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module Text.Distance.Levenshtein
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Data.IOMatrix
import Data.List.Extra
%default total
||| Self-evidently correct but O(3 ^ (min mn)) complexity
spec : String -> String -> Nat
spec a b = loop (fastUnpack a) (fastUnpack b) where
loop : List Char -> List Char -> Nat
loop [] ys = length ys -- deletions
loop xs [] = length xs -- insertions
loop (x :: xs) (y :: ys)
= if x == y then loop xs ys -- match
else 1 + minimum [ loop (x :: xs) ys -- insert y
, loop xs (y :: ys) -- delete x
, loop xs ys -- substitute y for x
||| Dynamic programming
compute : HasIO io => String -> String -> io Nat
compute a b = do
let w = strLength a
let h = strLength b
-- In mat[i][j], we store the distance between
-- * the suffix of a of size i
-- * the suffix of b of size j
-- So we need a matrix of size (|a|+1) * (|b|+1)
mat <- new (w+1) (h+1)
-- Whenever one of the two suffixes of interest is empty, the only
-- winning move is to:
-- * delete all of the first
-- * insert all of the second
-- i.e. the cost is the length of the non-zero suffix
for_ [0..w] $ \ i => write mat i 0 i -- deletions
for_ [0..h] $ \ j => write mat 0 j j -- insertions
-- We introduce a specialised `read` for ease of use
let get = \i, j => case !(read {io} mat i j) of
Nothing => assert_total $
idris_crash "INTERNAL ERROR: Badly initialised matrix"
Just n => pure n
-- We fill the matrix from the bottom up, using the same formula we used
-- in the specification's `loop`.
for_ [1..h] $ \ j => do
for_ [1..w] $ \ i => do
-- here we change Levenshtein slightly so that we may only substitute
-- alpha / numerical characters for similar ones. This avoids suggesting
-- "#" as a replacement for an out of scope "n".
let cost = let c = assert_total $ strIndex a (i-1)
d = assert_total $ strIndex b (j-1)
in if c == d then 0 else
if isAlpha c && isAlpha d then 1 else
if isDigit c && isDigit d then 1 else 2
write mat i j $
minimum [ 1 + !(get i (j-1)) -- insert y
, 1 + !(get (i-1) j) -- delete x
, cost + !(get (i-1) (j-1)) -- equal or substitute y for x
-- Once the matrix is fully filled, we can simply read the top right corner
integerToNat . cast <$> get w h