Edwin Brady 2eb2ce6097 Add Bits primitives
Including appropriate casts, and Num/Eq/Ord/Show implementations.
Also includes new primitives in Data.Buffer, and calls to foreign
functions in C as 'unsigned'.
2020-06-01 11:48:03 +01:00

7 lines
476 B

Processing as TTImp
Written TTC
Yaffle> ((Main.Just [Just a = ((Main.Vect.Vect (Main.S Main.Z)) Integer)]) ((((Main.Vect.Cons [Just k = Main.Z]) [Just a = Integer]) 1) (Main.Vect.Nil [Just a = Integer])))
Yaffle> ((Main.MkInfer [Just a = (Main.List.List Integer)]) (((Main.List.Cons [Just a = Integer]) 1) (Main.List.Nil [Just a = Integer])))
Yaffle> (repl):1:9--1:12:Ambiguous elaboration [($resolved190 ?Main.{a:62}_[]), ($resolved170 ?Main.{a:62}_[])]
Yaffle> Bye for now!