Constructor saturation fix

Constructors need to be saturated for compiling, but we need to be
careful if any existing arguments contain de Bruijn indices or we'll
break them when saturating. Fixes #3713
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2017-04-01 01:14:59 +01:00
parent 2c001c9bf1
commit 40ae2c944b

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@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ applyDataOptRT :: Name -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> [Term] -> Term
applyDataOptRT n tag arity uniq args
| length args == arity = doOpts n args
| otherwise = let extra = satArgs (arity - length args)
tm = doOpts n (args ++ map (\n -> P Bound n Erased) extra)
tm = doOpts n (map (weakenTm (length extra)) args ++ map (\n -> P Bound n Erased) extra)
in bind extra tm
satArgs n = map (\i -> sMN i "sat") [1..n]