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module DeriveTraversable
import Deriving.Functor
import Deriving.Foldable
import Deriving.Traversable
%language ElabReflection
%default covering
%logging "derive.traversable.clauses" 1
%logging "derive.traversable.assumption" 10
listT : Traversable List
listT = %runElab derive
maybeT : Traversable Maybe
maybeT = %runElab derive
eitherT : Traversable (Either err)
eitherT = %runElab derive
-- Here we don't have a `Foldable (Pair a)` instance and the tactics
-- unfortunately builds
-- pairT = let traversePair = (...) in
-- MkTraversable @{pairT .foldable} traversePair
-- because the `pairT` name is a %hint.
-- TODO: find a way to program defensively against this!
failing "pairT is not total"
%hint total
pairT : Traversable (Pair a)
pairT = %runElab derive
%hint total
pairM : Foldable (Pair a)
pairM = %runElab derive
%hint total
pairT : Traversable (Pair a)
pairT = %runElab derive
namespace Constant
record Constant (a, b : Type) where
constructor MkConstant
runConstant : a
constantF : Functor (Constant a)
constantF = %runElab derive
constantM : Foldable (Constant a)
constantM = %runElab derive
constantT : Traversable (Constant a)
constantT = %runElab derive
namespace Vect
public export
data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Nil : Vect Z a
(::) : a -> Vect n a -> Vect (S n) a
%hint total
vectF : Functor (Vect n)
vectF = %runElab derive
%hint total
vectM : Foldable (Vect n)
vectM = %runElab derive
export %hint
vectT : Traversable (Vect n)
vectT = %runElab derive
namespace Matrix
record Matrix m n a where
constructor MkMatrix
runMatrix : Vect m (Vect n a)
%hint total
matrixF : Functor (Matrix m n)
matrixF = %runElab derive
%hint total
matrixM : Foldable (Matrix m n)
matrixM = %runElab derive
matrix : Traversable (Matrix m n)
matrix = %runElab derive
namespace Tm
data Op : Nat -> Type where
Neg : Op 1
Add : Op 2
data Tm : Type -> Type where
Var : a -> Tm a
Call : Op n -> Vect n (Tm a) -> Tm a
Lam : Tm (Maybe a) -> Tm a
%hint total
tmF : Functor Tm
tmF = %runElab derive
%hint total
tmM : Foldable Tm
tmM = %runElab derive
tm : Traversable Tm
tm = %runElab derive
namespace Forest
data Tree : Type -> Type
data Forest : Type -> Type
data Tree : Type -> Type where
Leaf : a -> Tree a
Node : Forest a -> Tree a
data Forest : Type -> Type where
Empty : Forest a
Plant : Tree a -> Forest a -> Forest a
%hint total treeF : Functor Tree
%hint total forestF : Functor Forest
treeF = %runElab derive {mutualWith = [`{Forest}]}
forestF = %runElab derive {mutualWith = [`{Tree}]}
%hint total treeM : Foldable Tree
%hint total forestM : Foldable Forest
treeM = %runElab derive {mutualWith = [`{Forest}]}
forestM = %runElab derive {mutualWith = [`{Tree}]}
%hint total treeT : Traversable Tree
%hint total forestT : Traversable Forest
treeT = %runElab derive {mutualWith = [`{Forest}]}
forestT = %runElab derive {mutualWith = [`{Tree}]}
namespace List1
%hide List1
data List1 : Type -> Type where
MkList1 : (a, Maybe (List1 a)) -> List1 a
%hint total
list1F : Functor List1
list1F = %runElab derive
%hint total
list1M : Foldable List1
list1M = %runElab derive
list1T : Traversable List1
list1T = %runElab derive
namespace Full
data Full a = Leaf a | Node (Full (a, a))
%hint total
fullF : Functor Full
fullF = %runElab derive
%hint total
fullM : Foldable Full
fullM = %runElab derive
fullT : Traversable Full
fullT = %runElab derive
namespace LAZY
record LAZY (a : Type) where
constructor MkLAZY
wrapped : Lazy a
%hint total
lazyF : Functor LAZY
lazyF = %runElab derive
%hint total
lazyM : Foldable LAZY
lazyM = %runElab derive
lazyT : Traversable LAZY
lazyT = %runElab derive
namespace Rose
data Rose a = Node (List (Lazy (Rose a)))
%hint total
roseF : Functor Rose
roseF = %runElab derive
%hint total
roseM : Foldable Rose
roseM = %runElab derive
roseT : Traversable Rose
roseT = %runElab derive
namespace MaybeT
record MaybeT (m : Type -> Type) (a : Type) where
constructor MkMaybeT
runMaybeT : m (Maybe a)
%hint total
maybeTF : Functor m => Functor (MaybeT m)
maybeTF = %runElab derive
%hint total
maybeTM : Foldable m => Foldable (MaybeT m)
maybeTM = %runElab derive
maybeTT : Traversable m => Traversable (MaybeT m)
maybeTT = %runElab derive
namespace TreeT
data TreeT : (Type -> Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type where
MkTreeT : layer a (TreeT layer a) -> TreeT layer a
treeTF : Bifunctor layer => Functor (TreeT layer)
treeTF = %runElab derive {treq = CoveringOnly}
treeTM : Bifoldable layer => Foldable (TreeT layer)
treeTM = %runElab derive {treq = CoveringOnly}
treeTT : Bitraversable layer => Traversable (TreeT layer)
treeTT = %runElab derive {treq = CoveringOnly}
record Tree (a : Type) where
constructor MkTree
runTree : TreeT Either a
treeF : Functor Tree
treeF = %runElab derive {treq = CoveringOnly}
treeM : Foldable Tree
treeM = %runElab derive {treq = CoveringOnly}
treeT : Traversable Tree
treeT = %runElab derive {treq = CoveringOnly}
namespace Implicit
data IVect : {n : Nat} -> (a : Type) -> Type where
MkIVect : (v : Vect n a) -> IVect {n} a
%hint total
ivectF : {m : Nat} -> Functor (IVect {n = m})
ivectF = %runElab derive
%hint total
ivectM : {m : Nat} -> Foldable (IVect {n = m})
ivectM = %runElab derive
ivectT : {m : Nat} -> Traversable (IVect {n = m})
ivectT = %runElab derive
namespace EqMap
data EqMap : (key : Type) -> Eq key => (val : Type) -> Type where
MkEqMap : (eq : Eq key) => List (key, val) -> EqMap key @{eq} val
empty : Eq key => EqMap key val
empty = MkEqMap []
insert : (eq : Eq key) => key -> val -> EqMap key @{eq} val -> EqMap key @{eq} val
insert k v (MkEqMap kvs) = MkEqMap ((k, v) :: filter ((k /=) . fst) kvs)
fromList : Eq key => List (key, val) -> EqMap key val
fromList = foldr (uncurry insert) empty
toList : EqMap key @{eq} val -> List (key, val)
toList (MkEqMap kvs) = kvs
test : EqMap.toList (fromList [(1,2), (1,3), (2, 4), (5, 3), (1, 0)])
=== [(1,2), (2, 4), (5, 3)]
test = Refl
%hint total
eqMapF : (eq : Eq key) => Functor (EqMap key @{eq})
eqMapF = %runElab derive
%hint total
eqMapM : (eq : Eq key) => Foldable (EqMap key @{eq})
eqMapM = %runElab derive
eqMapT : (eq : Eq key) => Traversable (EqMap key @{eq})
eqMapT = %runElab derive
namespace Implicit
data WithImplicits : Type -> Type where
MkImplicit : {x : a} -> (0 y : a) -> WithImplicits a
OtherImplicit : {0 x : a} -> a => WithImplicits a
LastOne : {auto 0 _ : a} -> a -> WithImplicits a
failing "Cannot traverse a runtime irrelevant value"
withImplicits : Traversable WithImplicits
withImplicits = %runElab derive
failing "Couldn't find a `Traversable' instance for the type constructor DeriveTraversable.Wrap"
record Wrap (a : Type) where
constructor MkWrap
unWrap : a
%hint total
wrapF : Functor Wrap
wrapF = %runElab derive
%hint total
wrapM : Foldable Wrap
wrapM = %runElab derive
data Indirect : Type -> Type where
MkIndirect : Wrap a -> Indirect a
%hint total
indirectF : Functor Indirect
indirectF = %runElab derive
%hint total
indirectM : Foldable Indirect
indirectM = %runElab derive
indirectT : Traversable Indirect
indirectT = %runElab derive
namespace BitraversableFail
data Tree : (l, n : Type) -> Type where
Leaf : l -> Tree l n
Node : Tree l n -> n -> Tree l n -> Tree l n
-- this one will succeed
%hint total
treeF : Functor (Tree l)
treeF = %runElab derive
%hint total
treeM : Foldable (Tree l)
treeM = %runElab derive
tree : Traversable (Tree l)
tree = %runElab derive
failing "Couldn't find a `Bitraversable' instance for the type constructor DeriveTraversable.BitraversableFail.Tree"
record Tree' (a : Type) where
constructor MkTree'
getTree : Tree a a
-- and this one will fail
tree' : Traversable Tree'
tree' = %runElab derive
failing "Expected a type constructor, got: Prelude.Basics.id {a = Type}"
traverable : Traversable Prelude.id
traverable = %runElab derive
namespace Triple
data Triple a b c = MkTriple a b c
triple : Traversable (Triple a b)
triple = %runElab derive
data Tree3 a = Node (Triple a () (Tree3 a))
failing "The term DeriveTraversable.Triple.Triple a Builtin.Unit is not free of a"
tree : Traversable Tree3
tree = %runElab derive
namespace WriterList
data WList : (w, u, a : Type) -> Type where
(::) : (w, a) -> WList {- oops -} a u a -> WList w u a
Nil : WList w u a
failing "The term DeriveTraversable.WriterList.WList a u is not free of a"
wlist : Traversable (WList w ())
wlist = %runElab derive
namespace WithImplicits
data F : Type -> Type where
MkF : {x : a} -> Nat -> a -> String -> {y : a} -> a -> List a -> F a
fF : Functor F
fF = %runElab derive
fM : Foldable F
fM = %runElab derive
fT : Traversable F
fT = %runElab derive