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synced 2024-12-18 16:51:51 +03:00
Following a fairly detailed discussion on slack, the feeling is generally that it's better to have a single interface. While precision is nice, it doesn't appear to buy us anything here. If that turns out to be wrong, or limiting somehow, we can revisit it later. Also: - it's easier for backend authors if the type of IO operations is slightly less restrictive. For example, if it's in HasIO, that limits alternative implementations, which might be awkward for some alternative back ends. - it's one less extra detail to learn. This is minor, but there needs to be a clear advantage if there's more detail to learn. - It is difficult to think of an underlying type that can't have a Monad instance (I have personally never encountered one - if they turns out to exist, again, we can revisit!)
69 lines
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69 lines
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module System.Random
import Data.Fin
import Data.Vect
import Data.List
public export
interface Random a where
randomIO : HasIO io => io a
-- Takes a range (lo, hi), and returns a random value uniformly
-- distributed in the closed interval [lo, hi]. It is unspecified what
-- happens if lo > hi.
randomRIO : HasIO io => (a, a) -> io a
prim_randomInt : Int -> IO Int
prim_randomInt upperBound = schemeCall Int "blodwen-random" [upperBound]
public export
Random Int where
-- Generate a random value within [-2^31, 2^31-1].
randomIO =
let maxInt = shiftL 1 31 - 1
minInt = negate $ shiftL 1 31
range = maxInt - minInt
in map (+ minInt) $ liftIO $ prim_randomInt range
-- Generate a random value within [lo, hi].
randomRIO (lo, hi) =
let range = hi - lo + 1
in map (+ lo) $ liftIO $ prim_randomInt range
prim_randomDouble : IO Double
prim_randomDouble = schemeCall Double "blodwen-random" []
public export
Random Double where
-- Generate a random value within [0, 1].
randomIO = liftIO prim_randomDouble
-- Generate a random value within [lo, hi].
randomRIO (lo, hi) = map ((+ lo) . (* (hi - lo))) (liftIO prim_randomDouble)
||| Sets the random seed
srand : Integer -> IO ()
srand n = schemeCall () "blodwen-random-seed" [n]
||| Generate a random number in Fin (S `k`)
||| Note that rndFin k takes values 0, 1, ..., k.
public export
rndFin : (n : Nat) -> IO (Fin (S n))
rndFin 0 = pure FZ
rndFin (S k) = do
let intBound = the Int (cast (S k))
randomInt <- randomRIO (0, intBound)
pure $ restrict (S k) (cast randomInt)
||| Select a random element from a vector
public export
rndSelect' : {k : Nat} -> Vect (S k) a -> IO a
rndSelect' {k} xs = pure $ Vect.index !(rndFin k) xs
||| Select a random element from a non-empty list
public export
rndSelect : (elems : List a) -> {auto prf : NonEmpty elems} -> IO a
rndSelect (x :: xs) {prf = IsNonEmpty} = rndSelect' $ fromList (x :: xs)