g : Nat -> x) ->
EqUntil n f g ->
fromNat (S n) `LTE` dsc f g
eqUntilImpliesClose n f g prf k hyp with (decEqUntil k f g)
_ | Yes p = Oh
_ | No np = let klten = fromLteSucc $ fromNatSo {k} {n = S n} hyp in
absurd (np $ \ k', bnd => prf k' (transitive bnd klten))
buildUp : Discrete x => (n : Nat) -> (f, g : Nat -> x) ->
fromNat n `LTE` dsc f g ->
(v : x) ->
fromNat (S n) `LTE` dsc (v :: f) (v :: g)
buildUp n f g hyp v
= eqUntilImpliesClose n (v :: f) (v :: g)
$ \ k, bnd => case bnd of
LTEZero => Refl
LTESucc bnd => closeImpliesEqUntil ? f g hyp ? bnd
head : (Nat -> x) -> x
head f = f Z
tail : (Nat -> x) -> (Nat -> x)
tail f = f . S
parameters {auto _ : Extensionality}
eta : (f : Nat -> x) -> f === head f :: tail f
eta f = functionalExt $ \case
Z => Refl
S n => Refl
-- Continuity and continuously searchable types
||| Uniform modulus of continuity
||| @ c the notion of closeness used
||| @ p the predicate of interest
||| @ mod the modulus being characterised
0 IsUModFor : (c : (v, w : x) -> NatInf) -> (p : Pred x) -> (mod : Nat) -> Type
IsUModFor c p mod = (v, w : x) -> fromNat mod `LTE` c v w -> p v -> p w
||| Uniformly continuous predicate wrt a closeness function
||| @ c the notion of closeness used
||| @ p the uniformly continuous predicate
record UContinuous {0 x : Type} (c : (v, w : x) -> NatInf) (p : Pred x) where
constructor MkUC
uModulus : Nat
isUModFor : IsUModFor c p uModulus
||| A type equipped with
||| @ c a notion of closeness
||| is continuously searchable if for any
||| @ p a decidable predicate over that type
||| @ x can be found such that if there exists a
||| @ x0 satisfying p then x also satisfies p
0 IsCSearchable : (x : Type) -> ((v, w : x) -> NatInf) -> Type
IsCSearchable x c
= (0 p : Pred x) -> UContinuous c p -> Decidable p ->
HilbertEpsilon p
interface CSearchable x (0 c : (v, w : x) -> NatInf) where
csearch : IsCSearchable x c
[DEMOTE] Searchable x => CSearchable x c where
csearch p uc pdec = search p pdec
CSearchable Bool (PartI.dc {x = Bool}) where
csearch = csearch @{DEMOTE}
discreteIsUContinuous :
{0 p : Pred x} -> Discrete x =>
Decidable p -> UContinuous PartI.dc p
discreteIsUContinuous pdec = MkUC 1 isUContinuous where
isUContinuous : IsUModFor PartI.dc p 1
isUContinuous v w hyp pv with (decEq v w)
_ | Yes eq = replace {p} eq pv
_ | No neq = absurd (hyp 0 Oh)
[PROMOTE] Discrete x => CSearchable x PartI.dc => Searchable x where
search p pdec = csearch p (discreteIsUContinuous pdec) pdec
-- Main result
-- Lemma 1
nullModHilbert :
Decidable p -> IsUModFor c p 0 ->
(v : x ** p v) -> (v : x) -> p v
nullModHilbert pdec pmod0 (v0 ** pv0) v = pmod0 v0 v (\ n => absurd) pv0
trivial : UContinuous c (const ())
trivial = MkUC 0 (\ _, _, _, _ => ())
-- Lemma 2
0 tailPredicate : Pred (Nat -> x) -> x -> Pred (Nat -> x)
tailPredicate p v = p . (v ::)
{0 p : Pred (Nat -> x)}
{auto _ : Discrete x}
(pdec : Decidable p)
decTail : (v : x) -> Decidable (tailPredicate p v)
decTail v vs = pdec (v :: vs)
predModTail :
(mod : Nat) -> IsUModFor PartI.dsc p (S mod) ->
(v : x) -> IsUModFor PartI.dsc (tailPredicate p v) mod
predModTail mod hyp v f g prf pvf
= hyp (v :: f) (v :: g) (buildUp mod f g prf v) pvf
[BYUCONTINUITY] Extensionality =>
Discrete x =>
CSearchable x PartI.dc =>
CSearchable (Nat -> x) (PartI.dsc {x}) where
csearch q quni qdec
= go (search @{PROMOTE})
(quni .uModulus)
(quni .isUModFor)
go : IsSearchable x ->
{0 p : Pred (Nat -> x)} -> Decidable p ->
(n : Nat) -> IsUModFor PartI.dsc p n ->
HilbertEpsilon p
go s pdec 0 hyp
= let f = const (searchableIsInhabited s) in
MkDPair f (\ v0, pv0 => nullModHilbert {c = dsc} pdec hyp (v0 ** pv0) f)
go s pdec (S mod) hyp
= let -- Stepping function generating a tail from the head
stepping : x -> (Nat -> x)
stepping i = fst (go s (decTail pdec i) mod (predModTail pdec mod hyp i))
-- Searching for the head
0 PH : Pred x
PH = \ v => p (v :: stepping v)
pHdec : Decidable PH
pHdec = \ v => pdec (v :: stepping v)
sH : HilbertEpsilon PH
sH = s PH pHdec
-- Searching for the tail given an arbitrary head
0 PT : x -> Pred (Nat -> x)
PT i = tailPredicate p i
pTdec : (v : x) -> Decidable (PT v)
pTdec i = decTail pdec i
sT : (v : x) -> HilbertEpsilon (PT v)
sT i = go s (pTdec i) mod (predModTail pdec mod hyp i)
-- build up the result
v : x; v = sH .fst
vs : Nat -> x; vs = (sT v) .fst
in MkDPair (v :: vs) $ \ vv0s, pvv0s =>
let v0 : x; v0 = head vv0s
v0s : Nat -> x; v0s = tail vv0s
in sH .snd v0
$ (sT v0) .snd v0s
$ replace {p} (eta vv0s) pvv0s
cantorIsCSearchable : Extensionality => IsCSearchable (Nat -> Bool) PartI.dsc
cantorIsCSearchable = csearch @{BYUCONTINUITY}