Port the test infrastructure to Tasty

(This is WIP) [ci skip]

`runtest.hs` is replaced by `TestRun.hs`.
This program imports `TestData.hs` which holds the tests metadata,
then turns it into tests usable by Tasty.

The functional changes are the following:
- The tasty framework provides a pretty output by default
  (colors, individual timings, proper indentation).
  Tests can run in parallel but the output is still deterministic.
- Tasty.Golden does the heavy lifting,
  i.e. comparing outputs and measuring time spent.
- Output is captured through a pipe connected to a bash process running
  the `run` script for each test ; this is implemented by the `runTest`
- Tests are organised in families, reflecting directories' prefixes.
  They are listed in `testFamiliesData` in `TestData.hs`.
- Each test must be registered in `testFamiliesData` under its own
- A custom option has been implemented to run the test suite with the node
  code generator. The list of compatible code generators for each test
  is provided in `testFamiliesData`.
- Tasty.Rerun provides rudimentary incremental testing. The cache is in
  the `.tasty-rerun-log` file, which is therefore added to `.gitignore`.

The previous Makefile in `test` has disappeared in favour of passing
arguments to the test program.

Note that this commit disables testing because a compatibility
layer for `cabal test` must be implemented first. This is necessary
because the test program requires external dependencies.
However, you should be able to run the tests with `stack test`.
This commit is contained in:
gpyh 2016-07-27 14:46:07 +02:00
parent 4e696581c0
commit 54b94b9184
7 changed files with 445 additions and 270 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ test/*[0-9][0-9][0-9]/output
# Haskell build tools

View File

@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ build: dist/setup-config
test: doc test_c
$(MAKE) -C test IDRIS=../dist/build/idris/idris test
echo "test_c not supported"
$(MAKE) -C test IDRIS=../dist/build/idris/idris test_js
echo "test_js not supported"
$(MAKE) -C test IDRIS=../dist/build/idris/idris time
echo "test_timed not supported"
$(MAKE) -C libs IDRIS=../../dist/build/idris/idris RTS=../../dist/build/rts/libidris_rts clean

View File

@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ Extra-source-files:
@ -1158,7 +1158,8 @@ Executable idris
Test-suite regression-and-sanity-tests
Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
Main-is: runtest.hs
Main-is: TestRun.hs
Other-modules: TestData
hs-source-dirs: test
Build-depends: idris
@ -1169,7 +1170,16 @@ Test-suite regression-and-sanity-tests
, filepath
, directory
, haskeline >= 0.7
, optparse-applicative >= 0.11 && < 0.13
, tagged
, tasty >= 0.8
, tasty-golden >= 2.0
, tasty-rerun >= 1.0.0
, bytestring
, transformers
if impl(ghc < 7.10)
Extensions: DeriveDataTypeable
ghc-prof-options: -auto-all -caf-all
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -funbox-strict-fields

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
.PHONY: test test_js time update diff distclean $(TESTS)
TESTS = $(sort $(patsubst %/,%.test,$(wildcard */)))
test: $(TESTS)
info: runtest
@./runtest all
%.test: runtest
@./runtest $(patsubst %.test,%,$@) -q
test_js: runtest
@./runtest without tutorial007 sugar004 reg029 reg052 io001 dsl002 io003 effects001 effects002 basic007 basic011 ffi006 ffi007 ffi008 primitives005 primitives006 views003 opts --codegen node
update: runtest
@./runtest all -u
diff: runtest
@./runtest all -d
time: runtest
@./runtest all -t
@rm runtest
@rm -f *~
@rm -f */output
@ghc --make runtest.hs
@rm runtest.o runtest.hi

test/TestData.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
module TestData where
import Data.IntMap as IMap
import Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Set as Set
data Codegen = C | JS deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Index = Int
data CompatCodegen = ANY | C_CG | NODE_CG | NONE
-- A TestFamily groups tests that share the same theme
data TestFamily = TestFamily {
-- A shorter lowcase name to use in filenames
id :: String,
-- A proper name for the test family that will be displayed
name :: String,
-- A map of test metadata:
-- - The key is the index (>=1 && <1000)
-- - The value is the set of compatible code generators,
-- or Nothing if the test doesn't depend on a code generator
tests :: IntMap (Maybe (Set Codegen))
} deriving (Show)
toCodegenSet :: CompatCodegen -> Maybe (Set Codegen)
toCodegenSet compatCodegen = fmap Set.fromList mList where
mList = case compatCodegen of
ANY -> Just [ C, JS ]
C_CG -> Just [ C ]
NODE_CG -> Just [ JS ]
NONE -> Nothing
testFamilies :: [TestFamily]
testFamilies = fmap instanciate testFamiliesData where
instanciate (id, name, testsData) = TestFamily id name tests where
tests = IMap.fromList (fmap makeSetCodegen testsData)
makeSetCodegen (index, codegens) = (index, toCodegenSet codegens)
testFamiliesForCodegen :: Codegen -> [TestFamily]
testFamiliesForCodegen codegen =
fmap (\testFamily -> testFamily {tests = IMap.filter f (tests testFamily)})
f mCodegens = case mCodegens of
Just codegens -> Set.member codegen codegens
Nothing -> True
-- The data to instanciate testFamilies
-- The first column is the id
-- The second column is the proper name (the prefix of the subfolders)
-- The third column is the data for each test
testFamiliesData :: [(String, String, [(Index, CompatCodegen)])]
testFamiliesData = [
("basic", "Basic",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY ),
( 6, ANY ),
( 7, C_CG ),
( 8, ANY ),
( 9, ANY ),
( 10, ANY ),
( 11, C_CG ),
( 12, ANY ),
( 13, ANY ),
( 14, ANY ),
( 15, ANY ),
( 16, ANY ),
( 17, ANY ),
( 18, ANY )]),
("bignum", "Bignum",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY )]),
("bounded", "Bounded",
[ ( 1, ANY )]),
("corecords", "Corecords",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY )]),
("delab", "De-elaboration",
[ ( 1, ANY )]),
("directives", "Directives",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY )]),
("disambig", "Disambiguation",
[ ( 2, ANY )]),
("docs", "Documentation",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY )]),
("dsl", "DSL",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, C_CG ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY )]),
("effects", "Effects",
[ ( 1, C_CG ),
( 2, C_CG ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY )]),
("error", "Errors",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY ),
( 6, ANY ),
( 7, ANY ),
( 8, ANY )]),
("ffi", "FFI",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY ),
( 6, C_CG ),
( 7, C_CG ),
( 8, C_CG )]),
("folding", "Folding",
[ ( 1, ANY )]),
("idrisdoc", "Idris documentation",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY ),
( 6, ANY ),
( 7, ANY ),
( 8, ANY ),
( 9, ANY )]),
("interactive", "Interactive editing",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY ),
( 6, ANY ),
( 7, ANY ),
( 8, ANY ),
( 9, ANY ),
( 10, ANY ),
( 11, ANY ),
( 12, ANY ),
( 13, ANY )]),
("interfaces", "Interfaces",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY ),
( 6, ANY )]),
("io", "IO monad",
[ ( 1, C_CG ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, C_CG )]),
("literate", "Literate programming",
[ ( 1, ANY )]),
("meta", "Meta-programming",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY )]),
("pkg", "Packages",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY )]),
("primitives", "Primitive types",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 5, C_CG ),
( 6, C_CG )]),
("proof", "Theorem proving",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY ),
( 6, ANY ),
( 7, ANY ),
( 8, ANY ),
( 9, ANY ),
( 10, ANY ),
( 11, ANY )]),
("proofsearch", "Proof search",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY )]),
("pruviloj", "Pruviloj",
[ ( 1, ANY )]),
("quasiquote", "Quasiquotations",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY ),
( 6, ANY )]),
("records", "Records",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY )]),
("reg", "Regressions",
[ ( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY ),
( 6, ANY ),
( 7, ANY ),
( 10, ANY ),
( 13, ANY ),
( 16, ANY ),
( 17, ANY ),
( 18, ANY ),
( 20, ANY ),
( 23, ANY ),
( 24, ANY ),
( 25, ANY ),
( 27, ANY ),
( 28, ANY ),
( 29, C_CG ),
( 31, ANY ),
( 32, ANY ),
( 34, ANY ),
( 35, ANY ),
( 39, ANY ),
( 40, ANY ),
( 41, ANY ),
( 42, ANY ),
( 44, ANY ),
( 45, ANY ),
( 48, ANY ),
( 49, ANY ),
( 50, ANY ),
( 52, C_CG ),
( 54, ANY ),
( 55, ANY ),
( 56, ANY ),
( 67, ANY ),
( 68, ANY ),
( 69, ANY ),
( 70, ANY ),
( 72, ANY ),
( 75, ANY )]),
("regression", "Regression (loner)",
[ ( 1 , ANY )]),
("sourceLocation", "Source location",
[ ( 1 , ANY )]),
("sugar", "Syntactic sugar",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, C_CG ),
( 5, ANY )]),
("syntax", "Syntax extensions",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY )]),
("tactics", "Tactics",
[ ( 1, ANY )]),
("totality", "Totality checking",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY ),
( 6, ANY ),
( 7, ANY ),
( 8, ANY ),
( 9, ANY ),
( 10, ANY ),
( 11, ANY ),
( 12, ANY ),
( 13, ANY ),
( 14, ANY ),
( 15, ANY )]),
("tutorial", "Tutorial examples",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY ),
( 4, ANY ),
( 5, ANY ),
( 6, ANY ),
( 7, C_CG )]),
("unique", "Uniqueness types",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, ANY )]),
("universes", "Universes",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY )]),
("views", "Views",
[ ( 1, ANY ),
( 2, ANY ),
( 3, C_CG )])]

test/TestRun.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Proxy
import Data.List
import Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.IntSet as ISet
import Data.IntMap as IMap
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Process
import System.Info
import System.IO
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Options.Applicative
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Golden
import Test.Tasty.Golden.Advanced
import Test.Tasty.Runners
import Test.Tasty.Options
import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Rerun
import TestData
--------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Config ]
type Flags = [String]
-- Add arguments to calls of idris executable
idrisFlags :: Flags
idrisFlags = []
testDirectory :: String
testDirectory = "test"
-------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Options ]
-- The `--node` option makes idris use the node code generator
-- As a consequence, incompatible tests are removed
newtype NodeOpt = NodeOpt Bool deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)
nodeArg = "node"
nodeHelp = "Performs the tests with the node code generator"
instance IsOption NodeOpt where
defaultValue = NodeOpt False
parseValue = fmap NodeOpt . safeRead
optionName = return nodeArg
optionHelp = return nodeHelp
optionCLParser = fmap NodeOpt $ switch (long nodeArg <> help nodeHelp)
ingredients :: [Ingredient]
ingredients = [rerunningTests [consoleTestReporter],
includingOptions [Option (Proxy :: Proxy NodeOpt)] ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Core ]
-- Compare a given file contents against the golden file contents
-- A ripoff of goldenVsFile from Tasty.Golden
test :: String -> String -> IO () -> TestTree
test name path act =
goldenTest name (BS.readFile ref) (act >> BS.readFile new) cmp upd
ref = path </> "expected"
new = path </> "output"
cmp x y = return $ if x == y then Nothing
else Just $ printDiff (ref, x) (new, y)
upd = BS.writeFile ref
-- Takes the filepath and content of `expected` and `output`
-- and formats an error message stating their difference
printDiff :: (String, BS.ByteString) -> (String, BS.ByteString) -> String
printDiff (ref, x) (new, y) =
let refcnt = BSC.unpack x
newcnt = BSC.unpack y
printContent cnt =
if Data.List.null cnt
then " is empty...\n"
else " is: \n" ++ unlines (fmap ((++) " ") (lines cnt))
"Test mismatch!\n" ++
"Golden file " ++ ref ++ printContent refcnt ++
"However, " ++ new ++ printContent newcnt
-- Should always output a 3-charater string from a postive Int
indexToString :: Int -> String
indexToString index = let str = show index in
(replicate (3 - length str) '0') ++ str
-- Turns the collection of TestFamily into actual tests usable by Tasty
mkGoldenTests :: [TestFamily] -> Flags -> TestTree
mkGoldenTests testFamilies flags =
testGroup "Regression and sanity tests"
(fmap mkTestFamily testFamilies)
mkTestFamily (TestFamily id name tests) =
testGroup name (fmap (mkTest id) (IMap.keys tests))
mkTest id index =
let testname = id ++ indexToString index
path = testDirectory </> testname
test testname path (runTest path flags)
-- Runs a test script
-- "bash" needed because Haskell has cmd as the default shell on windows, and
-- we also want to run the process with another current directory, so we get
-- this thing.
runTest :: String -> Flags -> IO ()
runTest path flags = do
let run = (proc "bash" ("run" : flags)) {cwd = Just path,
std_out = CreatePipe}
(_, output, _) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode run ""
writeFile (path </> "output") output
main :: IO ()
main = do
defaultMainWithIngredients ingredients $
askOption $ \(NodeOpt node) ->
let (codegen, flags) = if node then (JS, ["--codegen", "node"])
else (C , [])
mkGoldenTests (testFamiliesForCodegen codegen)
(flags ++ idrisFlags)

View File

@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.Exit
import System.Info
import System.IO
import System.Process
-- Because GHC earlier than 7.8 lacks setEnv
-- Install the setenv package on Windows.
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import qualified System.Posix.Env as PE(setEnv)
setEnv k v = PE.setEnv k v True
import System.SetEnv(setEnv)
data Flag = Update | Diff | ShowOutput | Quiet | Time deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
type Flags = S.Set Flag
data Status = Success | Failure | Updated deriving (Eq, Show)
data Config = Config {
flags :: Flags,
idrOpts :: [String],
tests :: [String]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
isQuiet conf = Quiet `S.member` (flags conf)
showOutput conf = ShowOutput `S.member` (flags conf)
showTime conf = Time `S.member` (flags conf)
showDiff conf = Diff `S.member` (flags conf)
doUpdate conf = Update `S.member` (flags conf)
checkTestName :: String -> Bool
checkTestName d = (all isDigit $ take 3 $ reverse d)
&& (not $ isInfixOf "disabled" d)
enumTests :: IO [String]
enumTests = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
dirs <- getDirectoryContents cwd
return $ sort $ filter checkTestName dirs
parseFlag :: String -> Maybe Flag
parseFlag s = case s of
"-u" -> Just Update
"-d" -> Just Diff
"-s" -> Just ShowOutput
"-t" -> Just Time
"-q" -> Just Quiet
_ -> Nothing
parseFlags :: [String] -> (S.Set Flag, [String])
parseFlags xs = (S.fromList f, i)
f = catMaybes $ map parseFlag fl
(fl, i) = partition (\s -> parseFlag s /= Nothing) xs
parseArgs :: [String] -> IO Config
parseArgs args = do
(tests, rest) <- case args of
("all":xs) -> do
et <- enumTests
return (et, xs)
("without":xs) -> do
t <- enumTests
(blacklist, ys) <- return $ break (== "opts") xs
return (t \\ blacklist, ys \\ ["opts"])
(x:xs) -> do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist x
return (if checkTestName x && exists then [x] else [], xs)
[] -> do
et <- enumTests
return (et, [])
let (testOpts, idOpts) = parseFlags rest
return $ Config testOpts idOpts tests
-- "bash" needed because Haskell has cmd as the default shell on windows, and
-- we also want to run the process with another current directory, so we get
-- this thing.
runInShell :: String -> [String] -> IO (ExitCode, String)
runInShell test opts = do
(ec, output, _) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode
((proc "bash" ("run":opts)) { cwd = Just test,
std_out = CreatePipe })
return (ec, output)
runTest :: Config -> String -> IO Status
runTest conf test = do
-- don't touch the current directory as we want to run these things
-- in parallel in the future
let inTest s = test ++ "/" ++ s
t1 <- getCurrentTime
(exitCode, output) <- runInShell test (idrOpts conf)
t2 <- getCurrentTime
expected <- readFile $ inTest "expected"
writeFile (inTest "output") output
res <- if (norm output == norm expected)
then do putStrLn $ test ++ " finished...success"
return Success
else if doUpdate conf
then do putStrLn $ test ++ " finished...UPDATE"
writeFile (inTest "expected") output
return Updated
else do putStrLn $ test ++ " finished...FAILURE"
_ <- rawSystem "diff" [inTest "output", inTest "expected"]
return Failure
when (showTime conf) $ do
let dt = diffUTCTime t2 t1
putStrLn $ "Duration of " ++ test ++ " was " ++ show dt
return res
-- just pretend that backslashes are slashes for comparison
-- purposes to avoid path problems, so don't write any tests
-- that depend on that distinction in other contexts.
-- Also rewrite newlines for consistency.
norm ('\r':'\n':xs) = '\n' : norm xs
norm ('\\':'\\':xs) = '/' : norm xs
norm ('\\':xs) = '/' : norm xs
norm (x : xs) = x : norm xs
norm [] = []
printStats :: Config -> [Status] -> IO ()
printStats conf stats = do
let total = length stats
let successful = length $ filter (== Success) stats
let failures = length $ filter (== Failure) stats
let updates = length $ filter (== Updated) stats
putStrLn "\n----"
putStrLn $ show total ++ " tests run: " ++ show successful ++ " succesful, "
++ show failures ++ " failed, " ++ show updates ++ " updated."
let failed = map fst $ filter ((== Failure) . snd) $ zip (tests conf) stats
when (failed /= []) $ do
putStrLn "\nFailed tests:"
mapM_ putStrLn failed
putStrLn ""
runTests :: Config -> IO Bool
runTests conf = do
stats <- mapM (runTest conf) (tests conf)
unless (isQuiet conf) $ printStats conf stats
return $ all (== Success) stats
runShow :: Config -> IO Bool
runShow conf = do
mapM_ (\t -> callProcess "cat" [t++"/output"]) (tests conf)
return True
runDiff :: Config -> IO Bool
runDiff conf = do
mapM_ (\t -> do putStrLn $ "Differences in " ++ t ++ ":"
ec <- rawSystem "diff" [t++"/output", t++"/expected"]
when (ec == ExitSuccess) $ putStrLn "No differences found.")
(tests conf)
return True
whisper :: Config -> String -> IO ()
whisper conf s = do unless (isQuiet conf) $ putStrLn s
isWindows :: Bool
isWindows = os `elem` ["win32", "mingw32", "cygwin32"]
setPath :: Config -> IO ()
setPath conf = do
maybeEnv <- lookupEnv "IDRIS"
idrisExists <- case maybeEnv of
Just idrisExe -> do
let exeExtension = if isWindows then ".exe" else ""
doesFileExist (idrisExe ++ exeExtension)
Nothing -> return False
if (idrisExists)
then do
idrisAbs <- makeAbsolute $ fromMaybe "" maybeEnv
setEnv "IDRIS" idrisAbs
whisper conf $ "Using " ++ idrisAbs
else do
path <- getEnv "PATH"
setEnv "IDRIS" ""
let sandbox = "../.cabal-sandbox/bin"
hasBox <- doesDirectoryExist sandbox
bindir <- if hasBox
then do
whisper conf $ "Using Cabal sandbox at " ++ sandbox
makeAbsolute sandbox
else do
stackExe <- findExecutable "stack"
case stackExe of
Just stack -> do
out <- readProcess stack ["path", "--dist-dir"] []
stackDistDir <- return $ takeWhile (/= '\n') out
let stackDir = "../" ++ stackDistDir ++ "/build/idris"
whisper conf $ "Using stack work dir at " ++ stackDir
makeAbsolute stackDir
Nothing -> return ""
when (bindir /= "") $ setEnv "PATH" (bindir ++ [searchPathSeparator] ++ path)
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
withCabal <- doesDirectoryExist "test"
when withCabal $ do
setCurrentDirectory "test"
args <- getArgs
conf <- parseArgs args
setPath conf
t1 <- getCurrentTime
res <- case tests conf of
[] -> return True
xs | showOutput conf -> runShow conf
xs | showDiff conf -> runDiff conf
xs -> runTests conf
t2 <- getCurrentTime
when (showTime conf) $ do
let dt = diffUTCTime t2 t1
putStrLn $ "Duration of Entire Test Suite was " ++ show dt
unless res exitFailure