Further splitting of Parser

This seems to help the build on lower memory machines (< 1Gb being
lower memory!)
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2013-10-05 18:08:49 +01:00
parent a434e829b9
commit 631fc46f75
5 changed files with 326 additions and 287 deletions

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@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ Executable idris
, Idris.ParseHelpers
, Idris.ParseOps
, Idris.ParseExpr
, Idris.ParseData
, Idris.PartialEval
, Idris.Primitives
, Idris.Prover

src/Idris/ParseData.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ConstraintKinds, PatternGuards #-}
module Idris.ParseData where
import Prelude hiding (pi)
import Text.Trifecta.Delta
import Text.Trifecta hiding (span, stringLiteral, charLiteral, natural, symbol, char, string, whiteSpace)
import Text.Parser.LookAhead
import Text.Parser.Expression
import qualified Text.Parser.Token as Tok
import qualified Text.Parser.Char as Chr
import qualified Text.Parser.Token.Highlight as Hi
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.ParseHelpers
import Idris.ParseOps
import Idris.ParseExpr
import Idris.DSL
import Core.TT
import Core.Evaluate
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.List.Split as Spl
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
{- |Parses a record type declaration
Record ::=
DocComment Accessibility? 'record' FnName TypeSig 'where' OpenBlock Constructor KeepTerminator CloseBlock;
record :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl
record syn = do (doc, acc) <- try (do
doc <- option "" (docComment '|')
acc <- optional accessibility
reserved "record"
return (doc, acc))
fc <- getFC
tyn_in <- fnName
lchar ':'
ty <- typeExpr (allowImp syn)
let tyn = expandNS syn tyn_in
reserved "where"
(cdoc, cn, cty, _) <- indentedBlockS (constructor syn)
accData acc tyn [cn]
let rsyn = syn { syn_namespace = show (nsroot tyn) :
syn_namespace syn }
let fns = getRecNames rsyn cty
mapM_ (\n -> addAcc n acc) fns
return $ PRecord doc rsyn fc tyn ty cdoc cn cty
<?> "record type declaration"
getRecNames :: SyntaxInfo -> PTerm -> [Name]
getRecNames syn (PPi _ n _ sc) = [expandNS syn n, expandNS syn (mkType n)]
++ getRecNames syn sc
getRecNames _ _ = []
toFreeze :: Maybe Accessibility -> Maybe Accessibility
toFreeze (Just Frozen) = Just Hidden
toFreeze x = x
{- | Parses data declaration type (normal or codata)
DataI ::= 'data' | 'codata';
dataI :: IdrisParser Bool
dataI = do reserved "data"; return False
<|> do reserved "codata"; return True
{- | Parses a data type declaration
Data ::= DocComment? Accessibility? DataI FnName TypeSig ExplicitTypeDataRest?
| DocComment? Accessibility? DataI FnName Name* DataRest?
Constructor' ::= Constructor KeepTerminator;
ExplicitTypeDataRest ::= 'where' OpenBlock Constructor'* CloseBlock;
DataRest ::= '=' SimpleConstructorList Terminator
 | 'where'!
SimpleConstructorList ::=
| SimpleConstructor '|' SimpleConstructorList
data_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl
data_ syn = do (doc, acc, co) <- try (do
doc <- option "" (docComment '|')
acc <- optional accessibility
co <- dataI
return (doc, acc, co))
fc <- getFC
tyn_in <- fnName
(do try (lchar ':')
ty <- typeExpr (allowImp syn)
let tyn = expandNS syn tyn_in
option (PData doc syn fc co (PLaterdecl tyn ty)) (do
reserved "where"
cons <- indentedBlock (constructor syn)
accData acc tyn (map (\ (_, n, _, _) -> n) cons)
return $ PData doc syn fc co (PDatadecl tyn ty cons))) <|> (do
args <- many name
let ty = bindArgs (map (const PType) args) PType
let tyn = expandNS syn tyn_in
option (PData doc syn fc co (PLaterdecl tyn ty)) (do
try (lchar '=') <|> do reserved "where"
let kw = (if co then "co" else "") ++ "data "
let n = show tyn_in ++ " "
let s = kw ++ n
let as = concat (intersperse " " $ map show args) ++ " "
let ns = concat (intersperse " -> " $ map ((\x -> "(" ++ x ++ " : Type)") . show) args)
let ss = concat (intersperse " -> " $ map (const "Type") args)
let fix1 = s ++ as ++ " = ..."
let fix2 = s ++ ": " ++ ns ++ " -> Type where\n ..."
let fix3 = s ++ ": " ++ ss ++ " -> Type where\n ..."
fail $ fixErrorMsg "unexpected \"where\"" [fix1, fix2, fix3]
cons <- sepBy1 (simpleConstructor syn) (lchar '|')
let conty = mkPApp fc (PRef fc tyn) (map (PRef fc) args)
cons' <- mapM (\ (doc, x, cargs, cfc) ->
do let cty = bindArgs cargs conty
return (doc, x, cty, cfc)) cons
accData acc tyn (map (\ (_, n, _, _) -> n) cons')
return $ PData doc syn fc co (PDatadecl tyn ty cons')))
<?> "data type declaration"
mkPApp :: FC -> PTerm -> [PTerm] -> PTerm
mkPApp fc t [] = t
mkPApp fc t xs = PApp fc t (map pexp xs)
bindArgs :: [PTerm] -> PTerm -> PTerm
bindArgs xs t = foldr (PPi expl (MN 0 "t")) t xs
{- | Parses a type constructor declaration
Constructor ::= DocComment? FnName TypeSig;
constructor :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (String, Name, PTerm, FC)
constructor syn
= do doc <- option "" (docComment '|')
cn_in <- fnName; fc <- getFC
let cn = expandNS syn cn_in
lchar ':'
ty <- typeExpr (allowImp syn)
return (doc, cn, ty, fc)
<?> "constructor"
{- | Parses a constructor for simple discriminative union data types
SimpleConstructor ::= FnName SimpleExpr* DocComment?
simpleConstructor :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (String, Name, [PTerm], FC)
simpleConstructor syn
= do cn_in <- fnName
let cn = expandNS syn cn_in
fc <- getFC
args <- many (do notEndApp
simpleExpr syn)
doc <- option "" (docComment '^')
return (doc, cn, args, fc)
<?> "constructor"
{- | Parses a dsl block declaration
DSL ::= 'dsl' FnName OpenBlock Overload'+ CloseBlock;
dsl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl
dsl syn = do reserved "dsl"
n <- fnName
bs <- indentedBlock (overload syn)
let dsl = mkDSL bs (dsl_info syn)
checkDSL dsl
i <- get
put (i { idris_dsls = addDef n dsl (idris_dsls i) })
return (PDSL n dsl)
<?> "dsl block declaration"
where mkDSL :: [(String, PTerm)] -> DSL -> DSL
mkDSL bs dsl = let var = lookup "variable" bs
first = lookup "index_first" bs
next = lookup "index_next" bs
leto = lookup "let" bs
lambda = lookup "lambda" bs in
initDSL { dsl_var = var,
index_first = first,
index_next = next,
dsl_lambda = lambda,
dsl_let = leto }
{- | Checks DSL for errors -}
-- FIXME: currently does nothing, check if DSL is really sane
checkDSL :: DSL -> IdrisParser ()
checkDSL dsl = return ()
{- | Parses a DSL overload declaration
OverloadIdentifier ::= 'let' | Identifier;
Overload ::= OverloadIdentifier '=' Expr;
overload :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (String, PTerm)
overload syn = do o <- identifier <|> do reserved "let"
return "let"
if o `notElem` overloadable
then fail $ show o ++ " is not an overloading"
else do
lchar '='
t <- expr syn
return (o, t)
<?> "dsl overload declaratioN"
where overloadable = ["let","lambda","index_first","index_next","variable"]

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import qualified Text.Parser.Token.Highlight as Hi
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Core.TT
import Core.Evaluate
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
@ -401,3 +402,60 @@ notOpenBraces = do ist <- get
when (hasNothing $ brace_stack ist) $ fail "end of input"
where hasNothing :: [Maybe a] -> Bool
hasNothing = any isNothing
{- | Parses an accessibilty modifier (e.g. public, private) -}
accessibility :: IdrisParser Accessibility
accessibility = do reserved "public"; return Public
<|> do reserved "abstract"; return Frozen
<|> do reserved "private"; return Hidden
<?> "accessibility modifier"
-- | Adds accessibility option for function
addAcc :: Name -> Maybe Accessibility -> IdrisParser ()
addAcc n a = do i <- get
put (i { hide_list = (n, a) : hide_list i })
{- | Add accessbility option for data declarations
(works for classes too - 'abstract' means the data/class is visible but members not) -}
accData :: Maybe Accessibility -> Name -> [Name] -> IdrisParser ()
accData (Just Frozen) n ns = do addAcc n (Just Frozen)
mapM_ (\n -> addAcc n (Just Hidden)) ns
accData a n ns = do addAcc n a
mapM_ (`addAcc` a) ns
{- * Error reporting helpers -}
{- | Error message with possible fixes list -}
fixErrorMsg :: String -> [String] -> String
fixErrorMsg msg fixes = msg ++ ", possible fixes:\n" ++ (concat $ intersperse "\n\nor\n\n" fixes)
-- | Collect 'PClauses' with the same function name
collect :: [PDecl] -> [PDecl]
collect (c@(PClauses _ o _ _) : ds)
= clauses (cname c) [] (c : ds)
where clauses :: Maybe Name -> [PClause] -> [PDecl] -> [PDecl]
clauses j@(Just n) acc (PClauses fc _ _ [PClause fc' n' l ws r w] : ds)
| n == n' = clauses j (PClause fc' n' l ws r (collect w) : acc) ds
clauses j@(Just n) acc (PClauses fc _ _ [PWith fc' n' l ws r w] : ds)
| n == n' = clauses j (PWith fc' n' l ws r (collect w) : acc) ds
clauses (Just n) acc xs = PClauses (fcOf c) o n (reverse acc) : collect xs
clauses Nothing acc (x:xs) = collect xs
clauses Nothing acc [] = []
cname :: PDecl -> Maybe Name
cname (PClauses fc _ _ [PClause _ n _ _ _ _]) = Just n
cname (PClauses fc _ _ [PWith _ n _ _ _ _]) = Just n
cname (PClauses fc _ _ [PClauseR _ _ _ _]) = Nothing
cname (PClauses fc _ _ [PWithR _ _ _ _]) = Nothing
fcOf :: PDecl -> FC
fcOf (PClauses fc _ _ _) = fc
collect (PParams f ns ps : ds) = PParams f ns (collect ps) : collect ds
collect (PMutual f ms : ds) = PMutual f (collect ms) : collect ds
collect (PNamespace ns ps : ds) = PNamespace ns (collect ps) : collect ds
collect (PClass doc f s cs n ps ds : ds')
= PClass doc f s cs n ps (collect ds) : collect ds'
collect (PInstance f s cs n ps t en ds : ds')
= PInstance f s cs n ps t en (collect ds) : collect ds'
collect (d : ds) = d : collect ds
collect [] = []

View File

@ -86,3 +86,52 @@ operatorFront = maybeWithNS (lchar '(' *> operator <* lchar ')') False []
fnName :: IdrisParser Name
fnName = try operatorFront <|> name <?> "function name"
{- | Parses a fixity declaration
Fixity ::=
FixityType Natural_t OperatorList Terminator
fixity :: IdrisParser PDecl
fixity = do pushIndent
f <- fixityType; i <- natural; ops <- sepBy1 operator (lchar ',')
let prec = fromInteger i
istate <- get
let infixes = idris_infixes istate
let fs = map (Fix (f prec)) ops
let redecls = map (alreadyDeclared infixes) fs
let ill = filter (not . checkValidity) redecls
if null ill
then do put (istate { idris_infixes = nub $ sort (fs ++ infixes)
, ibc_write = map IBCFix fs ++ ibc_write istate
fc <- getFC
return (PFix fc (f prec) ops)
else fail $ concatMap (\(f, (x:xs)) -> "Illegal redeclaration of fixity:\n\t\""
++ show f ++ "\" overrides \"" ++ show x ++ "\"") ill
<?> "fixity declaration"
where alreadyDeclared :: [FixDecl] -> FixDecl -> (FixDecl, [FixDecl])
alreadyDeclared fs f = (f, filter ((extractName f ==) . extractName) fs)
checkValidity :: (FixDecl, [FixDecl]) -> Bool
checkValidity (f, fs) = all (== f) fs
extractName :: FixDecl -> String
extractName (Fix _ n) = n
{- | Parses a fixity declaration type (i.e. infix or prefix, associtavity)
FixityType ::=
| 'infixr'
| 'infix'
| 'prefix'
fixityType :: IdrisParser (Int -> Fixity)
fixityType = do reserved "infixl"; return Infixl
<|> do reserved "infixr"; return Infixr
<|> do reserved "infix"; return InfixN
<|> do reserved "prefix"; return PrefixN
<?> "fixity type"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ConstraintKinds, PatternGuards #-}
module Idris.Parser(module Idris.Parser,
module Idris.ParseExpr,
module Idris.ParseExpr,
module Idris.ParseData,
module Idris.ParseHelpers,
module Idris.ParseOps) where
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ import Idris.Providers
import Idris.ParseHelpers
import Idris.ParseOps
import Idris.ParseExpr
import Idris.ParseData
import Paths_idris
@ -62,25 +64,6 @@ import System.FilePath
RULE{n} = rule repeated n times
-- | Adds accessibility option for function
addAcc :: Name -> Maybe Accessibility -> IdrisParser ()
addAcc n a = do i <- get
put (i { hide_list = (n, a) : hide_list i })
{- | Add accessbility option for data declarations
(works for classes too - 'abstract' means the data/class is visible but members not) -}
accData :: Maybe Accessibility -> Name -> [Name] -> IdrisParser ()
accData (Just Frozen) n ns = do addAcc n (Just Frozen)
mapM_ (\n -> addAcc n (Just Hidden)) ns
accData a n ns = do addAcc n a
mapM_ (`addAcc` a) ns
{- * Error reporting helpers -}
{- | Error message with possible fixes list -}
fixErrorMsg :: String -> [String] -> String
fixErrorMsg msg fixes = msg ++ ", possible fixes:\n" ++ (concat $ intersperse "\n\nor\n\n" fixes)
{- * Main grammar -}
{- | Parses module definition
@ -342,15 +325,6 @@ fnOpts opts
return (Just (fromInteger reds)))
return (n, t)
{- | Parses an accessibilty modifier (e.g. public, private) -}
accessibility :: IdrisParser Accessibility
accessibility = do reserved "public"; return Public
<|> do reserved "abstract"; return Frozen
<|> do reserved "private"; return Hidden
<?> "accessibility modifier"
{- | Parses a postulate
Postulate ::=
@ -444,55 +418,6 @@ namespace syn =
return [PNamespace n (concat ds)]
<?> "namespace declaration"
{- | Parses a fixity declaration
Fixity ::=
FixityType Natural_t OperatorList Terminator
fixity :: IdrisParser PDecl
fixity = do pushIndent
f <- fixityType; i <- natural; ops <- sepBy1 operator (lchar ',')
let prec = fromInteger i
istate <- get
let infixes = idris_infixes istate
let fs = map (Fix (f prec)) ops
let redecls = map (alreadyDeclared infixes) fs
let ill = filter (not . checkValidity) redecls
if null ill
then do put (istate { idris_infixes = nub $ sort (fs ++ infixes)
, ibc_write = map IBCFix fs ++ ibc_write istate
fc <- getFC
return (PFix fc (f prec) ops)
else fail $ concatMap (\(f, (x:xs)) -> "Illegal redeclaration of fixity:\n\t\""
++ show f ++ "\" overrides \"" ++ show x ++ "\"") ill
<?> "fixity declaration"
where alreadyDeclared :: [FixDecl] -> FixDecl -> (FixDecl, [FixDecl])
alreadyDeclared fs f = (f, filter ((extractName f ==) . extractName) fs)
checkValidity :: (FixDecl, [FixDecl]) -> Bool
checkValidity (f, fs) = all (== f) fs
extractName :: FixDecl -> String
extractName (Fix _ n) = n
{- | Parses a fixity declaration type (i.e. infix or prefix, associtavity)
FixityType ::=
| 'infixr'
| 'infix'
| 'prefix'
fixityType :: IdrisParser (Int -> Fixity)
fixityType = do reserved "infixl"; return Infixl
<|> do reserved "infixr"; return Infixr
<|> do reserved "infix"; return InfixN
<|> do reserved "prefix"; return PrefixN
<?> "fixity type"
{- |Parses a methods block (for type classes and instances)
MethodsBlock ::= 'where' OpenBlock FnDecl* CloseBlock
@ -601,185 +526,6 @@ usingDecl syn = try (do x <- fnName
return (UConstraint c xs)
<?> "using declaration"
{- |Parses a record type declaration
Record ::=
DocComment Accessibility? 'record' FnName TypeSig 'where' OpenBlock Constructor KeepTerminator CloseBlock;
record :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl
record syn = do (doc, acc) <- try (do
doc <- option "" (docComment '|')
acc <- optional accessibility
reserved "record"
return (doc, acc))
fc <- getFC
tyn_in <- fnName
lchar ':'
ty <- typeExpr (allowImp syn)
let tyn = expandNS syn tyn_in
reserved "where"
(cdoc, cn, cty, _) <- indentedBlockS (constructor syn)
accData acc tyn [cn]
let rsyn = syn { syn_namespace = show (nsroot tyn) :
syn_namespace syn }
let fns = getRecNames rsyn cty
mapM_ (\n -> addAcc n acc) fns
return $ PRecord doc rsyn fc tyn ty cdoc cn cty
<?> "record type declaration"
getRecNames :: SyntaxInfo -> PTerm -> [Name]
getRecNames syn (PPi _ n _ sc) = [expandNS syn n, expandNS syn (mkType n)]
++ getRecNames syn sc
getRecNames _ _ = []
toFreeze :: Maybe Accessibility -> Maybe Accessibility
toFreeze (Just Frozen) = Just Hidden
toFreeze x = x
{- | Parses data declaration type (normal or codata)
DataI ::= 'data' | 'codata';
dataI :: IdrisParser Bool
dataI = do reserved "data"; return False
<|> do reserved "codata"; return True
{- | Parses a data type declaration
Data ::= DocComment? Accessibility? DataI FnName TypeSig ExplicitTypeDataRest?
| DocComment? Accessibility? DataI FnName Name* DataRest?
Constructor' ::= Constructor KeepTerminator;
ExplicitTypeDataRest ::= 'where' OpenBlock Constructor'* CloseBlock;
DataRest ::= '=' SimpleConstructorList Terminator
 | 'where'!
SimpleConstructorList ::=
| SimpleConstructor '|' SimpleConstructorList
data_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl
data_ syn = do (doc, acc, co) <- try (do
doc <- option "" (docComment '|')
acc <- optional accessibility
co <- dataI
return (doc, acc, co))
fc <- getFC
tyn_in <- fnName
(do try (lchar ':')
ty <- typeExpr (allowImp syn)
let tyn = expandNS syn tyn_in
option (PData doc syn fc co (PLaterdecl tyn ty)) (do
reserved "where"
cons <- indentedBlock (constructor syn)
accData acc tyn (map (\ (_, n, _, _) -> n) cons)
return $ PData doc syn fc co (PDatadecl tyn ty cons))) <|> (do
args <- many name
let ty = bindArgs (map (const PType) args) PType
let tyn = expandNS syn tyn_in
option (PData doc syn fc co (PLaterdecl tyn ty)) (do
try (lchar '=') <|> do reserved "where"
let kw = (if co then "co" else "") ++ "data "
let n = show tyn_in ++ " "
let s = kw ++ n
let as = concat (intersperse " " $ map show args) ++ " "
let ns = concat (intersperse " -> " $ map ((\x -> "(" ++ x ++ " : Type)") . show) args)
let ss = concat (intersperse " -> " $ map (const "Type") args)
let fix1 = s ++ as ++ " = ..."
let fix2 = s ++ ": " ++ ns ++ " -> Type where\n ..."
let fix3 = s ++ ": " ++ ss ++ " -> Type where\n ..."
fail $ fixErrorMsg "unexpected \"where\"" [fix1, fix2, fix3]
cons <- sepBy1 (simpleConstructor syn) (lchar '|')
let conty = mkPApp fc (PRef fc tyn) (map (PRef fc) args)
cons' <- mapM (\ (doc, x, cargs, cfc) ->
do let cty = bindArgs cargs conty
return (doc, x, cty, cfc)) cons
accData acc tyn (map (\ (_, n, _, _) -> n) cons')
return $ PData doc syn fc co (PDatadecl tyn ty cons')))
<?> "data type declaration"
mkPApp :: FC -> PTerm -> [PTerm] -> PTerm
mkPApp fc t [] = t
mkPApp fc t xs = PApp fc t (map pexp xs)
bindArgs :: [PTerm] -> PTerm -> PTerm
bindArgs xs t = foldr (PPi expl (MN 0 "t")) t xs
{- | Parses a type constructor declaration
Constructor ::= DocComment? FnName TypeSig;
constructor :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (String, Name, PTerm, FC)
constructor syn
= do doc <- option "" (docComment '|')
cn_in <- fnName; fc <- getFC
let cn = expandNS syn cn_in
lchar ':'
ty <- typeExpr (allowImp syn)
return (doc, cn, ty, fc)
<?> "constructor"
{- | Parses a constructor for simple discriminative union data types
SimpleConstructor ::= FnName SimpleExpr* DocComment?
simpleConstructor :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (String, Name, [PTerm], FC)
simpleConstructor syn
= do cn_in <- fnName
let cn = expandNS syn cn_in
fc <- getFC
args <- many (do notEndApp
simpleExpr syn)
doc <- option "" (docComment '^')
return (doc, cn, args, fc)
<?> "constructor"
{- | Parses a dsl block declaration
DSL ::= 'dsl' FnName OpenBlock Overload'+ CloseBlock;
dsl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl
dsl syn = do reserved "dsl"
n <- fnName
bs <- indentedBlock (overload syn)
let dsl = mkDSL bs (dsl_info syn)
checkDSL dsl
i <- get
put (i { idris_dsls = addDef n dsl (idris_dsls i) })
return (PDSL n dsl)
<?> "dsl block declaration"
where mkDSL :: [(String, PTerm)] -> DSL -> DSL
mkDSL bs dsl = let var = lookup "variable" bs
first = lookup "index_first" bs
next = lookup "index_next" bs
leto = lookup "let" bs
lambda = lookup "lambda" bs in
initDSL { dsl_var = var,
index_first = first,
index_next = next,
dsl_lambda = lambda,
dsl_let = leto }
{- | Checks DSL for errors -}
-- FIXME: currently does nothing, check if DSL is really sane
checkDSL :: DSL -> IdrisParser ()
checkDSL dsl = return ()
{- | Parses a DSL overload declaration
OverloadIdentifier ::= 'let' | Identifier;
Overload ::= OverloadIdentifier '=' Expr;
overload :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (String, PTerm)
overload syn = do o <- identifier <|> do reserved "let"
return "let"
if o `notElem` overloadable
then fail $ show o ++ " is not an overloading"
else do
lchar '='
t <- expr syn
return (o, t)
<?> "dsl overload declaratioN"
where overloadable = ["let","lambda","index_first","index_next","variable"]
{- | Parse a clause with patterns
Pattern ::= Clause;
@ -1173,36 +919,6 @@ parseProg syn fname input mrk
i' <- get
return (ds, i')
-- | Collect 'PClauses' with the same function name
collect :: [PDecl] -> [PDecl]
collect (c@(PClauses _ o _ _) : ds)
= clauses (cname c) [] (c : ds)
where clauses :: Maybe Name -> [PClause] -> [PDecl] -> [PDecl]
clauses j@(Just n) acc (PClauses fc _ _ [PClause fc' n' l ws r w] : ds)
| n == n' = clauses j (PClause fc' n' l ws r (collect w) : acc) ds
clauses j@(Just n) acc (PClauses fc _ _ [PWith fc' n' l ws r w] : ds)
| n == n' = clauses j (PWith fc' n' l ws r (collect w) : acc) ds
clauses (Just n) acc xs = PClauses (fcOf c) o n (reverse acc) : collect xs
clauses Nothing acc (x:xs) = collect xs
clauses Nothing acc [] = []
cname :: PDecl -> Maybe Name
cname (PClauses fc _ _ [PClause _ n _ _ _ _]) = Just n
cname (PClauses fc _ _ [PWith _ n _ _ _ _]) = Just n
cname (PClauses fc _ _ [PClauseR _ _ _ _]) = Nothing
cname (PClauses fc _ _ [PWithR _ _ _ _]) = Nothing
fcOf :: PDecl -> FC
fcOf (PClauses fc _ _ _) = fc
collect (PParams f ns ps : ds) = PParams f ns (collect ps) : collect ds
collect (PMutual f ms : ds) = PMutual f (collect ms) : collect ds
collect (PNamespace ns ps : ds) = PNamespace ns (collect ps) : collect ds
collect (PClass doc f s cs n ps ds : ds')
= PClass doc f s cs n ps (collect ds) : collect ds'
collect (PInstance f s cs n ps t en ds : ds')
= PInstance f s cs n ps t en (collect ds) : collect ds'
collect (d : ds) = d : collect ds
collect [] = []
{- | Load idris module -}
loadModule :: FilePath -> Idris String
loadModule f