Parsing class and instance (but no elaboration yet)

This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2011-11-07 15:23:27 +00:00
parent 27fc1f2572
commit 33710ab0f9
3 changed files with 44 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ using (G : Vect Ty n) {
eId = Lam (Var fO);
eAdd : Expr G (TyFun TyInt (TyFun TyInt TyInt));
eAdd = Lam (Lam (Op' (Var fO) (Var (fS fO)) prim__addInt));
eAdd = Lam (Lam (Op (+) (Var fO) (Var (fS fO))));
-- eDouble : Expr G (TyFun TyInt TyInt);
-- eDouble = Lam (App (App (Lam (Lam (Op' (+) (Var fO) (Var (fS fO))))) (Var fO)) (Var fO));

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@ -184,6 +184,10 @@ data PDecl' t = PFix FC Fixity [String] -- fixity declaration
| PClauses FC Name [PClause' t] -- pattern clause
| PData SyntaxInfo FC (PData' t) -- data declaration
| PParams FC [(Name, t)] [PDecl' t] -- params block
| PClass FC Name
[(Name, t)] -- parameters
[PDecl' t] -- declarations
| PInstance FC Name t [PDecl' t]
| PSyntax FC Syntax
deriving Functor
@ -827,6 +831,8 @@ dumpDecl (PClauses _ n cs) = "pat " ++ show n ++ "\t" ++ showSep "\n\t" (map (sh
dumpDecl (PData _ _ d) = showDImp True d
dumpDecl (PParams _ ns ps) = "params {" ++ show ns ++ "\n" ++ dumpDecls ps ++ "}\n"
dumpDecl (PSyntax _ syn) = "syntax " ++ show syn
dumpDecl (PClass _ n ps ds) = "class " ++ show n ++ " " ++ show ps ++ "\n" ++ dumpDecls ds
dumpDecl (PInstance _ n t ds) = "instance " ++ show n ++ " " ++ show t ++ "\n" ++ dumpDecls ds
-- dumpDecl (PImport i) = "import " ++ i
-- syntactic match of a against b, returning pair of variables in a

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@ -144,7 +144,9 @@ collect (c@(PClauses _ _ _) : ds)
cname (PClauses fc _ [PWith n _ _ _ _]) = n
getfc (PClauses fc _ _) = fc
collect (PParams f ns ps : ds) = PParams f ns (collect ps) : (collect ds)
collect (PParams f ns ps : ds) = PParams f ns (collect ps) : collect ds
collect (PClass f n ps ds : ds') = PClass f n ps (collect ds) : collect ds'
collect (PInstance f n t ds : ds') = PInstance f n t (collect ds) : collect ds'
collect (d : ds) = d : collect ds
collect [] = []
@ -160,8 +162,10 @@ pDecl syn
i <- getState
let d' = fmap (desugar syn i) d
return [d']
<|> try (pUsing syn)
<|> try (pParams syn)
<|> pUsing syn
<|> pParams syn
<|> pClass syn
<|> pInstance syn
<|> try (do reserved "import"
fp <- identifier
lchar ';'
@ -278,6 +282,36 @@ fixity = try (do reserved "infixl"; return Infixl)
<|> try (do reserved "infix"; return InfixN)
<|> try (do reserved "prefix"; return PrefixN)
--------- Tyoe classes ---------
pClass :: SyntaxInfo -> IParser [PDecl]
pClass syn = do reserved "class"
fc <- pfc
n <- pName
cs <- many1 carg
reserved "where"; lchar '{'
ds <- many1 $ pFunDecl syn;
lchar '}'
return [PClass fc n cs (concat ds)]
carg = do lchar '('; i <- pName; lchar ':'; ty <- pExpr syn; lchar ')'
return (i, ty)
<|> do i <- pName;
return (i, PSet)
pInstance :: SyntaxInfo -> IParser [PDecl]
pInstance syn = do reserved "instance"
fc <- pfc
cs <- pConstList syn
cn <- pName
args <- many1 (pSimpleExpr syn)
let sc = PApp fc (PRef fc cn) (map pexp args)
let t = bindList (PPi constraint) (map (\x -> (MN 0 "c", x)) cs) sc
reserved "where"; lchar '{'
ds <- many1 $ pFunDecl syn;
lchar '}'
return [PInstance fc cn t (concat ds)]
--------- Expressions ---------
pExpr syn = do i <- getState