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synced 2025-01-05 15:08:00 +03:00
* Only normalise a search goal if it's fast While we do end up normalising it anyway on success, there might be things blocking it that make the intermediate terms very big, so only do it speculatively to see if it's quick. * Get information about names in reflection Currently this is only whether it's a function, or data or type constructor. I expect more may be useful/possible.
204 lines
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204 lines
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module Language.Reflection
import public Language.Reflection.TT
import public Language.Reflection.TTImp
import public Control.Monad.Trans
%default total
--- Elaboration data structure ---
||| Elaboration scripts
||| Where types/terms are returned, binders will have unique, if not
||| necessarily human readabe, names
data Elab : Type -> Type where
Pure : a -> Elab a
Bind : Elab a -> (a -> Elab b) -> Elab b
Fail : FC -> String -> Elab a
Try : Elab a -> Elab a -> Elab a
||| Log a message. Takes a
||| * topic
||| * level
||| * message
LogMsg : String -> Nat -> String -> Elab ()
||| Print and log a term. Takes a
||| * topic
||| * level
||| * message
||| * term
LogTerm : String -> Nat -> String -> TTImp -> Elab ()
||| Resugar, print and log a term. Takes a
||| * topic
||| * level
||| * message
||| * term
LogSugaredTerm : String -> Nat -> String -> TTImp -> Elab ()
-- Elaborate a TTImp term to a concrete value
Check : TTImp -> Elab expected
-- Quote a concrete expression back to a TTImp
Quote : (0 _ : val) -> Elab TTImp
-- Elaborate under a lambda
Lambda : (0 x : Type) ->
{0 ty : x -> Type} ->
((val : x) -> Elab (ty val)) -> Elab ((val : x) -> (ty val))
-- Get the current goal type, if known
-- (it might need to be inferred from the solution)
Goal : Elab (Maybe TTImp)
-- Get the names of local variables in scope
LocalVars : Elab (List Name)
-- Generate a new unique name, based on the given string
GenSym : String -> Elab Name
-- Put a name in the current namespace
InCurrentNS : Name -> Elab Name
-- Get the types of every name which matches.
-- There may be ambiguities - returns a list of fully explicit names
-- and their types. If there's no results, the name is undefined.
GetType : Name -> Elab (List (Name, TTImp))
-- Get the metadata associated with a name
GetInfo : Name -> Elab (List (Name, NameInfo))
-- Get the type of a local variable
GetLocalType : Name -> Elab TTImp
-- Get the constructors of a data type. The name must be fully resolved.
GetCons : Name -> Elab (List Name)
-- Check a group of top level declarations
Declare : List Decl -> Elab ()
Functor Elab where
map f e = Bind e $ Pure . f
Applicative Elab where
pure = Pure
f <*> a = Bind f (<$> a)
Alternative Elab where
empty = Fail EmptyFC ""
l <|> r = Try l r
Monad Elab where
(>>=) = Bind
--- Elaboration interface ---
public export
interface Monad m => Elaboration m where
||| Report an error in elaboration at some location
failAt : FC -> String -> m a
||| Try the first elaborator. If it fails, reset the elaborator state and
||| run the second
try : Elab a -> Elab a -> m a
||| Write a log message, if the log level is >= the given level
logMsg : String -> Nat -> String -> m ()
||| Write a log message and a rendered term, if the log level is >= the given level
logTerm : String -> Nat -> String -> TTImp -> m ()
||| Write a log message and a resugared & rendered term, if the log level is >= the given level
logSugaredTerm : String -> Nat -> String -> TTImp -> m ()
||| Check that some TTImp syntax has the expected type
||| Returns the type checked value
check : TTImp -> m expected
||| Return TTImp syntax of a given value
quote : (0 _ : val) -> m TTImp
||| Build a lambda expression
lambda : (0 x : Type) ->
{0 ty : x -> Type} ->
((val : x) -> Elab (ty val)) -> m ((val : x) -> (ty val))
||| Get the goal type of the current elaboration
goal : m (Maybe TTImp)
||| Get the names of the local variables in scope
localVars : m (List Name)
||| Generate a new unique name
genSym : String -> m Name
||| Given a name, return the name decorated with the current namespace
inCurrentNS : Name -> m Name
||| Given a possibly ambiguous name, get all the matching names and their types
getType : Name -> m (List (Name, TTImp))
||| Get the metadata associated with a name. Returns all matching namea and their types
getInfo : Name -> m (List (Name, NameInfo))
||| Get the type of a local variable
getLocalType : Name -> m TTImp
||| Get the constructors of a fully qualified data type name
getCons : Name -> m (List Name)
||| Make some top level declarations
declare : List Decl -> m ()
export %inline
||| Report an error in elaboration
fail : Elaboration m => String -> m a
fail = failAt EmptyFC
||| Log the current goal type, if the log level is >= the given level
export %inline
logGoal : Elaboration m => String -> Nat -> String -> m ()
logGoal str n msg = whenJust !goal $ logTerm str n msg
Elaboration Elab where
failAt = Fail
try = Try
logMsg = LogMsg
logTerm = LogTerm
logSugaredTerm = LogSugaredTerm
check = Check
quote = Quote
lambda = Lambda
goal = Goal
localVars = LocalVars
genSym = GenSym
inCurrentNS = InCurrentNS
getType = GetType
getInfo = GetInfo
getLocalType = GetLocalType
getCons = GetCons
declare = Declare
public export
Elaboration m => MonadTrans t => Monad (t m) => Elaboration (t m) where
failAt = lift .: failAt
try = lift .: try
logMsg s = lift .: logMsg s
logTerm s n = lift .: logTerm s n
logSugaredTerm s n = lift .: logSugaredTerm s n
check = lift . check
quote v = lift $ quote v
lambda x = lift . lambda x
goal = lift goal
localVars = lift localVars
genSym = lift . genSym
inCurrentNS = lift . inCurrentNS
getType = lift . getType
getInfo = lift . getInfo
getLocalType = lift . getLocalType
getCons = lift . getCons
declare = lift . declare