unify help and completion of REPL - previously they were not in sync, now it is one lookup table

This commit is contained in:
Hannes Mehnert 2013-03-13 15:24:15 +01:00
parent 9841e2a841
commit 2297270b80
5 changed files with 58 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ Thanks to the following for their help and contributions:
Ozgur Akgun
Nicola Botta
Edwin Brady
David Raymond Christiansen
Jason Dagit
Cezar Ionescu
Irene Knapp
Hannes Mehnert
Mekeor Melire
Melissa Mozifian
Dominic Mulligan
@ -20,4 +22,3 @@ Dirk Ullrich
Leif Warner
Daniel Waterworth
Jonas Westerlund
David Raymond Christiansen

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Executable idris
Core.CaseTree, Core.Constraints,
Idris.AbsSyntax, Idris.AbsSyntaxTree,
Idris.Parser, Idris.REPL,
Idris.Parser, Idris.Help, Idris.REPL,
Idris.REPLParser, Idris.ElabDecls, Idris.Error,
Idris.Delaborate, Idris.Primitives, Idris.Imports,
Idris.Compiler, Idris.Prover, Idris.ElabTerm,

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Core.TT
import Core.CoreParser (opChars)
import Idris.AbsSyntaxTree
import Idris.Help
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
@ -14,40 +15,11 @@ import Data.Maybe
import System.Console.Haskeline
-- TODO: add specific classes of identifiers to complete, fx metavariables
-- | A specification of the arguments that REPL commands can take
data CmdArg = ExprArg -- ^ The command takes an expression
| NameArg -- ^ The command takes a name
| FileArg -- ^ The command takes a file
| ModuleArg -- ^ The command takes a module name
| OptionArg -- ^ The command takes an option
| MetaVarArg -- ^ The command takes a metavariable
-- | Information about how to complete the various commands
cmdArgs :: [(String, CmdArg)]
cmdArgs = [ (":t", ExprArg)
, (":miss", NameArg)
, (":missing", NameArg)
, (":i", NameArg)
, (":info", NameArg)
, (":total", NameArg)
, (":l", FileArg)
, (":load", FileArg)
, (":m", ModuleArg) -- NOTE: Argumentless form is a different command
, (":p", MetaVarArg)
, (":prove", MetaVarArg)
, (":a", NameArg)
, (":addproof", NameArg)
, (":rmproof", NameArg)
, (":showproof", NameArg)
, (":c", FileArg)
, (":compile", FileArg)
, (":js", FileArg)
, (":javascript", FileArg)
, (":set", OptionArg)
, (":unset", OptionArg)
commands = map fst cmdArgs
fst4 :: (a, b, c, d) -> a
fst4 (a, b, c, d) = a
commands = concatMap fst4 help
-- | A specification of the arguments that tactics can take
data TacticArg = NameTArg -- ^ Names: n1, n2, n3, ... n
@ -124,15 +96,22 @@ completeOption = completeWord Nothing " \t" completeOpt
isWhitespace :: Char -> Bool
isWhitespace = (flip elem) " \t\n"
lookupInHelp :: String -> Maybe CmdArg
lookupInHelp cmd = lookupInHelp' cmd help
where lookupInHelp' cmd ((cmds, _, _, arg):xs) | elem cmd cmds = Just arg
| otherwise = lookupInHelp' cmd xs
lookupInHelp' cmd [] = Nothing
-- | Get the completion function for a particular command
completeCmd :: String -> CompletionFunc Idris
completeCmd cmd (prev, next) = fromMaybe completeCmdName $ fmap completeArg $ lookup cmd cmdArgs
completeCmd cmd (prev, next) = fromMaybe completeCmdName $ fmap completeArg $ lookupInHelp cmd
where completeArg FileArg = completeFilename (prev, next)
completeArg NameArg = completeExpr [] (prev, next) -- FIXME only complete one name
completeArg OptionArg = completeOption (prev, next)
completeArg ModuleArg = noCompletion (prev, next) -- FIXME do later
completeArg ExprArg = completeExpr [] (prev, next)
completeArg MetaVarArg = completeMetaVar (prev, next) -- FIXME only complete one name
completeArg NoArg = noCompletion (prev, next)
completeCmdName = return $ ("", completeWith commands cmd)
-- | Complete REPL commands and defined identifiers

src/Idris/Help.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
module Idris.Help (CmdArg(..), help) where
data CmdArg = ExprArg -- ^ The command takes an expression
| NameArg -- ^ The command takes a name
| FileArg -- ^ The command takes a file
| ModuleArg -- ^ The command takes a module name
| OptionArg -- ^ The command takes an option
| MetaVarArg -- ^ The command takes a metavariable
| NoArg -- ^ No completion yet
help :: [([String], String, String, CmdArg)]
help =
[ (["<expr>"], "", "Evaluate an expression", NoArg),
([":t"], "<expr>", "Check the type of an expression", ExprArg),
([":miss", ":missing"], "<name>", "Show missing clauses", NameArg),
([":i", ":info"], "<name>", "Display information about a type class", NameArg),
([":total"], "<name>", "Check the totality of a name", NameArg),
([":r",":reload"], "", "Reload current file", NoArg),
([":l",":load"], "<filename>", "Load a new file", FileArg),
([":m",":module"], "<module>", "Import an extra module", ModuleArg), -- NOTE: dragons
([":e",":edit"], "", "Edit current file using $EDITOR or $VISUAL", NoArg),
([":m",":metavars"], "", "Show remaining proof obligations (metavariables)", MetaVarArg),
([":p",":prove"], "<name>", "Prove a metavariable", MetaVarArg),
([":a",":addproof"], "<name>", "Add proof to source file", NameArg),
([":rmproof"], "<name>", "Remove proof from proof stack", NameArg),
([":showproof"], "<name>", "Show proof", NameArg),
([":proofs"], "", "Show available proofs", NoArg),
([":c",":compile"], "<filename>", "Compile to an executable <filename>", FileArg),
([":js", ":javascript"], "<filename>", "Compile to JavaScript <filename>", FileArg),
([":exec",":execute"], "", "Compile to an executable and run", NoArg),
([":?",":h",":help"], "", "Display this help text", NoArg),
([":set"], "<option>", "Set an option (errorcontext, showimplicits)", OptionArg),
([":unset"], "<option>", "Unset an option", OptionArg),
([":q",":quit"], "", "Exit the Idris system", NoArg)

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Idris.Primitives
import Idris.Coverage
import Idris.UnusedArgs
import Idris.Docs
import Idris.Help
import Idris.Completion
import Paths_idris
@ -418,8 +419,9 @@ showTotalN i n = case lookupTotal n (tt_ctxt i) of
displayHelp = let vstr = showVersion version in
"\nIdris version " ++ vstr ++ "\n" ++
"--------------" ++ map (\x -> '-') vstr ++ "\n\n" ++
concatMap cmdInfo helphead ++
concatMap cmdInfo help
where cmdInfo (cmds, args, text) = " " ++ col 16 12 (showSep " " cmds) args text
where cmdInfo (cmds, args, text, _) = " " ++ col 16 12 (showSep " " cmds) args text
col c1 c2 l m r =
l ++ take (c1 - length l) (repeat ' ') ++
m ++ take (c2 - length m) (repeat ' ') ++ r ++ "\n"
@ -469,31 +471,9 @@ parseArgs ("--dumpcases":n:ns) = DumpCases n : (parseArgs ns)
parseArgs ("--target":n:ns) = UseTarget (parseTarget n) : (parseArgs ns)
parseArgs (n:ns) = Filename n : (parseArgs ns)
help =
[ (["Command"], "Arguments", "Purpose"),
([""], "", ""),
(["<expr>"], "", "Evaluate an expression"),
([":t"], "<expr>", "Check the type of an expression"),
([":miss", ":missing"], "<name>", "Show missing clauses"),
([":i", ":info"], "<name>", "Display information about a type class"),
([":total"], "<name>", "Check the totality of a name"),
([":r",":reload"], "", "Reload current file"),
([":l",":load"], "<filename>", "Load a new file"),
([":m",":module"], "<module>", "Import an extra module"),
([":e",":edit"], "", "Edit current file using $EDITOR or $VISUAL"),
([":m",":metavars"], "", "Show remaining proof obligations (metavariables)"),
([":p",":prove"], "<name>", "Prove a metavariable"),
([":a",":addproof"], "<name>", "Add proof to source file"),
([":rmproof"], "<name>", "Remove proof from proof stack"),
([":showproof"], "<name>", "Show proof"),
([":proofs"], "", "Show available proofs"),
([":c",":compile"], "<filename>", "Compile to an executable <filename>"),
([":js", ":javascript"], "<filename>", "Compile to JavaScript <filename>"),
([":exec",":execute"], "", "Compile to an executable and run"),
([":?",":h",":help"], "", "Display this help text"),
([":set"], "<option>", "Set an option (errorcontext, showimplicits)"),
([":unset"], "<option>", "Unset an option"),
([":q",":quit"], "", "Exit the Idris system")
helphead =
[ (["Command"], "Arguments", "Purpose", ""),
([""], "", "", "")