Add comments, add version number to CHANGELOG.

This commit is contained in:
Matus Tejiscak 2017-08-04 11:54:29 +01:00
parent 47bcbf8b98
commit 0fcab9178a
2 changed files with 43 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# New in ...
# New in 1.1.1
+ Erasure analysis is now faster thanks to a bit smarter constraint solving.

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@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ type Constraint = (Cond, DepSet)
-- Typical numbers from the current version of Blodwen:
-- * 56 iterations until fixpoint
-- * out of 20k constraints total, 5-200 are relevant per iteration
-- * out of 20k constraints total, 5-1000 are relevant per iteration
minimalUsage :: Deps -> (Deps, (Set Name, UseMap))
minimalUsage deps
= fromNumbered *** gather
@ -166,6 +166,8 @@ minimalUsage deps
numbered = toNumbered deps
-- The initial solution. Consists of nodes that are
-- reachable immediately, without any preconditions.
seedDeps :: DepSet
seedDeps = M.unionsWith S.union [ds | (cond, ds) <- IM.elems numbered, S.null cond]
@ -177,6 +179,8 @@ minimalUsage deps
addConstraint (ns, vs) = M.insertWith (M.unionWith S.union) ns vs
-- Build an index that maps every node to the set of constraints
-- where the node appears among the preconditions.
index :: IntMap Constraint -> Map Node IntSet
index = IM.foldrWithKey (
-- for each clause (i. ns --> _ds)
@ -186,6 +190,9 @@ minimalUsage deps
) ix (S.toList ns)
) M.empty
-- Convert a solution of constraints into:
-- 1. the list of names used in the program
-- 2. the list of arguments used, together with their reasons
gather :: DepSet -> (Set Name, UseMap)
gather = foldr ins (S.empty, M.empty) . M.toList
@ -193,16 +200,25 @@ minimalUsage deps
ins ((n, Result), rs) (ns, umap) = (S.insert n ns, umap)
ins ((n, Arg i ), rs) (ns, umap) = (ns, M.insertWith (IM.unionWith S.union) n (IM.singleton i rs) umap)
-- | In each iteration, we find the set of nodes immediately reachable
-- from the current set of constraints, and then reduce the set of constraints
-- based on that knowledge.
-- In the implementation, this is phase-shifted. We first reduce the set
-- of constraints, given the newly reachable nodes from the previous iteration,
-- and then compute the set of currently reachable nodes.
:: Map Node IntSet
-> DepSet
-> DepSet
-> IntMap Constraint
:: Map Node IntSet -- ^ node index
-> DepSet -- ^ all reachable nodes found so far
-> DepSet -- ^ nodes reached in the previous iteration
-> IntMap Constraint -- ^ numbered constraints
-> (IntMap Constraint, DepSet)
forwardChain index solution previouslyNew constrs
-- no newly reachable nodes, fixed point has been reached
| M.null currentlyNew
= (constrs, solution)
-- some newly reachable nodes, iterate more
| otherwise
= forwardChain index
(M.unionWith S.union solution currentlyNew)
@ -226,25 +242,38 @@ forwardChain index solution previouslyNew constrs
(M.empty, constrs)
-- Update the pair (newly reached nodes, numbered constraint set)
-- by reducing the constraint with the given number.
:: Set Node
-> Int
:: Set Node -- ^ nodes reached in the previous iteration
-> Int -- ^ constraint number
-> (DepSet, IntMap (Cond, DepSet))
-> (DepSet, IntMap (Cond, DepSet))
reduceConstraint previouslyNew i (news, clauses)
| Just (cond, deps) <- IM.lookup i clauses
reduceConstraint previouslyNew i (news, constrs)
| Just (cond, deps) <- IM.lookup i constrs
= case cond S.\\ previouslyNew of
-- This constraint's set of preconditions has shrunk
-- to the empty set. We can add its RHS to the set of newly
-- reached nodes, and remove the constraint altogether.
| S.null cond'
-> (M.unionWith S.union news deps, IM.delete i clauses)
-> (M.unionWith S.union news deps, IM.delete i constrs)
-- This constraint's set of preconditions has shrunk
-- so we need to overwrite the numbered slot
-- with the updated constraint.
| S.size cond' < S.size cond
-> (news, IM.insert i (cond', deps) clauses)
-> (news, IM.insert i (cond', deps) constrs)
-- This constraint's set of preconditions hasn't changed
-- so we do not do anything about it.
| otherwise
-> (news, clauses)
-> (news, constrs)
| otherwise = (news, clauses)
-- Constraint number present in index but not found
-- among the constraints. This happens more and more frequently
-- as we delete constraints from the set.
| otherwise = (news, constrs)
-- | Build the dependency graph, starting the depth-first search from
-- a list of Names.