Move resolveTC to ProofSearch.hs

It is, in some sense, a proof search, and this means that auto proof
search can now solve things which require type class resolution.

One side-effect is that type class resolution will now only solve holes
which actually are type classes! So this may break code which was
abusing the type class resolution mechanism - such code can most likely
be rewritten to do proof search.
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2015-08-21 17:52:30 +02:00
parent 3288a6c8b0
commit 239c8caffa
7 changed files with 289 additions and 194 deletions

View File

@ -540,6 +540,10 @@ Extra-source-files:

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ build ist info emode opts fn tm
mapM_ (\n -> when (n `elem` hs) $
do focus n
g <- goal
try (resolveTC True False 10 g fn ist)
try (resolveTC' True False 10 g fn ist)
(movelast n)) ivs
ivs <- get_instances
hs <- get_holes
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ build ist info emode opts fn tm
do focus n
g <- goal
ptm <- get_term
resolveTC True True 10 g fn ist) ivs
resolveTC' True True 10 g fn ist) ivs
tm <- get_term
ctxt <- get_context
probs <- get_probs
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
UType _ -> elab' ina (Just fc) (PRef fc [] unitTy)
_ -> elab' ina (Just fc) (PRef fc [] unitCon)
elab' ina fc (PResolveTC (FC "HACK" _ _)) -- for chasing parent classes
= do g <- goal; resolveTC False False 5 g fn ist
= do g <- goal; resolveTC' False False 5 g fn ist
elab' ina fc (PResolveTC fc')
= do c <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "class")
instanceArg c
@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
g <- goal
hs <- get_holes
if all (\n -> n == tyn || not (n `elem` hs)) (freeNames g)
then try (resolveTC True False 10 g fn ist)
then try (resolveTC' True False 10 g fn ist)
(movelast n)
else movelast n)
(ivs' \\ ivs)
@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
env <- get_env
hs <- get_holes
if all (\n -> not (n `elem` hs)) (freeNames g)
then try (resolveTC False False 10 g fn ist)
then try (resolveTC' False False 10 g fn ist)
(movelast n)
else movelast n)
(ivs' \\ ivs)
@ -1603,20 +1603,6 @@ findHighlight n = do ctxt <- get_context
Nothing -> lift . tfail . InternalMsg $
"Can't find name" ++ show n
-- | Find the names of instances that have been designeated for
-- searching (i.e. non-named instances or instances from Elab scripts)
findInstances :: IState -> Term -> [Name]
findInstances ist t
| (P _ n _, _) <- unApply (getRetTy t)
= case lookupCtxt n (idris_classes ist) of
[CI _ _ _ _ _ ins _] ->
[n | (n, True) <- ins, accessible n]
_ -> []
| otherwise = []
where accessible n = case lookupDefAccExact n False (tt_ctxt ist) of
Just (_, Hidden) -> False
_ -> True
-- Try again to solve auto implicits
solveAuto :: IState -> Name -> Bool -> Name -> ElabD ()
solveAuto ist fn ambigok n
@ -1642,168 +1628,8 @@ proofSearch' ist rec ambigok depth prv top n psns hints
= do unifyProblems
proofSearch rec prv ambigok (not prv) depth
(elab ist toplevel ERHS [] (sMN 0 "tac")) top n psns hints ist
-- | Resolve type classes. This will only pick up 'normal' instances, never
-- named instances (which is enforced by 'findInstances').
resolveTC :: Bool -- ^ using default Int
-> Bool -- ^ allow metavariables in the goal
-> Int -- ^ depth
-> Term -- ^ top level goal, for error messages
-> Name -- ^ top level function name, to prevent loops
-> IState -> ElabD ()
resolveTC def mvok depth top fn ist
= do hs <- get_holes
resTC' [] def hs depth top fn ist
resTC' tcs def topholes 0 topg fn ist = fail $ "Can't resolve type class"
resTC' tcs def topholes 1 topg fn ist = try' (trivial' ist) (resolveTC def False 0 topg fn ist) True
resTC' tcs defaultOn topholes depth topg fn ist
= do compute
g <- goal
-- Resolution can proceed only if there is something concrete in the
-- determining argument positions. Keep track of the holes in the
-- non-determining position, because it's okay for 'trivial' to solve
-- those holes and no others.
let (argsok, okholePos) = case tcArgsOK g topholes of
Nothing -> (False, [])
Just hs -> (True, hs)
if not argsok -- && not mvok)
then lift $ tfail $ CantResolve True topg
else do
ptm <- get_term
ulog <- getUnifyLog
hs <- get_holes
env <- get_env
t <- goal
let (tc, ttypes) = unApply (getRetTy t)
let okholes = case tc of
P _ n _ -> zip (repeat n) okholePos
_ -> []
traceWhen ulog ("Resolving class " ++ show g ++ "\nin" ++ show env ++ "\n" ++ show okholes) $
try' (trivialHoles' [] okholes ist)
(do addDefault t tc ttypes
let stk = map fst (filter snd $ elab_stack ist)
let insts = findInstances ist t
blunderbuss t depth stk (stk ++ insts)) True
-- returns Just hs if okay, where hs are holes which are okay in the
-- goal, or Nothing if not okay to proceed
tcArgsOK ty hs | (P _ nc _, as) <- unApply (getRetTy ty), nc == numclass && defaultOn
= Just []
tcArgsOK ty hs -- if any determining arguments are metavariables, postpone
= let (f, as) = unApply (getRetTy ty) in
case f of
P _ cn _ -> case lookupCtxtExact cn (idris_classes ist) of
Just ci -> tcDetArgsOK 0 (class_determiners ci) hs as
Nothing -> if any (isMeta hs) as
then Nothing
else Just []
_ -> if any (isMeta hs) as
then Nothing
else Just []
-- return the list of argument positions which can safely be a hole
-- or Nothing if one of the determining arguments is a hole
tcDetArgsOK i ds hs (x : xs)
| i `elem` ds = if isMeta hs x
then Nothing
else tcDetArgsOK (i + 1) ds hs xs
| otherwise = do rs <- tcDetArgsOK (i + 1) ds hs xs
case x of
P _ n _ -> Just (i : rs)
_ -> Just rs
tcDetArgsOK _ _ _ [] = Just []
isMeta :: [Name] -> Term -> Bool
isMeta ns (P _ n _) = n `elem` ns
isMeta _ _ = False
notHole hs (P _ n _, c)
| (P _ cn _, _) <- unApply (getRetTy c),
n `elem` hs && isConName cn (tt_ctxt ist) = False
| Constant _ <- c = not (n `elem` hs)
notHole _ _ = True
-- HACK! Rather than giving a special name, better to have some kind
-- of flag in ClassInfo structure
chaser (UN nm)
| ('@':'@':_) <- str nm = True -- old way
chaser (SN (ParentN _ _)) = True
chaser (NS n _) = chaser n
chaser _ = False
numclass = sNS (sUN "Num") ["Classes","Prelude"]
addDefault t num@(P _ nc _) [P Bound a _] | nc == numclass && defaultOn
= do focus a
fill (RConstant (AType (ATInt ITBig))) -- default Integer
addDefault t f as
| all boundVar as = return () -- True -- fail $ "Can't resolve " ++ show t
addDefault t f a = return () -- trace (show t) $ return ()
boundVar (P Bound _ _) = True
boundVar _ = False
blunderbuss t d stk [] = do -- c <- get_env
-- ps <- get_probs
lift $ tfail $ CantResolve False topg
blunderbuss t d stk (n:ns)
| n /= fn -- && (n `elem` stk)
= tryCatch (resolve n d)
(\e -> case e of
CantResolve True _ -> lift $ tfail e
_ -> blunderbuss t d stk ns)
| otherwise = blunderbuss t d stk ns
introImps = do g <- goal
case g of
(Bind _ (Pi _ _ _) sc) -> do attack; intro Nothing
num <- introImps
return (num + 1)
_ -> return 0
solven 0 = return ()
solven n = do solve; solven (n - 1)
resolve n depth
| depth == 0 = fail $ "Can't resolve type class"
| otherwise
= do lams <- introImps
t <- goal
let (tc, ttypes) = trace (show t) $ unApply (getRetTy t)
-- if (all boundVar ttypes) then resolveTC (depth - 1) fn insts ist
-- else do
-- if there's a hole in the goal, don't even try
let imps = case lookupCtxtName n (idris_implicits ist) of
[] -> []
[args] -> map isImp (snd args) -- won't be overloaded!
xs -> error "The impossible happened - overloading is not expected here!"
ps <- get_probs
tm <- get_term
args <- map snd <$> try' (apply (Var n) imps)
(match_apply (Var n) imps) True
solven lams -- close any implicit lambdas we introduced
ps' <- get_probs
when (length ps < length ps' || unrecoverable ps') $
fail "Can't apply type class"
-- traceWhen (all boundVar ttypes) ("Progress: " ++ show t ++ " with " ++ show n) $
mapM_ (\ (_,n) -> do focus n
t' <- goal
let (tc', ttype) = unApply (getRetTy t')
let got = fst (unApply (getRetTy t))
let depth' = if tc' `elem` tcs
then depth - 1 else depth
resTC' (got : tcs) defaultOn topholes depth' topg fn ist)
(filter (\ (x, y) -> not x) (zip (map fst imps) args))
-- if there's any arguments left, we've failed to resolve
hs <- get_holes
ulog <- getUnifyLog
traceWhen ulog ("Got " ++ show n) $ return ()
where isImp (PImp p _ _ _ _) = (True, p)
isImp arg = (False, priority arg)
resolveTC' di mv depth tm n ist
= resolveTC di mv depth tm n (elab ist toplevel ERHS [] (sMN 0 "tac")) ist
collectDeferred :: Maybe Name -> [Name] -> Context ->
Term -> State [(Name, (Int, Maybe Name, Type, [Name]))] Term
@ -2127,7 +1953,7 @@ runElabAction ist fc env tm ns = do tm' <- eval tm
| n == tacN "prim__ResolveTC", [fn] <- args
= do g <- goal
fn <- reifyTTName fn
resolveTC False True 100 g fn ist
resolveTC' False True 100 g fn ist
| n == tacN "prim__Search", [depth, hints] <- args
= do d <- eval depth

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Idris.ProofSearch(trivial, trivialHoles, proofSearch) where
module Idris.ProofSearch(trivial, trivialHoles, proofSearch, resolveTC) where
import Idris.Core.Elaborate hiding (Tactic(..))
import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Unify
import Idris.Core.Evaluate
import Idris.Core.CaseTree
import Idris.Core.Typecheck
@ -24,14 +25,16 @@ import Debug.Trace
trivial :: (PTerm -> ElabD ()) -> IState -> ElabD ()
trivial = trivialHoles [] []
trivialHoles :: [Name] -> [(Name, Int)] -> (PTerm -> ElabD ()) -> IState -> ElabD ()
trivialHoles :: [Name] -> -- user visible names, when working
-- in interactive mode
[(Name, Int)] -> (PTerm -> ElabD ()) -> IState -> ElabD ()
trivialHoles psnames ok elab ist
= try' (do elab (PApp (fileFC "prf") (PRef (fileFC "prf") [] eqCon) [pimp (sUN "A") Placeholder False, pimp (sUN "x") Placeholder False])
return ())
(do env <- get_env
g <- goal
tryAll env
return ()) True
= try' (do elab (PApp (fileFC "prf") (PRef (fileFC "prf") [] eqCon) [pimp (sUN "A") Placeholder False, pimp (sUN "x") Placeholder False])
return ())
(do env <- get_env
g <- goal
tryAll env
return ()) True
tryAll [] = fail "No trivial solution"
tryAll ((x, b):xs)
@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ trivialHoles psnames ok elab ist
g <- goal
-- anywhere but the top is okay for a hole, if holesOK set
if -- all (\n -> not (n `elem` badhs)) (freeNames (binderTy b))
holesOK hs (binderTy b) && (null psnames || x `elem` psnames)
(holesOK hs (binderTy b) && (null psnames || x `elem` psnames))
then try' (elab (PRef (fileFC "prf") [] x))
(tryAll xs) True
else tryAll xs
@ -60,6 +63,50 @@ trivialHoles psnames ok elab ist
| (n, p) `elem` ok = holeArgsOK hs n (p + 1) as
| otherwise = holesOK hs a && holeArgsOK hs n (p + 1) as
trivialTCs :: [(Name, Int)] -> (PTerm -> ElabD ()) -> IState -> ElabD ()
trivialTCs ok elab ist
= try' (do elab (PApp (fileFC "prf") (PRef (fileFC "prf") [] eqCon) [pimp (sUN "A") Placeholder False, pimp (sUN "x") Placeholder False])
return ())
(do env <- get_env
g <- goal
tryAll env
return ()) True
tryAll [] = fail "No trivial solution"
tryAll ((x, b):xs)
= do -- if type of x has any holes in it, move on
hs <- get_holes
let badhs = hs -- filter (flip notElem holesOK) hs
g <- goal
env <- get_env
-- anywhere but the top is okay for a hole, if holesOK set
if -- all (\n -> not (n `elem` badhs)) (freeNames (binderTy b))
(holesOK hs (binderTy b) && tcArg env (binderTy b))
then try' (elab (PRef (fileFC "prf") [] x))
(tryAll xs) True
else tryAll xs
tcArg env ty
| (P _ n _, args) <- unApply (getRetTy (normalise (tt_ctxt ist) env ty))
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_classes ist) of
Just _ -> True
_ -> False
| otherwise = False
holesOK hs ap@(App _ _ _)
| (P _ n _, args) <- unApply ap
= holeArgsOK hs n 0 args
holesOK hs (App _ f a) = holesOK hs f && holesOK hs a
holesOK hs (P _ n _) = not (n `elem` hs)
holesOK hs (Bind n b sc) = holesOK hs (binderTy b) &&
holesOK hs sc
holesOK hs _ = True
holeArgsOK hs n p [] = True
holeArgsOK hs n p (a : as)
| (n, p) `elem` ok = holeArgsOK hs n (p + 1) as
| otherwise = holesOK hs a && holeArgsOK hs n (p + 1) as
cantSolveGoal :: ElabD a
cantSolveGoal = do g <- goal
env <- get_env
@ -179,7 +226,9 @@ proofSearch rec fromProver ambigok deferonfail maxDepth elab fn nroot psnames hi
ty <- goal
when (S.member ty tys) $ fail "Been here before"
let tys' = S.insert ty tys
try' (trivialHoles psnames [] elab ist)
try' (try' (trivialHoles psnames [] elab ist)
(resolveTC False False 20 ty nroot elab ist)
(try' (try' (resolveByCon (d - 1) locs tys')
(resolveByLocals (d - 1) locs tys')
@ -188,9 +237,14 @@ proofSearch rec fromProver ambigok deferonfail maxDepth elab fn nroot psnames hi
then fail "cantSolveGoal"
else do attack; defer [] nroot; solve) True) True
getFn d Nothing = []
getFn d (Just f) | d < maxDepth-1 = [f]
-- get recursive function name. Only user given names make sense.
getFn d (Just f) | d < maxDepth-1 && usersname f = [f]
| otherwise = []
getFn d _ = []
usersname (UN _) = True
usersname (NS n _) = usersname n
usersname _ = False
resolveByCon d locs tys
= do t <- goal
@ -273,3 +327,182 @@ checkConstructor ist (n : ns) =
any conHead args
conHead t | (P _ n _, _) <- unApply t = isConName n (tt_ctxt ist)
| otherwise = False
-- | Resolve type classes. This will only pick up 'normal' instances, never
-- named instances (which is enforced by 'findInstances').
resolveTC :: Bool -- ^ using default Int
-> Bool -- ^ allow metavariables in the goal
-> Int -- ^ depth
-> Term -- ^ top level goal, for error messages
-> Name -- ^ top level function name, to prevent loops
-> (PTerm -> ElabD ()) -- ^ top level elaborator
-> IState -> ElabD ()
resolveTC def mvok depth top fn elab ist
= do hs <- get_holes
resTC' [] def hs depth top fn elab ist
resTC' tcs def topholes 0 topg fn elab ist = fail $ "Can't resolve type class"
resTC' tcs def topholes 1 topg fn elab ist = try' (trivial elab ist) (resolveTC def False 0 topg fn elab ist) True
resTC' tcs defaultOn topholes depth topg fn elab ist
= do compute
g <- goal
-- Resolution can proceed only if there is something concrete in the
-- determining argument positions. Keep track of the holes in the
-- non-determining position, because it's okay for 'trivial' to solve
-- those holes and no others.
let (argsok, okholePos) = case tcArgsOK g topholes of
Nothing -> (False, [])
Just hs -> (True, hs)
if not argsok -- && not mvok)
then lift $ tfail $ CantResolve True topg
else do
ptm <- get_term
ulog <- getUnifyLog
hs <- get_holes
env <- get_env
t <- goal
let (tc, ttypes) = unApply (getRetTy t)
let okholes = case tc of
P _ n _ -> zip (repeat n) okholePos
_ -> []
traceWhen ulog ("Resolving class " ++ show g ++ "\nin" ++ show env ++ "\n" ++ show okholes) $
try' (trivialTCs okholes elab ist)
(do addDefault t tc ttypes
let stk = map fst (filter snd $ elab_stack ist)
let insts = findInstances ist t
blunderbuss t depth stk (stk ++ insts)) True
-- returns Just hs if okay, where hs are holes which are okay in the
-- goal, or Nothing if not okay to proceed
tcArgsOK ty hs | (P _ nc _, as) <- unApply (getRetTy ty), nc == numclass && defaultOn
= Just []
tcArgsOK ty hs -- if any determining arguments are metavariables, postpone
= let (f, as) = unApply (getRetTy ty) in
case f of
P _ cn _ -> case lookupCtxtExact cn (idris_classes ist) of
Just ci -> tcDetArgsOK 0 (class_determiners ci) hs as
Nothing -> if any (isMeta hs) as
then Nothing
else Just []
_ -> if any (isMeta hs) as
then Nothing
else Just []
-- return the list of argument positions which can safely be a hole
-- or Nothing if one of the determining arguments is a hole
tcDetArgsOK i ds hs (x : xs)
| i `elem` ds = if isMeta hs x
then Nothing
else tcDetArgsOK (i + 1) ds hs xs
| otherwise = do rs <- tcDetArgsOK (i + 1) ds hs xs
case x of
P _ n _ -> Just (i : rs)
_ -> Just rs
tcDetArgsOK _ _ _ [] = Just []
isMeta :: [Name] -> Term -> Bool
isMeta ns (P _ n _) = n `elem` ns
isMeta _ _ = False
notHole hs (P _ n _, c)
| (P _ cn _, _) <- unApply (getRetTy c),
n `elem` hs && isConName cn (tt_ctxt ist) = False
| Constant _ <- c = not (n `elem` hs)
notHole _ _ = True
-- HACK! Rather than giving a special name, better to have some kind
-- of flag in ClassInfo structure
chaser (UN nm)
| ('@':'@':_) <- str nm = True -- old way
chaser (SN (ParentN _ _)) = True
chaser (NS n _) = chaser n
chaser _ = False
numclass = sNS (sUN "Num") ["Classes","Prelude"]
addDefault t num@(P _ nc _) [P Bound a _] | nc == numclass && defaultOn
= do focus a
fill (RConstant (AType (ATInt ITBig))) -- default Integer
addDefault t f as
| all boundVar as = return () -- True -- fail $ "Can't resolve " ++ show t
addDefault t f a = return () -- trace (show t) $ return ()
boundVar (P Bound _ _) = True
boundVar _ = False
blunderbuss t d stk [] = do -- c <- get_env
-- ps <- get_probs
lift $ tfail $ CantResolve False topg
blunderbuss t d stk (n:ns)
| n /= fn -- && (n `elem` stk)
= tryCatch (resolve n d)
(\e -> case e of
CantResolve True _ -> lift $ tfail e
_ -> blunderbuss t d stk ns)
| otherwise = blunderbuss t d stk ns
introImps = do g <- goal
case g of
(Bind _ (Pi _ _ _) sc) -> do attack; intro Nothing
num <- introImps
return (num + 1)
_ -> return 0
solven 0 = return ()
solven n = do solve; solven (n - 1)
resolve n depth
| depth == 0 = fail $ "Can't resolve type class"
| otherwise
= do lams <- introImps
t <- goal
let (tc, ttypes) = trace (show t) $ unApply (getRetTy t)
-- if (all boundVar ttypes) then resolveTC (depth - 1) fn insts ist
-- else do
-- if there's a hole in the goal, don't even try
let imps = case lookupCtxtName n (idris_implicits ist) of
[] -> []
[args] -> map isImp (snd args) -- won't be overloaded!
xs -> error "The impossible happened - overloading is not expected here!"
ps <- get_probs
tm <- get_term
args <- map snd <$> try' (apply (Var n) imps)
(match_apply (Var n) imps) True
solven lams -- close any implicit lambdas we introduced
ps' <- get_probs
when (length ps < length ps' || unrecoverable ps') $
fail "Can't apply type class"
-- traceWhen (all boundVar ttypes) ("Progress: " ++ show t ++ " with " ++ show n) $
mapM_ (\ (_,n) -> do focus n
t' <- goal
let (tc', ttype) = unApply (getRetTy t')
let got = fst (unApply (getRetTy t))
let depth' = if tc' `elem` tcs
then depth - 1 else depth
resTC' (got : tcs) defaultOn topholes depth' topg fn elab ist)
(filter (\ (x, y) -> not x) (zip (map fst imps) args))
-- if there's any arguments left, we've failed to resolve
hs <- get_holes
ulog <- getUnifyLog
traceWhen ulog ("Got " ++ show n) $ return ()
where isImp (PImp p _ _ _ _) = (True, p)
isImp arg = (False, priority arg)
-- | Find the names of instances that have been designeated for
-- searching (i.e. non-named instances or instances from Elab scripts)
findInstances :: IState -> Term -> [Name]
findInstances ist t
| (P _ n _, _) <- unApply (getRetTy t)
= case lookupCtxt n (idris_classes ist) of
[CI _ _ _ _ _ ins _] ->
[n | (n, True) <- ins, accessible n]
_ -> []
| otherwise = []
where accessible n = case lookupDefAccExact n False (tt_ctxt ist) of
Just (_, Hidden) -> False
_ -> True

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
IsSetCons pf prfRec

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
:ps 26 rec

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import Data.Vect
%default total
data ElemBool : Eq t => t -> Vect n t -> Bool -> Type where
ElemBoolNil : Eq t => ElemBool {t=t} a [] False
ElemBoolCons : Eq t => ElemBool {t=t} x1 xs b -> ElemBool x1 (x2 :: xs) ((x1 == x2) || b)
data IsSet : Eq t => Vect n t -> Type where
IsSetNil : Eq t => IsSet {t=t} []
IsSetCons : Eq t => ElemBool {t=t} x xs False -> IsSet xs -> IsSet (x :: xs)
fun_1 : Eq t => (x : t) -> (xs : Vect n t) -> (b : Bool ** ElemBool x xs b)
fun_1 x [] = (False ** ElemBoolNil)
fun_1 x1 (x2 :: xs) =
let (b ** prfRec) = fun_1 x1 xs
in (((x1 == x2) || b) ** (ElemBoolCons prfRec))
fun_2 : Eq t => (xs : Vect n t) -> Maybe (IsSet xs)
fun_2 [] = Just IsSetNil
fun_2 (x :: xs) with (fun_1 x xs)
fun_2 (x :: xs) | (True ** pf) = Nothing
fun_2 (x :: xs) | (False ** pf) with (fun_2 xs)
fun_2 (x :: xs) | (False ** pf) | Nothing = Nothing
fun_2 (x :: xs) | (False ** pf) | (Just prfRec)
= Just ?rec

test/interactive009/run Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
idris --quiet interactive009.idr < input
rm -f *.ibc