Remove dubious matching rule

IIRC this was a hack for scoped implicits, but whatever it did isn't
tripped up in the tests any more and it's a horrible hack anyway, so off
it goes.
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2015-09-01 15:17:30 +01:00
parent 53ffd071d5
commit 2e170bfd01
3 changed files with 9 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -1022,13 +1022,16 @@ processTactic UnifyProblems ps
processTactic (MatchProblems all) ps
= do let (ns', probs') = matchProblems all ps [] (problems ps)
(ns'', probs'') = matchProblems all ps ns' probs'
pterm' = updateSolved ns'' (pterm ps)
traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("(MatchProblems) Dropping holes: " ++ show (map fst ns'')) $
pterm' = orderUpdateSolved ns'' (resetProofTerm (pterm ps))
traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("(MatchProblems) Dropping holes: " ++ show ns'') $
return (ps { pterm = pterm', solved = Nothing, problems = probs'',
previous = Just ps, plog = "",
notunified = updateNotunified ns'' (notunified ps),
recents = recents ps ++ map fst ns'',
holes = holes ps \\ (map fst ns'') }, plog ps)
orderUpdateSolved [] t = t
orderUpdateSolved (n : ns) t = orderUpdateSolved ns (updateSolved [n] t)
processTactic t ps
= case holes ps of
[] -> case t of

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ evaluation/checking inside the proof system, etc.
module Idris.Core.ProofTerm(ProofTerm, Goal(..), mkProofTerm, getProofTerm,
updateSolved, updateSolvedTerm, updateSolvedTerm',
bound_in, bound_in_term, refocus, updsubst,
Hole, RunTactic',
@ -129,6 +130,9 @@ mkProofTerm tm = PT Top [] tm []
getProofTerm :: ProofTerm -> Term
getProofTerm (PT path _ sub ups) = rebuildTerm sub (updateSolvedPath ups path)
resetProofTerm :: ProofTerm -> ProofTerm
resetProofTerm = mkProofTerm . getProofTerm
same :: Eq a => Maybe a -> a -> Bool
same Nothing n = True
same (Just x) n = x == n

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@ -92,31 +92,6 @@ match_unify ctxt env (topx, xfrom) (topy, yfrom) inj holes from =
StateT UInfo
TC [(Name, TT Name)]
-- This rule is highly dubious... it certainly produces a valid answer
-- but it scares me. However, matching is never guaranteed to give a unique
-- answer, merely a valid one, so perhaps we're okay.
-- In other words: it may vanish without warning some day :)
un names x tm@(App _ (P _ f (Bind fn (Pi _ t _) sc)) a)
| (P (TCon _ _) _ _, _) <- unApply x,
holeIn env f || f `elem` holes
= let n' = uniqueName (sMN 0 "mv") (map fst env) in
checkCycle names (f, Bind n' (Lam t) x)
un names tm@(App _ (P _ f (Bind fn (Pi _ t _) sc)) a) x
| (P (TCon _ _) _ _, _) <- unApply x,
holeIn env f || f `elem` holes
= let n' = uniqueName fn (map fst env) in
checkCycle names (f, Bind n' (Lam t) x)
un names x tm@(App _ (P _ f (Bind fn (Pi _ t _) sc)) a)
| (P (DCon _ _ _) _ _, _) <- unApply x,
holeIn env f || f `elem` holes
= let n' = uniqueName (sMN 0 "mv") (map fst env) in
checkCycle names (f, Bind n' (Lam t) x)
un names tm@(App _ (P _ f (Bind fn (Pi _ t _) sc)) a) x
| (P (DCon _ _ _) _ _, _) <- unApply x,
holeIn env f || f `elem` holes
= let n' = uniqueName fn (map fst env) in
checkCycle names (f, Bind n' (Lam t) x)
un names tx@(P _ x _) tm
| tx /= tm && holeIn env x || x `elem` holes
= do sc 1; checkCycle names (x, tm)