An interactive Elab shell

This mirrors the interactive prover, but it uses Elab tactics instead of
the old built-in tactic language.
This commit is contained in:
David Raymond Christiansen 2015-06-09 10:53:04 +02:00
parent 6bf22eea57
commit 54cd5a62fe
9 changed files with 330 additions and 115 deletions

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@ -70,6 +70,14 @@ We can generate identity functions at any concrete type using the same script:
idString : String -> String
idString = %runElab mkId
Interactively Building Elab Scripts
To build an ``Elab`` script interactively, use the ``:elab`` command at the REPL.
It takes the name of a metavariable as an argument.
The interface is largely the same as in Idris's interactive prover, except all meta-commands start with colon.
For example, use ``:qed`` instead of ``qed``, ``:abandon`` instead of ``abandon``, and ``:undo`` instead of ``undo``.

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@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ data IState = IState {
idris_cgflags :: [(Codegen, String)],
idris_hdrs :: [(Codegen, String)],
idris_imported :: [(FilePath, Bool)], -- ^ Imported ibc file names, whether public
proof_list :: [(Name, [String])],
proof_list :: [(Name, (Bool, [String]))],
errSpan :: Maybe FC,
parserWarnings :: [(FC, Err)],
lastParse :: Maybe Name,
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ data Command = Quit
| Execute PTerm
| ExecVal PTerm
| Metavars
| Prove Name
| Prove Bool Name -- ^ If false, use prover, if true, use elab shell
| AddProof (Maybe Name)
| RmProof Name
| ShowProof Name
@ -486,6 +486,11 @@ data Opt = Filename String
| UseConsoleWidth ConsoleWidth
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ElabShellCmd = EQED | EAbandon | EUndo | EProofState | EProofTerm
| EEval PTerm | ECheck PTerm | ESearch PTerm
| EDocStr (Either Name Const)
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Parsed declarations
data Fixity = Infixl { prec :: Int }

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@ -1697,10 +1697,10 @@ case_ ind autoSolve ist fn tm = do
when autoSolve solveAll
runTactical :: IState -> FC -> Env -> Term -> [String] -> ElabD ()
runTactical :: IState -> FC -> Env -> Term -> [String] -> ElabD Term
runTactical ist fc env tm ns = do tm' <- eval tm
runTacTm tm'
return ()
eval tm = do ctxt <- get_context
return $ normaliseAll ctxt env (finalise tm)

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Util.Pretty(pretty, text)
-- Elaborate a value, returning any new bindings created (this will only
-- | Elaborate a value, returning any new bindings created (this will only
-- happen if elaborating as a pattern clause)
elabValBind :: ElabInfo -> ElabMode -> Bool -> PTerm -> Idris (Term, Type, [(Name, Type)])
elabValBind info aspat norm tm_in
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ elabDocTerms info str = do typechecked <- Traversable.mapM decorate str
else Checked tm
| otherwise = Unchecked
-- Try running the term directly (as IO ()), then printing it as an Integer
-- | Try running the term directly (as IO ()), then printing it as an Integer
-- (as a default numeric tye), then printing it as any Showable thing
elabExec :: FC -> PTerm -> PTerm
elabExec fc tm = runtm (PAlternative FirstSuccess

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@ -1375,10 +1375,10 @@ tactics =
, noArgs ["instance"] TCInstance
, noArgs ["solve"] Solve
, noArgs ["attack"] Attack
, noArgs ["state"] ProofState
, noArgs ["term"] ProofTerm
, noArgs ["undo"] Undo
, noArgs ["qed"] Qed
, noArgs ["state", ":state"] ProofState
, noArgs ["term", ":term"] ProofTerm
, noArgs ["undo", ":undo"] Undo
, noArgs ["qed", ":qed"] Qed
, noArgs ["abandon", ":q"] Abandon
, noArgs ["skip"] Skip
, noArgs ["sourceLocation"] SourceFC

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@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Char
import Data.Ord
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data (descendM)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
@ -1238,6 +1239,30 @@ parseConst st = runparser (fmap fst constant) st "(input)"
parseTactic :: IState -> String -> Result PTactic
parseTactic st = runparser (fullTactic defaultSyntax) st "(input)"
{- | Parses a do-step from input (used in the elab shell) -}
parseElabShellStep :: IState -> String -> Result (Either ElabShellCmd PDo)
parseElabShellStep ist = runparser (fmap Right (do_ defaultSyntax) <|> fmap Left elabShellCmd) ist "(input)"
where elabShellCmd = char ':' >>
(reserved "qed" >> pure EQED ) <|>
(reserved "abandon" >> pure EAbandon ) <|>
(reserved "undo" >> pure EUndo ) <|>
(reserved "state" >> pure EProofState) <|>
(reserved "term" >> pure EProofTerm ) <|>
(expressionTactic ["e", "eval"] EEval ) <|>
(expressionTactic ["t", "type"] ECheck) <|>
(expressionTactic ["search"] ESearch ) <|>
(do reserved "doc"
doc <- (Right . fst <$> constant) <|> (Left . fst <$> fnName)
return (EDocStr doc))
<?> "elab command"
expressionTactic cmds tactic =
do asum (map reserved cmds)
t <- spaced (expr defaultSyntax)
i <- get
return $ tactic (desugar defaultSyntax i t)
spaced parser = indentPropHolds gtProp *> parser
-- | Parse module header and imports
parseImports :: FilePath -> String -> Idris (Maybe (Docstring ()), [String], [ImportInfo], Maybe Delta)
parseImports fname input

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Idris.Prover where
module Idris.Prover (prover, showProof, showRunElab) where
import Idris.Core.Elaborate hiding (Tactic(..))
import Idris.Core.TT
@ -35,13 +35,14 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
import Util.Pretty
import Debug.Trace
prover :: Bool -> Name -> Idris ()
prover lit x =
-- | Launch the proof shell
prover :: Bool -> Bool -> Name -> Idris ()
prover mode lit x =
do ctxt <- getContext
i <- getIState
case lookupTy x ctxt of
[t] -> if elem x (map fst (idris_metavars i))
then prove (idris_optimisation i) ctxt lit x t
then prove mode (idris_optimisation i) ctxt lit x t
else ifail $ show x ++ " is not a metavariable"
_ -> fail "No such metavariable"
@ -53,6 +54,15 @@ showProof lit n ps
where bird = if lit then "> " else ""
break = "\n" ++ bird
showRunElab :: Bool -> Name -> [String] -> String
showRunElab lit n ps = birdify (displayS (renderPretty 1.0 80 doc) "")
where doc = text (show n) <+> text "=" <+> text "%runElab" <+>
enclose lparen rparen
(text "do" <+> (align $ vsep (map text ps)))
birdify = if lit
then concatMap ("> " ++) . lines
else id
proverSettings :: ElabState EState -> Settings Idris
proverSettings e = setComplete (proverCompletion (assumptionNames e)) defaultSettings
@ -64,18 +74,24 @@ assumptionNames e
names ((MN _ _, _) : bs) = names bs
names ((n, _) : bs) = show n : names bs
prove :: Ctxt OptInfo -> Context -> Bool -> Name -> Type -> Idris ()
prove opt ctxt lit n ty
prove :: Bool -> Ctxt OptInfo -> Context -> Bool -> Name -> Type -> Idris ()
prove mode opt ctxt lit n ty
= do ps <- fmap (\ist -> initElaborator n ctxt (idris_datatypes ist) ty) getIState
idemodePutSExp "start-proof-mode" n
(tm, prf) <- ploop n True ("-" ++ show n) [] (ES (ps, initEState) "" Nothing) Nothing
(tm, prf) <-
if mode
then elabloop n True ("-" ++ show n) [] (ES (ps, initEState) "" Nothing) [] Nothing []
else ploop n True ("-" ++ show n) [] (ES (ps, initEState) "" Nothing) Nothing
iLOG $ "Adding " ++ show tm
i <- getIState
let shower = if mode
then showRunElab
else showProof
case idris_outputmode i of
IdeMode _ _ -> idemodePutSExp "end-proof-mode" (n, showProof lit n prf)
_ -> iputStrLn $ showProof lit n prf
IdeMode _ _ -> idemodePutSExp "end-proof-mode" (n, shower lit n prf)
_ -> iputStrLn $ shower lit n prf
let proofs = proof_list i
putIState (i { proof_list = (n, prf) : proofs })
putIState (i { proof_list = (n, (mode, prf)) : proofs })
let tree = simpleCase False (STerm Erased) False CompileTime (fileFC "proof") [] [] [([], P Ref n ty, tm)]
logLvl 3 (show tree)
(ptm, pty) <- recheckC (fileFC "proof") id [] tm
@ -117,16 +133,17 @@ elabStep st e = case runStateT eCheck st of
return res
((_,_,_,_,e,_,_):_) -> lift $ Error e
dumpState :: IState -> ProofState -> Idris ()
dumpState ist ps | [] <- holes ps =
dumpState :: IState -> [(Name, Type, Term)] -> ProofState -> Idris ()
dumpState ist menv ps | [] <- holes ps =
do let nm = thname ps
rendered <- iRender $ prettyName True False [] nm <> colon <+> text "No more goals."
iputGoal rendered
dumpState ist ps | (h : hs) <- holes ps = do
dumpState ist menv ps | (h : hs) <- holes ps = do
let OK ty = goalAtFocus ps
let OK env = envAtFocus ps
let state = prettyOtherGoals hs <> line <>
prettyAssumptions env <> line <>
prettyMetaValues (reverse menv) <>
prettyGoal (zip (assumptionNames env) (repeat False)) ty
rendered <- iRender state
iputGoal rendered
@ -156,6 +173,21 @@ dumpState ist ps | (h : hs) <- holes ps = do
line <> bindingOf n False <+> colon <+>
align (tPretty bnd (binderTy b)) <> prettyPs ((n, False):bnd) bs
prettyMetaValues [] = empty
prettyMetaValues mvs =
text "---------- Meta-values: ----------" <$$>
prettyMetaValues' [] mvs <> line <> line
prettyMetaValues' _ [] = empty
prettyMetaValues' bnd [mv] = ppMv bnd mv
prettyMetaValues' bnd ((mv@(n, ty, tm)) : mvs) =
ppMv bnd mv <$>
prettyMetaValues' ((n, False):bnd) mvs
ppMv bnd (n, ty, tm) = kwd "let" <+> bindingOf n False <+> colon <+>
tPretty bnd ty <+> text "=" <+> tPretty bnd tm
kwd = annotate AnnKeyword . text
prettyG bnd (Guess t v) = tPretty bnd t <+> text "=?=" <+> tPretty bnd v
prettyG bnd b = tPretty bnd $ binderTy b
@ -208,11 +240,141 @@ receiveInput h e =
Just (IdeMode.DocsFor str _) -> return (Just (":doc " ++ str))
_ -> return Nothing
data ElabShellHistory = ElabStep | LetStep | BothStep
undoStep :: [String] -> [(Name, Type, Term)] -> ElabState EState -> ElabShellHistory -> Idris ([String], [(Name, Type, Term)], ElabState EState)
undoStep prf env st ElabStep = do (_, st') <- elabStep st loadState
return (init prf, env, st')
undoStep prf env st LetStep = return (init prf, tail env, st)
undoStep prf env st BothStep = do (_, st') <- elabStep st loadState
return (init prf, tail env, st')
undoElab :: [String] -> [(Name, Type, Term)] -> ElabState EState -> [ElabShellHistory] -> Idris ([String], [(Name, Type, Term)], ElabState EState, [ElabShellHistory])
undoElab prf env st [] = ifail "Nothing to undo"
undoElab prf env st (h:hs) = do (prf', env', st') <- undoStep prf env st h
return (prf', env', st', hs)
elabloop :: Name -> Bool -> String -> [String] -> ElabState EState -> [ElabShellHistory] -> Maybe History -> [(Name, Type, Term)] -> Idris (Term, [String])
elabloop fn d prompt prf e prev h env
= do ist <- getIState
when d $ dumpState ist env (proof e)
(x, h') <-
case idris_outputmode ist of
RawOutput _ ->
runInputT (proverSettings e) $
do case h of
Just history -> putHistory history
Nothing -> return ()
l <- getInputLine (prompt ++ "> ")
h' <- getHistory
return (l, Just h')
IdeMode _ handle ->
do isetPrompt prompt
i <- receiveInput handle e
return (i, h)
(cmd, step) <- case x of
Nothing -> do iPrintError "" ; ifail "Abandoned"
Just input -> return (parseElabShellStep ist input, input)
-- if we're abandoning, it has to be outside the scope of the catch
case cmd of
Success (Left EAbandon) -> do iPrintError ""; ifail "Abandoned"
_ -> return ()
(d, prev', st, done, prf', env', res) <-
(case cmd of
Failure err ->
return (False, prev, e, False, prf, env, Left . Msg . show . fixColour (idris_colourRepl ist) $ err)
Success (Left cmd') ->
case cmd' of
EQED -> do hs <- lifte e get_holes
when (not (null hs)) $ ifail "Incomplete proof"
iputStrLn "Proof completed!"
return (False, prev, e, True, prf, env, Right $ iPrintResult "")
EUndo -> do (prf', env', st', prev') <- undoElab prf env e prev
return (True, prev', st', False, prf', env', Right $ iPrintResult "")
EAbandon ->
error "the impossible happened - should have been matched on outer scope"
EProofState -> return (True, prev, e, False, prf, env, Right $ iPrintResult "")
EProofTerm ->
do tm <- lifte e get_term
return (False, prev, e, False, prf, env, Right $ iRenderResult (text "TT:" <+> pprintTT [] tm))
EEval tm -> do (d', st', done, prf', go) <- evalTerm e prf tm
return (d', prev, st', done, prf', env, go)
ECheck (PRef _ n) ->
do (d', st', done, prf', go) <- checkNameType e prf n
return (d', prev, st', done, prf', env, go)
ECheck tm -> do (d', st', done, prf', go) <- checkType e prf tm
return (d', prev, st', done, prf', env, go)
ESearch ty -> do (d', st', done, prf', go) <- search e prf ty
return (d', prev, st', done, prf', env, go)
EDocStr d -> do (d', st', done, prf', go) <- docStr e prf d
return (d', prev, st', done, prf', env, go)
Success (Right cmd') ->
case cmd' of
DoLetP _ _ _ -> ifail "Pattern-matching let not supported here"
DoBindP _ _ _ _ -> ifail "Pattern-matching <- not supported here"
DoLet fc i ifc Placeholder expr ->
do (tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS (inLets ist env expr)
ctxt <- getContext
let tm' = normaliseAll ctxt [] tm
ty' = normaliseAll ctxt [] ty
return (True, LetStep:prev, e, False, prf ++ [step], (i, ty', tm' ) : env, Right (iPrintResult ""))
DoLet fc i ifc ty expr ->
do (tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS
(PApp NoFC (PRef NoFC (sUN "the"))
[ pexp (inLets ist env ty)
, pexp (inLets ist env expr)
ctxt <- getContext
let tm' = normaliseAll ctxt [] tm
ty' = normaliseAll ctxt [] ty
return (True, LetStep:prev, e, False, prf ++ [step], (i, ty', tm' ) : env, Right (iPrintResult ""))
DoBind fc i ifc expr ->
do (tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS (inLets ist env expr)
(_, e') <- elabStep e saveState -- enable :undo
(res, e'') <- elabStep e' $
runTactical ist NoFC [] tm ["Shell"]
ctxt <- getContext
(v, vty) <- tclift $ check ctxt [] (forget res)
let v' = normaliseAll ctxt [] v
vty' = normaliseAll ctxt [] vty
return (True, BothStep:prev, e'', False, prf ++ [step], (i, vty', v') : env, Right (iPrintResult ""))
DoExp fc expr ->
do (tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS (inLets ist env expr)
-- TODO: call elaborator with Elab () as goal here
(_, e') <- elabStep e saveState -- enable :undo
(_, e'') <- elabStep e' $
runTactical ist NoFC [] tm ["Shell"]
return (True, ElabStep:prev, e'', False, prf ++ [step], env, Right (iPrintResult "")))
(\err -> return (False, prev, e, False, prf, env, Left err))
idemodePutSExp "write-proof-state" (prf', length prf')
case res of
Left err -> do ist <- getIState
iRenderError $ pprintErr ist err
elabloop fn d prompt prf' st prev' h' env'
Right ok ->
if done then do (tm, _) <- elabStep st get_term
return (tm, prf')
else do ok
elabloop fn d prompt prf' st prev' h' env'
-- A bit of a hack: wrap the value up in a let binding, which will
-- normalise away. It would be better to figure out how to call
-- the elaborator with a custom environment here to avoid the
-- delab step.
inLets :: IState -> [(Name, Type, Term)] -> PTerm -> PTerm
inLets ist lets tm = foldr (\(n, ty, v) b -> PLet NoFC n NoFC (delab ist ty) (delab ist v) b) tm (reverse lets)
ploop :: Name -> Bool -> String -> [String] -> ElabState EState -> Maybe History -> Idris (Term, [String])
ploop fn d prompt prf e h
= do i <- getIState
let autoSolve = opt_autoSolve (idris_options i)
when d $ dumpState i (proof e)
when d $ dumpState i [] (proof e)
(x, h') <-
case idris_outputmode i of
RawOutput _ ->
@ -247,11 +409,11 @@ ploop fn d prompt prf e h
when (not (null hs)) $ ifail "Incomplete proof"
iputStrLn "Proof completed!"
return (False, e, True, prf, Right $ iPrintResult "")
Success (TCheck (PRef _ n)) -> checkNameType n
Success (TCheck t) -> checkType t
Success (TEval t) -> evalTerm t e
Success (TDocStr x) -> docStr x
Success (TSearch t) -> search t
Success (TCheck (PRef _ n)) -> checkNameType e prf n
Success (TCheck t) -> checkType e prf t
Success (TEval t) -> evalTerm e prf t
Success (TDocStr x) -> docStr e prf x
Success (TSearch t) -> search e prf t
Success tac ->
do (_, e) <- elabStep e saveState
(_, st) <- elabStep e (runTac autoSolve i (Just proverFC) fn tac)
@ -267,80 +429,87 @@ ploop fn d prompt prf e h
return (tm, prf')
else do ok
ploop fn d prompt prf' st h'
where envCtxt env ctxt = foldl (\c (n, b) -> addTyDecl n Bound (binderTy b) c) ctxt env
checkNameType n = do
ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
imp <- impShow
idrisCatch (do
let OK env = envAtFocus (proof e)
ctxt' = envCtxt env ctxt
bnd = map (\x -> (fst x, False)) env
ist' = ist { tt_ctxt = ctxt' }
putIState ist'
-- Unlike the REPL, metavars have no special treatment, to
-- make it easier to see how to prove with them.
let action = case lookupNames n ctxt' of
[] -> iPrintError $ "No such variable " ++ show n
ts -> iPrintFunTypes bnd n (map (\n -> (n, pprintDelabTy ist' n)) ts)
putIState ist
return (False, e, False, prf, Right action))
(\err -> do putIState ist ; ierror err)
checkType t = do
ist <- getIState
ctxt <- getContext
idrisCatch (do
let OK env = envAtFocus (proof e)
ctxt' = envCtxt env ctxt
putIState ist { tt_ctxt = ctxt' }
(tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS t
let ppo = ppOptionIst ist
ty' = normaliseC ctxt [] ty
infixes = idris_infixes ist
action = case tm of
TType _ ->
iPrintTermWithType (prettyImp ppo (PType emptyFC)) type1Doc
_ -> let bnd = map (\x -> (fst x, False)) env in
iPrintTermWithType (pprintPTerm ppo bnd [] infixes (delab ist tm))
(pprintPTerm ppo bnd [] infixes (delab ist ty))
putIState ist
return (False, e, False, prf, Right action))
(\err -> do putIState ist { tt_ctxt = ctxt } ; ierror err)
proverFC = FC "(prover shell)" (0, 0) (0, 0)
envCtxt env ctxt = foldl (\c (n, b) -> addTyDecl n Bound (binderTy b) c) ctxt env
evalTerm t e = withErrorReflection $
do ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
idrisCatch (do
let OK env = envAtFocus (proof e)
ctxt' = envCtxt env ctxt
ist' = ist { tt_ctxt = ctxt' }
bnd = map (\x -> (fst x, False)) env
putIState ist'
(tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS t
let tm' = force (normaliseAll ctxt' env tm)
ty' = force (normaliseAll ctxt' env ty)
ppo = ppOption (idris_options ist')
infixes = idris_infixes ist
tmDoc = pprintPTerm ppo bnd [] infixes (delab ist' tm')
tyDoc = pprintPTerm ppo bnd [] infixes (delab ist' ty')
action = iPrintTermWithType tmDoc tyDoc
putIState ist
return (False, e, False, prf, Right action))
(\err -> do putIState ist ; ierror err)
docStr :: Either Name Const -> Idris (Bool, ElabState EState, Bool, [String], Either Err (Idris ()))
docStr (Left n) = do ist <- getIState
idrisCatch (case lookupCtxtName n (idris_docstrings ist) of
[] -> return (False, e, False, prf,
Left . Msg $ "No documentation for " ++ show n)
ns -> do toShow <- mapM (showDoc ist) ns
return (False, e, False, prf,
Right $ iRenderResult (vsep toShow)))
(\err -> do putIState ist ; ierror err)
where showDoc ist (n, d) = do doc <- getDocs n FullDocs
return $ pprintDocs ist doc
docStr (Right c) = do ist <- getIState
return (False, e, False, prf, Right . iRenderResult $ pprintConstDocs ist c (constDocs c))
search t = return (False, e, False, prf, Right $ searchByType [] t)
checkNameType :: ElabState EState -> [String] -> Name -> Idris (Bool, ElabState EState, Bool, [String], Either Err (Idris ()))
checkNameType e prf n = do
ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
imp <- impShow
idrisCatch (do
let OK env = envAtFocus (proof e)
ctxt' = envCtxt env ctxt
bnd = map (\x -> (fst x, False)) env
ist' = ist { tt_ctxt = ctxt' }
putIState ist'
-- Unlike the REPL, metavars have no special treatment, to
-- make it easier to see how to prove with them.
let action = case lookupNames n ctxt' of
[] -> iPrintError $ "No such variable " ++ show n
ts -> iPrintFunTypes bnd n (map (\n -> (n, pprintDelabTy ist' n)) ts)
putIState ist
return (False, e, False, prf, Right action))
(\err -> do putIState ist ; ierror err)
checkType :: ElabState EState -> [String] -> PTerm -> Idris (Bool, ElabState EState, Bool, [String], Either Err (Idris ()))
checkType e prf t = do
ist <- getIState
ctxt <- getContext
idrisCatch (do
let OK env = envAtFocus (proof e)
ctxt' = envCtxt env ctxt
putIState ist { tt_ctxt = ctxt' }
(tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS t
let ppo = ppOptionIst ist
ty' = normaliseC ctxt [] ty
infixes = idris_infixes ist
action = case tm of
TType _ ->
iPrintTermWithType (prettyImp ppo (PType emptyFC)) type1Doc
_ -> let bnd = map (\x -> (fst x, False)) env in
iPrintTermWithType (pprintPTerm ppo bnd [] infixes (delab ist tm))
(pprintPTerm ppo bnd [] infixes (delab ist ty))
putIState ist
return (False, e, False, prf, Right action))
(\err -> do putIState ist { tt_ctxt = ctxt } ; ierror err)
proverFC = FC "(prover shell)" (0, 0) (0, 0)
evalTerm :: ElabState EState -> [String] -> PTerm -> Idris (Bool, ElabState EState, Bool, [String], Either Err (Idris ()))
evalTerm e prf t = withErrorReflection $
do ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
idrisCatch (do
let OK env = envAtFocus (proof e)
ctxt' = envCtxt env ctxt
ist' = ist { tt_ctxt = ctxt' }
bnd = map (\x -> (fst x, False)) env
putIState ist'
(tm, ty) <- elabVal recinfo ERHS t
let tm' = force (normaliseAll ctxt' env tm)
ty' = force (normaliseAll ctxt' env ty)
ppo = ppOption (idris_options ist')
infixes = idris_infixes ist
tmDoc = pprintPTerm ppo bnd [] infixes (delab ist' tm')
tyDoc = pprintPTerm ppo bnd [] infixes (delab ist' ty')
action = iPrintTermWithType tmDoc tyDoc
putIState ist
return (False, e, False, prf, Right action))
(\err -> do putIState ist ; ierror err)
docStr :: ElabState EState -> [String] -> Either Name Const -> Idris (Bool, ElabState EState, Bool, [String], Either Err (Idris ()))
docStr e prf (Left n) = do ist <- getIState
idrisCatch (case lookupCtxtName n (idris_docstrings ist) of
[] -> return (False, e, False, prf,
Left . Msg $ "No documentation for " ++ show n)
ns -> do toShow <- mapM (showDoc ist) ns
return (False, e, False, prf,
Right $ iRenderResult (vsep toShow)))
(\err -> do putIState ist ; ierror err)
where showDoc ist (n, d) = do doc <- getDocs n FullDocs
return $ pprintDocs ist doc
docStr e prf (Right c) = do ist <- getIState
return (False, e, False, prf, Right . iRenderResult $ pprintConstDocs ist c (constDocs c))
search e prf t = return (False, e, False, prf, Right $ searchByType [] t)

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@ -296,9 +296,9 @@ runIdeModeCommand h id orig fn mods (IdeMode.Interpret cmd) =
i <- getIState
case parseCmd i "(input)" cmd of
Failure err -> iPrintError $ show (fixColour False err)
Success (Right (Prove n')) ->
Success (Right (Prove mode n')) ->
(do process fn (Prove n')
(do process fn (Prove mode n')
isetPrompt (mkPrompt mods)
case idris_outputmode i of
IdeMode n h -> -- signal completion of proof to ide
@ -1094,16 +1094,20 @@ process fn' (AddProof prf)
n' <- case prf of
Nothing -> case proofs of
[] -> ifail "No proof to add"
((x, p) : _) -> return x
((x, _) : _) -> return x
Just nm -> return nm
n <- resolveProof n'
case lookup n proofs of
Nothing -> iputStrLn "No proof to add"
Just p -> do let prog' = insertScript (showProof (lit fn) n p) ls
runIO $ writeSource fn (unlines prog')
removeProof n
iputStrLn $ "Added proof " ++ show n
where ls = (lines prog)
Just (mode, prf) ->
do let script = if mode
then showRunElab (lit fn) n prf
else showProof (lit fn) n prf
let prog' = insertScript script ls
runIO $ writeSource fn (unlines prog')
removeProof n
iputStrLn $ "Added proof " ++ show n
where ls = (lines prog)
process fn (ShowProof n')
= do i <- getIState
@ -1111,9 +1115,11 @@ process fn (ShowProof n')
let proofs = proof_list i
case lookup n proofs of
Nothing -> iPrintError "No proof to show"
Just p -> iPrintResult $ showProof False n p
Just (m, p) -> iPrintResult $ if m
then showRunElab False n p
else showProof False n p
process fn (Prove n')
process fn (Prove mode n')
= do ctxt <- getContext
ist <- getIState
let ns = lookupNames n' ctxt
@ -1123,7 +1129,7 @@ process fn (Prove n')
[(n, (_,_,False))] -> return n
[(_, (_,_,True))] -> ierror (Msg $ "Declarations not solvable using prover")
ns -> ierror (CantResolveAlts (map fst ns))
prover (lit fn) n
prover mode (lit fn) n
-- recheck totality
i <- getIState
totcheck (fileFC "(input)", n)

View File

@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ parserCommandsForHelp =
, noArgCmd ["e", "edit"] Edit "Edit current file using $EDITOR or $VISUAL"
, noArgCmd ["m", "metavars"] Metavars "Show remaining proof obligations (metavariables)"
, (["p", "prove"], MetaVarArg, "Prove a metavariable"
, nameArg Prove)
, nameArg (Prove False))
, (["elab"], MetaVarArg, "Build a metavariable using the elaboration shell"
, nameArg (Prove True))
, (["a", "addproof"], NameArg, "Add proof to source file", cmd_addproof)
, (["rmproof"], NameArg, "Remove proof from proof stack"
, nameArg RmProof)