Edwin Brady d4abbfdae2 Add HasLinearIO
Ideally, liftIO would always be linear, but that has lots of knock-on
effects for other monads which we might want to put in HasIO, now that
subtyping is gone. We'll have to revisit this when we have some kind of
multiplicity polymorphism.
2021-01-11 11:24:43 +00:00

42 lines
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module Data.IORef
-- Implemented externally
-- e.g., in Scheme, passed around as a box
data Mut : Type -> Type where [external]
%extern prim__newIORef : forall a . a -> (1 x : %World) -> IORes (Mut a)
%extern prim__readIORef : forall a . Mut a -> (1 x : %World) -> IORes a
%extern prim__writeIORef : forall a . Mut a -> (1 val : a) -> (1 x : %World) -> IORes ()
data IORef : Type -> Type where
MkRef : Mut a -> IORef a
newIORef : HasIO io => a -> io (IORef a)
newIORef val
= do m <- primIO (prim__newIORef val)
pure (MkRef m)
readIORef : HasIO io => IORef a -> io a
readIORef (MkRef m) = primIO (prim__readIORef m)
writeIORef : HasIO io => IORef a -> (val : a) -> io ()
writeIORef (MkRef m) val = primIO (prim__writeIORef m val)
writeIORef1 : HasLinearIO io => IORef a -> (1 val : a) -> io ()
writeIORef1 (MkRef m) val = primIO1 (prim__writeIORef m val)
modifyIORef : HasIO io => IORef a -> (a -> a) -> io ()
modifyIORef ref f
= do val <- readIORef ref
writeIORef ref (f val)