Clean up inference in Pruviloj

Now, the proper Infer type is used, and a tactic is exported.
This commit is contained in:
David Raymond Christiansen 2015-10-01 16:59:41 +02:00
parent 6ee21c78fa
commit 210db7d664
2 changed files with 32 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -3,13 +3,8 @@
||| eventual Prelude inclusion.
module Pruviloj.Core
import Language.Reflection.Elab
import Language.Reflection.Utils
data Infer : Type where
MkInfer : (a : Type) -> a -> Infer
||| Run something for effects, throwing away the return value
ignore : Functor f => f a -> f ()
ignore x = map (const ()) x
@ -85,11 +80,11 @@ intros = do g <- snd <$> getGoal
||| Run a tactic inside of a particular hole, if it still exists. If
||| it has been solved, do nothing.
inHole : TTName -> Elab () -> Elab ()
inHole : TTName -> Elab a -> Elab (Maybe a)
inHole h todo =
when (h `elem` !getHoles) $
do focus h
if (h `elem` !getHoles)
then do focus h; Just <$> todo
else return Nothing
||| Restrict a polymorphic type to () for contexts where it doesn't
||| matter. This is nice for sticking `debug` in a context where
@ -142,3 +137,26 @@ bindPat = do compute
case g of
Bind n (PVTy _) _ => patbind n
_ => fail [TermPart g, TextPart "isn't looking for a pattern."]
||| The underlying implementation type for the inferType operator.
data Infer : Type where
MkInfer : (a : Type) -> a -> Infer
||| Run a tactic script in a context where the type of the resulting
||| expression must be solvable via unification. Return the term and
||| its type.
||| @ tac a tactic script that will be run with focus on the hole
||| whose type is to be inferred.
inferType : (tac : Elab ()) -> Elab (TT, TT)
inferType tac =
case fst !(runElab `(Infer) (startInfer *> tac)) of
`(MkInfer ~ty ~tm) => return (tm, ty)
_ => fail [TextPart "Not infer"]
startInfer : Elab ()
startInfer = do [_, (_, tmH)] <- apply (Var `{MkInfer}) [(True, 0), (False, 1)]
| err => fail [TextPart "Type inference failure"]
focus tmH

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@ -77,10 +77,6 @@ enumerate xs = enumerate' xs 0
enumerate' [] _ = []
enumerate' (x::xs) n = (n, x) :: enumerate' xs (S n)
getSigmaArgs : Raw -> Elab (Raw, Raw)
getSigmaArgs `(MkSigma {a=~_} {P=~_} ~rhsTy ~lhs) = return (rhsTy, lhs)
getSigmaArgs arg = fail [TextPart "Not a sigma constructor"]
bindPats : List (TTName, Binder Raw) -> Raw -> Raw
bindPats [] res = res
bindPats ((n, b)::bs) res = RBind n (PVar (getBinderTy b)) $ bindPats bs res
@ -109,19 +105,19 @@ partial
elabPatternClause : (lhs, rhs : Elab ()) -> Elab FunClause
elabPatternClause lhs rhs =
do -- Elaborate the LHS in a context where its type will be solved via unification
(pat, _) <- runElab `(Sigma Type id) $
(pat, _) <- runElab `(Infer) $
do th <- newHole "finalTy" `(Type)
patH <- newHole "pattern" (Var th)
fill `(MkSigma ~(Var th) ~(Var patH) : Sigma Type id)
fill `(MkInfer ~(Var th) ~(Var patH))
focus patH
-- Convert all remaining holes to pattern variables
traverse_ {b=()} (\h => focus h *> patvar h) !getHoles
let (pvars, sigma) = extractBinders !(forgetTypes pat)
(rhsTy, lhsTm) <- getSigmaArgs sigma
(pvars, `(MkInfer ~rhsTy ~lhsTm)) <- extractBinders <$> (forgetTypes pat)
| fail [TextPart "Couldn't infer type of left-hand pattern"]
rhsTm <- runElab (bindPatTys pvars rhsTy) $
do -- Introduce all the pattern variables from the LHS
do -- Introduce all the pattern variables from the LHS
repeatUntilFail bindPat <|> return ()
realRhs <- forgetTypes (fst rhsTm)