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synced 2024-12-26 05:01:34 +03:00
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1786 lines
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module Core.TT
import public Core.FC
import public Core.Name
import Data.List
import Data.Nat
import Data.Vect
import Decidable.Equality
import Libraries.Data.NameMap
import Libraries.Data.Primitives
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Util
import public Algebra
%default covering
public export
data NameType : Type where
Bound : NameType
Func : NameType
DataCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
TyCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
Show NameType where
showPrec d Bound = "Bound"
showPrec d Func = "Func"
showPrec d (DataCon tag ar) = showCon d "DataCon" $ showArg tag ++ showArg ar
showPrec d (TyCon tag ar) = showCon d "TyCon" $ showArg tag ++ showArg ar
isCon : NameType -> Maybe (Int, Nat)
isCon (DataCon t a) = Just (t, a)
isCon (TyCon t a) = Just (t, a)
isCon _ = Nothing
public export
record KindedName where
constructor MkKindedName
nameKind : Maybe NameType
fullName : Name -- fully qualified name
rawName : Name
defaultKindedName : Name -> KindedName
defaultKindedName nm = MkKindedName Nothing nm nm
Show KindedName where show = show . rawName
[Raw] Show KindedName where
showPrec d (MkKindedName nm fn rn) =
showCon d "MkKindedName" $ showArg nm ++ showArg @{Raw} fn ++ showArg @{Raw} rn
public export
data PrimType
= IntType
| Int8Type
| Int16Type
| Int32Type
| Int64Type
| IntegerType
| Bits8Type
| Bits16Type
| Bits32Type
| Bits64Type
| StringType
| CharType
| DoubleType
| WorldType
public export
data Constant
= I Int
| I8 Int8
| I16 Int16
| I32 Int32
| I64 Int64
| BI Integer
| B8 Bits8
| B16 Bits16
| B32 Bits32
| B64 Bits64
| Str String
| Ch Char
| Db Double
| PrT PrimType
| WorldVal
isConstantType : Name -> Maybe PrimType
isConstantType (UN (Basic n)) = case n of
"Int" => Just IntType
"Int8" => Just Int8Type
"Int16" => Just Int16Type
"Int32" => Just Int32Type
"Int64" => Just Int64Type
"Integer" => Just IntegerType
"Bits8" => Just Bits8Type
"Bits16" => Just Bits16Type
"Bits32" => Just Bits32Type
"Bits64" => Just Bits64Type
"String" => Just StringType
"Char" => Just CharType
"Double" => Just DoubleType
"%World" => Just WorldType
_ => Nothing
isConstantType _ = Nothing
isPrimType : Constant -> Bool
isPrimType (PrT _) = True
isPrimType _ = False
primTypeEq : (x, y : PrimType) -> Maybe (x = y)
primTypeEq IntType IntType = Just Refl
primTypeEq Int8Type Int8Type = Just Refl
primTypeEq Int16Type Int16Type = Just Refl
primTypeEq Int32Type Int32Type = Just Refl
primTypeEq Int64Type Int64Type = Just Refl
primTypeEq IntegerType IntegerType = Just Refl
primTypeEq StringType StringType = Just Refl
primTypeEq CharType CharType = Just Refl
primTypeEq DoubleType DoubleType = Just Refl
primTypeEq WorldType WorldType = Just Refl
primTypeEq _ _ = Nothing
-- TODO : The `TempXY` instances can be removed after the next release
-- (see also `Libraries.Data.Primitives`)
constantEq : (x, y : Constant) -> Maybe (x = y)
constantEq (I x) (I y) = case decEq x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (I8 x) (I8 y) = case decEq @{TempI8} x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (I16 x) (I16 y) = case decEq @{TempI16} x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (I32 x) (I32 y) = case decEq @{TempI32} x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (I64 x) (I64 y) = case decEq @{TempI64} x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (B8 x) (B8 y) = case decEq @{TempB8} x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (B16 x) (B16 y) = case decEq @{TempB16} x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (B32 x) (B32 y) = case decEq @{TempB32} x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (B64 x) (B64 y) = case decEq @{TempB64} x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (BI x) (BI y) = case decEq x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (Str x) (Str y) = case decEq x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (Ch x) (Ch y) = case decEq x y of
Yes Refl => Just Refl
No contra => Nothing
constantEq (Db x) (Db y) = Nothing -- no DecEq for Doubles!
constantEq (PrT x) (PrT y) = cong PrT <$> primTypeEq x y
constantEq WorldVal WorldVal = Just Refl
constantEq _ _ = Nothing
Show PrimType where
show IntType = "Int"
show Int8Type = "Int8"
show Int16Type = "Int16"
show Int32Type = "Int32"
show Int64Type = "Int64"
show IntegerType = "Integer"
show Bits8Type = "Bits8"
show Bits16Type = "Bits16"
show Bits32Type = "Bits32"
show Bits64Type = "Bits64"
show StringType = "String"
show CharType = "Char"
show DoubleType = "Double"
show WorldType = "%World"
Show Constant where
show (I x) = show x
show (I8 x) = show x
show (I16 x) = show x
show (I32 x) = show x
show (I64 x) = show x
show (BI x) = show x
show (B8 x) = show x
show (B16 x) = show x
show (B32 x) = show x
show (B64 x) = show x
show (Str x) = show x
show (Ch x) = show x
show (Db x) = show x
show (PrT x) = show x
show WorldVal = "%MkWorld"
Pretty PrimType where
pretty IntType = pretty "Int"
pretty Int8Type = pretty "Int8"
pretty Int16Type = pretty "Int16"
pretty Int32Type = pretty "Int32"
pretty Int64Type = pretty "Int64"
pretty IntegerType = pretty "Integer"
pretty Bits8Type = pretty "Bits8"
pretty Bits16Type = pretty "Bits16"
pretty Bits32Type = pretty "Bits32"
pretty Bits64Type = pretty "Bits64"
pretty StringType = pretty "String"
pretty CharType = pretty "Char"
pretty DoubleType = pretty "Double"
pretty WorldType = pretty "%World"
Pretty Constant where
pretty (I x) = pretty x
pretty (I8 x) = pretty x
pretty (I16 x) = pretty x
pretty (I32 x) = pretty x
pretty (I64 x) = pretty x
pretty (BI x) = pretty x
pretty (B8 x) = pretty x
pretty (B16 x) = pretty x
pretty (B32 x) = pretty x
pretty (B64 x) = pretty x
pretty (Str x) = dquotes (pretty x)
pretty (Ch x) = squotes (pretty x)
pretty (Db x) = pretty x
pretty (PrT x) = pretty x
pretty WorldVal = pretty "%MkWorld"
Eq PrimType where
IntType == IntType = True
Int8Type == Int8Type = True
Int16Type == Int16Type = True
Int32Type == Int32Type = True
Int64Type == Int64Type = True
IntegerType == IntegerType = True
Bits8Type == Bits8Type = True
Bits16Type == Bits16Type = True
Bits32Type == Bits32Type = True
Bits64Type == Bits64Type = True
StringType == StringType = True
CharType == CharType = True
DoubleType == DoubleType = True
WorldType == WorldType = True
_ == _ = False
Eq Constant where
(I x) == (I y) = x == y
(I8 x) == (I8 y) = x == y
(I16 x) == (I16 y) = x == y
(I32 x) == (I32 y) = x == y
(I64 x) == (I64 y) = x == y
(BI x) == (BI y) = x == y
(B8 x) == (B8 y) = x == y
(B16 x) == (B16 y) = x == y
(B32 x) == (B32 y) = x == y
(B64 x) == (B64 y) = x == y
(Str x) == (Str y) = x == y
(Ch x) == (Ch y) = x == y
(Db x) == (Db y) = x == y
(PrT x) == (PrT y) = x == y
WorldVal == WorldVal = True
_ == _ = False
-- for typecase
primTypeTag : PrimType -> Int
-- 1 = ->, 2 = Type
primTypeTag IntType = 3
primTypeTag IntegerType = 4
primTypeTag Bits8Type = 5
primTypeTag Bits16Type = 6
primTypeTag Bits32Type = 7
primTypeTag Bits64Type = 8
primTypeTag StringType = 9
primTypeTag CharType = 10
primTypeTag DoubleType = 11
primTypeTag WorldType = 12
primTypeTag Int8Type = 13
primTypeTag Int16Type = 14
primTypeTag Int32Type = 15
primTypeTag Int64Type = 16
||| Precision of integral types.
public export
data Precision = P Int | Unlimited
Eq Precision where
(P m) == (P n) = m == n
Unlimited == Unlimited = True
_ == _ = False
Ord Precision where
compare (P m) (P n) = compare m n
compare Unlimited Unlimited = EQ
compare Unlimited _ = GT
compare _ Unlimited = LT
-- so far, we only support limited precision
-- unsigned integers
public export
data IntKind = Signed Precision | Unsigned Int
public export
intKind : PrimType -> Maybe IntKind
intKind IntegerType = Just $ Signed Unlimited
intKind Int8Type = Just . Signed $ P 8
intKind Int16Type = Just . Signed $ P 16
intKind Int32Type = Just . Signed $ P 32
intKind Int64Type = Just . Signed $ P 64
intKind IntType = Just . Signed $ P 64
intKind Bits8Type = Just $ Unsigned 8
intKind Bits16Type = Just $ Unsigned 16
intKind Bits32Type = Just $ Unsigned 32
intKind Bits64Type = Just $ Unsigned 64
intKind _ = Nothing
public export
precision : IntKind -> Precision
precision (Signed p) = p
precision (Unsigned p) = P p
-- All the internal operators, parameterised by their arity
public export
data PrimFn : Nat -> Type where
Add : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
Sub : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
Mul : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
Div : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
Mod : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
Neg : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 1
ShiftL : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
ShiftR : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
BAnd : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
BOr : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
BXOr : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
LT : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
LTE : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
EQ : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
GTE : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
GT : (ty : PrimType) -> PrimFn 2
StrLength : PrimFn 1
StrHead : PrimFn 1
StrTail : PrimFn 1
StrIndex : PrimFn 2
StrCons : PrimFn 2
StrAppend : PrimFn 2
StrReverse : PrimFn 1
StrSubstr : PrimFn 3
DoubleExp : PrimFn 1
DoubleLog : PrimFn 1
DoublePow : PrimFn 2
DoubleSin : PrimFn 1
DoubleCos : PrimFn 1
DoubleTan : PrimFn 1
DoubleASin : PrimFn 1
DoubleACos : PrimFn 1
DoubleATan : PrimFn 1
DoubleSqrt : PrimFn 1
DoubleFloor : PrimFn 1
DoubleCeiling : PrimFn 1
Cast : PrimType -> PrimType -> PrimFn 1
BelieveMe : PrimFn 3
Crash : PrimFn 2
Show (PrimFn arity) where
show (Add ty) = "+" ++ show ty
show (Sub ty) = "-" ++ show ty
show (Mul ty) = "*" ++ show ty
show (Div ty) = "/" ++ show ty
show (Mod ty) = "%" ++ show ty
show (Neg ty) = "neg " ++ show ty
show (ShiftL ty) = "shl " ++ show ty
show (ShiftR ty) = "shr " ++ show ty
show (BAnd ty) = "and " ++ show ty
show (BOr ty) = "or " ++ show ty
show (BXOr ty) = "xor " ++ show ty
show (LT ty) = "<" ++ show ty
show (LTE ty) = "<=" ++ show ty
show (EQ ty) = "==" ++ show ty
show (GTE ty) = ">=" ++ show ty
show (GT ty) = ">" ++ show ty
show StrLength = "op_strlen"
show StrHead = "op_strhead"
show StrTail = "op_strtail"
show StrIndex = "op_strindex"
show StrCons = "op_strcons"
show StrAppend = "++"
show StrReverse = "op_strrev"
show StrSubstr = "op_strsubstr"
show DoubleExp = "op_doubleExp"
show DoubleLog = "op_doubleLog"
show DoublePow = "op_doublePow"
show DoubleSin = "op_doubleSin"
show DoubleCos = "op_doubleCos"
show DoubleTan = "op_doubleTan"
show DoubleASin = "op_doubleASin"
show DoubleACos = "op_doubleACos"
show DoubleATan = "op_doubleATan"
show DoubleSqrt = "op_doubleSqrt"
show DoubleFloor = "op_doubleFloor"
show DoubleCeiling = "op_doubleCeiling"
show (Cast x y) = "cast-" ++ show x ++ "-" ++ show y
show BelieveMe = "believe_me"
show Crash = "crash"
public export
data PiInfo t = Implicit | Explicit | AutoImplicit | DefImplicit t
namespace PiInfo
isImplicit : PiInfo t -> Bool
isImplicit Explicit = False
isImplicit _ = True
eqPiInfoBy : (t -> u -> Bool) -> PiInfo t -> PiInfo u -> Bool
eqPiInfoBy eqT = go where
go : PiInfo t -> PiInfo u -> Bool
go Implicit Implicit = True
go Explicit Explicit = True
go AutoImplicit AutoImplicit = True
go (DefImplicit t) (DefImplicit t') = eqT t t'
go _ _ = False
-- There's few places where we need the default - it's just when checking if
-- there's a default during elaboration - so often it's easier just to erase it
-- to a normal implicit
forgetDef : PiInfo t -> PiInfo t'
forgetDef Explicit = Explicit
forgetDef Implicit = Implicit
forgetDef AutoImplicit = AutoImplicit
forgetDef (DefImplicit t) = Implicit
Show t => Show (PiInfo t) where
show Implicit = "Implicit"
show Explicit = "Explicit"
show AutoImplicit = "AutoImplicit"
show (DefImplicit t) = "DefImplicit " ++ show t
Eq t => Eq (PiInfo t) where
(==) = eqPiInfoBy (==)
public export
data Binder : Type -> Type where
-- Lambda bound variables with their implicitness
Lam : FC -> RigCount -> PiInfo type -> (ty : type) -> Binder type
-- Let bound variables with their value
Let : FC -> RigCount -> (val : type) -> (ty : type) -> Binder type
-- Forall/pi bound variables with their implicitness
Pi : FC -> RigCount -> PiInfo type -> (ty : type) -> Binder type
-- pattern bound variables. The PiInfo gives the implicitness at the
-- point it was bound (Explicit if it was explicitly named in the
-- program)
PVar : FC -> RigCount -> PiInfo type -> (ty : type) -> Binder type
-- variable bound for an as pattern (Like a let, but no computational
-- force, and only used on the lhs. Converted to a let on the rhs because
-- we want the computational behaviour.)
PLet : FC -> RigCount -> (val : type) -> (ty : type) -> Binder type
-- the type of pattern bound variables
PVTy : FC -> RigCount -> (ty : type) -> Binder type
isLet : Binder t -> Bool
isLet (Let _ _ _ _) = True
isLet _ = False
binderLoc : Binder tm -> FC
binderLoc (Lam fc _ x ty) = fc
binderLoc (Let fc _ val ty) = fc
binderLoc (Pi fc _ x ty) = fc
binderLoc (PVar fc _ p ty) = fc
binderLoc (PLet fc _ val ty) = fc
binderLoc (PVTy fc _ ty) = fc
binderType : Binder tm -> tm
binderType (Lam _ _ x ty) = ty
binderType (Let _ _ val ty) = ty
binderType (Pi _ _ x ty) = ty
binderType (PVar _ _ _ ty) = ty
binderType (PLet _ _ val ty) = ty
binderType (PVTy _ _ ty) = ty
multiplicity : Binder tm -> RigCount
multiplicity (Lam _ c x ty) = c
multiplicity (Let _ c val ty) = c
multiplicity (Pi _ c x ty) = c
multiplicity (PVar _ c p ty) = c
multiplicity (PLet _ c val ty) = c
multiplicity (PVTy _ c ty) = c
piInfo : Binder tm -> PiInfo tm
piInfo (Lam _ c x ty) = x
piInfo (Let _ c val ty) = Explicit
piInfo (Pi _ c x ty) = x
piInfo (PVar _ c p ty) = p
piInfo (PLet _ c val ty) = Explicit
piInfo (PVTy _ c ty) = Explicit
isImplicit : Binder tm -> Bool
isImplicit = PiInfo.isImplicit . piInfo
setMultiplicity : Binder tm -> RigCount -> Binder tm
setMultiplicity (Lam fc _ x ty) c = Lam fc c x ty
setMultiplicity (Let fc _ val ty) c = Let fc c val ty
setMultiplicity (Pi fc _ x ty) c = Pi fc c x ty
setMultiplicity (PVar fc _ p ty) c = PVar fc c p ty
setMultiplicity (PLet fc _ val ty) c = PLet fc c val ty
setMultiplicity (PVTy fc _ ty) c = PVTy fc c ty
Show ty => Show (Binder ty) where
show (Lam _ c _ t) = "\\" ++ showCount c ++ show t
show (Pi _ c _ t) = "Pi " ++ showCount c ++ show t
show (Let _ c v t) = "let " ++ showCount c ++ show v ++ " : " ++ show t
show (PVar _ c _ t) = "pat " ++ showCount c ++ show t
show (PLet _ c v t) = "plet " ++ showCount c ++ show v ++ " : " ++ show t
show (PVTy _ c t) = "pty " ++ showCount c ++ show t
setType : Binder tm -> tm -> Binder tm
setType (Lam fc c x _) ty = Lam fc c x ty
setType (Let fc c val _) ty = Let fc c val ty
setType (Pi fc c x _) ty = Pi fc c x ty
setType (PVar fc c p _) ty = PVar fc c p ty
setType (PLet fc c val _) ty = PLet fc c val ty
setType (PVTy fc c _) ty = PVTy fc c ty
Functor PiInfo where
map func Explicit = Explicit
map func Implicit = Implicit
map func AutoImplicit = AutoImplicit
map func (DefImplicit t) = (DefImplicit (func t))
Foldable PiInfo where
foldr f acc Implicit = acc
foldr f acc Explicit = acc
foldr f acc AutoImplicit = acc
foldr f acc (DefImplicit x) = f x acc
Traversable PiInfo where
traverse f Implicit = pure Implicit
traverse f Explicit = pure Explicit
traverse f AutoImplicit = pure AutoImplicit
traverse f (DefImplicit x) = map DefImplicit (f x)
Functor Binder where
map func (Lam fc c x ty) = Lam fc c (map func x) (func ty)
map func (Let fc c val ty) = Let fc c (func val) (func ty)
map func (Pi fc c x ty) = Pi fc c (map func x) (func ty)
map func (PVar fc c p ty) = PVar fc c (map func p) (func ty)
map func (PLet fc c val ty) = PLet fc c (func val) (func ty)
map func (PVTy fc c ty) = PVTy fc c (func ty)
Foldable Binder where
foldr f acc (Lam fc c x ty) = foldr f (f ty acc) x
foldr f acc (Let fc c val ty) = f val (f ty acc)
foldr f acc (Pi fc c x ty) = foldr f (f ty acc) x
foldr f acc (PVar fc c p ty) = foldr f (f ty acc) p
foldr f acc (PLet fc c val ty) = f val (f ty acc)
foldr f acc (PVTy fc c ty) = f ty acc
Traversable Binder where
traverse f (Lam fc c x ty) = Lam fc c <$> traverse f x <*> f ty
traverse f (Let fc c val ty) = Let fc c <$> f val <*> f ty
traverse f (Pi fc c x ty) = Pi fc c <$> traverse f x <*> f ty
traverse f (PVar fc c p ty) = PVar fc c <$> traverse f p <*> f ty
traverse f (PLet fc c val ty) = PLet fc c <$> f val <*> f ty
traverse f (PVTy fc c ty) = PVTy fc c <$> f ty
public export
data IsVar : Name -> Nat -> List Name -> Type where
First : IsVar n Z (n :: ns)
Later : IsVar n i ns -> IsVar n (S i) (m :: ns)
dropLater : IsVar nm (S idx) (v :: vs) -> IsVar nm idx vs
dropLater (Later p) = p
mkVar : (wkns : List Name) -> IsVar nm (length wkns) (wkns ++ nm :: vars)
mkVar [] = First
mkVar (w :: ws) = Later (mkVar ws)
public export
dropVar : (ns : List Name) -> {idx : Nat} -> (0 p : IsVar name idx ns) -> List Name
dropVar (n :: xs) First = xs
dropVar (n :: xs) (Later p) = n :: dropVar xs p
public export
data Var : List Name -> Type where
MkVar : {i : Nat} -> (0 p : IsVar n i vars) -> Var vars
namespace Var
later : Var ns -> Var (n :: ns)
later (MkVar p) = MkVar (Later p)
sameVar : Var xs -> Var xs -> Bool
sameVar (MkVar {i=x} _) (MkVar {i=y} _) = x == y
varIdx : Var xs -> Nat
varIdx (MkVar {i} _) = i
dropFirst : List (Var (v :: vs)) -> List (Var vs)
dropFirst [] = []
dropFirst (MkVar First :: vs) = dropFirst vs
dropFirst (MkVar (Later p) :: vs) = MkVar p :: dropFirst vs
Show (Var ns) where
show (MkVar {i} _) = show i
namespace HasLength
public export
data HasLength : Nat -> List a -> Type where
Z : HasLength Z []
S : HasLength n as -> HasLength (S n) (a :: as)
sucR : HasLength n xs -> HasLength (S n) (xs ++ [x])
sucR Z = S Z
sucR (S n) = S (sucR n)
hlAppend : HasLength m xs -> HasLength n ys -> HasLength (m + n) (xs ++ ys)
hlAppend Z ys = ys
hlAppend (S xs) ys = S (hlAppend xs ys)
mkHasLength : (xs : List a) -> HasLength (length xs) xs
mkHasLength [] = Z
mkHasLength (_ :: xs) = S (mkHasLength xs)
take : (n : Nat) -> (xs : Stream a) -> HasLength n (take n xs)
take Z _ = Z
take (S n) (x :: xs) = S (take n xs)
cast : {ys : _} -> List.length xs = List.length ys -> HasLength m xs -> HasLength m ys
cast {ys = []} eq Z = Z
cast {ys = y :: ys} eq (S p) = S (cast (succInjective _ _ eq) p)
succInjective : (0 l, r : Nat) -> S l = S r -> l = r
succInjective _ _ Refl = Refl
hlReverseOnto : HasLength m acc -> HasLength n xs -> HasLength (m + n) (reverseOnto acc xs)
hlReverseOnto p Z = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral m in p
hlReverseOnto {n = S n} p (S q) = rewrite sym (plusSuccRightSucc m n) in hlReverseOnto (S p) q
hlReverse : HasLength m acc -> HasLength m (reverse acc)
hlReverse = hlReverseOnto Z
public export
record SizeOf {a : Type} (xs : List a) where
constructor MkSizeOf
size : Nat
0 hasLength : HasLength size xs
namespace SizeOf
0 theList : SizeOf {a} xs -> List a
theList _ = xs
zero : SizeOf []
zero = MkSizeOf Z Z
suc : SizeOf as -> SizeOf (a :: as)
suc (MkSizeOf n p) = MkSizeOf (S n) (S p)
-- ||| suc but from the right
sucR : SizeOf as -> SizeOf (as ++ [a])
sucR (MkSizeOf n p) = MkSizeOf (S n) (sucR p)
(+) : SizeOf xs -> SizeOf ys -> SizeOf (xs ++ ys)
MkSizeOf m p + MkSizeOf n q = MkSizeOf (m + n) (hlAppend p q)
mkSizeOf : (xs : List a) -> SizeOf xs
mkSizeOf xs = MkSizeOf (length xs) (mkHasLength xs)
reverse : SizeOf xs -> SizeOf (reverse xs)
reverse (MkSizeOf n p) = MkSizeOf n (hlReverse p)
map : SizeOf xs -> SizeOf (map f xs)
map (MkSizeOf n p) = MkSizeOf n (cast (sym $ lengthMap xs) p)
take : {n : Nat} -> {0 xs : Stream a} -> SizeOf (take n xs)
take = MkSizeOf n (take n xs)
namespace SizedView
public export
data SizedView : SizeOf as -> Type where
Z : SizedView (MkSizeOf Z Z)
S : (n : SizeOf as) -> SizedView (suc {a} n)
sizedView : (p : SizeOf as) -> SizedView p
sizedView (MkSizeOf Z Z) = Z
sizedView (MkSizeOf (S n) (S p)) = S (MkSizeOf n p)
namespace CList
-- A list correspoding to another list
public export
data CList : List a -> Type -> Type where
Nil : CList [] ty
(::) : (x : ty) -> CList cs ty -> CList (c :: cs) ty
-- Typechecked terms
-- These are guaranteed to be well-scoped wrt local variables, because they are
-- indexed by the names of local variables in scope
public export
data LazyReason = LInf | LLazy | LUnknown
-- For as patterns matching linear arguments, select which side is
-- consumed
public export
data UseSide = UseLeft | UseRight
public export
data Term : List Name -> Type where
Local : FC -> (isLet : Maybe Bool) ->
(idx : Nat) -> (0 p : IsVar name idx vars) -> Term vars
Ref : FC -> NameType -> (name : Name) -> Term vars
-- Metavariables and the scope they are applied to
Meta : FC -> Name -> Int -> List (Term vars) -> Term vars
Bind : FC -> (x : Name) ->
(b : Binder (Term vars)) ->
(scope : Term (x :: vars)) -> Term vars
App : FC -> (fn : Term vars) -> (arg : Term vars) -> Term vars
-- as patterns; since we check LHS patterns as terms before turning
-- them into patterns, this helps us get it right. When normalising,
-- we just reduce the inner term and ignore the 'as' part
-- The 'as' part should really be a Name rather than a Term, but it's
-- easier this way since it gives us the ability to work with unresolved
-- names (Ref) and resolved names (Local) without having to define a
-- special purpose thing. (But it'd be nice to tidy that up, nevertheless)
As : FC -> UseSide -> (as : Term vars) -> (pat : Term vars) -> Term vars
-- Typed laziness annotations
TDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> Term vars -> Term vars
TDelay : FC -> LazyReason -> (ty : Term vars) -> (arg : Term vars) -> Term vars
TForce : FC -> LazyReason -> Term vars -> Term vars
PrimVal : FC -> (c : Constant) -> Term vars
Erased : FC -> (imp : Bool) -> -- True == impossible term, for coverage checker
Term vars
TType : FC -> Name -> -- universe variable
Term vars
-- Remove/restore the given namespace from all Refs. This is to allow
-- writing terms and case trees to disk without repeating the same namespace
-- all over the place.
public export
interface StripNamespace a where
trimNS : Namespace -> a -> a
restoreNS : Namespace -> a -> a
StripNamespace (Term vars) where
trimNS ns tm@(Ref fc x (NS tns n))
= if ns == tns then Ref fc x (NS (unsafeFoldNamespace []) n) else tm
-- ^ A blank namespace, rather than a UN, so we don't catch primitive
-- names which are represented as UN.
trimNS ns (Meta fc x y xs)
= Meta fc x y (map (trimNS ns) xs)
trimNS ns (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (trimNS ns) b) (trimNS ns scope)
trimNS ns (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (trimNS ns fn) (trimNS ns arg)
trimNS ns (As fc s p tm)
= As fc s (trimNS ns p) (trimNS ns tm)
trimNS ns (TDelayed fc x y)
= TDelayed fc x (trimNS ns y)
trimNS ns (TDelay fc x t y)
= TDelay fc x (trimNS ns t) (trimNS ns y)
trimNS ns (TForce fc r y)
= TForce fc r (trimNS ns y)
trimNS ns tm = tm
restoreNS ns tm@(Ref fc x (NS tmns n))
= if isNil (unsafeUnfoldNamespace tmns)
then Ref fc x (NS ns n)
else tm
restoreNS ns (Meta fc x y xs)
= Meta fc x y (map (restoreNS ns) xs)
restoreNS ns (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (restoreNS ns) b) (restoreNS ns scope)
restoreNS ns (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (restoreNS ns fn) (restoreNS ns arg)
restoreNS ns (As fc s p tm)
= As fc s (restoreNS ns p) (restoreNS ns tm)
restoreNS ns (TDelayed fc x y)
= TDelayed fc x (restoreNS ns y)
restoreNS ns (TDelay fc x t y)
= TDelay fc x (restoreNS ns t) (restoreNS ns y)
restoreNS ns (TForce fc r y)
= TForce fc r (restoreNS ns y)
restoreNS ns tm = tm
isErased : Term vars -> Bool
isErased (Erased _ _) = True
isErased _ = False
getLoc : Term vars -> FC
getLoc (Local fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (Ref fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (Meta fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (Bind fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (App fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (As fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (TDelayed fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (TDelay fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (TForce fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (PrimVal fc _) = fc
getLoc (Erased fc i) = fc
getLoc (TType fc _) = fc
Eq LazyReason where
(==) LInf LInf = True
(==) LLazy LLazy = True
(==) LUnknown LUnknown = True
(==) _ _ = False
Show LazyReason where
show LInf = "Inf"
show LLazy = "Lazy"
show LUnknown = "Unkown"
compatible : LazyReason -> LazyReason -> Bool
compatible LUnknown _ = True
compatible _ LUnknown = True
compatible x y = x == y
eqBinderBy : (t -> u -> Bool) -> (Binder t -> Binder u -> Bool)
eqBinderBy eqTU = go where
go : Binder t -> Binder u -> Bool
go (Lam _ c p ty) (Lam _ c' p' ty') = c == c' && eqPiInfoBy eqTU p p' && eqTU ty ty'
go (Let _ c v ty) (Let _ c' v' ty') = c == c' && eqTU v v' && eqTU ty ty'
go (Pi _ c p ty) (Pi _ c' p' ty') = c == c' && eqPiInfoBy eqTU p p' && eqTU ty ty'
go (PVar _ c p ty) (PVar _ c' p' ty') = c == c' && eqPiInfoBy eqTU p p' && eqTU ty ty'
go (PLet _ c v ty) (PLet _ c' v' ty') = c == c' && eqTU v v' && eqTU ty ty'
go (PVTy _ c ty) (PVTy _ c' ty') = c == c' && eqTU ty ty'
go _ _ = False
Eq a => Eq (Binder a) where
(==) = eqBinderBy (==)
Eq (Term vars) where
(==) (Local _ _ idx _) (Local _ _ idx' _) = idx == idx'
(==) (Ref _ _ n) (Ref _ _ n') = n == n'
(==) (Meta _ _ i args) (Meta _ _ i' args')
= i == i' && assert_total (args == args')
(==) (Bind _ _ b sc) (Bind _ _ b' sc')
= assert_total (b == b' && sc == believe_me sc')
(==) (App _ f a) (App _ f' a') = f == f' && a == a'
(==) (As _ _ a p) (As _ _ a' p') = a == a' && p == p'
(==) (TDelayed _ _ t) (TDelayed _ _ t') = t == t'
(==) (TDelay _ _ t x) (TDelay _ _ t' x') = t == t' && x == x'
(==) (TForce _ _ t) (TForce _ _ t') = t == t'
(==) (PrimVal _ c) (PrimVal _ c') = c == c'
(==) (Erased _ i) (Erased _ i') = i == i'
(==) (TType _ _) (TType _ _) = True
(==) _ _ = False
-- Check equality, ignoring variable naming and universes
eqTerm : Term vs -> Term vs' -> Bool
eqTerm (Local _ _ idx _) (Local _ _ idx' _) = idx == idx'
eqTerm (Ref _ _ n) (Ref _ _ n') = n == n'
eqTerm (Meta _ _ i args) (Meta _ _ i' args')
= i == i' && assert_total (all (uncurry eqTerm) (zip args args'))
eqTerm (Bind _ _ b sc) (Bind _ _ b' sc')
= assert_total (eqBinderBy eqTerm b b') && eqTerm sc sc'
eqTerm (App _ f a) (App _ f' a') = eqTerm f f' && eqTerm a a'
eqTerm (As _ _ a p) (As _ _ a' p') = eqTerm a a' && eqTerm p p'
eqTerm (TDelayed _ _ t) (TDelayed _ _ t') = eqTerm t t'
eqTerm (TDelay _ _ t x) (TDelay _ _ t' x') = eqTerm t t' && eqTerm x x'
eqTerm (TForce _ _ t) (TForce _ _ t') = eqTerm t t'
eqTerm (PrimVal _ c) (PrimVal _ c') = c == c'
eqTerm (Erased _ i) (Erased _ i') = i == i'
eqTerm (TType _ _) (TType _ _) = True
eqTerm _ _ = False
public export
interface Weaken tm where
weaken : {0 vars : List Name} -> tm vars -> tm (n :: vars)
weakenNs : SizeOf ns -> tm vars -> tm (ns ++ vars)
weakenNs p t = case sizedView p of
Z => t
S p => weaken (weakenNs p t)
weaken = weakenNs (suc zero)
public export
data Visibility = Private | Export | Public
Show Visibility where
show Private = "private"
show Export = "export"
show Public = "public export"
Pretty Visibility where
pretty Private = pretty "private"
pretty Export = pretty "export"
pretty Public = pretty "public" <+> pretty "export"
Eq Visibility where
Private == Private = True
Export == Export = True
Public == Public = True
_ == _ = False
Ord Visibility where
compare Private Export = LT
compare Private Public = LT
compare Export Public = LT
compare Private Private = EQ
compare Export Export = EQ
compare Public Public = EQ
compare Export Private = GT
compare Public Private = GT
compare Public Export = GT
public export
data TotalReq = Total | CoveringOnly | PartialOK
Eq TotalReq where
(==) Total Total = True
(==) CoveringOnly CoveringOnly = True
(==) PartialOK PartialOK = True
(==) _ _ = False
||| Bigger means more requirements
||| So if a definition was checked at b, it can be accepted at a <= b.
Ord TotalReq where
PartialOK <= _ = True
_ <= Total = True
a <= b = a == b
a < b = a <= b && a /= b
Show TotalReq where
show Total = "total"
show CoveringOnly = "covering"
show PartialOK = "partial"
public export
data PartialReason
= NotStrictlyPositive
| BadCall (List Name)
| RecPath (List Name)
Show PartialReason where
show NotStrictlyPositive = "not strictly positive"
show (BadCall [n])
= "possibly not terminating due to call to " ++ show n
show (BadCall ns)
= "possibly not terminating due to calls to " ++ showSep ", " (map show ns)
show (RecPath ns)
= "possibly not terminating due to recursive path " ++ showSep " -> " (map show ns)
Pretty PartialReason where
pretty NotStrictlyPositive = reflow "not strictly positive"
pretty (BadCall [n])
= reflow "possibly not terminating due to call to" <++> pretty n
pretty (BadCall ns)
= reflow "possibly not terminating due to calls to" <++> concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) (pretty <$> ns)
pretty (RecPath ns)
= reflow "possibly not terminating due to recursive path" <++> concatWith (surround (pretty " -> ")) (pretty <$> ns)
public export
data Terminating
= Unchecked
| IsTerminating
| NotTerminating PartialReason
Show Terminating where
show Unchecked = "not yet checked"
show IsTerminating = "terminating"
show (NotTerminating p) = show p
Pretty Terminating where
pretty Unchecked = reflow "not yet checked"
pretty IsTerminating = pretty "terminating"
pretty (NotTerminating p) = pretty p
public export
data Covering
= IsCovering
| MissingCases (List (Term []))
| NonCoveringCall (List Name)
Show Covering where
show IsCovering = "covering"
show (MissingCases c) = "not covering all cases"
show (NonCoveringCall [f])
= "not covering due to call to function " ++ show f
show (NonCoveringCall cs)
= "not covering due to calls to functions " ++ showSep ", " (map show cs)
Pretty Covering where
pretty IsCovering = pretty "covering"
pretty (MissingCases c) = reflow "not covering all cases"
pretty (NonCoveringCall [f])
= reflow "not covering due to call to function" <++> pretty f
pretty (NonCoveringCall cs)
= reflow "not covering due to calls to functions" <++> concatWith (surround (comma <+> space)) (pretty <$> cs)
-- Totality status of a definition. We separate termination checking from
-- coverage checking.
public export
record Totality where
constructor MkTotality
isTerminating : Terminating
isCovering : Covering
Show Totality where
show tot
= let t = isTerminating tot
c = isCovering tot in
showTot t c
showTot : Terminating -> Covering -> String
showTot IsTerminating IsCovering = "total"
showTot IsTerminating c = show c
showTot t IsCovering = show t
showTot t c = show c ++ "; " ++ show t
Pretty Totality where
pretty (MkTotality IsTerminating IsCovering) = pretty "total"
pretty (MkTotality IsTerminating c) = pretty c
pretty (MkTotality t IsCovering) = pretty t
pretty (MkTotality t c) = pretty c <+> semi <++> pretty t
unchecked : Totality
unchecked = MkTotality Unchecked IsCovering
isTotal : Totality
isTotal = MkTotality Unchecked IsCovering
notCovering : Totality
notCovering = MkTotality Unchecked (MissingCases [])
public export
data NVar : Name -> List Name -> Type where
MkNVar : {i : Nat} -> (0 p : IsVar n i vars) -> NVar n vars
namespace NVar
later : NVar nm ns -> NVar nm (n :: ns)
later (MkNVar p) = MkNVar (Later p)
weakenNVar : SizeOf ns -> NVar name inner -> NVar name (ns ++ inner)
weakenNVar p x = case sizedView p of
Z => x
(S p) => later (weakenNVar p x)
insertNVar : SizeOf outer ->
NVar nm (outer ++ inner) ->
NVar nm (outer ++ n :: inner)
insertNVar p v = case sizedView p of
Z => later v
(S p) => case v of
MkNVar First => MkNVar First
MkNVar (Later v) => later (insertNVar p (MkNVar v))
insertVar : SizeOf outer ->
Var (outer ++ inner) ->
Var (outer ++ n :: inner)
insertVar p (MkVar v) = let MkNVar v' = insertNVar p (MkNVar v) in MkVar v'
||| The (partial) inverse to insertVar
removeVar : SizeOf outer ->
Var (outer ++ [x] ++ inner) ->
Maybe (Var (outer ++ inner))
removeVar out var = case sizedView out of
Z => case var of
MkVar First => Nothing
MkVar (Later p) => Just (MkVar p)
S out' => case var of
MkVar First => Just (MkVar First)
MkVar (Later p) => later <$> removeVar out' (MkVar p)
weakenVar : SizeOf ns -> Var inner -> Var (ns ++ inner)
weakenVar p (MkVar v) = let MkNVar v' = weakenNVar p (MkNVar v) in MkVar v'
insertNVarNames : SizeOf outer -> SizeOf ns ->
NVar name (outer ++ inner) ->
NVar name (outer ++ (ns ++ inner))
insertNVarNames p q v = case sizedView p of
Z => weakenNVar q v
(S p) => case v of
MkNVar First => MkNVar First
MkNVar (Later v') => later (insertNVarNames p q (MkNVar v'))
insertVarNames : SizeOf outer -> SizeOf ns ->
Var (outer ++ inner) ->
Var (outer ++ (ns ++ inner))
insertVarNames p q (MkVar v) = let MkNVar v' = insertNVarNames p q (MkNVar v) in MkVar v'
insertNames : SizeOf outer -> SizeOf ns ->
Term (outer ++ inner) ->
Term (outer ++ (ns ++ inner))
insertNames out ns (Local fc r idx prf)
= let MkNVar prf' = insertNVarNames out ns (MkNVar prf) in
Local fc r _ prf'
insertNames out ns (Ref fc nt name) = Ref fc nt name
insertNames out ns (Meta fc name idx args)
= Meta fc name idx (map (insertNames out ns) args)
insertNames out ns (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (assert_total (map (insertNames out ns) b))
(insertNames (suc out) ns scope)
insertNames out ns (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (insertNames out ns fn) (insertNames out ns arg)
insertNames out ns (As fc s as tm)
= As fc s (insertNames out ns as) (insertNames out ns tm)
insertNames out ns (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (insertNames out ns ty)
insertNames out ns (TDelay fc r ty tm)
= TDelay fc r (insertNames out ns ty) (insertNames out ns tm)
insertNames out ns (TForce fc r tm) = TForce fc r (insertNames out ns tm)
insertNames out ns (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
insertNames out ns (Erased fc i) = Erased fc i
insertNames out ns (TType fc u) = TType fc u
Weaken Term where
weakenNs p tm = insertNames zero p tm
Weaken Var where
weaken = later
varExtend : IsVar x idx xs -> IsVar x idx (xs ++ ys)
-- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
-- This relies on the runtime representation of the term being the same
-- after embedding! It is just an identity function at run time, though, and
-- we don't need its definition at compile time, so let's do it...
varExtend p = believe_me p
embed : Term vars -> Term (vars ++ more)
embed tm = believe_me tm
public export
ClosedTerm : Type
ClosedTerm = Term []
apply : FC -> Term vars -> List (Term vars) -> Term vars
apply loc fn [] = fn
apply loc fn (a :: args) = apply loc (App loc fn a) args
-- Creates a chain of `App` nodes, each with its own file context
applyWithFC : Term vars -> List (FC, Term vars) -> Term vars
applyWithFC fn [] = fn
applyWithFC fn ((fc, arg) :: args) = applyWithFC (App fc fn arg) args
-- Build a simple function type
fnType : {vars : _} -> FC -> Term vars -> Term vars -> Term vars
fnType fc arg scope = Bind emptyFC (MN "_" 0) (Pi fc top Explicit arg) (weaken scope)
linFnType : {vars : _} -> FC -> Term vars -> Term vars -> Term vars
linFnType fc arg scope = Bind emptyFC (MN "_" 0) (Pi fc linear Explicit arg) (weaken scope)
getFnArgs : Term vars -> (Term vars, List (Term vars))
getFnArgs tm = getFA [] tm
getFA : List (Term vars) -> Term vars ->
(Term vars, List (Term vars))
getFA args (App _ f a) = getFA (a :: args) f
getFA args tm = (tm, args)
getFn : Term vars -> Term vars
getFn (App _ f a) = getFn f
getFn tm = tm
getArgs : Term vars -> (List (Term vars))
getArgs = snd . getFnArgs
public export
data CompatibleVars : List Name -> List Name -> Type where
CompatPre : CompatibleVars xs xs
CompatExt : CompatibleVars xs ys -> CompatibleVars (n :: xs) (m :: ys)
areVarsCompatible : (xs : List Name) -> (ys : List Name) ->
Maybe (CompatibleVars xs ys)
areVarsCompatible [] [] = pure CompatPre
areVarsCompatible (x :: xs) (y :: ys)
= do compat <- areVarsCompatible xs ys
pure (CompatExt compat)
areVarsCompatible _ _ = Nothing
extendCompats : (args : List Name) ->
CompatibleVars xs ys ->
CompatibleVars (args ++ xs) (args ++ ys)
extendCompats [] prf = prf
extendCompats (x :: xs) prf = CompatExt (extendCompats xs prf)
renameLocalRef : CompatibleVars xs ys ->
{idx : Nat} ->
(0 p : IsVar name idx xs) ->
Var ys
renameLocalRef prf p = believe_me (MkVar p)
-- renameLocalRef CompatPre First = (MkVar First)
-- renameLocalRef (CompatExt x) First = (MkVar First)
-- renameLocalRef CompatPre (Later p) = (MkVar (Later p))
-- renameLocalRef (CompatExt y) (Later p)
-- = let (MkVar p') = renameLocalRef y p in MkVar (Later p')
renameVarList : CompatibleVars xs ys -> Var xs -> Var ys
renameVarList prf (MkVar p) = renameLocalRef prf p
renameVars : CompatibleVars xs ys -> Term xs -> Term ys
renameVars compat tm = believe_me tm -- no names in term, so it's identity
-- This is how we would define it:
-- renameVars CompatPre tm = tm
-- renameVars prf (Local fc r idx vprf)
-- = let MkVar vprf' = renameLocalRef prf vprf in
-- Local fc r _ vprf'
-- renameVars prf (Ref fc x name) = Ref fc x name
-- renameVars prf (Meta fc n i args)
-- = Meta fc n i (map (renameVars prf) args)
-- renameVars prf (Bind fc x b scope)
-- = Bind fc x (map (renameVars prf) b) (renameVars (CompatExt prf) scope)
-- renameVars prf (App fc fn arg)
-- = App fc (renameVars prf fn) (renameVars prf arg)
-- renameVars prf (As fc s as tm)
-- = As fc s (renameVars prf as) (renameVars prf tm)
-- renameVars prf (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (renameVars prf ty)
-- renameVars prf (TDelay fc r ty tm)
-- = TDelay fc r (renameVars prf ty) (renameVars prf tm)
-- renameVars prf (TForce fc r x) = TForce fc r (renameVars prf x)
-- renameVars prf (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
-- renameVars prf (Erased fc i) = Erased fc i
-- renameVars prf (TType fc) = TType fc
renameTop : (m : Name) -> Term (n :: vars) -> Term (m :: vars)
renameTop m tm = renameVars (CompatExt CompatPre) tm
public export
data SubVars : List Name -> List Name -> Type where
SubRefl : SubVars xs xs
DropCons : SubVars xs ys -> SubVars xs (y :: ys)
KeepCons : SubVars xs ys -> SubVars (x :: xs) (x :: ys)
subElem : {idx : Nat} -> (0 p : IsVar name idx xs) ->
SubVars ys xs -> Maybe (Var ys)
subElem prf SubRefl = Just (MkVar prf)
subElem First (DropCons p) = Nothing
subElem (Later x) (DropCons p)
= do MkVar prf' <- subElem x p
Just (MkVar prf')
subElem First (KeepCons p) = Just (MkVar First)
subElem (Later x) (KeepCons p)
= do MkVar prf' <- subElem x p
Just (MkVar (Later prf'))
subExtend : (ns : List Name) -> SubVars xs ys -> SubVars (ns ++ xs) (ns ++ ys)
subExtend [] sub = sub
subExtend (x :: xs) sub = KeepCons (subExtend xs sub)
subInclude : (ns : List Name) -> SubVars xs ys -> SubVars (xs ++ ns) (ys ++ ns)
subInclude ns SubRefl = SubRefl
subInclude ns (DropCons p) = DropCons (subInclude ns p)
subInclude ns (KeepCons p) = KeepCons (subInclude ns p)
shrinkPi : PiInfo (Term vars) -> SubVars newvars vars ->
Maybe (PiInfo (Term newvars))
shrinkPi Explicit prf = pure Explicit
shrinkPi Implicit prf = pure Implicit
shrinkPi AutoImplicit prf = pure AutoImplicit
shrinkPi (DefImplicit t) prf = pure (DefImplicit !(shrinkTerm t prf))
shrinkBinder : Binder (Term vars) -> SubVars newvars vars ->
Maybe (Binder (Term newvars))
shrinkBinder (Lam fc c p ty) prf
= Just (Lam fc c !(shrinkPi p prf) !(shrinkTerm ty prf))
shrinkBinder (Let fc c val ty) prf
= Just (Let fc c !(shrinkTerm val prf) !(shrinkTerm ty prf))
shrinkBinder (Pi fc c p ty) prf
= Just (Pi fc c !(shrinkPi p prf) !(shrinkTerm ty prf))
shrinkBinder (PVar fc c p ty) prf
= Just (PVar fc c !(shrinkPi p prf) !(shrinkTerm ty prf))
shrinkBinder (PLet fc c val ty) prf
= Just (PLet fc c !(shrinkTerm val prf) !(shrinkTerm ty prf))
shrinkBinder (PVTy fc c ty) prf
= Just (PVTy fc c !(shrinkTerm ty prf))
shrinkVar : Var vars -> SubVars newvars vars -> Maybe (Var newvars)
shrinkVar (MkVar x) prf = subElem x prf
shrinkTerm : Term vars -> SubVars newvars vars -> Maybe (Term newvars)
shrinkTerm (Local fc r idx loc) prf = (\(MkVar loc') => Local fc r _ loc') <$> subElem loc prf
shrinkTerm (Ref fc x name) prf = Just (Ref fc x name)
shrinkTerm (Meta fc x y xs) prf
= do xs' <- traverse (\x => shrinkTerm x prf) xs
Just (Meta fc x y xs')
shrinkTerm (Bind fc x b scope) prf
= Just (Bind fc x !(shrinkBinder b prf) !(shrinkTerm scope (KeepCons prf)))
shrinkTerm (App fc fn arg) prf
= Just (App fc !(shrinkTerm fn prf) !(shrinkTerm arg prf))
shrinkTerm (As fc s as tm) prf
= Just (As fc s !(shrinkTerm as prf) !(shrinkTerm tm prf))
shrinkTerm (TDelayed fc x y) prf
= Just (TDelayed fc x !(shrinkTerm y prf))
shrinkTerm (TDelay fc x t y) prf
= Just (TDelay fc x !(shrinkTerm t prf) !(shrinkTerm y prf))
shrinkTerm (TForce fc r x) prf
= Just (TForce fc r !(shrinkTerm x prf))
shrinkTerm (PrimVal fc c) prf = Just (PrimVal fc c)
shrinkTerm (Erased fc i) prf = Just (Erased fc i)
shrinkTerm (TType fc u) prf = Just (TType fc u)
varEmbedSub : SubVars small vars ->
{idx : Nat} -> (0 p : IsVar n idx small) ->
Var vars
varEmbedSub SubRefl y = MkVar y
varEmbedSub (DropCons prf) y
= let MkVar y' = varEmbedSub prf y in
MkVar (Later y')
varEmbedSub (KeepCons prf) First = MkVar First
varEmbedSub (KeepCons prf) (Later p)
= let MkVar p' = varEmbedSub prf p in
MkVar (Later p')
embedSub : SubVars small vars -> Term small -> Term vars
embedSub sub (Local fc x idx y)
= let MkVar y' = varEmbedSub sub y in Local fc x _ y'
embedSub sub (Ref fc x name) = Ref fc x name
embedSub sub (Meta fc x y xs)
= Meta fc x y (map (embedSub sub) xs)
embedSub sub (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (embedSub sub) b) (embedSub (KeepCons sub) scope)
embedSub sub (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (embedSub sub fn) (embedSub sub arg)
embedSub sub (As fc s nm pat)
= As fc s (embedSub sub nm) (embedSub sub pat)
embedSub sub (TDelayed fc x y) = TDelayed fc x (embedSub sub y)
embedSub sub (TDelay fc x t y)
= TDelay fc x (embedSub sub t) (embedSub sub y)
embedSub sub (TForce fc r x) = TForce fc r (embedSub sub x)
embedSub sub (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
embedSub sub (Erased fc i) = Erased fc i
embedSub sub (TType fc u) = TType fc u
namespace Bounds
public export
data Bounds : List Name -> Type where
None : Bounds []
Add : (x : Name) -> Name -> Bounds xs -> Bounds (x :: xs)
sizeOf : Bounds xs -> SizeOf xs
sizeOf None = zero
sizeOf (Add _ _ b) = suc (sizeOf b)
addVars : SizeOf outer -> Bounds bound ->
NVar name (outer ++ vars) ->
NVar name (outer ++ (bound ++ vars))
addVars p = insertNVarNames p . sizeOf
resolveRef : SizeOf outer -> SizeOf done -> Bounds bound -> FC -> Name ->
Maybe (Term (outer ++ (done ++ bound ++ vars)))
resolveRef p q None fc n = Nothing
resolveRef {outer} {done} p q (Add {xs} new old bs) fc n
= if n == old
then rewrite appendAssociative outer done (new :: xs ++ vars) in
let MkNVar p = weakenNVar (p + q) (MkNVar First) in
Just (Local fc Nothing _ p)
else rewrite appendAssociative done [new] (xs ++ vars)
in resolveRef p (sucR q) bs fc n
mkLocals : SizeOf outer -> Bounds bound ->
Term (outer ++ vars) -> Term (outer ++ (bound ++ vars))
mkLocals outer bs (Local fc r idx p)
= let MkNVar p' = addVars outer bs (MkNVar p) in Local fc r _ p'
mkLocals outer bs (Ref fc Bound name)
= maybe (Ref fc Bound name) id (resolveRef outer zero bs fc name)
mkLocals outer bs (Ref fc nt name)
= Ref fc nt name
mkLocals outer bs (Meta fc name y xs)
= maybe (Meta fc name y (map (mkLocals outer bs) xs))
id (resolveRef outer zero bs fc name)
mkLocals outer bs (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (mkLocals outer bs) b)
(mkLocals (suc outer) bs scope)
mkLocals outer bs (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (mkLocals outer bs fn) (mkLocals outer bs arg)
mkLocals outer bs (As fc s as tm)
= As fc s (mkLocals outer bs as) (mkLocals outer bs tm)
mkLocals outer bs (TDelayed fc x y)
= TDelayed fc x (mkLocals outer bs y)
mkLocals outer bs (TDelay fc x t y)
= TDelay fc x (mkLocals outer bs t) (mkLocals outer bs y)
mkLocals outer bs (TForce fc r x)
= TForce fc r (mkLocals outer bs x)
mkLocals outer bs (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
mkLocals outer bs (Erased fc i) = Erased fc i
mkLocals outer bs (TType fc u) = TType fc u
refsToLocals : Bounds bound -> Term vars -> Term (bound ++ vars)
refsToLocals None y = y
refsToLocals bs y = mkLocals zero bs y
-- Replace any reference to 'x' with a locally bound name 'new'
refToLocal : (x : Name) -> (new : Name) -> Term vars -> Term (new :: vars)
refToLocal x new tm = refsToLocals (Add new x None) tm
isNVar : (n : Name) -> (ns : List Name) -> Maybe (NVar n ns)
isNVar n [] = Nothing
isNVar n (m :: ms)
= case nameEq n m of
Nothing => map later (isNVar n ms)
Just Refl => pure (MkNVar First)
isVar : (n : Name) -> (ns : List Name) -> Maybe (Var ns)
isVar n ns = do
MkNVar v <- isNVar n ns
pure (MkVar v)
-- Replace any Ref Bound in a type with appropriate local
resolveNames : (vars : List Name) -> Term vars -> Term vars
resolveNames vars (Ref fc Bound name)
= case isNVar name vars of
Just (MkNVar prf) => Local fc (Just False) _ prf
_ => Ref fc Bound name
resolveNames vars (Meta fc n i xs)
= Meta fc n i (map (resolveNames vars) xs)
resolveNames vars (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (resolveNames vars) b) (resolveNames (x :: vars) scope)
resolveNames vars (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (resolveNames vars fn) (resolveNames vars arg)
resolveNames vars (As fc s as pat)
= As fc s (resolveNames vars as) (resolveNames vars pat)
resolveNames vars (TDelayed fc x y)
= TDelayed fc x (resolveNames vars y)
resolveNames vars (TDelay fc x t y)
= TDelay fc x (resolveNames vars t) (resolveNames vars y)
resolveNames vars (TForce fc r x)
= TForce fc r (resolveNames vars x)
resolveNames vars tm = tm
-- Substitute some explicit terms for names in a term, and remove those
-- names from the scope
namespace SubstEnv
public export
data SubstEnv : List Name -> List Name -> Type where
Nil : SubstEnv [] vars
(::) : Term vars ->
SubstEnv ds vars -> SubstEnv (d :: ds) vars
findDrop : FC -> Maybe Bool ->
Var (dropped ++ vars) ->
SubstEnv dropped vars ->
Term vars
findDrop fc r (MkVar var) [] = Local fc r _ var
findDrop fc r (MkVar First) (tm :: env) = tm
findDrop fc r (MkVar (Later p)) (tm :: env)
= findDrop fc r (MkVar p) env
find : FC -> Maybe Bool ->
SizeOf outer ->
Var (outer ++ (dropped ++ vars)) ->
SubstEnv dropped vars ->
Term (outer ++ vars)
find fc r outer var env = case sizedView outer of
Z => findDrop fc r var env
S outer => case var of
MkVar First => Local fc r _ First
MkVar (Later p) => weaken (find fc r outer (MkVar p) env)
-- TODO: refactor to only weaken once?
substEnv : SizeOf outer ->
SubstEnv dropped vars ->
Term (outer ++ (dropped ++ vars)) ->
Term (outer ++ vars)
substEnv outer env (Local fc r _ prf)
= find fc r outer (MkVar prf) env
substEnv outer env (Ref fc x name) = Ref fc x name
substEnv outer env (Meta fc n i xs)
= Meta fc n i (map (substEnv outer env) xs)
substEnv outer env (Bind fc x b scope)
= Bind fc x (map (substEnv outer env) b)
(substEnv (suc outer) env scope)
substEnv outer env (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (substEnv outer env fn) (substEnv outer env arg)
substEnv outer env (As fc s as pat)
= As fc s (substEnv outer env as) (substEnv outer env pat)
substEnv outer env (TDelayed fc x y) = TDelayed fc x (substEnv outer env y)
substEnv outer env (TDelay fc x t y)
= TDelay fc x (substEnv outer env t) (substEnv outer env y)
substEnv outer env (TForce fc r x) = TForce fc r (substEnv outer env x)
substEnv outer env (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
substEnv outer env (Erased fc i) = Erased fc i
substEnv outer env (TType fc u) = TType fc u
substs : SubstEnv dropped vars -> Term (dropped ++ vars) -> Term vars
substs env tm = substEnv zero env tm
subst : Term vars -> Term (x :: vars) -> Term vars
subst val tm = substs [val] tm
-- Replace an explicit name with a term
substName : Name -> Term vars -> Term vars -> Term vars
substName x new (Ref fc nt name)
= case nameEq x name of
Nothing => Ref fc nt name
Just Refl => new
substName x new (Meta fc n i xs)
= Meta fc n i (map (substName x new) xs)
-- ASSUMPTION: When we substitute under binders, the name has always been
-- resolved to a Local, so no need to check that x isn't shadowing
substName x new (Bind fc y b scope)
= Bind fc y (map (substName x new) b) (substName x (weaken new) scope)
substName x new (App fc fn arg)
= App fc (substName x new fn) (substName x new arg)
substName x new (As fc s as pat)
= As fc s as (substName x new pat)
substName x new (TDelayed fc y z)
= TDelayed fc y (substName x new z)
substName x new (TDelay fc y t z)
= TDelay fc y (substName x new t) (substName x new z)
substName x new (TForce fc r y)
= TForce fc r (substName x new y)
substName x new tm = tm
addMetas : (usingResolved : Bool) -> NameMap Bool -> Term vars -> NameMap Bool
addMetas res ns (Local fc x idx y) = ns
addMetas res ns (Ref fc x name) = ns
addMetas res ns (Meta fc n i xs)
= addMetaArgs (insert (ifThenElse res (Resolved i) n) False ns) xs
addMetaArgs : NameMap Bool -> List (Term vars) -> NameMap Bool
addMetaArgs ns [] = ns
addMetaArgs ns (t :: ts) = addMetaArgs (addMetas res ns t) ts
addMetas res ns (Bind fc x (Let _ c val ty) scope)
= addMetas res (addMetas res (addMetas res ns val) ty) scope
addMetas res ns (Bind fc x b scope)
= addMetas res (addMetas res ns (binderType b)) scope
addMetas res ns (App fc fn arg)
= addMetas res (addMetas res ns fn) arg
addMetas res ns (As fc s as tm) = addMetas res ns tm
addMetas res ns (TDelayed fc x y) = addMetas res ns y
addMetas res ns (TDelay fc x t y)
= addMetas res (addMetas res ns t) y
addMetas res ns (TForce fc r x) = addMetas res ns x
addMetas res ns (PrimVal fc c) = ns
addMetas res ns (Erased fc i) = ns
addMetas res ns (TType fc u) = ns
-- Get the metavariable names in a term
getMetas : Term vars -> NameMap Bool
getMetas tm = addMetas False empty tm
addRefs : (underAssert : Bool) -> (aTotal : Name) ->
NameMap Bool -> Term vars -> NameMap Bool
addRefs ua at ns (Local fc x idx y) = ns
addRefs ua at ns (Ref fc x name) = insert name ua ns
addRefs ua at ns (Meta fc n i xs)
= addRefsArgs ns xs
addRefsArgs : NameMap Bool -> List (Term vars) -> NameMap Bool
addRefsArgs ns [] = ns
addRefsArgs ns (t :: ts) = addRefsArgs (addRefs ua at ns t) ts
addRefs ua at ns (Bind fc x (Let _ c val ty) scope)
= addRefs ua at (addRefs ua at (addRefs ua at ns val) ty) scope
addRefs ua at ns (Bind fc x b scope)
= addRefs ua at (addRefs ua at ns (binderType b)) scope
addRefs ua at ns (App _ (App _ (Ref fc _ name) x) y)
= if name == at
then addRefs True at (insert name True ns) y
else addRefs ua at (addRefs ua at (insert name ua ns) x) y
addRefs ua at ns (App fc fn arg)
= addRefs ua at (addRefs ua at ns fn) arg
addRefs ua at ns (As fc s as tm) = addRefs ua at ns tm
addRefs ua at ns (TDelayed fc x y) = addRefs ua at ns y
addRefs ua at ns (TDelay fc x t y)
= addRefs ua at (addRefs ua at ns t) y
addRefs ua at ns (TForce fc r x) = addRefs ua at ns x
addRefs ua at ns (PrimVal fc c) = ns
addRefs ua at ns (Erased fc i) = ns
addRefs ua at ns (TType fc u) = ns
-- As above, but for references. Also flag whether a name is under an
-- 'assert_total' because we may need to know that in coverage/totality
-- checking
getRefs : (aTotal : Name) -> Term vars -> NameMap Bool
getRefs at tm = addRefs False at empty tm
nameAt : {vars : _} -> {idx : Nat} -> (0 p : IsVar n idx vars) -> Name
nameAt {vars = n :: ns} First = n
nameAt {vars = n :: ns} (Later p) = nameAt p
withPiInfo : Show t => PiInfo t -> String -> String
withPiInfo Explicit tm = "(" ++ tm ++ ")"
withPiInfo Implicit tm = "{" ++ tm ++ "}"
withPiInfo AutoImplicit tm = "{auto " ++ tm ++ "}"
withPiInfo (DefImplicit t) tm = "{default " ++ show t ++ " " ++ tm ++ "}"
{vars : _} -> Show (Term vars) where
show tm = let (fn, args) = getFnArgs tm in showApp fn args
showApp : {vars : _} -> Term vars -> List (Term vars) -> String
showApp (Local _ c idx p) []
= show (nameAt p) ++ "[" ++ show idx ++ "]"
showApp (Ref _ _ n) [] = show n
showApp (Meta _ n _ args) []
= "?" ++ show n ++ "_" ++ show args
showApp (Bind _ x (Lam _ c info ty) sc) []
= "\\" ++ withPiInfo info (showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty) ++
" => " ++ show sc
showApp (Bind _ x (Let _ c val ty) sc) []
= "let " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
" = " ++ show val ++ " in " ++ show sc
showApp (Bind _ x (Pi _ c info ty) sc) []
= withPiInfo info (showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty) ++
" -> " ++ show sc ++ ")"
showApp (Bind _ x (PVar _ c info ty) sc) []
= withPiInfo info ("pat " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty) ++
" => " ++ show sc
showApp (Bind _ x (PLet _ c val ty) sc) []
= "plet " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
" = " ++ show val ++ " in " ++ show sc
showApp (Bind _ x (PVTy _ c ty) sc) []
= "pty " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
" => " ++ show sc
showApp (App _ _ _) [] = "[can't happen]"
showApp (As _ _ n tm) [] = show n ++ "@" ++ show tm
showApp (TDelayed _ _ tm) [] = "%Delayed " ++ show tm
showApp (TDelay _ _ _ tm) [] = "%Delay " ++ show tm
showApp (TForce _ _ tm) [] = "%Force " ++ show tm
showApp (PrimVal _ c) [] = show c
showApp (Erased _ _) [] = "[__]"
showApp (TType _ u) [] = "Type"
showApp _ [] = "???"
showApp f args = "(" ++ assert_total (show f) ++ " " ++
assert_total (showSep " " (map show args))
++ ")"
{vars : _} -> Pretty (Term vars) where
pretty = pretty . show
-- TODO: prettier output