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synced 2024-12-18 08:42:11 +03:00
It's disappointing to have to do this, but I think necessary because various issue reports have shown it to be unsound (at least as far as inference goes) and, at the very least, confusing. This patch brings us back to the basic rules of QTT. On the one hand, this makes the 1 multiplicity less useful, because it means we can't flag arguments as being used exactly once which would be useful for optimisation purposes as well as precision in the type. On the other hand, it removes some complexity (and a hack) from unification, and has the advantage of being correct! Also, I still consider the 1 multiplicity an experiment. We can still do interesting things like protocol state tracking, which is my primary motivation at least. Ideally, if the 1 multiplicity is going to be more generall useful, we'll need some kind of way of doing multiplicity polymorphism in the future. I don't think subtyping is the way (I've pretty much always come to regret adding some form of subtyping). Fixes #73 (and maybe some others).
376 lines
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376 lines
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module Control.App
import Data.IORef
public export
Error : Type
Error = Type
public export
data HasErr : Error -> List Error -> Type where
Here : HasErr e (e :: es)
There : HasErr e es -> HasErr e (e' :: es)
public export
data Path = MayThrow | NoThrow
public export
data Usage = One | Any
public export
0 Has : List (a -> Type) -> a -> Type
Has [] es = ()
Has [e] es = e es
Has (e :: es') es = (e es, Has es' es)
data OneOf : List Type -> Path -> Type where
First : e -> OneOf (e :: es) MayThrow
Later : OneOf es MayThrow -> OneOf (e :: es) MayThrow
public export
data SafeBind : Path -> (l' : Path) -> Type where
[search l']
SafeSame : SafeBind l l
SafeToThrow : SafeBind NoThrow MayThrow
updateP : SafeBind p p' => OneOf es p -> OneOf es p'
updateP @{SafeSame} x = x
updateP @{SafeToThrow} x impossible
Uninhabited (OneOf [] p) where
uninhabited (First x) impossible
uninhabited (Later x) impossible
Uninhabited (OneOf es NoThrow) where
uninhabited (First x) impossible
uninhabited (Later x) impossible
0 execTy : Path -> List Error -> Type -> Type
execTy p es ty = Either (OneOf es p) ty
data AppRes : Type -> Type where
MkAppRes : (result : a) -> (1 x : %World) -> AppRes a
data App1Res : Usage -> Type -> Type where
MkApp1Res1 : (1 result : a) -> (1 x : %World) -> App1Res One a
MkApp1ResW : (result : a) -> (1 x : %World) -> App1Res Any a
PrimApp : Type -> Type
PrimApp a = (1 x : %World) -> AppRes a
prim_app_pure : a -> PrimApp a
prim_app_pure x = \w => MkAppRes x w
prim_app_bind : (1 act : PrimApp a) -> (1 k : a -> PrimApp b) -> PrimApp b
prim_app_bind fn k w
= let MkAppRes x' w' = fn w in k x' w'
toPrimApp : (1 act : IO a) -> PrimApp a
toPrimApp x
= \w => case toPrim x w of
MkIORes r w => MkAppRes r w
PrimApp1 : Usage -> Type -> Type
PrimApp1 u a = (1 x : %World) -> App1Res u a
toPrimApp1 : {u : _} -> (1 act : IO a) -> PrimApp1 u a
toPrimApp1 x
= \w => case toPrim x w of
MkIORes r w =>
case u of
One => MkApp1Res1 r w
Any => MkApp1ResW r w
prim_app1_bind : (1 act : PrimApp1 Any a) ->
(1 k : a -> PrimApp1 u b) -> PrimApp1 u b
prim_app1_bind fn k w
= let MkApp1ResW x' w' = fn w in k x' w'
data App : {default MayThrow l : Path} ->
(es : List Error) -> Type -> Type where
MkApp : (1 prog : (1 w : %World) -> AppRes (execTy l e t)) -> App {l} e t
data App1 : {default One u : Usage} ->
(es : List Error) -> Type -> Type where
MkApp1 : (1 prog : (1 w : %World) -> App1Res u t) -> App1 {u} e t
bindApp : SafeBind l l' =>
App {l} e a -> (a -> App {l=l'} e b) -> App {l=l'} e b
bindApp (MkApp prog) next
= MkApp $ \world =>
let MkAppRes x' world' = prog world in
case x' of
Right res =>
let MkApp r = next res in
r world'
Left err => MkAppRes (Left (updateP err)) world'
public export
Cont1Type : Usage -> Type -> Usage -> List Error -> Type -> Type
Cont1Type One a u e b = (1 x : a) -> App1 {u} e b
Cont1Type Any a u e b = (x : a) -> App1 {u} e b
bindApp1 : {u : _} -> (1 act : App1 {u} e a) ->
(1 k : Cont1Type u a u' e b) -> App1 {u=u'} e b
bindApp1 {u=One} (MkApp1 fn)
= \k => MkApp1 (\w => let MkApp1Res1 x' w' = fn w
MkApp1 res = k x' in
res w')
bindApp1 {u=Any} (MkApp1 fn)
= \k => MkApp1 (\w => let MkApp1ResW x' w' = fn w
MkApp1 res = k x' in
res w')
absurdWith1 : (1 w : b) -> OneOf e NoThrow -> any
absurdWith1 w (First p) impossible
absurdWithVoid : (1 w : b) -> OneOf [Void] t -> any
absurdWithVoid w (First p) impossible
absurdWith2 : (1 x : a) -> (1 w : b) -> OneOf e NoThrow -> any
absurdWith2 x w (First p) impossible
bindL : App {l=NoThrow} e a -> (1 k : a -> App {l} e b) -> App {l} e b
bindL (MkApp prog) next
= MkApp $ \world =>
let MkAppRes x' world' = prog world in
case x' of
Right res =>
let MkApp r = next res in
r world'
Left err => absurdWith2 next world' err
app : (1 p : App {l=NoThrow} e a) -> App1 {u=Any} e a
app (MkApp prog)
= MkApp1 $ \world =>
let MkAppRes x' world' = prog world in
case x' of
Left err => absurdWith1 world' err
Right res => MkApp1ResW res world'
app1 : (1 p : App1 {u=Any} e a) -> App {l} e a
app1 (MkApp1 prog)
= MkApp $ \world =>
let MkApp1ResW x' world' = prog world in
MkAppRes (Right x') world'
pureApp : a -> App {l} e a
pureApp x = MkApp $ \w => MkAppRes (Right x) w
Functor (App {l} es) where
map f ap = bindApp ap $ \ap' => pureApp (f ap')
Applicative (App {l} es) where
pure = pureApp
(<*>) f a = bindApp f $ \f' =>
bindApp a $ \a' => pure (f' a')
Monad (App es) where
(>>=) = bindApp -- won't get used, but handy to have the instance
(>>=) : SafeBind l l' =>
App {l} e a -> (k : a -> App {l=l'} e b) -> App {l=l'} e b
(>>=) = bindApp
namespace App1
(>>=) : {u : _} -> (1 act : App1 {u} e a) ->
(1 k : Cont1Type u a u' e b) -> App1 {u=u'} e b
(>>=) = bindApp1
pure : (x : a) -> App1 {u=Any} e a
pure x = MkApp1 $ \w => MkApp1ResW x w
pure1 : (1 x : a) -> App1 e a
pure1 x = MkApp1 $ \w => MkApp1Res1 x w
data State : (tag : a) -> Type -> List Error -> Type where
[search tag]
MkState : IORef t -> State tag t e
%hint export
mapState : State tag t e -> State tag t (eff :: e)
mapState (MkState s) = MkState s
get : (0 tag : _) -> State tag t e => App {l} e t
get tag @{MkState r}
= MkApp $
prim_app_bind (toPrimApp $ readIORef r) $ \val =>
MkAppRes (Right val)
put : (0 tag : _) -> State tag t e => (val : t) -> App {l} e ()
put tag @{MkState r} val
= MkApp $
prim_app_bind (toPrimApp $ writeIORef r val) $ \val =>
MkAppRes (Right ())
modify : (0 tag : _) -> State tag t e => (p : t -> t) -> App {l} e ()
modify tag f
= let (>>=) = bindL in
do x <- get tag
put tag (f x)
new : t -> (p : State tag t e => App {l} e a) -> App {l} e a
new val prog
= MkApp $
prim_app_bind (toPrimApp $ newIORef val) $ \ref =>
let st = MkState ref
MkApp res = prog @{st} in
public export
interface Exception err e where
throw : err -> App e a
catch : App e a -> (err -> App e a) -> App e a
findException : HasErr e es -> e -> OneOf es MayThrow
findException Here err = First err
findException (There p) err = Later $ findException p err
findError : HasErr e es -> OneOf es MayThrow -> Maybe e
findError Here (First err) = Just err
findError (There p) (Later q) = findError p q
findError _ _ = Nothing
HasErr e es => Exception e es where
throw err = MkApp $ MkAppRes (Left (findException %search err))
catch (MkApp prog) handler
= MkApp $
prim_app_bind prog $ \res =>
case res of
Left err =>
case findError %search err of
Nothing => MkAppRes (Left err)
Just err' =>
let MkApp e' = handler err' in
Right ok => MkAppRes (Right ok)
handle : App (err :: e) a ->
(onok : a -> App e b) ->
(onerr : err -> App e b) -> App e b
handle (MkApp prog) onok onerr
= MkApp $
prim_app_bind prog $ \res =>
case res of
Left (First err) =>
let MkApp err' = onerr err in
Left (Later p) =>
-- different exception, so rethrow
MkAppRes (Left p)
Right ok =>
let MkApp ok' = onok ok in
lift : App e a -> App (err :: e) a
lift (MkApp prog)
= MkApp $
prim_app_bind prog $ \res =>
case res of
Left err => MkAppRes (Left (Later err))
Right ok => MkAppRes (Right ok)
public export
Init : List Error
Init = [Void]
run : App {l} Init a -> IO a
run (MkApp prog)
= primIO $ \w =>
case (prim_app_bind prog $ \r =>
case r of
Right res => MkAppRes res
Left (First err) => absurd err) w of
MkAppRes r w => MkIORes r w
noThrow : App Init a -> App Init {l=NoThrow} a
noThrow (MkApp prog)
= MkApp $ \w =>
case prog w of
MkAppRes (Left err) w => absurdWithVoid w err
MkAppRes (Right res) w => MkAppRes (Right res) w
public export
interface PrimIO e where
primIO : IO a -> App {l} e a
primIO1 : (1 act : IO a) -> App1 e a
-- fork starts a new environment, so that any existing state can't get
-- passed to it (since it'll be tagged with the wrong environment)
fork : (forall e' . PrimIO e' => App {l} e' ()) -> App e ()
HasErr Void e => PrimIO e where
primIO op =
MkApp $ \w =>
let MkAppRes r w = toPrimApp op w in
MkAppRes (Right r) w
primIO1 op = MkApp1 $ \w => toPrimApp1 op w
fork thread
= MkApp $
(toPrimApp $ Prelude.fork $
do run thread
pure ())
$ \_ =>
MkAppRes (Right ())
new1 : t -> (1 p : State tag t e => App1 {u} e a) -> App1 {u} e a
new1 val prog
= MkApp1 $ prim_app1_bind (toPrimApp1 $ newIORef val) $ \ref =>
let st = MkState ref
MkApp1 res = prog @{st} in
public export
data FileEx = GenericFileEx Int -- errno
| FileReadError
| FileWriteError
| FileNotFound
| PermissionDenied
| FileExists
Show FileEx where
show (GenericFileEx errno) = "File error: " ++ show errno
show FileReadError = "File Read Error"
show FileWriteError = "File Write Error"
show FileNotFound = "File Not Found"
show PermissionDenied = "Permission Denied"
show FileExists = "File Exists"
public export
data IOError
= GenericErr String
| FileErr FileEx
Show IOError where
show (GenericErr str) = "IO error: " ++ str
show (FileErr f) = "File error: " ++ show f