
227 lines
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module Decidable.Equality
import Control.Function
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Nat
import Data.List
import Data.List1
import Data.List1.Properties
import Data.These
import public Decidable.Equality.Core as Decidable.Equality
%default total
--- Unit
public export
DecEq () where
decEq () () = Yes Refl
-- Booleans
public export
DecEq Bool where
decEq True True = Yes Refl
decEq False False = Yes Refl
decEq False True = No absurd
decEq True False = No absurd
-- Nat
public export
DecEq Nat where
decEq Z Z = Yes Refl
decEq (S n) (S m) = decEqCong $ decEq n m
decEq Z (S _) = No absurd
decEq (S _) Z = No absurd
-- Maybe
public export
DecEq t => DecEq (Maybe t) where
decEq Nothing Nothing = Yes Refl
decEq (Just x) (Just y) = decEqCong $ decEq x y
decEq Nothing (Just _) = No absurd
decEq (Just _) Nothing = No absurd
-- Either
public export
(DecEq t, DecEq s) => DecEq (Either t s) where
decEq (Left x) (Left y) = decEqCong $ decEq x y
decEq (Right x) (Right y) = decEqCong $ decEq x y
decEq (Left x) (Right y) = No absurd
decEq (Right x) (Left y) = No absurd
-- These (inclusive or)
public export
DecEq t => DecEq s => DecEq (These t s) where
decEq (This x) (This y) = decEqCong $ decEq x y
decEq (That x) (That y) = decEqCong $ decEq x y
decEq (Both x z) (Both y w) = decEqCong2 (decEq x y) (decEq z w)
decEq (This x) (That y) = No $ \case Refl impossible
decEq (This x) (Both y z) = No $ \case Refl impossible
decEq (That x) (This y) = No $ \case Refl impossible
decEq (That x) (Both y z) = No $ \case Refl impossible
decEq (Both x z) (This y) = No $ \case Refl impossible
decEq (Both x z) (That y) = No $ \case Refl impossible
-- Tuple
pairInjective : (a, b) = (c, d) -> (a = c, b = d)
pairInjective Refl = (Refl, Refl)
public export
(DecEq a, DecEq b) => DecEq (a, b) where
decEq (a, b) (a', b') = decEqCong2 (decEq a a') (decEq b b')
-- List
public export
DecEq a => DecEq (List a) where
decEq [] [] = Yes Refl
decEq (x :: xs) [] = No absurd
decEq [] (x :: xs) = No absurd
decEq (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = decEqCong2 (decEq x y) (decEq xs ys)
-- List1
public export
DecEq a => DecEq (List1 a) where
decEq (x ::: xs) (y ::: ys) = decEqCong2 (decEq x y) (decEq xs ys)
-- TODO: Other prelude data types
-- For the primitives, we have to cheat because we don't have access to their
-- internal implementations. We use believe_me for the inequality proofs
-- because we don't them to reduce (and they should never be needed anyway...)
-- A postulate would be better, but erasure analysis may think they're needed
-- for computation in a higher order setting.
||| An unsafe decidable equality implementation based on boolean equality.
||| Useful for builtin types.
public export
[FromEq] Eq a => DecEq a where
decEq x y = case x == y of -- Blocks if x or y not concrete
True => Yes primitiveEq
False => No primitiveNotEq
where primitiveEq : forall x, y . x = y
primitiveEq = believe_me (Refl {x})
primitiveNotEq : forall x, y . Not (x = y)
primitiveNotEq prf = believe_me {b = Void} ()
-- Int
public export
DecEq Int where
decEq = decEq @{FromEq}
-- Bits8
public export
DecEq Bits8 where
decEq = decEq @{FromEq}
-- Bits16
public export
DecEq Bits16 where
decEq = decEq @{FromEq}
-- Bits32
public export
DecEq Bits32 where
decEq = decEq @{FromEq}
-- Bits64
public export
DecEq Bits64 where
decEq = decEq @{FromEq}
-- Int8
public export
DecEq Int8 where
decEq = decEq @{FromEq}
-- Int16
public export
DecEq Int16 where
decEq = decEq @{FromEq}
-- Int32
public export
DecEq Int32 where
decEq = decEq @{FromEq}
-- Int64
public export
DecEq Int64 where
decEq = decEq @{FromEq}
-- Char
public export
DecEq Char where
decEq = decEq @{FromEq}
-- Integer
public export
DecEq Integer where
decEq = decEq @{FromEq}
-- String
public export
DecEq String where
decEq = decEq @{FromEq}