Better typecase check

Only allow matching on polymorphic arguments if they have been refined
to something concrete due to some other argument by the time they're
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2014-12-22 11:22:42 +00:00
parent a2ab10c0aa
commit 40f6534cf0
6 changed files with 35 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ pprintErr' i (NoSuchVariable n) = text "No such variable" <+> annName n
pprintErr' i (WithFnType ty) =
text "Can't match on a function: type is" <+> annTm ty (pprintTerm i (delab i ty))
pprintErr' i (CantMatch t) =
text "Can't match on " <+> annTm t (pprintTerm i (delab i t))
text "Can't match on" <+> annTm t (pprintTerm i (delab i t))
pprintErr' i (IncompleteTerm t) = text "Incomplete term" <+> annTm t (pprintTerm i (delab i t))
pprintErr' i UniverseError = text "Universe inconsistency"
pprintErr' i (UniqueError NullType n)

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@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ buildTC ist info emode opts fn tm
where pattern = emode == ELHS
-- return whether arguments of the given constructor name can be
-- matched on. If they're polymorphic and the type doesn't appear in the
-- return type, then no, otherwise yes.
-- matched on. If they're polymorphic, no, unless the type has beed made
-- concrete by the time we get around to elaborating the argument.
getUnmatchable :: Context -> Name -> [Bool]
getUnmatchable ctxt n | isDConName n ctxt && n /= inferCon
= case lookupTyExact n ctxt of
@ -159,10 +159,7 @@ getUnmatchable ctxt n | isDConName n ctxt && n /= inferCon
checkArgs env' (intersect env (refsIn t) : ns)
(instantiate (P Bound n t) sc)
checkArgs env ns t
= map (anyMissing (intersect env (refsIn t))) (reverse ns)
anyMissing tns [] = False
anyMissing tns (x : xs) = not (x `elem` tns) || anyMissing tns xs
= map (not . null) (reverse ns)
getUnmatchable ctxt n = []
@ -175,6 +172,16 @@ data ElabCtxt = ElabCtxt { e_inarg :: Bool,
initElabCtxt = ElabCtxt False False False False False
goal_polymorphic :: ElabD Bool
goal_polymorphic =
do ty <- goal
case ty of
P _ n _ -> do env <- get_env
case lookup n env of
Nothing -> return False
_ -> return True
_ -> return False
-- Returns the set of declarations we need to add to complete the definition
-- (most likely case blocks to elaborate)
@ -1098,9 +1105,11 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
-- traceWhen (not (null cs)) (show ty ++ "\n" ++ showImp True t) $
do focus holeName;
g <- goal
-- Can't pattern match on polymorphic goals
poly <- goal_polymorphic
ulog <- getUnifyLog
traceWhen ulog ("Elaborating argument " ++ show (argName, holeName, g)) $
elab (ina { e_nomatching = unm }) (Just fc) t
elab (ina { e_nomatching = unm && poly }) (Just fc) t
return failed
done_elaborating_arg f argName
elabArgs ist ina failed fc r f ns force args

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
reg010.idr:5:15:When elaborating left hand side of with block in usubst.unsafeSubst:
Can't match on with block in usubst.unsafeSubst warg a P x x px
Can't match on with block in usubst.unsafeSubst warg a P x x px

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
reg034.idr:6:5:When elaborating left hand side of bar:
Can't match on bar xs xs Refl
Can't match on bar xs xs Refl
reg034.idr:9:5:When elaborating left hand side of foo:
Can't match on foo f x x Refl
Can't match on foo f x x Refl

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
reg055.idr:5:3:When elaborating left hand side of g:
Can't match on g (f 0)
Can't match on g (f 0)
reg055.idr:8:3:When elaborating left hand side of h:
Can't match on h x x
reg055a.idr:10:7:When elaborating left hand side of Foo.apply:
Can't match on apply (\x => \y => x) a
Can't match on h x x
reg055a.idr:8:5:When elaborating left hand side of foo:
When elaborating an application of constructor Foo.CAny:
Attempting concrete match on polymorphic argument: Nothing
reg055a.idr:13:7:When elaborating left hand side of Foo.apply:
Can't match on apply (\x => \y => x) a

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@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
module Foo
-- data CrappySet : (a : Type) -> Ord a -> Type where
-- Empty : (inst : Ord a) -> CrappySet a inst
-- Item : (inst : Ord a) -> a -> CrappySet a inst -> CrappySet a inst
-- empty : (inst : Ord a) => CrappySet a inst
data Cheat : Type -> Type where
CAny : a -> Cheat a
CInt : Cheat Int
foo : Cheat a -> Int
foo (CAny Nothing) = 42
foo (CAny (Just x)) = 43
foo CInt = 0
apply : (a -> a -> b) -> a -> a
apply (\x => \y => x) a = a