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synced 2025-01-03 00:55:00 +03:00
Fixes #1706
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409 lines
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module Control.App
import Data.IORef
%default covering
||| `Error` is a type synonym for `Type`, specify for exception handling.
public export
Error : Type
Error = Type
public export
data HasErr : Error -> List Error -> Type where
Here : HasErr e (e :: es)
There : HasErr e es -> HasErr e (e' :: es)
||| States whether the program's execution path is linear or might throw exceptions so that we can know
||| whether it is safe to reference linear resources.
public export
data Path = MayThrow | NoThrow
public export
data Usage = One | Any
public export
0 Has : List (a -> Type) -> a -> Type
Has [] es = ()
Has [e] es = e es
Has (e :: es') es = (e es, Has es' es)
data OneOf : List Type -> Path -> Type where
First : e -> OneOf (e :: es) MayThrow
Later : OneOf es MayThrow -> OneOf (e :: es) MayThrow
public export
data SafeBind : Path -> (l' : Path) -> Type where
[search l']
SafeSame : SafeBind l l
SafeToThrow : SafeBind NoThrow MayThrow
updateP : SafeBind p p' => OneOf es p -> OneOf es p'
updateP @{SafeSame} x = x
updateP @{SafeToThrow} x impossible
Uninhabited (OneOf [] p) where
uninhabited (First x) impossible
uninhabited (Later x) impossible
Uninhabited (OneOf es NoThrow) where
uninhabited (First x) impossible
uninhabited (Later x) impossible
0 execTy : Path -> List Error -> Type -> Type
execTy p es ty = Either (OneOf es p) ty
data AppRes : Type -> Type where
MkAppRes : (result : a) -> (1 x : %World) -> AppRes a
data App1Res : Usage -> Type -> Type where
MkApp1Res1 : (1 result : a) -> (1 x : %World) -> App1Res One a
MkApp1ResW : (result : a) -> (1 x : %World) -> App1Res Any a
PrimApp : Type -> Type
PrimApp a = (1 x : %World) -> AppRes a
prim_app_pure : a -> PrimApp a
prim_app_pure = MkAppRes
prim_app_bind : (1 act : PrimApp a) -> (1 k : a -> PrimApp b) -> PrimApp b
prim_app_bind fn k w
= let MkAppRes x' w' = fn w in k x' w'
toPrimApp : (1 act : IO a) -> PrimApp a
toPrimApp x
= \w => case toPrim x w of
MkIORes r w => MkAppRes r w
PrimApp1 : Usage -> Type -> Type
PrimApp1 u a = (1 x : %World) -> App1Res u a
toPrimApp1 : {u : _} -> (1 act : IO a) -> PrimApp1 u a
toPrimApp1 x
= \w => case toPrim x w of
MkIORes r w =>
case u of
One => MkApp1Res1 r w
Any => MkApp1ResW r w
prim_app1_bind : (1 act : PrimApp1 Any a) ->
(1 k : a -> PrimApp1 u b) -> PrimApp1 u b
prim_app1_bind fn k w
= let MkApp1ResW x' w' = fn w in k x' w'
||| A type supports throwing and catching exceptions. See `interface Exception err e` for details.
||| @ l An implicit Path states whether the program's execution path is linear or might throw
||| exceptions. The default value is `MayThrow` which represents that the program might throw.
||| @ es A list of exception types that can be thrown. Constrained interfaces can be defined by
||| parameterising with a list of errors `es`.
data App : {default MayThrow l : Path} ->
(es : List Error) -> Type -> Type where
MkApp : (1 prog : (1 w : %World) -> AppRes (execTy l e t)) -> App {l} e t
data App1 : {default One u : Usage} ->
(es : List Error) -> Type -> Type where
MkApp1 : (1 prog : (1 w : %World) -> App1Res u t) -> App1 {u} e t
bindApp : SafeBind l l' =>
App {l} e a -> (a -> App {l=l'} e b) -> App {l=l'} e b
bindApp (MkApp prog) next
= MkApp $ \world =>
let MkAppRes x' world' = prog world in
case x' of
Right res =>
let MkApp r = next res in
r world'
Left err => MkAppRes (Left (updateP err)) world'
public export
Cont1Type : Usage -> Type -> Usage -> List Error -> Type -> Type
Cont1Type One a u e b = (1 x : a) -> App1 {u} e b
Cont1Type Any a u e b = (x : a) -> App1 {u} e b
bindApp1 : {u : _} -> (1 act : App1 {u} e a) ->
(1 k : Cont1Type u a u' e b) -> App1 {u=u'} e b
bindApp1 {u=One} (MkApp1 fn)
= \k => MkApp1 (\w => let MkApp1Res1 x' w' = fn w
MkApp1 res = k x' in
res w')
bindApp1 {u=Any} (MkApp1 fn)
= \k => MkApp1 (\w => let MkApp1ResW x' w' = fn w
MkApp1 res = k x' in
res w')
||| When type is present in app "errors" list, app is allowed to perform I/O.
public export
data AppHasIO : Type where
public export
Uninhabited AppHasIO where
uninhabited _ impossible
absurdWith1 : (1 w : b) -> OneOf e NoThrow -> any
absurdWith1 w (First p) impossible
absurdWithAppHasIO : (1 w : b) -> OneOf [AppHasIO] t -> any
absurdWithAppHasIO w (First p) impossible
absurdWith2 : (1 x : a) -> (1 w : b) -> OneOf e NoThrow -> any
absurdWith2 x w (First p) impossible
bindL : App {l=NoThrow} e a -> (1 k : a -> App {l} e b) -> App {l} e b
bindL (MkApp prog) next
= MkApp $ \world =>
let MkAppRes x' world' = prog world in
case x' of
Right res =>
let MkApp r = next res in
r world'
Left err => absurdWith2 next world' err
app : (1 p : App {l=NoThrow} e a) -> App1 {u=Any} e a
app (MkApp prog)
= MkApp1 $ \world =>
let MkAppRes x' world' = prog world in
case x' of
Left err => absurdWith1 world' err
Right res => MkApp1ResW res world'
app1 : (1 p : App1 {u=Any} e a) -> App {l} e a
app1 (MkApp1 prog)
= MkApp $ \world =>
let MkApp1ResW x' world' = prog world in
MkAppRes (Right x') world'
pureApp : a -> App {l} e a
pureApp x = MkApp $ MkAppRes (Right x)
Functor (App {l} es) where
map f ap = bindApp ap $ \ap' => pureApp (f ap')
Applicative (App {l} es) where
pure = pureApp
(<*>) f a = bindApp f $ \f' =>
bindApp a $ \a' => pure (f' a')
Monad (App es) where
(>>=) = bindApp -- won't get used, but handy to have the instance
(>>=) : SafeBind l l' =>
App {l} e a -> (k : a -> App {l=l'} e b) -> App {l=l'} e b
(>>=) = bindApp
namespace App1
(>>=) : {u : _} -> (1 act : App1 {u} e a) ->
(1 k : Cont1Type u a u' e b) -> App1 {u=u'} e b
(>>=) = bindApp1
delay : {u_act : _} -> (1 _ : App1 {u=u_k} e b) -> Cont1Type u_act () u_k e b
delay mb = case u_act of
One => \ () => mb
Any => \ _ => mb
export %inline
(>>) : {u_act : _} -> (1 _ : App1 {u=u_act} e ()) ->
(1 _ : App1 {u=u_k} e b) -> App1 {u=u_k} e b
ma >> mb = ma >>= delay mb
pure : (x : a) -> App1 {u=Any} e a
pure x = MkApp1 $ MkApp1ResW x
pure1 : (1 x : a) -> App1 e a
pure1 x = MkApp1 $ MkApp1Res1 x
data State : (tag : a) -> Type -> List Error -> Type where
[search tag]
MkState : IORef t -> State tag t e
%hint export
mapState : State tag t e -> State tag t (eff :: e)
mapState (MkState s) = MkState s
get : (0 tag : _) -> State tag t e => App {l} e t
get tag @{MkState r}
= MkApp $
prim_app_bind (toPrimApp $ readIORef r) $ \val =>
MkAppRes (Right val)
put : (0 tag : _) -> State tag t e => (val : t) -> App {l} e ()
put tag @{MkState r} val
= MkApp $
prim_app_bind (toPrimApp $ writeIORef r val) $ \val =>
MkAppRes (Right ())
modify : (0 tag : _) -> State tag t e => (p : t -> t) -> App {l} e ()
modify tag f
= let (>>=) = bindL in
do x <- get tag
put tag (f x)
new : t -> (p : State tag t e => App {l} e a) -> App {l} e a
new val prog
= MkApp $
prim_app_bind (toPrimApp $ newIORef val) $ \ref =>
let st = MkState ref
MkApp res = prog @{st} in
||| An alias for `HasErr`.
public export
Exception : Error -> List Error -> Type
Exception = HasErr
findException : HasErr e es -> e -> OneOf es MayThrow
findException Here err = First err
findException (There p) err = Later $ findException p err
findError : HasErr e es -> OneOf es MayThrow -> Maybe e
findError Here (First err) = Just err
findError (There p) (Later q) = findError p q
findError _ _ = Nothing
throw : HasErr err es => err -> App es a
throw err = MkApp $ MkAppRes (Left (findException %search err))
catch : HasErr err es => App es a -> (err -> App es a) -> App es a
catch (MkApp prog) handler
= MkApp $
prim_app_bind prog $ \res =>
case res of
Left err =>
case findError %search err of
Nothing => MkAppRes (Left err)
Just err' =>
let MkApp e' = handler err' in
Right ok => MkAppRes (Right ok)
handle : App (err :: e) a ->
(onok : a -> App e b) ->
(onerr : err -> App e b) -> App e b
handle (MkApp prog) onok onerr
= MkApp $
prim_app_bind prog $ \res =>
case res of
Left (First err) =>
let MkApp err' = onerr err in
Left (Later p) =>
-- different exception, so rethrow
MkAppRes (Left p)
Right ok =>
let MkApp ok' = onok ok in
lift : App e a -> App (err :: e) a
lift (MkApp prog)
= MkApp $
prim_app_bind prog $ \res =>
case res of
Left err => MkAppRes (Left (Later err))
Right ok => MkAppRes (Right ok)
public export
Init : List Error
Init = [AppHasIO]
||| The only way provided by `Control.App` to run an App.
||| @ Init A concrete list of errors.
run : App {l} Init a -> IO a
run (MkApp prog)
= primIO $ \w =>
case (prim_app_bind prog $ \r =>
case r of
Right res => MkAppRes res
Left (First err) => absurd err) w of
MkAppRes r w => MkIORes r w
noThrow : App Init a -> App Init {l=NoThrow} a
noThrow (MkApp prog)
= MkApp $ \w =>
case prog w of
MkAppRes (Left err) w => absurdWithAppHasIO w err
MkAppRes (Right res) w => MkAppRes (Right res) w
public export
interface PrimIO e where
primIO : IO a -> App {l} e a
primIO1 : (1 act : IO a) -> App1 e a
-- fork starts a new environment, so that any existing state can't get
-- passed to it (since it'll be tagged with the wrong environment)
fork : (forall e' . PrimIO e' => App {l} e' ()) -> App e ()
HasErr AppHasIO e => PrimIO e where
primIO op =
MkApp $ \w =>
let MkAppRes r w = toPrimApp op w in
MkAppRes (Right r) w
primIO1 op = MkApp1 $ toPrimApp1 op
fork thread
= MkApp $
(toPrimApp $ Prelude.fork $
do run thread
pure ())
$ \_ =>
MkAppRes (Right ())
new1 : t -> (1 p : State tag t e => App1 {u} e a) -> App1 {u} e a
new1 val prog
= MkApp1 $ prim_app1_bind (toPrimApp1 $ newIORef val) $ \ref =>
let st = MkState ref
MkApp1 res = prog @{st} in
public export
data FileEx = GenericFileEx Int -- errno
| FileReadError
| FileWriteError
| FileNotFound
| PermissionDenied
| FileExists
Show FileEx where
show (GenericFileEx errno) = "File error: " ++ show errno
show FileReadError = "File Read Error"
show FileWriteError = "File Write Error"
show FileNotFound = "File Not Found"
show PermissionDenied = "Permission Denied"
show FileExists = "File Exists"
public export
data IOError
= GenericErr String
| FileErr FileEx
Show IOError where
show (GenericErr str) = "IO error: " ++ str
show (FileErr f) = "File error: " ++ show f