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synced 2024-12-18 08:42:11 +03:00
This involves new primitives GCPtr and GCAnyPtr which are pointer types that have finalisers attached. The finalisers are run when the associated pointer goes out of scope. In the test, I am assuming that the GC will only be called once, right at the end. Otherwise, the output isn't guaranteed to be deterministic! Let's see how this assumption holds... This is currently Chez only. I think it'll be easy enough to add to the Racket and Gambit back ends too.
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module PrimIO
import Builtin
public export
data IORes : Type -> Type where
MkIORes : (result : a) -> (1 x : %World) -> IORes a
||| Idris's primitive IO, for building abstractions on top of.
public export
PrimIO : Type -> Type
PrimIO a = (1 x : %World) -> IORes a
data IO : Type -> Type where
MkIO : (1 fn : PrimIO a) -> IO a
prim_io_pure : a -> PrimIO a
prim_io_pure x = \w => MkIORes x w
io_pure : a -> IO a
io_pure x = MkIO (\w => MkIORes x w)
prim_io_bind : (1 act : PrimIO a) -> (1 k : a -> PrimIO b) -> PrimIO b
prim_io_bind fn k w
= let MkIORes x' w' = fn w in k x' w'
-- There's a special case for inlining this is Compiler.Inline, because
-- the inliner is cautious about case blocks at the moment. Once it's less
-- cautious, add an explicit %inline directive and take out the special case.
-- See also dealing with the newtype optimisation via %World in
-- Compiler.CompileExpr
io_bind : (1 act : IO a) -> (1 k : a -> IO b) -> IO b
io_bind (MkIO fn) k
= MkIO (\w => let MkIORes x' w' = fn w
MkIO res = k x' in
res w')
%foreign "C:putchar,libc 6"
prim__putChar : Char -> (1 x : %World) -> IORes ()
%foreign "C:getchar,libc 6"
%extern prim__getChar : (1 x : %World) -> IORes Char
-- A pointer representing a given parameter type
-- The parameter is a phantom type, to help differentiate between
-- different pointer types
public export
data Ptr : Type -> Type where [external]
-- A pointer to any type (representing a void* in foreign calls)
public export
data AnyPtr : Type where [external]
-- As Ptr, but associated with a finaliser that is run on garbage collection
public export
data GCPtr : Type -> Type where [external]
-- As AnyPtr, but associated with a finaliser that is run on garbage collection
public export
data GCAnyPtr : Type where [external]
public export
data ThreadID : Type where [external]
public export
data FArgList : Type where
Nil : FArgList
(::) : {a : Type} -> (1 arg : a) -> (1 args : FArgList) -> FArgList
%extern prim__cCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> (1 args : FArgList) ->
(1 x : %World) -> IORes ret
%extern prim__schemeCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> (1 args : FArgList) ->
(1 x : %World) -> IORes ret
export %inline
primIO : (1 fn : (1 x : %World) -> IORes a) -> IO a
primIO op = MkIO op
export %inline
toPrim : (1 act : IO a) -> PrimIO a
toPrim (MkIO fn) = fn
export %inline
schemeCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> (1 args : FArgList) -> IO ret
schemeCall ret fn args = primIO (prim__schemeCall ret fn args)
export %inline
cCall : (ret : Type) -> String -> FArgList -> IO ret
cCall ret fn args = primIO (prim__cCall ret fn args)
%foreign "C:idris2_isNull, libidris2_support"
prim__nullAnyPtr : AnyPtr -> Int
prim__forgetPtr : Ptr t -> AnyPtr
prim__forgetPtr = believe_me
export %inline
prim__nullPtr : Ptr t -> Int -- can't pass 'type' to a foreign function
prim__nullPtr p = prim__nullAnyPtr (prim__forgetPtr p)
prim__onCollectAny : AnyPtr -> (AnyPtr -> PrimIO ()) -> PrimIO GCAnyPtr
prim__onCollect : Ptr t -> (Ptr t -> PrimIO ()) -> PrimIO (GCPtr t)
onCollectAny : AnyPtr -> (AnyPtr -> IO ()) -> IO GCAnyPtr
onCollectAny ptr c = primIO (prim__onCollectAny ptr (\x => toPrim (c x)))
onCollect : Ptr t -> (Ptr t -> IO ()) -> IO (GCPtr t)
onCollect ptr c = primIO (prim__onCollect ptr (\x => toPrim (c x)))
%foreign "C:idris2_getString, libidris2_support"
prim__getString : Ptr String -> String
%foreign "C:idris2_getStr,libidris2_support"
prim__getStr : PrimIO String
%foreign "C:idris2_putStr,libidris2_support"
prim__putStr : String -> PrimIO ()
||| Output a string to stdout without a trailing newline.
putStr : String -> IO ()
putStr str = primIO (prim__putStr str)
||| Output a string to stdout with a trailing newline.
putStrLn : String -> IO ()
putStrLn str = putStr (prim__strAppend str "\n")
||| Read one line of input from stdin, without the trailing newline.
getLine : IO String
getLine = primIO prim__getStr
||| Write a single character to stdout.
putChar : Char -> IO ()
putChar c = primIO (prim__putChar c)
||| Write a single character to stdout, with a trailing newline.
putCharLn : Char -> IO ()
putCharLn c = putStrLn (prim__cast_CharString c)
||| Read a single character from stdin.
getChar : IO Char
getChar = primIO prim__getChar
fork : (1 prog : IO ()) -> IO ThreadID
fork (MkIO act) = schemeCall ThreadID "blodwen-thread" [act]
prim_fork : (1 prog : PrimIO ()) -> PrimIO ThreadID
prim_fork act w = prim__schemeCall ThreadID "blodwen-thread" [act] w
%foreign "C:idris2_readString, libidris2_support"
prim__getErrno : Int
unsafeCreateWorld : (1 f : (1 x : %World) -> a) -> a
unsafeCreateWorld f = f %MkWorld
unsafeDestroyWorld : (1 x : %World) -> a -> a
unsafeDestroyWorld %MkWorld x = x
unsafePerformIO : IO a -> a
unsafePerformIO (MkIO f)
= unsafeCreateWorld (\w => case f w of
MkIORes res w' => unsafeDestroyWorld w' res)