Revert "Merge pull request #294 from bitlisp/unified-int-primitives"

This reverts commit 8fed722516, reversing
changes made to 943b653f35.
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2013-05-09 14:22:29 +01:00
parent 977c987c54
commit 05895a55ba
14 changed files with 769 additions and 434 deletions

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ do_malloc size with (fromInteger (cast size) == size)
do_memset : Ptr -> Nat -> Bits8 -> Nat -> IO ()
do_memset ptr offset c size
= mkForeign (FFun "idris_memset" [FPtr, FInt, FChar, FInt] FUnit)
= mkForeign (FFun "idris_memset" [FPtr, FInt, FAny Bits8, FInt] FUnit)
ptr (cast offset) c (cast size)
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ private
do_poke : Ptr -> Nat -> Vect Bits8 size -> IO ()
do_poke _ _ [] = return ()
do_poke ptr offset (b::bs)
= do mkForeign (FFun "idris_poke" [FPtr, FInt, FChar] FUnit) ptr (cast offset) b
= do mkForeign (FFun "idris_poke" [FPtr, FInt, FAny Bits8] FUnit) ptr (cast offset) b
do_poke ptr (S offset) bs
instance Handler RawMemory (IOExcept String) where

View File

@ -21,28 +21,12 @@ io_return x = prim__IO x
run__IO : IO () -> IO ()
run__IO v = io_bind v (\v' => io_return v')
data IntTy = ITNative | IT8 | IT16 | IT32 | IT64
data FTy = FIntT IntTy | FFloat | FString | FPtr | FAny Type | FUnit
FInt : FTy
FInt = FIntT ITNative
FChar : FTy
FChar = FIntT IT8
FShort : FTy
FShort = FIntT IT16
FLong : FTy
FLong = FIntT IT64
data FTy = FInt | FFloat | FChar | FString | FPtr | FAny Type | FUnit
interpFTy : FTy -> Type
interpFTy (FIntT ITNative) = Int
interpFTy (FIntT IT8) = Bits8
interpFTy (FIntT IT16) = Bits16
interpFTy (FIntT IT32) = Bits32
interpFTy (FIntT IT64) = Bits64
interpFTy FInt = Int
interpFTy FFloat = Float
interpFTy FChar = Char
interpFTy FString = String
interpFTy FPtr = Ptr
interpFTy (FAny t) = t

View File

@ -251,11 +251,11 @@ getLine = return (prim__readString prim__stdin)
putChar : Char -> IO ()
putChar c = mkForeign (FFun "putchar" [FInt] FUnit) (cast c)
putChar c = mkForeign (FFun "putchar" [FChar] FUnit) c
getChar : IO Char
getChar = fmap cast $ mkForeign (FFun "getchar" [] FInt)
getChar = mkForeign (FFun "getchar" [] FChar)
---- some basic file handling
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ ferror (FHandle h) = do err <- do_ferror h
nullPtr : Ptr -> IO Bool
nullPtr p = do ok <- mkForeign (FFun "isNull" [FPtr] FInt) p
nullPtr p = do ok <- mkForeign (FFun "isNull" [FPtr] FInt) p
return (ok /= 0);

View File

@ -60,34 +60,6 @@ VAL idris_castB32Int(VM *vm, VAL a) {
return MKINT((i_int)a->info.bits32);
VAL idris_b8const(VM *vm, uint8_t a) {
VAL cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure), 0);
cl->info.bits8 = a;
return cl;
VAL idris_b16const(VM *vm, uint16_t a) {
VAL cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure), 0);
SETTY(cl, BITS16);
cl->info.bits16 = a;
return cl;
VAL idris_b32const(VM *vm, uint32_t a) {
VAL cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure), 0);
SETTY(cl, BITS32);
cl->info.bits32 = a;
return cl;
VAL idris_b64const(VM *vm, uint64_t a) {
VAL cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure), 0);
SETTY(cl, BITS64);
cl->info.bits64 = a;
return cl;
VAL idris_b8Plus(VM *vm, VAL a, VAL b) {
VAL cl = allocate(vm, sizeof(Closure), 0);

View File

@ -11,10 +11,6 @@ VAL idris_b16(VM *vm, VAL a);
VAL idris_b32(VM *vm, VAL a);
VAL idris_b64(VM *vm, VAL a);
VAL idris_castB32Int(VM *vm, VAL a);
VAL idris_b8const(VM *vm, uint8_t a);
VAL idris_b16const(VM *vm, uint16_t a);
VAL idris_b32const(VM *vm, uint32_t a);
VAL idris_b64const(VM *vm, uint64_t a);
VAL idris_b8Plus(VM *vm, VAL a, VAL b);
VAL idris_b8Minus(VM *vm, VAL a, VAL b);

View File

@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ typedef intptr_t i_int;
#define ISINT(x) ((((i_int)x)&1) == 1)
#define INTOP(op,x,y) MKINT((i_int)((((i_int)x)>>1) op (((i_int)y)>>1)))
#define UINTOP(op,x,y) MKINT((i_int)((((uintptr_t)x)>>1) op (((uintptr_t)y)>>1)))
#define FLOATOP(op,x,y) MKFLOAT(vm, ((GETFLOAT(x)) op (GETFLOAT(y))))
#define FLOATBOP(op,x,y) MKINT((i_int)(((GETFLOAT(x)) op (GETFLOAT(y)))))
#define ADD(x,y) (void*)(((i_int)x)+(((i_int)y)-1))

View File

@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ module Core.Execute (execute) where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.AbsSyntaxTree
import IRTS.Lang( IntTy(..)
, intTyToConst
, FType(..))
import Core.TT
import Core.Evaluate
@ -428,16 +425,18 @@ chooseAlt _ [] = Nothing
idrisType :: FType -> ExecVal
data FTy = FInt | FFloat | FChar | FString | FPtr | FUnit deriving (Show, Read)
idrisType :: FTy -> ExecVal
idrisType FUnit = EP Ref unitTy EErased
idrisType ft = EConstant (idr ft)
where idr (FInt ty) = intTyToConst ty
idr FDouble = FlType
where idr FInt = IType
idr FFloat = FlType
idr FChar = ChType
idr FString = StrType
idr FPtr = PtrType
data Foreign = FFun String [FType] FType deriving Show
data Foreign = FFun String [FTy] FTy deriving Show
call :: Foreign -> [ExecVal] -> Exec (Maybe ExecVal)
@ -447,19 +446,11 @@ call (FFun name argTypes retType) args =
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just f -> do res <- call' f args retType
return . Just . ioWrap $ res
where call' :: ForeignFun -> [ExecVal] -> FType -> Exec ExecVal
call' (Fun _ h) args (FInt ITNative) = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCInt (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (I (fromIntegral res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args (FInt IT8) = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCChar (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (B8 (fromIntegral res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args (FInt IT16) = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCWchar (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (B16 (fromIntegral res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args (FInt IT32) = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCInt (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (B32 (fromIntegral res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args (FInt IT64) = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCLong (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (B64 (fromIntegral res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args FDouble = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCDouble (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (Fl (realToFrac res)))
where call' :: ForeignFun -> [ExecVal] -> FTy -> Exec ExecVal
call' (Fun _ h) args FInt = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCInt (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (I (fromIntegral res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args FFloat = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCDouble (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (Fl (realToFrac res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args FChar = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCChar (prepArgs args)
return (EConstant (Ch (castCCharToChar res)))
call' (Fun _ h) args FString = do res <- execIO $ callFFI h retCString (prepArgs args)
@ -476,10 +467,6 @@ call (FFun name argTypes retType) args =
prepArgs = map prepArg
prepArg (EConstant (I i)) = argCInt (fromIntegral i)
prepArg (EConstant (B8 i)) = argCChar (fromIntegral i)
prepArg (EConstant (B16 i)) = argCWchar (fromIntegral i)
prepArg (EConstant (B32 i)) = argCInt (fromIntegral i)
prepArg (EConstant (B64 i)) = argCLong (fromIntegral i)
prepArg (EConstant (Fl f)) = argCDouble (realToFrac f)
prepArg (EConstant (Ch c)) = argCChar (castCharToCChar c) -- FIXME - castCharToCChar only safe for first 256 chars
prepArg (EConstant (Str s)) = argString s
@ -497,18 +484,11 @@ foreignFromTT t = case (unApplyV t) of
return $ FFun name argFTy retFTy
_ -> trace "failed to construct ffun" Nothing
getFTy :: ExecVal -> Maybe FType
getFTy (EApp (EP _ (UN "FInt") _) (EP _ (UN intTy) _)) =
case intTy of
"ITNative" -> Just $ FInt ITNative
"IT8" -> Just $ FInt IT8
"IT16" -> Just $ FInt IT16
"IT32" -> Just $ FInt IT32
"IT64" -> Just $ FInt IT64
_ -> Nothing
getFTy :: ExecVal -> Maybe FTy
getFTy (EP _ (UN t) _) =
case t of
"FFloat" -> Just FDouble
"FInt" -> Just FInt
"FFloat" -> Just FFloat
"FChar" -> Just FChar
"FString" -> Just FString
"FPtr" -> Just FPtr

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Paths_idris
import Util.System
import Data.Char
import Data.List (intercalate)
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import System.IO
@ -106,10 +105,10 @@ bcc i (ASSIGNCONST l c)
mkConst (Fl f) = "MKFLOAT(vm, " ++ show f ++ ")"
mkConst (Ch c) = "MKINT(" ++ show (fromEnum c) ++ ")"
mkConst (Str s) = "MKSTR(vm, " ++ show s ++ ")"
mkConst (B8 x) = "idris_b8const(vm, " ++ show x ++ ")"
mkConst (B16 x) = "idris_b16const(vm, " ++ show x ++ ")"
mkConst (B32 x) = "idris_b32const(vm, " ++ show x ++ ")"
mkConst (B64 x) = "idris_b64const(vm, " ++ show x ++ ")"
mkConst (B8 b) = "MKB8(vm, " ++ show b ++")"
mkConst (B16 b) = "MKB16(vm, " ++ show b ++ ")"
mkConst (B32 b) = "MKB32(vm, " ++ show b ++ ")"
mkConst (B64 b) = "MKB64(vm, " ++ show b ++ ")"
mkConst _ = "MKINT(42424242)"
bcc i (UPDATE l r) = indent i ++ creg l ++ " = " ++ creg r ++ ";\n"
bcc i (MKCON l tag args)
@ -227,10 +226,7 @@ bcc i (NULL r) = indent i ++ creg r ++ " = NULL;\n" -- clear, so it'll be GCed
bcc i (ERROR str) = indent i ++ "fprintf(stderr, " ++ show str ++ "); assert(0); exit(-1);"
-- bcc i _ = indent i ++ "// not done yet\n"
c_irts (FInt ITNative) l x = l ++ "MKINT((i_int)(" ++ x ++ "))"
c_irts (FInt ty) l x = l ++ "idris_b" ++ show (intTyWidth ty) ++ "const(vm, " ++ x ++ ")"
c_irts FInt l x = l ++ "MKINT((i_int)(" ++ x ++ "))"
c_irts FChar l x = l ++ "MKINT((i_int)(" ++ x ++ "))"
c_irts FString l x = l ++ "MKSTR(vm, " ++ x ++ ")"
c_irts FUnit l x = x
@ -238,8 +234,7 @@ c_irts FPtr l x = l ++ "MKPTR(vm, " ++ x ++ ")"
c_irts FDouble l x = l ++ "MKFLOAT(vm, " ++ x ++ ")"
c_irts FAny l x = l ++ x
irts_c (FInt ITNative) x = "GETINT(" ++ x ++ ")"
irts_c (FInt ty) x = "(" ++ x ++ "->info.bits" ++ show (intTyWidth ty) ++ ")"
irts_c FInt x = "GETINT(" ++ x ++ ")"
irts_c FChar x = "GETINT(" ++ x ++ ")"
irts_c FString x = "GETSTR(" ++ x ++ ")"
irts_c FUnit x = x
@ -247,30 +242,22 @@ irts_c FPtr x = "GETPTR(" ++ x ++ ")"
irts_c FDouble x = "GETFLOAT(" ++ x ++ ")"
irts_c FAny x = x
bitOp v op ty args = v ++ "idris_b" ++ show (intTyWidth ty) ++ op ++ "(vm, " ++ intercalate ", " (map creg args) ++ ")"
bitCoerce v op input output arg
= v ++ "idris_b" ++ show (intTyWidth input) ++ op ++ show (intTyWidth output) ++ "(vm, " ++ creg arg ++ ")"
doOp v (LPlus ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "ADD(" ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LMinus ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(-," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LTimes ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "MULT(" ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LUDiv ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "UINTOP(/," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LSDiv ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(/," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LURem ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "UINTOP(%," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LSRem ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(%," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LAnd ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(&," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LOr ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(|," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LXOr ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(^," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LSHL ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(<<," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LLSHR ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "UINTOP(>>," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LASHR ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(>>," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LCompl ITNative) [x] = v ++ "INTOP(~," ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v (LEq ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(==," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LLt ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(<," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LLe ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(<=," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LGt ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(>," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v (LGe ITNative) [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(>=," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LPlus [l, r] = v ++ "ADD(" ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LMinus [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(-," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LTimes [l, r] = v ++ "MULT(" ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LDiv [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(/," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LMod [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(%," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LAnd [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(&," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LOr [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(|," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LXOr [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(^," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LSHL [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(<<," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LSHR [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(>>," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LCompl [x] = v ++ "INTOP(~," ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LEq [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(==," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LLt [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(<," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LLe [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(<=," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LGt [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(>," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LGe [l, r] = v ++ "INTOP(>=," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LFPlus [l, r] = v ++ "FLOATOP(+," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
doOp v LFMinus [l, r] = v ++ "FLOATOP(-," ++ creg l ++ ", " ++ creg r ++ ")"
@ -321,34 +308,136 @@ doOp v LIntB64 [x] = v ++ "idris_b64(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Int [x] = v ++ "idris_castB32Int(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v (LLt ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "Lt" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LLe ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "Lte" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LEq ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "Eq" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LGe ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "Gte" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LGt ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "Gt" ty [x, y]
doOp v LB8Lt [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8Lt(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8Lte [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8Lte(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8Eq [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8Eq(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8Gte [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8Gte(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8Gt [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8Gt(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v (LSHL ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "Shl" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LLSHR ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "Shr" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LASHR ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "AShr" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LAnd ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "And" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LOr ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "Or" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LXOr ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "Xor" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LCompl ty) [x] = bitOp v "Compl" ty [x]
doOp v LB8Shl [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8Shl(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8LShr [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8Shr(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8AShr [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8AShr(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8And [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8And(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8Or [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8Or(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8Xor [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8Xor(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8Compl [x] = v ++ "idris_b8Compl(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v (LPlus ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "Plus" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LMinus ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "Minus" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LTimes ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "Times" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LUDiv ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "UDiv" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LSDiv ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "SDiv" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LURem ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "URem" ty [x, y]
doOp v (LSRem ty) [x, y] = bitOp v "SRem" ty [x, y]
doOp v LB8Plus [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8Plus(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8Minus [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8Minus(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8Times [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8Times(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8UDiv [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8UDiv(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8SDiv [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8SDiv(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8URem [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8URem(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB8SRem [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b8SRem(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v (LSExt from to) [x]
| intTyWidth from < intTyWidth to = bitCoerce v "S" from to x
doOp v (LZExt from to) [x]
| intTyWidth from < intTyWidth to = bitCoerce v "Z" from to x
doOp v (LTrunc from to) [x]
| intTyWidth from > intTyWidth to = bitCoerce v "T" from to x
doOp v LB8Z16 [x] = v ++ "idris_b8Z16(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB8Z32 [x] = v ++ "idris_b8Z32(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB8Z64 [x] = v ++ "idris_b8Z64(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB8S16 [x] = v ++ "idris_b8S16(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB8S32 [x] = v ++ "idris_b8S32(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB8S64 [x] = v ++ "idris_b8S64(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Lt [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b16Lt(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Lte [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b16Lte(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Eq [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b16Eq(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Gte [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b16Gte(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Gt [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b16Gt(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Shl [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b16Shl(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16LShr [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b16Shr(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16AShr [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b16AShr(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16And [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b16And(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Or [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b16Or(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Xor [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b16Xor(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Compl [x] = v ++ "idris_b16Compl(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Plus [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b16Plus(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Minus [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b16Minus(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Times [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b16Times(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16UDiv [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b16UDiv(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16SDiv [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b16SDiv(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16URem [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b16URem(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16SRem [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b16SRem(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Z32 [x] = v ++ "idris_b16Z32(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB16Z64 [x] = v ++ "idris_b16Z64(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB16S32 [x] = v ++ "idris_b16S32(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB16S64 [x] = v ++ "idris_b16S64(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB16T8 [x] = v ++ "idris_b16T8(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Lt [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b32Lt(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Lte [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b32Lte(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Eq [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b32Eq(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Gte [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b32Gte(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Gt [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b32Gt(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Shl [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b32Shl(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32LShr [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b32Shr(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32AShr [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b32AShr(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32And [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b32And(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Or [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b32Or(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Xor [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b32Xor(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Compl [x] = v ++ "idris_b32Compl(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Plus [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b32Plus(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Minus [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b32Minus(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Times [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b32Times(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32UDiv [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b32UDiv(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32SDiv [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b32SDiv(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32URem [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b32URem(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32SRem [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b32SRem(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB32Z64 [x] = v ++ "idris_b32Z64(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB32S64 [x] = v ++ "idris_b32S64(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB32T8 [x] = v ++ "idris_b32T8(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB32T16 [x] = v ++ "idris_b32T16(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB64Lt [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b64Lt(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64Lte [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b64Lte(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64Eq [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b64Eq(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64Gte [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b64Gte(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64Gt [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b64Gt(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64Shl [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b64Shl(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64LShr [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b64Shr(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64AShr [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b64AShr(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64And [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b64And(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64Or [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b64Or(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64Xor [x, y] = v ++ "idris_b64Xor(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64Compl [x] = v ++ "idris_b64Compl(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB64Plus [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b64Plus(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64Minus [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b64Minus(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64Times [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b64Times(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64UDiv [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b64UDiv(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64SDiv [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b64SDiv(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64URem [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b64URem(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64SRem [x, y] =
v ++ "idris_b64SRem(vm, " ++ creg x ++ "," ++ creg y ++ ")"
doOp v LB64T8 [x] = v ++ "idris_b64T8(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB64T16 [x] = v ++ "idris_b64T16(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LB64T32 [x] = v ++ "idris_b64T32(vm, " ++ creg x ++ ")"
doOp v LFExp [x] = v ++ "MKFLOAT(exp(GETFLOAT(" ++ creg x ++ ")))"
doOp v LFLog [x] = v ++ "MKFLOAT(log(GETFLOAT(" ++ creg x ++ ")))"

View File

@ -468,27 +468,7 @@ integerType :: ClassType
integerType = ClassType [(Ident "Integer", [])]
longType :: ClassType
longType = ClassType [(Ident "Long", [])]
intTyToIdent IT8 = Ident "Byte"
intTyToIdent IT16 = Ident "Short"
intTyToIdent IT32 = Ident "Int"
intTyToIdent IT64 = Ident "Long"
intTyToClass :: IntTy -> ClassType
intTyToClass ty = ClassType [(intTyToIdent ty, [])]
intTyToMethod :: IntTy -> String
intTyToMethod IT8 = "byteValue"
intTyToMethod IT16 = "shortValue"
intTyToMethod IT32 = "intValue"
intTyToMethod IT64 = "longValue"
intTyToPrimTy :: IntTy -> PrimType
intTyToPrimTy IT8 = ByteT
intTyToPrimTy IT16 = ShortT
intTyToPrimTy IT32 = IntT
intTyToPrimTy IT64 = LongT
longType = ClassType [(Ident "Integer", [])]
bigIntegerType :: ClassType
bigIntegerType = ClassType [(Ident "BigInteger", [])]
@ -982,7 +962,7 @@ mkStringAtIndex var indexExp =
<$> mkVarAccess (Just stringType) var
mkForeignType :: FType -> Maybe ClassType
mkForeignType (FInt ty) = return (intTyToClass ty)
mkForeignType FInt = return integerType
mkForeignType FChar = return integerType
mkForeignType FString = return stringType
mkForeignType FPtr = return objectType
@ -991,14 +971,14 @@ mkForeignType FAny = return objectType
mkForeignType FUnit = Nothing
mkForeignVarAccess :: FType -> LVar -> CodeGeneration Exp
mkForeignVarAccess (FInt ty) var =
(\ var -> MethodInv $ PrimaryMethodCall var
mkForeignVarAccess FInt var =
(\ var -> MethodInv $ PrimaryMethodCall (var)
(Ident (intTyToMethod ty))
(Ident "intValue")
<$> mkVarAccess (Just integerType) var
mkForeignVarAccess FChar var = Cast (PrimType CharT) <$> mkForeignVarAccess (FInt IT32) var
mkForeignVarAccess FChar var = Cast (PrimType CharT) <$> mkForeignVarAccess FInt var
mkForeignVarAccess FDouble var =
(\ var -> MethodInv $ PrimaryMethodCall (var)
@ -1009,12 +989,12 @@ mkForeignVarAccess FDouble var =
mkForeignVarAccess otherType var = mkVarAccess (mkForeignType otherType) var
mkFromForeignType :: FType -> Exp -> Exp
mkFromForeignType (FInt ty) from =
MethodInv $ TypeMethodCall (J.Name [intTyToIdent ty])
mkFromForeignType FInt from =
MethodInv $ TypeMethodCall (J.Name [Ident "Integer"])
(Ident "valueOf")
mkFromForeignType FChar from = mkFromForeignType (FInt IT32) from
mkFromForeignType FChar from = mkFromForeignType FInt from
mkFromForeignType FDouble from =
MethodInv $ TypeMethodCall (J.Name [Ident "Double"])
@ -1271,22 +1251,24 @@ mkExp (SConst (PtrType)) = return $ mkClass objectType
mkExp (SConst (VoidType)) = return $ mkClass voidType
mkExp (SConst (Forgot)) = return $ mkClass objectType
mkExp (SForeign _ fType meth args) = mkForeignInvoke fType meth args
mkExp (SOp (LPlus ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LPlus IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LMinus ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LMinus IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LTimes ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LTimes IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LSDiv ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LSDiv IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LSRem ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LSRem IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LAnd ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LAnd IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LOr ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LOr IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LXOr ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LXOr IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LCompl ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LCompl IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LSHL ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LSHL IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LASHR ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LASHR IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LEq ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LEq IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LLt ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LLt IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LLe ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LLe IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LGt ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LGt IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp (LGe ITNative) args) = mkExp (SOp (LGe IT32) args)
mkExp (SOp LPlus args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Add args
mkExp (SOp LMinus args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Sub args
mkExp (SOp LTimes args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Mult args
mkExp (SOp LDiv args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Div args
mkExp (SOp LMod args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Rem args
mkExp (SOp LAnd args) = mkBinOpExp integerType And args
mkExp (SOp LOr args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Or args
mkExp (SOp LXOr args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Xor args
mkExp (SOp LCompl [var]) =
PreBitCompl <$> mkVarAccess (Just $ integerType) var
mkExp (SOp LSHL args) = mkBinOpExp integerType LShift args
mkExp (SOp LSHR args) = mkBinOpExp integerType RShift args
mkExp (SOp LEq args) =
mkMethodOpChain1 (mkBoolToNumber integerType) objectType "equals" args
mkExp (SOp LLt args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp integerType LThan args
mkExp (SOp LLe args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp integerType LThanE args
mkExp (SOp LGt args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp integerType GThan args
mkExp (SOp LGe args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp integerType GThanE args
mkExp (SOp LFPlus args) = mkBinOpExp doubleType Add args
mkExp (SOp LFMinus args) = mkBinOpExp doubleType Sub args
mkExp (SOp LFTimes args) = mkBinOpExp doubleType Mult args
@ -1387,46 +1369,203 @@ mkExp (SOp LPrintNum [arg]) =
mkExp (SOp LPrintStr [arg]) =
mkSystemOutPrint <$> (mkVarAccess (Just stringType) arg)
mkExp (SOp LReadStr [arg]) = mkExp (SForeign LANG_C FString "idris_readStr" [(FPtr, arg)])
mkExp (SOp (LLt ty) args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) LThan args
mkExp (SOp (LLe ty) args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) LThanE args
mkExp (SOp (LEq ty) args) =
mkMethodOpChain1 (mkBoolToNumber (intTyToClass ty)) (intTyToClass ty) "equals" args
mkExp (SOp (LGt ty) args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) GThan args
mkExp (SOp (LGe ty) args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) GThanE args
mkExp (SOp (LPlus ty) args) = mkBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) Add args
mkExp (SOp (LMinus ty) args) = mkBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) Sub args
mkExp (SOp (LTimes ty) args) = mkBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) Mult args
mkExp (SOp (LUDiv ty) args) = mkBinOpExpConv (intTyToMethod ty) (intTyToPrimTy ty) (intTyToClass ty) Div args
mkExp (SOp (LSDiv ty) args) = mkBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) Div args
mkExp (SOp (LURem ty) args) = mkBinOpExpConv (intTyToMethod ty) (intTyToPrimTy ty) (intTyToClass ty) Rem args
mkExp (SOp (LSRem ty) args) = mkBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) Rem args
mkExp (SOp (LSHL ty) args) = mkBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) LShift args
mkExp (SOp (LLSHR ty) args) = mkBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) RRShift args
mkExp (SOp (LASHR ty) args) = mkBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) RShift args
mkExp (SOp (LAnd ty) args) = mkBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) And args
mkExp (SOp (LOr ty) args) = mkBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) Or args
mkExp (SOp (LXOr ty) args) = mkBinOpExp (intTyToClass ty) Xor args
mkExp (SOp (LCompl ty) [var]) = PreBitCompl <$> mkVarAccess (Just $ intTyToClass ty) var
mkExp (SOp (LZExt from to) [var])
| intTyWidth from < intTyWidth to
= mkZeroExt (intTyToMethod to) (intTyWidth from) (intTyToClass from) (intTyToClass to) var
mkExp (SOp (LSExt from to) [var])
| intTyWidth from < intTyWidth to
= mkSignedExt (intTyToMethod to) (intTyToClass from) (intTyToClass to) var
mkExp (SOp (LTrunc from to) [var])
| intTyWidth from > intTyWidth to
= (\ var -> MethodInv $
TypeMethodCall (J.Name [intTyToIdent to])
mkExp (SOp LB8Lt args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp byteType LThan args
mkExp (SOp LB8Lte args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp byteType LThanE args
mkExp (SOp LB8Eq args) =
mkMethodOpChain1 (mkBoolToNumber byteType) byteType "equals" args
mkExp (SOp LB8Gt args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp byteType GThan args
mkExp (SOp LB8Gte args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp byteType GThanE args
mkExp (SOp LB8Plus args) = mkBinOpExp byteType Add args
mkExp (SOp LB8Minus args) = mkBinOpExp byteType Sub args
mkExp (SOp LB8Times args) = mkBinOpExp byteType Mult args
mkExp (SOp LB8UDiv args) = mkBinOpExpConv "shortValue" ShortT byteType Div args
mkExp (SOp LB8SDiv args) = mkBinOpExp byteType Div args
mkExp (SOp LB8URem args) = mkBinOpExpConv "shortValue" ShortT byteType Rem args
mkExp (SOp LB8SRem args) = mkBinOpExp byteType Rem args
mkExp (SOp LB8Shl args) = mkBinOpExp byteType LShift args
mkExp (SOp LB8LShr args) = mkBinOpExp byteType RRShift args
mkExp (SOp LB8AShr args) = mkBinOpExp byteType RShift args
mkExp (SOp LB8And args) = mkBinOpExp byteType And args
mkExp (SOp LB8Or args) = mkBinOpExp byteType Or args
mkExp (SOp LB8Xor args) = mkBinOpExp byteType Xor args
mkExp (SOp LB8Compl [var]) =
PreBitCompl <$> mkVarAccess (Just $ byteType) var
mkExp (SOp LB8Z16 [var]) = mkZeroExt "shortValue" 8 byteType shortType var
mkExp (SOp LB8Z32 [var]) = mkZeroExt "intValue" 8 byteType integerType var
mkExp (SOp LB8Z64 [var]) = mkZeroExt "longValue" 8 byteType longType var
mkExp (SOp LB8S16 [var]) = mkSignedExt "shortValue" byteType shortType var
mkExp (SOp LB8S32 [var]) = mkSignedExt "intValue" byteType integerType var
mkExp (SOp LB8S64 [var]) = mkSignedExt "longValue" byteType longType var
mkExp (SOp LB16Lt args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp shortType LThan args
mkExp (SOp LB16Lte args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp shortType LThanE args
mkExp (SOp LB16Eq args) =
mkMethodOpChain1 (mkBoolToNumber shortType) shortType "equals" args
mkExp (SOp LB16Gt args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp shortType GThan args
mkExp (SOp LB16Gte args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp shortType GThanE args
mkExp (SOp LB16Plus args) = mkBinOpExp shortType Add args
mkExp (SOp LB16Minus args) = mkBinOpExp shortType Sub args
mkExp (SOp LB16Times args) = mkBinOpExp shortType Mult args
mkExp (SOp LB16UDiv args) = mkBinOpExpConv "intValue" IntT shortType Div args
mkExp (SOp LB16SDiv args) = mkBinOpExp shortType Div args
mkExp (SOp LB16URem args) = mkBinOpExpConv "intValue" IntT shortType Rem args
mkExp (SOp LB16SRem args) = mkBinOpExp shortType Rem args
mkExp (SOp LB16Shl args) = mkBinOpExp shortType LShift args
mkExp (SOp LB16LShr args) = mkBinOpExp shortType RRShift args
mkExp (SOp LB16AShr args) = mkBinOpExp shortType RShift args
mkExp (SOp LB16And args) = mkBinOpExp shortType And args
mkExp (SOp LB16Or args) = mkBinOpExp shortType Or args
mkExp (SOp LB16Xor args) = mkBinOpExp shortType Xor args
mkExp (SOp LB16Compl [var]) =
PreBitCompl <$> mkVarAccess (Just $ shortType) var
mkExp (SOp LB16Z32 [var]) = mkZeroExt "intValue" 16 shortType integerType var
mkExp (SOp LB16Z64 [var]) = mkZeroExt "longValue" 16 shortType longType var
mkExp (SOp LB16S32 [var]) = mkSignedExt "intValue" shortType integerType var
mkExp (SOp LB16S64 [var]) = mkSignedExt "longValue" shortType longType var
mkExp (SOp LB16T8 [var]) =
(\ var -> MethodInv $
TypeMethodCall (J.Name [Ident "Byte"])
(Ident "valueOf")
[ MethodInv
$ PrimaryMethodCall var [] (Ident (intTyToMethod to)) [] ]
$ PrimaryMethodCall var [] (Ident "byteValue") [] ]
<$> mkVarAccess (Just $ intTyToClass from) var
mkExp (SOp LIntB8 [arg]) = mkExp (SOp (LTrunc IT32 IT8) [arg])
mkExp (SOp LIntB16 [arg]) = mkExp (SOp (LTrunc IT32 IT16) [arg])
<$> mkVarAccess (Just $ shortType) var
mkExp (SOp LB32Lt args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp integerType LThan args
mkExp (SOp LB32Lte args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp integerType LThanE args
mkExp (SOp LB32Eq args) =
mkMethodOpChain1 (mkBoolToNumber integerType) integerType "equals" args
mkExp (SOp LB32Gt args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp integerType GThan args
mkExp (SOp LB32Gte args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp integerType GThanE args
mkExp (SOp LB32Plus args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Add args
mkExp (SOp LB32Minus args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Sub args
mkExp (SOp LB32Times args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Mult args
mkExp (SOp LB32UDiv args) = mkBinOpExpConv "longValue" LongT integerType Div args
mkExp (SOp LB32SDiv args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Div args
mkExp (SOp LB32URem args) = mkBinOpExpConv "longValue" LongT integerType Rem args
mkExp (SOp LB32SRem args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Rem args
mkExp (SOp LB32Shl args) = mkBinOpExp integerType LShift args
mkExp (SOp LB32LShr args) = mkBinOpExp integerType RRShift args
mkExp (SOp LB32AShr args) = mkBinOpExp integerType RShift args
mkExp (SOp LB32And args) = mkBinOpExp integerType And args
mkExp (SOp LB32Or args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Or args
mkExp (SOp LB32Xor args) = mkBinOpExp integerType Xor args
mkExp (SOp LB32Compl [var]) =
PreBitCompl <$> mkVarAccess (Just $ integerType) var
mkExp (SOp LB32Z64 [var]) = mkZeroExt "longValue" 32 integerType longType var
mkExp (SOp LB32S64 [var]) = mkSignedExt "longValue" integerType longType var
mkExp (SOp LB32T8 [var]) =
(\ var -> MethodInv
$ TypeMethodCall (J.Name [Ident "Byte"])
(Ident "valueOf")
[ MethodInv $ PrimaryMethodCall var [] (Ident "byteValue") [] ]
<$> mkVarAccess (Just $ integerType) var
mkExp (SOp LB32T16 [var]) =
(\ var -> MethodInv
$ TypeMethodCall (J.Name [Ident "Short"])
(Ident "valueOf")
[ MethodInv $ PrimaryMethodCall var [] (Ident "shortValue") [] ]
<$> mkVarAccess (Just $ integerType) var
mkExp (SOp LB64Lt args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp longType LThan args
mkExp (SOp LB64Lte args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp longType LThanE args
mkExp (SOp LB64Eq args) =
mkMethodOpChain1 (mkBoolToNumber longType) longType "equals" args
mkExp (SOp LB64Gt args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp longType GThan args
mkExp (SOp LB64Gte args) = mkLogicalBinOpExp longType GThanE args
mkExp (SOp LB64Plus args) = mkBinOpExp longType Add args
mkExp (SOp LB64Minus args) = mkBinOpExp longType Sub args
mkExp (SOp LB64Times args) = mkBinOpExp longType Mult args
mkExp (SOp LB64UDiv (arg:args)) = do
(arg:args) <- mapM (mkVarAccess (Just longType)) (arg:args)
return $ foldl' (\ exp arg ->
MethodInv $ PrimaryMethodCall
( MethodInv $ PrimaryMethodCall
( MethodInv $ TypeMethodCall (J.Name [Ident "BigInteger"])
(Ident "valueOf")
[ exp ]
(Ident "divide")
[ MethodInv $ TypeMethodCall (J.Name [Ident "BigInteger"])
(Ident "valueOf")
[ arg ]
(Ident "longValue")
mkExp (SOp LB64SDiv args) = mkBinOpExp longType Div args
mkExp (SOp LB64URem (arg:args)) = do
(arg:args) <- mapM (mkVarAccess (Just longType)) (arg:args)
return $ foldl' (\ exp arg ->
MethodInv $ PrimaryMethodCall
( MethodInv $ PrimaryMethodCall
( MethodInv $ TypeMethodCall (J.Name [Ident "BigInteger"])
(Ident "valueOf")
[ exp ]
(Ident "remainder")
[ MethodInv $ TypeMethodCall (J.Name [Ident "BigInteger"])
(Ident "valueOf")
[ arg ]
(Ident "longValue")
mkExp (SOp LB64SRem args) = mkBinOpExp longType Rem args
mkExp (SOp LB64Shl args) = mkBinOpExp longType LShift args
mkExp (SOp LB64LShr args) = mkBinOpExp longType RRShift args
mkExp (SOp LB64AShr args) = mkBinOpExp longType RShift args
mkExp (SOp LB64And args) = mkBinOpExp longType And args
mkExp (SOp LB64Or args) = mkBinOpExp longType Or args
mkExp (SOp LB64Xor args) = mkBinOpExp longType Xor args
mkExp (SOp LB64Compl [var]) =
PreBitCompl <$> mkVarAccess (Just $ longType) var
mkExp (SOp LB64T8 [var]) =
(\ var -> MethodInv
$ TypeMethodCall (J.Name [Ident "Byte"])
(Ident "valueOf")
[ MethodInv
$ PrimaryMethodCall var [] (Ident "byteValue") []
<$> mkVarAccess (Just $ longType) var
mkExp (SOp LB64T16 [var]) =
(\ var -> MethodInv
$ TypeMethodCall (J.Name [Ident "Short"])
(Ident "valueOf")
[ MethodInv $ PrimaryMethodCall var [] (Ident "shortValue") [] ]
<$> mkVarAccess (Just $ longType) var
mkExp (SOp LB64T32 [var]) =
(\ var -> MethodInv
$ TypeMethodCall (J.Name [Ident "Integer"])
(Ident "valueOf")
[ MethodInv $ PrimaryMethodCall var [] (Ident "intValue") [] ]
<$> mkVarAccess (Just $ longType) var
mkExp (SOp LIntB8 [arg]) = mkExp (SOp LB32T8 [arg])
mkExp (SOp LIntB16 [arg]) = mkExp (SOp LB32T16 [arg])
mkExp (SOp LIntB32 [arg]) = mkExp (SV arg)
mkExp (SOp LIntB64 [arg]) = mkExp (SOp (LSExt IT32 IT64) [arg])
mkExp (SOp LIntB64 [arg]) = mkExp (SOp LB32S64 [arg])
mkExp (SOp LB32Int [arg]) = mkExp (SV arg)
mkExp (SOp LFExp [arg]) = mkMathFun "exp" arg
mkExp (SOp LFLog [arg]) = mkMathFun "log" arg

View File

@ -203,37 +203,37 @@ translateExpression (SApp True name vars) =
++ ";\n});"
translateExpression (SOp op vars)
| (LPlus _) <- op
| LPlus <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp "+" lhs rhs
| (LMinus _) <- op
| LMinus <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp "-" lhs rhs
| (LTimes _) <- op
| LTimes <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp "*" lhs rhs
| (LSDiv _) <- op
| LDiv <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp "/" lhs rhs
| (LSRem _) <- op
| LMod <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp "%" lhs rhs
| (LEq _) <- op
| LEq <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp "==" lhs rhs
| (LLt _) <- op
| LLt <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp "<" lhs rhs
| (LLe _) <- op
| LLe <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp "<=" lhs rhs
| (LGt _) <- op
| LGt <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp ">" lhs rhs
| (LGe _) <- op
| LGe <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp ">=" lhs rhs
| (LAnd _) <- op
| LAnd <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp "&" lhs rhs
| (LOr _) <- op
| LOr <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp "|" lhs rhs
| (LXOr _) <- op
| LXOr <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp "^" lhs rhs
| (LSHL _) <- op
| LSHL <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp "<<" rhs lhs
| (LASHR _) <- op
| LSHR <- op
, (lhs:rhs:_) <- vars = translateBinaryOp ">>" rhs lhs
| (LCompl _) <- op
| LCompl <- op
, (arg:_) <- vars = '~' : translateVariableName arg
| LBPlus <- op

View File

@ -284,21 +284,15 @@ getFTypes tm = case unApply tm of
_ -> Nothing
mkIty' (P _ (UN ty) _) = mkIty ty
mkIty' (App (P _ (UN "FIntT") _) (P _ (UN intTy) _)) = mkIntIty intTy
mkIty' _ = FAny
mkIty "FInt" = FInt
mkIty "FFloat" = FDouble
mkIty "FChar" = FChar
mkIty "FString" = FString
mkIty "FPtr" = FPtr
mkIty "FUnit" = FUnit
mkIntIty "ITNative" = FInt ITNative
mkIntIty "IT8" = FInt IT8
mkIntIty "IT16" = FInt IT16
mkIntIty "IT32" = FInt IT32
mkIntIty "IT64" = FInt IT64
zname = NS (UN "O") ["Nat","Prelude"]
sname = NS (UN "S") ["Nat","Prelude"]

View File

@ -92,16 +92,16 @@ pLDecl = do reserved "data"
pLExp = buildExpressionParser optable pLExp'
optable = [[binary "*" (\x y -> LOp (LTimes ITNative) [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "/" (\x y -> LOp (LSDiv ITNative) [x,y]) AssocLeft,
optable = [[binary "*" (\x y -> LOp LTimes [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "/" (\x y -> LOp LDiv [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "*." (\x y -> LOp LFTimes [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "/." (\x y -> LOp LFDiv [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "*:" (\x y -> LOp LBTimes [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "/:" (\x y -> LOp LBDiv [x,y]) AssocLeft
binary "+" (\x y -> LOp (LPlus ITNative) [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "-" (\x y -> LOp (LMinus ITNative) [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "+" (\x y -> LOp LPlus [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "-" (\x y -> LOp LMinus [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "++" (\x y -> LOp LStrConcat [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "+." (\x y -> LOp LFPlus [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "-." (\x y -> LOp LFMinus [x,y]) AssocLeft,
@ -109,15 +109,15 @@ optable = [[binary "*" (\x y -> LOp (LTimes ITNative) [x,y]) AssocLeft,
binary "-:" (\x y -> LOp LBMinus [x,y]) AssocLeft
binary "==" (\x y -> LOp (LEq ITNative) [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary "==" (\x y -> LOp LEq [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary "==." (\x y -> LOp LFEq [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary "<" (\x y -> LOp (LLt ITNative) [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary "<" (\x y -> LOp LLt [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary "<." (\x y -> LOp LFLt [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary ">" (\x y -> LOp (LGt ITNative) [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary ">" (\x y -> LOp LGt [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary ">." (\x y -> LOp LFGt [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary "<=" (\x y -> LOp (LLe ITNative) [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary "<=" (\x y -> LOp LLe [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary "<=." (\x y -> LOp LFLe [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary ">=" (\x y -> LOp (LGe ITNative) [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary ">=" (\x y -> LOp LGe [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary ">=." (\x y -> LOp LFGe [x, y]) AssocNone,
binary "==:" (\x y -> LOp LBEq [x, y]) AssocNone,
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ pLExp' = try (do lchar '%'; pCast)
pLang = do reserved "C"; return LANG_C
pType = do reserved "Int"; return (FInt ITNative)
pType = do reserved "Int"; return FInt
<|> do reserved "Float"; return FDouble
<|> do reserved "String"; return FString
<|> do reserved "Unit"; return FUnit

View File

@ -28,29 +28,9 @@ data LExp = LV LVar
-- Primitive operators. Backends are not *required* to implement all
-- of these, but should report an error if they are unable
data IntTy = ITNative | IT8 | IT16 | IT32 | IT64
deriving (Show, Eq)
intTyWidth :: IntTy -> Int
intTyWidth IT8 = 8
intTyWidth IT16 = 16
intTyWidth IT32 = 32
intTyWidth IT64 = 64
intTyWidth ITNative = error "IRTS.Lang.intTyWidth: Native integer width is unspecified"
intTyToConst :: IntTy -> Const
intTyToConst IT8 = B8Type
intTyToConst IT16 = B16Type
intTyToConst IT32 = B32Type
intTyToConst IT64 = B64Type
intTyToConst ITNative = IType
data PrimFn = LPlus IntTy | LMinus IntTy | LTimes IntTy
| LUDiv IntTy | LSDiv IntTy | LURem IntTy | LSRem IntTy
| LAnd IntTy | LOr IntTy | LXOr IntTy | LCompl IntTy
| LSHL IntTy | LLSHR IntTy | LASHR IntTy
| LEq IntTy | LLt IntTy | LLe IntTy | LGt IntTy | LGe IntTy
| LSExt IntTy IntTy | LZExt IntTy IntTy | LTrunc IntTy IntTy
data PrimFn = LPlus | LMinus | LTimes | LDiv | LMod
| LAnd | LOr | LXOr | LCompl | LSHL| LSHR
| LEq | LLt | LLe | LGt | LGe
| LFPlus | LFMinus | LFTimes | LFDiv
| LFEq | LFLt | LFLe | LFGt | LFGe
| LBPlus | LBMinus | LBDec | LBTimes | LBDiv | LBMod
@ -60,6 +40,22 @@ data PrimFn = LPlus IntTy | LMinus IntTy | LTimes IntTy
| LIntBig | LBigInt | LStrBig | LBigStr | LChInt | LIntCh
| LPrintNum | LPrintStr | LReadStr
| LB8Lt | LB8Lte | LB8Eq | LB8Gt | LB8Gte
| LB8Plus | LB8Minus | LB8Times | LB8UDiv | LB8SDiv | LB8URem | LB8SRem
| LB8Shl | LB8LShr | LB8AShr | LB8And | LB8Or | LB8Xor | LB8Compl
| LB8Z16 | LB8Z32 | LB8Z64 | LB8S16 | LB8S32 | LB8S64 -- Zero/Sign extension
| LB16Lt | LB16Lte | LB16Eq | LB16Gt | LB16Gte
| LB16Plus | LB16Minus | LB16Times | LB16UDiv | LB16SDiv | LB16URem | LB16SRem
| LB16Shl | LB16LShr | LB16AShr | LB16And | LB16Or | LB16Xor | LB16Compl
| LB16Z32 | LB16Z64 | LB16S32 | LB16S64 | LB16T8 -- and Truncation
| LB32Lt | LB32Lte | LB32Eq | LB32Gt | LB32Gte
| LB32Plus | LB32Minus | LB32Times | LB32UDiv | LB32SDiv | LB32URem | LB32SRem
| LB32Shl | LB32LShr | LB32AShr | LB32And | LB32Or | LB32Xor | LB32Compl
| LB32Z64 | LB32S64 | LB32T8 | LB32T16
| LB64Lt | LB64Lte | LB64Eq | LB64Gt | LB64Gte
| LB64Plus | LB64Minus | LB64Times | LB64UDiv | LB64SDiv | LB64URem | LB64SRem
| LB64Shl | LB64LShr | LB64AShr | LB64And | LB64Or | LB64Xor | LB64Compl
| LB64T8 | LB64T16 | LB64T32
| LIntB8 | LIntB16 | LIntB32 | LIntB64 | LB32Int
| LFExp | LFLog | LFSin | LFCos | LFTan | LFASin | LFACos | LFATan
@ -80,7 +76,7 @@ data PrimFn = LPlus IntTy | LMinus IntTy | LTimes IntTy
data FLang = LANG_C
deriving (Show, Eq)
data FType = FInt IntTy | FChar | FString | FUnit | FPtr | FDouble | FAny
data FType = FInt | FChar | FString | FUnit | FPtr | FDouble | FAny
deriving (Show, Eq)
data LAlt = LConCase Int Name [Name] LExp

View File

@ -35,68 +35,247 @@ partial = Partial NotCovering
primitives =
-- operators
[Prim (UN "prim__addInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (iBin (+))
(2, LPlus ITNative) total,
(2, LPlus) total,
Prim (UN "prim__subInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (iBin (-))
(2, LMinus ITNative) total,
(2, LMinus) total,
Prim (UN "prim__mulInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (iBin (*))
(2, LTimes ITNative) total,
(2, LTimes) total,
Prim (UN "prim__divInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (iBin div)
(2, LSDiv ITNative) partial,
(2, LDiv) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__modInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (iBin mod)
(2, LSRem ITNative) partial,
(2, LMod) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__andInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (iBin (.&.))
(2, LAnd ITNative) partial,
(2, LAnd) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__orInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (iBin (.|.))
(2, LOr ITNative) partial,
(2, LOr) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__xorInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (iBin xor)
(2, LXOr ITNative) partial,
(2, LXOr) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__shLInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (iBin shiftL)
(2, LSHL ITNative) partial,
(2, LSHL) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__shRInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (iBin shiftR)
(2, LASHR ITNative) partial,
(2, LSHR) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__complInt") (ty [IType] IType) 1 (iUn complement)
(1, LCompl ITNative) partial,
(1, LCompl) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__eqInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (biBin (==))
(2, LEq ITNative) total,
(2, LEq) total,
Prim (UN "prim__ltInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (biBin (<))
(2, LLt ITNative) total,
(2, LLt) total,
Prim (UN "prim__lteInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (biBin (<=))
(2, LLe ITNative) total,
(2, LLe) total,
Prim (UN "prim__gtInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (biBin (>))
(2, LGt ITNative) total,
(2, LGt) total,
Prim (UN "prim__gteInt") (ty [IType, IType] IType) 2 (biBin (>=))
(2, LGe ITNative) total,
(2, LGe) total,
Prim (UN "prim__eqChar") (ty [ChType, ChType] IType) 2 (bcBin (==))
(2, LEq ITNative) total,
(2, LEq) total,
Prim (UN "prim__ltChar") (ty [ChType, ChType] IType) 2 (bcBin (<))
(2, LLt ITNative) total,
(2, LLt) total,
Prim (UN "prim__lteChar") (ty [ChType, ChType] IType) 2 (bcBin (<=))
(2, LLe ITNative) total,
(2, LLe) total,
Prim (UN "prim__gtChar") (ty [ChType, ChType] IType) 2 (bcBin (>))
(2, LGt ITNative) total,
(2, LGt) total,
Prim (UN "prim__gteChar") (ty [ChType, ChType] IType) 2 (bcBin (>=))
(2, LGe ITNative) total,
(2, LGe) total,
iCoerce IT8 IT16 "zext" zext LZExt,
iCoerce IT8 IT32 "zext" zext LZExt,
iCoerce IT8 IT64 "zext" zext LZExt,
iCoerce IT16 IT32 "zext" zext LZExt,
iCoerce IT16 IT64 "zext" zext LZExt,
iCoerce IT32 IT64 "zext" zext LZExt,
Prim (UN "prim__ltB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] IType) 2 (b8Cmp (<))
(2, LB8Lt) total,
Prim (UN "prim__lteB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] IType) 2 (b8Cmp (<=))
(2, LB8Lte) total,
Prim (UN "prim__eqB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] IType) 2 (b8Cmp (==))
(2, LB8Eq) total,
Prim (UN "prim__gteB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] IType) 2 (b8Cmp (>))
(2, LB8Gte) total,
Prim (UN "prim__gtB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] IType) 2 (b8Cmp (>=))
(2, LB8Gt) total,
Prim (UN "prim__addB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin (+))
(2, LB8Plus) total,
Prim (UN "prim__subB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin (-))
(2, LB8Minus) total,
Prim (UN "prim__mulB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin (*))
(2, LB8Times) total,
Prim (UN "prim__udivB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin div)
(2, LB8UDiv) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__sdivB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin s8div)
(2, LB8SDiv) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__uremB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin rem)
(2, LB8URem) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__sremB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin s8rem)
(2, LB8SRem) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__shlB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin (\x y -> shiftL x (fromIntegral y)))
(2, LB8Shl) total,
Prim (UN "prim__lshrB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin (\x y -> shiftR x (fromIntegral y)))
(2, LB8AShr) total,
Prim (UN "prim__ashrB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin (\x y -> fromIntegral $
shiftR (fromIntegral x :: Int8)
(fromIntegral y)))
(2, LB8LShr) total,
Prim (UN "prim__andB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin (.&.))
(2, LB8And) total,
Prim (UN "prim__orB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin (.|.))
(2, LB8Or) total,
Prim (UN "prim__xorB8") (ty [B8Type, B8Type] B8Type) 2 (b8Bin xor)
(2, LB8Xor) total,
Prim (UN "prim__complB8") (ty [B8Type] B8Type) 1 (b8Un complement)
(1, LB8Compl) total,
Prim (UN "prim__zextB8_16") (ty [B8Type] B16Type) 1 zext8_16
(1, LB8Z16) total,
Prim (UN "prim__zextB8_32") (ty [B8Type] B32Type) 1 zext8_32
(1, LB8Z32) total,
Prim (UN "prim__zextB8_64") (ty [B8Type] B64Type) 1 zext8_64
(1, LB8Z64) total,
Prim (UN "prim__sextB8_16") (ty [B8Type] B16Type) 1 sext8_16
(1, LB8Z16) total,
Prim (UN "prim__sextB8_32") (ty [B8Type] B32Type) 1 sext8_32
(1, LB8Z32) total,
Prim (UN "prim__sextB8_64") (ty [B8Type] B64Type) 1 sext8_64
(1, LB8Z64) total,
iCoerce IT8 IT16 "sext" sext LSExt,
iCoerce IT8 IT32 "sext" sext LSExt,
iCoerce IT8 IT64 "sext" sext LSExt,
iCoerce IT16 IT32 "sext" sext LSExt,
iCoerce IT16 IT64 "sext" sext LSExt,
iCoerce IT32 IT64 "sext" sext LSExt,
Prim (UN "prim__ltB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] IType) 2 (b16Cmp (<))
(2, LB16Lt) total,
Prim (UN "prim__lteB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] IType) 2 (b16Cmp (<=))
(2, LB16Lte) total,
Prim (UN "prim__eqB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] IType) 2 (b16Cmp (==))
(2, LB16Eq) total,
Prim (UN "prim__gteB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] IType) 2 (b16Cmp (>))
(2, LB16Gte) total,
Prim (UN "prim__gtB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] IType) 2 (b16Cmp (>=))
(2, LB16Gt) total,
Prim (UN "prim__addB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin (+))
(2, LB16Plus) total,
Prim (UN "prim__subB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin (-))
(2, LB16Minus) total,
Prim (UN "prim__mulB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin (*))
(2, LB16Times) total,
Prim (UN "prim__udivB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin div)
(2, LB16UDiv) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__sdivB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin s16div)
(2, LB16SDiv) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__uremB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin rem)
(2, LB16URem) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__sremB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin s16rem)
(2, LB16SRem) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__shlB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin (\x y -> shiftL x (fromIntegral y)))
(2, LB16Shl) total,
Prim (UN "prim__lshrB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin (\x y -> shiftR x (fromIntegral y)))
(2, LB16AShr) total,
Prim (UN "prim__ashrB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin (\x y -> fromIntegral $
shiftR (fromIntegral x :: Int16)
(fromIntegral y)))
(2, LB16LShr) total,
Prim (UN "prim__andB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin (.&.))
(2, LB16And) total,
Prim (UN "prim__orB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin (.|.))
(2, LB16Or) total,
Prim (UN "prim__xorB16") (ty [B16Type, B16Type] B16Type) 2 (b16Bin xor)
(2, LB16Xor) total,
Prim (UN "prim__complB16") (ty [B16Type] B16Type) 1 (b16Un complement)
(1, LB16Compl) total,
Prim (UN "prim__zextB16_32") (ty [B16Type] B32Type) 1 zext16_32
(1, LB16Z32) total,
Prim (UN "prim__zextB16_64") (ty [B16Type] B64Type) 1 zext16_64
(1, LB16Z64) total,
Prim (UN "prim__sextB16_32") (ty [B16Type] B32Type) 1 sext16_32
(1, LB16Z32) total,
Prim (UN "prim__sextB16_64") (ty [B16Type] B64Type) 1 sext16_64
(1, LB16Z64) total,
Prim (UN "prim__truncB16_8") (ty [B16Type] B8Type) 1 trunc16_8
(1, LB16T8) total,
iCoerce IT16 IT8 "trunc" trunc LTrunc,
iCoerce IT32 IT8 "trunc" trunc LTrunc,
iCoerce IT64 IT8 "trunc" trunc LTrunc,
iCoerce IT32 IT16 "trunc" trunc LTrunc,
iCoerce IT64 IT16 "trunc" trunc LTrunc,
iCoerce IT64 IT32 "trunc" trunc LTrunc,
Prim (UN "prim__ltB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] IType) 2 (b32Cmp (<))
(2, LB32Lt) total,
Prim (UN "prim__lteB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] IType) 2 (b32Cmp (<=))
(2, LB32Lte) total,
Prim (UN "prim__eqB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] IType) 2 (b32Cmp (==))
(2, LB32Eq) total,
Prim (UN "prim__gteB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] IType) 2 (b32Cmp (>))
(2, LB32Gte) total,
Prim (UN "prim__gtB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] IType) 2 (b32Cmp (>=))
(2, LB32Gt) total,
Prim (UN "prim__addB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin (+))
(2, LB32Plus) total,
Prim (UN "prim__subB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin (-))
(2, LB32Minus) total,
Prim (UN "prim__mulB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin (*))
(2, LB32Times) total,
Prim (UN "prim__udivB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin div)
(2, LB32UDiv) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__sdivB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin s32div)
(2, LB32SDiv) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__uremB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin rem)
(2, LB32URem) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__sremB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin s32rem)
(2, LB32SRem) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__shlB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin (\x y -> shiftL x (fromIntegral y)))
(2, LB32Shl) total,
Prim (UN "prim__lshrB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin (\x y -> shiftR x (fromIntegral y)))
(2, LB32AShr) total,
Prim (UN "prim__ashrB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin (\x y -> fromIntegral $
shiftR (fromIntegral x :: Int32)
(fromIntegral y)))
(2, LB32LShr) total,
Prim (UN "prim__andB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin (.&.))
(2, LB32And) total,
Prim (UN "prim__orB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin (.|.))
(2, LB32Or) total,
Prim (UN "prim__xorB32") (ty [B32Type, B32Type] B32Type) 2 (b32Bin xor)
(2, LB32Xor) total,
Prim (UN "prim__complB32") (ty [B32Type] B32Type) 1 (b32Un complement)
(1, LB32Compl) total,
Prim (UN "prim__zextB32_64") (ty [B32Type] B64Type) 1 zext32_64
(1, LB32Z64) total,
Prim (UN "prim__sextB32_64") (ty [B32Type] B64Type) 1 sext32_64
(1, LB32Z64) total,
Prim (UN "prim__truncB32_8") (ty [B32Type] B8Type) 1 trunc32_8
(1, LB32T8) total,
Prim (UN "prim__truncB32_16") (ty [B32Type] B16Type) 1 trunc32_16
(1, LB32T16) total,
Prim (UN "prim__ltB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] IType) 2 (b64Cmp (<))
(2, LB64Lt) total,
Prim (UN "prim__lteB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] IType) 2 (b64Cmp (<=))
(2, LB64Lte) total,
Prim (UN "prim__eqB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] IType) 2 (b64Cmp (==))
(2, LB64Eq) total,
Prim (UN "prim__gteB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] IType) 2 (b64Cmp (>))
(2, LB64Gte) total,
Prim (UN "prim__gtB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] IType) 2 (b64Cmp (>=))
(2, LB64Gt) total,
Prim (UN "prim__addB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin (+))
(2, LB64Plus) total,
Prim (UN "prim__subB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin (-))
(2, LB64Minus) total,
Prim (UN "prim__mulB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin (*))
(2, LB64Times) total,
Prim (UN "prim__udivB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin div)
(2, LB64UDiv) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__sdivB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin s64div)
(2, LB64SDiv) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__uremB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin rem)
(2, LB64URem) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__sremB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin s64rem)
(2, LB64SRem) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__shlB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin (\x y -> shiftL x (fromIntegral y)))
(2, LB64Shl) total,
Prim (UN "prim__lshrB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin (\x y -> shiftR x (fromIntegral y)))
(2, LB64AShr) total,
Prim (UN "prim__ashrB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin (\x y -> fromIntegral $
shiftR (fromIntegral x :: Int64)
(fromIntegral y)))
(2, LB64LShr) total,
Prim (UN "prim__andB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin (.&.))
(2, LB64And) total,
Prim (UN "prim__orB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin (.|.))
(2, LB64Or) total,
Prim (UN "prim__xorB64") (ty [B64Type, B64Type] B64Type) 2 (b64Bin xor)
(2, LB64Xor) total,
Prim (UN "prim__complB64") (ty [B64Type] B64Type) 1 (b64Un complement)
(1, LB64Compl) total,
Prim (UN "prim__truncB64_8") (ty [B64Type] B8Type) 1 trunc64_8
(1, LB64T8) total,
Prim (UN "prim__truncB64_16") (ty [B64Type] B16Type) 1 trunc64_16
(1, LB64T16) total,
Prim (UN "prim__truncB64_32") (ty [B64Type] B32Type) 1 trunc64_32
(1, LB64T32) total,
Prim (UN "prim__intToB8") (ty [IType] B8Type) 1 intToBits8
(1, LIntB8) total,
@ -223,36 +402,7 @@ primitives =
(0, LStdIn) partial,
Prim (UN "prim__believe_me") believeTy 3 (p_believeMe)
(3, LNoOp) partial -- ahem
] ++ concatMap intOps [IT8, IT16, IT32, IT64]
intOps ity =
[ iCmp ity "lt" (bCmp ity (<)) LLt total
, iCmp ity "lte" (bCmp ity (<=)) LLe total
, iCmp ity "eq" (bCmp ity (==)) LEq total
, iCmp ity "gte" (bCmp ity (>=)) LGe total
, iCmp ity "gt" (bCmp ity (>)) LGt total
, iBinOp ity "add" (bitBin ity (+)) LPlus total
, iBinOp ity "sub" (bitBin ity (-)) LMinus total
, iBinOp ity "mul" (bitBin ity (*)) LTimes total
, iBinOp ity "udiv" (bitBin ity div) LUDiv partial
, iBinOp ity "sdiv" (bsdiv ity) LSDiv partial
, iBinOp ity "urem" (bitBin ity rem) LURem partial
, iBinOp ity "srem" (bsrem ity) LSRem partial
, iBinOp ity "shl" (bitBin ity (\x y -> shiftL x (fromIntegral y))) LSHL total
, iBinOp ity "lshr" (bitBin ity (\x y -> shiftR x (fromIntegral y))) LLSHR total
, iBinOp ity "ashr" (bashr ity) LASHR total
, iBinOp ity "and" (bitBin ity (.&.)) LAnd total
, iBinOp ity "or" (bitBin ity (.|.)) LOr total
, iBinOp ity "xor" (bitBin ity (xor)) LXOr total
, iUnOp ity "compl" (bUn ity complement) LCompl total
iCmp ity op impl irop totality = Prim (UN $ "prim__" ++ op ++ "B" ++ show (intTyWidth ity)) (ty (replicate 2 $ intTyToConst ity) IType) 2 impl (2, irop ity) totality
iBinOp ity op impl irop totality = Prim (UN $ "prim__" ++ op ++ "B" ++ show (intTyWidth ity)) (ty (replicate 2 $ intTyToConst ity) (intTyToConst ity)) 2 impl (2, irop ity) totality
iUnOp ity op impl irop totality = Prim (UN $ "prim__" ++ op ++ "B" ++ show (intTyWidth ity)) (ty [intTyToConst ity] (intTyToConst ity)) 1 impl (1, irop ity) totality
iCoerce from to op impl irop =
Prim (UN $ "prim__" ++ op ++ "B" ++ show (intTyWidth from) ++ "_" ++ show (intTyWidth to))
(ty [intTyToConst from] (intTyToConst to)) 1 (impl from to) (1, irop from to) total
p_believeMe [_,_,x] = Just x
p_believeMe _ = Nothing
@ -291,96 +441,132 @@ bsBin _ _ = Nothing
sBin op [VConstant (Str x), VConstant (Str y)] = Just $ VConstant (Str (op x y))
sBin _ _ = Nothing
bsrem IT8 [VConstant (B8 x), VConstant (B8 y)]
= Just $ VConstant (B8 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `rem` fromIntegral y :: Int8)))
bsrem IT16 [VConstant (B16 x), VConstant (B16 y)]
= Just $ VConstant (B16 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `rem` fromIntegral y :: Int16)))
bsrem IT32 [VConstant (B32 x), VConstant (B32 y)]
= Just $ VConstant (B32 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `rem` fromIntegral y :: Int32)))
bsrem IT64 [VConstant (B64 x), VConstant (B64 y)]
= Just $ VConstant (B64 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `rem` fromIntegral y :: Int64)))
bsrem ITNative [VConstant (I x), VConstant (I y)] = Just $ VConstant (I (x `rem` y))
bsrem _ _ = Nothing
s8div :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
s8div x y = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `div` fromIntegral y :: Int8)
bsdiv IT8 [VConstant (B8 x), VConstant (B8 y)]
= Just $ VConstant (B8 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `div` fromIntegral y :: Int8)))
bsdiv IT16 [VConstant (B16 x), VConstant (B16 y)]
= Just $ VConstant (B16 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `div` fromIntegral y :: Int16)))
bsdiv IT32 [VConstant (B32 x), VConstant (B32 y)]
= Just $ VConstant (B32 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `div` fromIntegral y :: Int32)))
bsdiv IT64 [VConstant (B64 x), VConstant (B64 y)]
= Just $ VConstant (B64 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `div` fromIntegral y :: Int64)))
bsdiv ITNative [VConstant (I x), VConstant (I y)] = Just $ VConstant (I (x `div` y))
bsdiv _ _ = Nothing
s16div :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16
s16div x y = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `div` fromIntegral y :: Int16)
bashr IT8 [VConstant (B8 x), VConstant (B8 y)]
= Just $ VConstant (B8 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `shiftR` fromIntegral y :: Int8)))
bashr IT16 [VConstant (B16 x), VConstant (B16 y)]
= Just $ VConstant (B16 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `shiftR` fromIntegral y :: Int16)))
bashr IT32 [VConstant (B32 x), VConstant (B32 y)]
= Just $ VConstant (B32 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `shiftR` fromIntegral y :: Int32)))
bashr IT64 [VConstant (B64 x), VConstant (B64 y)]
= Just $ VConstant (B64 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `shiftR` fromIntegral y :: Int64)))
bashr ITNative [VConstant (I x), VConstant (I y)] = Just $ VConstant (I (x `shiftR` y))
bashr _ _ = Nothing
s32div :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
s32div x y = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `div` fromIntegral y :: Int32)
bUn :: IntTy -> (forall a. Bits a => a -> a) -> [Value] -> Maybe Value
bUn IT8 op [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B8 (op x))
bUn IT16 op [VConstant (B16 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B16 (op x))
bUn IT32 op [VConstant (B32 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B32 (op x))
bUn IT64 op [VConstant (B64 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B64 (op x))
bUn _ _ _ = Nothing
s64div :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64
s64div x y = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `div` fromIntegral y :: Int64)
bitBin :: IntTy -> (forall a. (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> a -> a) -> [Value] -> Maybe Value
bitBin IT8 op [VConstant (B8 x), VConstant (B8 y)] = Just $ VConstant (B8 (op x y))
bitBin IT16 op [VConstant (B16 x), VConstant (B16 y)] = Just $ VConstant (B16 (op x y))
bitBin IT32 op [VConstant (B32 x), VConstant (B32 y)] = Just $ VConstant (B32 (op x y))
bitBin IT64 op [VConstant (B64 x), VConstant (B64 y)] = Just $ VConstant (B64 (op x y))
bitBin _ _ _ = Nothing
s8rem :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
s8rem x y = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `rem` fromIntegral y :: Int8)
bCmp :: IntTy -> (forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool) -> [Value] -> Maybe Value
bCmp IT8 op [VConstant (B8 x), VConstant (B8 y)] = Just $ VConstant (I (if (op x y) then 1 else 0))
bCmp IT16 op [VConstant (B16 x), VConstant (B16 y)] = Just $ VConstant (I (if (op x y) then 1 else 0))
bCmp IT32 op [VConstant (B32 x), VConstant (B32 y)] = Just $ VConstant (I (if (op x y) then 1 else 0))
bCmp IT64 op [VConstant (B64 x), VConstant (B64 y)] = Just $ VConstant (I (if (op x y) then 1 else 0))
bCmp _ _ _ = Nothing
s16rem :: Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16
s16rem x y = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `rem` fromIntegral y :: Int16)
toB IT8 x = VConstant (B8 (fromIntegral x))
toB IT16 x = VConstant (B16 (fromIntegral x))
toB IT32 x = VConstant (B32 (fromIntegral x))
toB IT64 x = VConstant (B64 (fromIntegral x))
s32rem :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
s32rem x y = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `rem` fromIntegral y :: Int32)
zext IT8 IT16 [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B16 (fromIntegral x))
zext IT8 IT32 [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B32 (fromIntegral x))
zext IT8 IT64 [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B64 (fromIntegral x))
zext IT16 IT32 [VConstant (B16 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B32 (fromIntegral x))
zext IT16 IT64 [VConstant (B16 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B64 (fromIntegral x))
zext IT32 IT64 [VConstant (B32 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B64 (fromIntegral x))
zext _ _ _ = Nothing
s64rem :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64
s64rem x y = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x `rem` fromIntegral y :: Int64)
sext IT8 IT16 [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B16 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int8)))
sext IT8 IT32 [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B32 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int8)))
sext IT8 IT64 [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B64 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int8)))
sext IT16 IT32 [VConstant (B16 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B32 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int16)))
sext IT16 IT64 [VConstant (B16 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B64 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int16)))
sext IT32 IT64 [VConstant (B32 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B64 (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int32)))
sext _ _ _ = Nothing
b8Bin op [VConstant (B8 x), VConstant (B8 y)] = Just $ VConstant (B8 (op x y))
b8Bin _ _ = Nothing
trunc IT16 IT8 [VConstant (B16 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B8 (fromIntegral x))
trunc IT32 IT8 [VConstant (B32 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B8 (fromIntegral x))
trunc IT64 IT8 [VConstant (B64 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B8 (fromIntegral x))
trunc IT32 IT16 [VConstant (B32 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B16 (fromIntegral x))
trunc IT64 IT16 [VConstant (B64 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B16 (fromIntegral x))
trunc IT64 IT32 [VConstant (B64 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B32 (fromIntegral x))
trunc _ _ _ = Nothing
b8Un op [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B8 (op x))
b8Un _ _ = Nothing
intToBits8 [VConstant (I x)] = Just $ toB IT8 x
b16Bin op [VConstant (B16 x), VConstant (B16 y)] = Just $ VConstant (B16 (op x y))
b16Bin _ _ = Nothing
b16Un op [VConstant (B16 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B16 (op x))
b16Un _ _ = Nothing
b32Bin op [VConstant (B32 x), VConstant (B32 y)] = Just $ VConstant (B32 (op x y))
b32Bin _ _ = Nothing
b32Un op [VConstant (B32 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B32 (op x))
b32Un _ _ = Nothing
b64Bin op [VConstant (B64 x), VConstant (B64 y)] = Just $ VConstant (B64 (op x y))
b64Bin _ _ = Nothing
b64Un op [VConstant (B64 x)] = Just $ VConstant (B64 (op x))
b64Un _ _ = Nothing
b8Cmp op [VConstant (B8 x), VConstant (B8 y)] = Just $ VConstant (I (if (op x y) then 1 else 0))
b8Cmp _ _ = Nothing
b16Cmp op [VConstant (B16 x), VConstant (B16 y)] = Just $ VConstant (I (if (op x y) then 1 else 0))
b16Cmp _ _ = Nothing
b32Cmp op [VConstant (B32 x), VConstant (B32 y)] = Just $ VConstant (I (if (op x y) then 1 else 0))
b32Cmp _ _ = Nothing
b64Cmp op [VConstant (B64 x), VConstant (B64 y)] = Just $ VConstant (I (if (op x y) then 1 else 0))
b64Cmp _ _ = Nothing
toB8 x = VConstant (B8 (fromIntegral x))
toB16 x = VConstant (B16 (fromIntegral x))
toB32 x = VConstant (B32 (fromIntegral x))
toB64 x = VConstant (B64 (fromIntegral x))
zext8_16 [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ toB16 x
zext8_16 _ = Nothing
zext8_32 [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ toB32 x
zext8_32 _ = Nothing
zext8_64 [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ toB64 x
zext8_64 _ = Nothing
sext8_16 [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ toB16 (fromIntegral x :: Int8)
sext8_16 _ = Nothing
sext8_32 [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ toB32 (fromIntegral x :: Int8)
sext8_32 _ = Nothing
sext8_64 [VConstant (B8 x)] = Just $ toB64 (fromIntegral x :: Int8)
sext8_64 _ = Nothing
zext16_32 [VConstant (B16 x)] = Just $ toB32 x
zext16_32 _ = Nothing
zext16_64 [VConstant (B16 x)] = Just $ toB64 x
zext16_64 _ = Nothing
sext16_32 [VConstant (B16 x)] = Just $ toB32 (fromIntegral x :: Int16)
sext16_32 _ = Nothing
sext16_64 [VConstant (B16 x)] = Just $ toB64 (fromIntegral x :: Int16)
sext16_64 _ = Nothing
trunc16_8 [VConstant (B16 x)] = Just $ toB8 x
trunc16_8 _ = Nothing
zext32_64 [VConstant (B32 x)] = Just $ toB64 x
zext32_64 _ = Nothing
sext32_64 [VConstant (B32 x)] = Just $ toB64 (fromIntegral x :: Int32)
sext32_64 _ = Nothing
trunc32_8 [VConstant (B32 x)] = Just $ toB8 x
trunc32_8 _ = Nothing
trunc32_16 [VConstant (B32 x)] = Just $ toB16 x
trunc32_16 _ = Nothing
trunc64_8 [VConstant (B64 x)] = Just $ toB8 x
trunc64_8 _ = Nothing
trunc64_16 [VConstant (B64 x)] = Just $ toB16 x
trunc64_16 _ = Nothing
trunc64_32 [VConstant (B64 x)] = Just $ toB32 x
trunc64_32 _ = Nothing
intToBits8 [VConstant (I x)] = Just $ toB8 x
intToBits8 _ = Nothing
intToBits16 [VConstant (I x)] = Just $ toB IT16 x
intToBits16 [VConstant (I x)] = Just $ toB16 x
intToBits16 _ = Nothing
intToBits32 [VConstant (I x)] = Just $ toB IT32 x
intToBits32 [VConstant (I x)] = Just $ toB32 x
intToBits32 _ = Nothing
intToBits64 [VConstant (I x)] = Just $ toB IT64 x
intToBits64 [VConstant (I x)] = Just $ toB64 x
intToBits64 _ = Nothing
bits32ToInt [VConstant (B32 x)] = Just $ VConstant (I (fromIntegral x))