mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 01:01:59 +03:00
We should really get these automatically, but until we do, add the flags. Chez seems to spot these anyway, but again it makes the generated code easier to look at, and it removes some needless abstraction over interfaces at runtime.
331 lines
12 KiB
331 lines
12 KiB
module Data.Buffer
import System.Directory
import System.File
import Data.List
-- Reading and writing binary buffers. Note that this primitives are unsafe,
-- in that they don't check that buffer locations are within bounds.
-- We really need a safe wrapper!
-- They are used in the Idris compiler itself for reading/writing checked
-- files.
-- This is known to the compiler, so maybe ought to be moved to Builtin
data Buffer : Type where [external]
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-size"
"node:lambda:b => BigInt(b.length)"
prim__bufferSize : Buffer -> Int
export %inline
rawSize : HasIO io => Buffer -> io Int
rawSize buf = pure (prim__bufferSize buf)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-new-buffer"
prim__newBuffer : Int -> PrimIO Buffer
newBuffer : HasIO io => Int -> io (Maybe Buffer)
newBuffer size
= do buf <- primIO (prim__newBuffer size)
pure $ Just buf
-- if prim__nullAnyPtr buf /= 0
-- then pure Nothing
-- else pure $ Just $ MkBuffer buf size 0
-- might be needed if we do this in C...
freeBuffer : HasIO io => Buffer -> io ()
freeBuffer buf = pure ()
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-setbyte"
"node:lambda:(buf,offset,value)=>buf.writeUInt8(Number(value), Number(offset))"
prim__setByte : Buffer -> Int -> Int -> PrimIO ()
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-setbyte"
"node:lambda:(buf,offset,value)=>buf.writeUInt8(Number(value), Number(offset))"
prim__setBits8 : Buffer -> Int -> Bits8 -> PrimIO ()
-- Assumes val is in the range 0-255
export %inline
setByte : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> (val : Int) -> io ()
setByte buf loc val
= primIO (prim__setByte buf loc val)
export %inline
setBits8 : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> (val : Bits8) -> io ()
setBits8 buf loc val
= primIO (prim__setBits8 buf loc val)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-getbyte"
prim__getByte : Buffer -> Int -> PrimIO Int
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-getbyte"
prim__getBits8 : Buffer -> Int -> PrimIO Bits8
export %inline
getByte : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> io Int
getByte buf loc
= primIO (prim__getByte buf loc)
export %inline
getBits8 : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> io Bits8
getBits8 buf loc
= primIO (prim__getBits8 buf loc)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-setbits16"
"node:lambda:(buf,offset,value)=>buf.writeUInt16LE(Number(value), Number(offset))"
prim__setBits16 : Buffer -> Int -> Bits16 -> PrimIO ()
export %inline
setBits16 : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> (val : Bits16) -> io ()
setBits16 buf loc val
= primIO (prim__setBits16 buf loc val)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-getbits16"
prim__getBits16 : Buffer -> Int -> PrimIO Bits16
export %inline
getBits16 : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> io Bits16
getBits16 buf loc
= primIO (prim__getBits16 buf loc)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-setbits32"
"node:lambda:(buf,offset,value)=>buf.writeUInt32LE(Number(value), Number(offset))"
prim__setBits32 : Buffer -> Int -> Bits32 -> PrimIO ()
export %inline
setBits32 : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> (val : Bits32) -> io ()
setBits32 buf loc val
= primIO (prim__setBits32 buf loc val)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-getbits32"
prim__getBits32 : Buffer -> Int -> PrimIO Bits32
export %inline
getBits32 : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> io Bits32
getBits32 buf loc
= primIO (prim__getBits32 buf loc)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-setbits64"
prim__setBits64 : Buffer -> Int -> Bits64 -> PrimIO ()
export %inline
setBits64 : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> (val : Bits64) -> io ()
setBits64 buf loc val
= primIO (prim__setBits64 buf loc val)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-getbits64"
prim__getBits64 : Buffer -> Int -> PrimIO Bits64
export %inline
getBits64 : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> io Bits64
getBits64 buf loc
= primIO (prim__getBits64 buf loc)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-setint32"
"node:lambda:(buf,offset,value)=>buf.writeInt32LE(Number(value), Number(offset))"
prim__setInt32 : Buffer -> Int -> Int -> PrimIO ()
export %inline
setInt32 : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> (val : Int) -> io ()
setInt32 buf loc val
= primIO (prim__setInt32 buf loc val)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-getint32"
prim__getInt32 : Buffer -> Int -> PrimIO Int
export %inline
getInt32 : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> io Int
getInt32 buf loc
= primIO (prim__getInt32 buf loc)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-setint"
"node:lambda:(buf,offset,value)=>buf.writeInt64(Number(value), Number(offset))"
prim__setInt : Buffer -> Int -> Int -> PrimIO ()
export %inline
setInt : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> (val : Int) -> io ()
setInt buf loc val
= primIO (prim__setInt buf loc val)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-getint"
prim__getInt : Buffer -> Int -> PrimIO Int
export %inline
getInt : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> io Int
getInt buf loc
= primIO (prim__getInt buf loc)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-setdouble"
"node:lambda:(buf,offset,value)=>buf.writeDoubleLE(value, Number(offset))"
prim__setDouble : Buffer -> Int -> Double -> PrimIO ()
export %inline
setDouble : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> (val : Double) -> io ()
setDouble buf loc val
= primIO (prim__setDouble buf loc val)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-getdouble"
prim__getDouble : Buffer -> Int -> PrimIO Double
export %inline
getDouble : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> io Double
getDouble buf loc
= primIO (prim__getDouble buf loc)
-- Get the length of a string in bytes, rather than characters
%foreign "C:strlen,libc 6"
stringByteLength : String -> Int
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-setstring"
"node:lambda:(buf,offset,value)=>buf.write(value, Number(offset),buf.length - Number(offset), 'utf-8')"
prim__setString : Buffer -> Int -> String -> PrimIO ()
export %inline
setString : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> (val : String) -> io ()
setString buf loc val
= primIO (prim__setString buf loc val)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-getstring"
"node:lambda:(buf,offset,len)=>buf.slice(Number(offset), Number(offset+len)).toString('utf-8')"
prim__getString : Buffer -> Int -> Int -> PrimIO String
export %inline
getString : HasIO io => Buffer -> (loc : Int) -> (len : Int) -> io String
getString buf loc len
= primIO (prim__getString buf loc len)
bufferData : HasIO io => Buffer -> io (List Int)
bufferData buf
= do len <- rawSize buf
unpackTo [] len
unpackTo : List Int -> Int -> io (List Int)
unpackTo acc 0 = pure acc
unpackTo acc loc
= do val <- getByte buf (loc - 1)
unpackTo (val :: acc) (loc - 1)
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-buffer-copydata"
"node:lambda:(b1,o1,length,b2,o2)=>b1.copy(b2,Number(o2), Number(o1), Number(o1+length))"
prim__copyData : Buffer -> Int -> Int -> Buffer -> Int -> PrimIO ()
copyData : HasIO io => (src : Buffer) -> (start, len : Int) ->
(dest : Buffer) -> (loc : Int) -> io ()
copyData src start len dest loc
= primIO (prim__copyData src start len dest loc)
%foreign "C:idris2_readBufferData,libidris2_support"
"node:lambda:(f,b,l,m) => BigInt(require('fs').readSync(f.fd,b,Number(l), Number(m)))"
prim__readBufferData : FilePtr -> Buffer -> Int -> Int -> PrimIO Int
%foreign "C:idris2_writeBufferData,libidris2_support"
"node:lambda:(f,b,l,m) => BigInt(require('fs').writeSync(f.fd,b,Number(l), Number(m)))"
prim__writeBufferData : FilePtr -> Buffer -> Int -> Int -> PrimIO Int
readBufferData : HasIO io => File -> Buffer ->
(loc : Int) -> -- position in buffer to start adding
(maxbytes : Int) -> -- maximums size to read, which must not
-- exceed buffer length
io (Either FileError ())
readBufferData (FHandle h) buf loc max
= do read <- primIO (prim__readBufferData h buf loc max)
if read >= 0
then pure (Right ())
else pure (Left FileReadError)
writeBufferData : HasIO io => File -> Buffer ->
(loc : Int) -> -- position in buffer to write from
(maxbytes : Int) -> -- maximums size to write, which must not
-- exceed buffer length
io (Either FileError ())
writeBufferData (FHandle h) buf loc max
= do written <- primIO (prim__writeBufferData h buf loc max)
if written >= 0
then pure (Right ())
else pure (Left FileWriteError)
writeBufferToFile : HasIO io => String -> Buffer -> Int -> io (Either FileError ())
writeBufferToFile fn buf max
= do Right f <- openFile fn WriteTruncate
| Left err => pure (Left err)
Right ok <- writeBufferData f buf 0 max
| Left err => pure (Left err)
closeFile f
pure (Right ok)
createBufferFromFile : HasIO io => String -> io (Either FileError Buffer)
createBufferFromFile fn
= do Right f <- openFile fn Read
| Left err => pure (Left err)
Right size <- fileSize f
| Left err => pure (Left err)
Just buf <- newBuffer size
| Nothing => pure (Left FileReadError)
Right ok <- readBufferData f buf 0 size
| Left err => pure (Left err)
closeFile f
pure (Right buf)
resizeBuffer : HasIO io => Buffer -> Int -> io (Maybe Buffer)
resizeBuffer old newsize
= do Just buf <- newBuffer newsize
| Nothing => pure Nothing
-- If the new buffer is smaller than the old one, just copy what
-- fits
oldsize <- rawSize old
let len = if newsize < oldsize then newsize else oldsize
copyData old 0 len buf 0
freeBuffer old
pure (Just buf)
||| Create a buffer containing the concatenated content from a
||| list of buffers.
concatBuffers : HasIO io => List Buffer -> io (Maybe Buffer)
concatBuffers xs
= do let sizes = map prim__bufferSize xs
let (totalSize, revCumulative) = foldl scanSize (0,[]) sizes
let cumulative = reverse revCumulative
Just buf <- newBuffer totalSize
| Nothing => pure Nothing
traverse_ (\(b, size, watermark) => copyData b 0 size buf watermark) (zip3 xs sizes cumulative)
pure (Just buf)
scanSize : (Int, List Int) -> Int -> (Int, List Int)
scanSize (s, cs) x = (s+x, s::cs)
||| Split a buffer into two at a position.
splitBuffer : HasIO io => Buffer -> Int -> io (Maybe (Buffer, Buffer))
splitBuffer buf pos = do size <- rawSize buf
if pos > 0 && pos < size
then do Just first <- newBuffer pos
| Nothing => pure Nothing
Just second <- newBuffer (size - pos)
| Nothing => pure Nothing
copyData buf 0 pos first 0
copyData buf pos (size-pos) second 0
pure $ Just (first, second)
else pure Nothing