Reduce work allNamesIn has to do

This is a major performance hit when functions get big (especially in do
blocks) and a lot of the work it's doing is not actually necessary since
the primary goal is to find shadowed names. So, only search alternatives
if they are genuine alternatives rather than there for name

Also reduce the reliance on uniplate a little bit, since this causes
some (smaller) performance problems too.
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2018-04-19 12:36:02 +01:00
parent d0e06806a2
commit 64084571d3

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@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data ElabWhat = ETypes | EDefns | EAll
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -2279,25 +2278,41 @@ allNamesIn tm = nub $ ni 0 [] tm
ni 0 env (PPatvar _ n) = [n]
ni 0 env (PApp _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env . getTm) as
ni 0 env (PAppBind _ f as) = ni 0 env f ++ concatMap (ni 0 env . getTm) as
ni 0 env (PWithApp _ f a) = ni 0 env f ++ ni 0 env a
ni 0 env (PAppImpl t _) = ni 0 env t
ni 0 env (PCase _ c os) = ni 0 env c ++ concatMap (ni 0 env . snd) os
ni 0 env (PIfThenElse _ c t f) = ni 0 env c ++ ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 env f
ni 0 env (PLam fc n _ ty sc) = ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc
ni 0 env (PPi p n _ ty sc) = niTacImp 0 env p ++ ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc
ni 0 env (PLet _ _ n _ ty val sc) = ni 0 env ty ++ ni 0 env val ++ ni 0 (n:env) sc
ni 0 env (PHidden tm) = ni 0 env tm
ni 0 env (PGoal _ t _ sc) = ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 env sc
ni 0 env (PIdiom _ tm) = ni 0 env tm
ni 0 env (PRewrite _ _ l r _) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r
ni 0 env (PTyped l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r
ni 0 env (PPair _ _ _ l r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env r
ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) Placeholder r) = n : ni 0 env r
ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ (PRef _ _ n) t r) = ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 (n:env) r
ni 0 env (PDPair _ _ _ l t r) = ni 0 env l ++ ni 0 env t ++ ni 0 env r
ni 0 env (PAs _ _ tm) = ni 0 env tm
-- Just take the first, when disambiguating, since the shape will be
-- the same and we'll get the name root
ni 0 env (PAlternative ns (ExactlyOne _) (a : as))
= map snd ns ++ ni 0 env a
ni 0 env (PAlternative ns a ls) = map snd ns ++ concatMap (ni 0 env) ls
ni 0 env (PUnifyLog tm) = ni 0 env tm
ni 0 env (PDisamb _ tm) = ni 0 env tm
ni 0 env (PNoImplicits tm) = ni 0 env tm
ni 0 env (PCoerced tm) = ni 0 env tm
ni 0 env (PRunElab _ tm _) = ni 0 env tm
ni 0 env (PConstSugar _ tm) = ni 0 env tm
ni 0 env tm@(PDoBlock _) = concatMap (ni 0 env) (children tm)
ni 0 env tm@(PProof _) = concatMap (ni 0 env) (children tm)
ni 0 env tm@(PTactics _) = concatMap (ni 0 env) (children tm)
ni i env (PQuasiquote tm ty) = ni (i+1) env tm ++ maybe [] (ni i env) ty
ni i env (PUnquote tm) = ni (i - 1) env tm
ni 0 env tm = []
ni i env tm = concatMap (ni i env) (children tm)
niTacImp i env (TacImp _ _ scr _) = ni i env scr