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228 lines
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228 lines
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module Text.Parser
import Data.Bool
import Data.Nat
import public Data.List1
import public Text.Parser.Core
import public Text.Quantity
import public Text.Token
%default total
||| Parse a terminal based on a kind of token.
match : TokenKind k => Eq k =>
(kind : k) ->
Grammar state (Token k) True (TokType kind)
match k = terminal "Unrecognised input" $
\t => if t.kind == k
then Just $ tokValue k t.text
else Nothing
||| Optionally parse a thing, with a default value if the grammar doesn't
||| match. May match the empty input.
option : {c : Bool} ->
(def : a) -> (p : Grammar state tok c a) ->
Grammar state tok False a
option {c = False} def p = p <|> pure def
option {c = True} def p = p <|> pure def
||| Optionally parse a thing.
||| To provide a default value, use `option` instead.
optional : {c : Bool} ->
(p : Grammar state tok c a) ->
Grammar state tok False (Maybe a)
optional p = option Nothing (map Just p)
||| Try to parse one thing or the other, producing a value that indicates
||| which option succeeded. If both would succeed, the left option
||| takes priority.
choose : {c1, c2 : Bool} ->
(l : Grammar state tok c1 a) ->
(r : Grammar state tok c2 b) ->
Grammar state tok (c1 && c2) (Either a b)
choose l r = map Left l <|> map Right r
||| Produce a grammar by applying a function to each element of a container,
||| then try each resulting grammar until the first one succeeds. Fails if the
||| container is empty.
choiceMap : {c : Bool} ->
(a -> Grammar state tok c b) ->
Foldable t => t a ->
Grammar state tok c b
choiceMap {c} f xs = foldr (\x, acc => rewrite sym (andSameNeutral c) in
f x <|> acc)
(fail "No more options") xs
%hide Prelude.(>>=)
||| Try each grammar in a container until the first one succeeds.
||| Fails if the container is empty.
choice : Foldable t =>
{c : Bool} ->
t (Grammar state tok c a) ->
Grammar state tok c a
choice = choiceMap id
||| Parse one or more things
some : Grammar state tok True a ->
Grammar state tok True (List1 a)
some p = pure (!p ::: !(many p))
||| Parse zero or more things (may match the empty input)
many : Grammar state tok True a ->
Grammar state tok False (List a)
many p = option [] (forget <$> some p)
count1 : (q : Quantity) ->
(p : Grammar state tok True a) ->
Grammar state tok True (List a)
count1 q p = do x <- p
seq (count q p)
(\xs => pure (x :: xs))
||| Parse `p`, repeated as specified by `q`, returning the list of values.
count : (q : Quantity) ->
(p : Grammar state tok True a) ->
Grammar state tok (isSucc (min q)) (List a)
count (Qty Z Nothing) p = many p
count (Qty Z (Just Z)) _ = pure []
count (Qty Z (Just (S max))) p = option [] $ count1 (atMost max) p
count (Qty (S min) Nothing) p = count1 (atLeast min) p
count (Qty (S min) (Just Z)) _ = fail "Quantity out of order"
count (Qty (S min) (Just (S max))) p = count1 (between (S min) max) p
||| Parse one or more instances of `p` until `end` succeeds, returning the
||| list of values from `p`. Guaranteed to consume input.
someTill : {c : Bool} ->
(end : Grammar state tok c e) ->
(p : Grammar state tok True a) ->
Grammar state tok True (List1 a)
someTill {c} end p = do x <- p
seq (manyTill end p)
(\xs => pure (x ::: xs))
||| Parse zero or more instances of `p` until `end` succeeds, returning the
||| list of values from `p`. Guaranteed to consume input if `end` consumes.
manyTill : {c : Bool} ->
(end : Grammar state tok c e) ->
(p : Grammar state tok True a) ->
Grammar state tok c (List a)
manyTill {c} end p = rewrite sym (andTrueNeutral c) in
map (const []) end <|> (forget <$> someTill end p)
||| Parse one or more instance of `skip` until `p` is encountered,
||| returning its value.
afterSome : {c : Bool} ->
(skip : Grammar state tok True s) ->
(p : Grammar state tok c a) ->
Grammar state tok True a
afterSome skip p = do ignore $ skip
afterMany skip p
||| Parse zero or more instance of `skip` until `p` is encountered,
||| returning its value.
afterMany : {c : Bool} ->
(skip : Grammar state tok True s) ->
(p : Grammar state tok c a) ->
Grammar state tok c a
afterMany {c} skip p = rewrite sym (andTrueNeutral c) in
p <|> afterSome skip p
||| Parse one or more things, each separated by another thing.
sepBy1 : {c : Bool} ->
(sep : Grammar state tok True s) ->
(p : Grammar state tok c a) ->
Grammar state tok c (List1 a)
sepBy1 {c} sep p = rewrite sym (orFalseNeutral c) in
[| p ::: many (sep *> p) |]
||| Parse zero or more things, each separated by another thing. May
||| match the empty input.
sepBy : {c : Bool} ->
(sep : Grammar state tok True s) ->
(p : Grammar state tok c a) ->
Grammar state tok False (List a)
sepBy sep p = option [] $ forget <$> sepBy1 sep p
||| Parse one or more instances of `p` separated by and optionally terminated by
||| `sep`.
sepEndBy1 : {c : Bool} ->
(sep : Grammar state tok True s) ->
(p : Grammar state tok c a) ->
Grammar state tok c (List1 a)
sepEndBy1 {c} sep p = rewrite sym (orFalseNeutral c) in
sepBy1 sep p <* optional sep
||| Parse zero or more instances of `p`, separated by and optionally terminated
||| by `sep`. Will not match a separator by itself.
sepEndBy : {c : Bool} ->
(sep : Grammar state tok True s) ->
(p : Grammar state tok c a) ->
Grammar state tok False (List a)
sepEndBy sep p = option [] $ forget <$> sepEndBy1 sep p
||| Parse one or more instances of `p`, separated and terminated by `sep`.
endBy1 : {c : Bool} ->
(sep : Grammar state tok True s) ->
(p : Grammar state tok c a) ->
Grammar state tok True (List1 a)
endBy1 {c} sep p = some $ rewrite sym (orTrueTrue c) in
p <* sep
endBy : {c : Bool} ->
(sep : Grammar state tok True s) ->
(p : Grammar state tok c a) ->
Grammar state tok False (List a)
endBy sep p = option [] $ forget <$> endBy1 sep p
||| Parse an instance of `p` that is between `left` and `right`.
between : {c : Bool} ->
(left : Grammar state tok True l) ->
(right : Grammar state tok True r) ->
(p : Grammar state tok c a) ->
Grammar state tok True a
between left right contents = left *> contents <* right
location : Grammar state token False (Int, Int)
location = startBounds <$> position
endLocation : Grammar state token False (Int, Int)
endLocation = endBounds <$> position
column : Grammar state token False Int
column = snd <$> location
public export
when : Bool -> Lazy (Grammar state token False ()) -> Grammar state token False ()
when True y = y
when False y = pure ()