Edwin Brady d4abbfdae2 Add HasLinearIO
Ideally, liftIO would always be linear, but that has lots of knock-on
effects for other monads which we might want to put in HasIO, now that
subtyping is gone. We'll have to revisit this when we have some kind of
multiplicity polymorphism.
2021-01-11 11:24:43 +00:00

82 lines
2.4 KiB

module Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans
||| A computation which runs in a static context and produces an output
public export
interface Monad m => MonadReader stateType m | m where
||| Get the context
ask : m stateType
||| `local f c` runs the computation `c` in an environment modified by `f`.
local : MonadReader stateType m => (stateType -> stateType) -> m a -> m a
||| The transformer on which the Reader monad is based
public export
record ReaderT (stateType : Type) (m : Type -> Type) (a : Type) where
constructor MkReaderT
1 runReaderT' : stateType -> m a
public export
implementation Functor f => Functor (ReaderT stateType f) where
map f (MkReaderT g) = MkReaderT (\st => map f (g st))
public export
implementation Applicative f => Applicative (ReaderT stateType f) where
pure x = MkReaderT (\st => pure x)
(MkReaderT f) <*> (MkReaderT a) =
MkReaderT (\st =>
let f' = f st in
let a' = a st in
f' <*> a')
public export
implementation Monad m => Monad (ReaderT stateType m) where
(MkReaderT f) >>= k =
MkReaderT (\st => do v <- f st
let MkReaderT kv = k v
kv st)
public export
implementation MonadTrans (ReaderT stateType) where
lift x = MkReaderT (\_ => x)
public export
implementation Monad m => MonadReader stateType (ReaderT stateType m) where
ask = MkReaderT (\st => pure st)
local f (MkReaderT action) = MkReaderT (action . f)
public export
implementation HasIO m => HasIO (ReaderT stateType m) where
liftIO f = MkReaderT (\_ => liftIO f)
public export
implementation (Monad f, Alternative f) => Alternative (ReaderT stateType f) where
empty = lift empty
(MkReaderT f) <|> (MkReaderT g) = MkReaderT (\st => f st <|> g st)
||| Evaluate a function in the context held by this computation
public export
asks : MonadReader stateType m => (stateType -> a) -> m a
asks f = ask >>= pure . f
||| Unwrap and apply a ReaderT monad computation
public export
runReaderT : stateType -> ReaderT stateType m a -> m a
runReaderT s action = runReaderT' action s
||| The Reader monad. The ReaderT transformer applied to the Identity monad.
public export
Reader : (stateType : Type) -> (a : Type) -> Type
Reader s a = ReaderT s Identity a
||| Unwrap and apply a Reader monad computation
public export
runReader : stateType -> Reader stateType a -> a
runReader s = runIdentity . runReaderT s