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synced 2024-12-18 00:31:57 +03:00
I didn't add any export labels because none of this is actually useful for anything, but the proofs are cool.
57 lines
1.5 KiB
57 lines
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||| Properties of factorial functions
module Data.Nat.Fact
import Data.Nat
%default total
||| Recursive definition of factorial.
factRec : Nat -> Nat
factRec Z = 1
factRec (S k) = (S k) * factRec k
||| Tail-recursive accumulator for factItr.
factAcc : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
factAcc Z acc = acc
factAcc (S k) acc = factAcc k $ (S k) * acc
||| Iterative definition of factorial.
factItr : Nat -> Nat
factItr n = factAcc n 1
||| Multiplicand-shuffling lemma.
multShuffle : (a, b, c : Nat) -> a * (b * c) = b * (a * c)
multShuffle a b c =
rewrite multAssociative a b c in
rewrite multCommutative a b in
sym $ multAssociative b a c
||| Multiplication of the accumulator.
factAccMult : (a, b, c : Nat) ->
a * factAcc b c = factAcc b (a * c)
factAccMult _ Z _ = Refl
factAccMult a (S k) c =
rewrite factAccMult a k (S k * c) in
rewrite multShuffle a (S k) c in
||| Addition of accumulators.
factAccPlus : (a, b, c : Nat) ->
factAcc a b + factAcc a c = factAcc a (b + c)
factAccPlus Z _ _ = Refl
factAccPlus (S k) b c =
rewrite factAccPlus k (S k * b) (S k * c) in
rewrite sym $ multDistributesOverPlusRight (S k) b c in
||| The recursive and iterative definitions are the equivalent.
factRecItr : (n : Nat) -> factRec n = factItr n
factRecItr Z = Refl
factRecItr (S k) =
rewrite factRecItr k in
rewrite factAccMult k k 1 in
rewrite multOneRightNeutral k in
factAccPlus k 1 k