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1/1: Building DocImpl (DocImpl.idr)
Main> interface Main.Happy : Type -> Type
Parameters: t
happy : t
Happy Nat
Happy Bool
Main> happy : Bool
happy = True
Main> happy : Nat
happy = 0
Main> show : String -> String
show cs = strCons '"' (showLitString (unpack cs) "\"")
showPrec : Prec -> String -> String
showPrec _ x = show x
Main> Could not find an implementation for Show Type
Main> Error: Undefined name NAt.
1 | :printdef Eq NAt
Did you mean any of: Nat, or Not?
Main> (==) : Nat -> Nat -> Bool
(==) = equalNat
(/=) : Nat -> Nat -> Bool
x /= y = not (x == y)
Main> (==) : Eq a => List a -> List a -> Bool
[] == [] = True
(x :: xs) == (y :: ys) = (x == y) && Delay (xs == ys)
_ == _ = False
(/=) : Eq a => List a -> List a -> Bool
x /= y = not (x == y)
Main> (==) : Double -> Double -> Bool
x == y = intToBool (prim__eq_Double x y)
(/=) : Double -> Double -> Bool
x /= y = not (x == y)
Main> map : (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
map f (Just x) = Just (f x)
map f Nothing = Nothing
Main> foldr : (elem -> acc -> acc) -> acc -> Either e elem -> acc
foldr f acc (Left _) = acc
foldr f acc (Right x) = f x acc
foldl : (acc -> elem -> acc) -> acc -> Either e elem -> acc
foldl f z t = foldr (flip (.) . flip f) id t z
null : Either e elem -> Bool
null (Left _) = True
null (Right _) = False
foldlM : Monad m => (acc -> elem -> m acc) -> acc -> Either e elem -> m acc
foldlM fm a0 = foldl (\ma, b => ma >>= flip fm b) (pure a0)
toList : Either e elem -> List elem
toList = foldr (::) []
foldMap : Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Either e a -> m
foldMap f = foldr ((<+>) . f) neutral
Main> Imported module Data.Bits
Main> 0 Index : Type
Index = Nat
(.&.) : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
(.&.) = prim__and_Integer
(.|.) : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
(.|.) = prim__or_Integer
xor : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
xor = prim__xor_Integer
shiftL : Integer -> Index -> Integer
(x `shiftL`) = prim__shl_Integer x . natToInteger
shiftR : Integer -> Index -> Integer
(x `shiftR`) = prim__shr_Integer x . natToInteger
bit : Index -> Integer
bit = \arg => 1 `shiftL` arg
zeroBits : Integer
zeroBits = 0
complement : Integer -> Integer
complement = (oneBits `xor`)
oneBits : Integer
oneBits = -1
complementBit : Integer -> Index -> Integer
complementBit x i = x `xor` bit i
clearBit : Integer -> Index -> Integer
clearBit x i = x `xor` (bit i .&. x)
testBit : Integer -> Index -> Bool
testBit x i = (x .&. bit i) /= 0
setBit : Integer -> Index -> Integer
setBit x i = x .|. bit i
Main> Bye for now!
1/1: Building List (List.idr)
List> interface List.Monoid : Type -> Type
Parameters: ty
Constructor: MkMonoid
Users can hand-craft their own monoid implementations
neutral : ty
(++) : ty -> ty -> ty
Fixity Declaration: infixr operator, level 5
Implementation: Monoid (List a)
List> neutral : List a
neutral = []
(++) : List a -> List a -> List a
xs ++ ys = case xs of
{ [] => ys
; x :: xs => let ih = xs ++ ys in x :: ih
Bye for now!