Unreachable case warning

This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2012-01-21 10:45:13 -05:00
parent 12c93edcd5
commit 6807cf4641
5 changed files with 26 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ test : .PHONY
relib: .PHONY
make -C lib clean
make -C lib BINDIR=../dist/build/idris
make -C lib IDRIS=../dist/build/idris/idris
linecount : .PHONY
wc -l src/Idris/*.hs src/Core/*.hs

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@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ deriving instance Binary CaseAlt
type CaseTree = SC
type Clause = ([Pat], Term)
type CS = Int
type Clause = ([Pat], (Term, Term))
type CS = ([Term], Int)
-- simple terms can be inlined trivially - good for primitives in particular
small :: SC -> Bool
@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ small _ = False
simpleCase :: Bool -> Bool -> [(Term, Term)] -> CaseDef
simpleCase tc cover []
= CaseDef [] (UnmatchedCase "No pattern clauses")
= CaseDef [] (UnmatchedCase "No pattern clauses") []
simpleCase tc cover cs
= let pats = map (\ (l, r) -> (toPats tc l, r)) cs
numargs = length (fst (head pats))
ns = take numargs args
tree = evalState (match ns pats (defaultCase cover)) numargs in
CaseDef ns (prune tree)
= let pats = map (\ (l, r) -> (toPats tc l, (l, r))) cs
numargs = length (fst (head pats))
ns = take numargs args
(tree, st) = runState (match ns pats (defaultCase cover)) ([], numargs) in
CaseDef ns (prune tree) (fst st)
where args = map (\i -> MN i "e") [0..]
defaultCase True = STerm Erased
defaultCase False = UnmatchedCase "Error"
@ -109,8 +109,12 @@ partition xs = error $ "Partition " ++ show xs
match :: [Name] -> [Clause] -> SC -- error case
-> State CS SC
match [] (([], ret) : _) err = return $ STerm ret -- run out of arguments
match vs cs err = mixture vs (partition cs) err
match [] (([], ret) : xs) err
= do (ts, v) <- get
put (ts ++ (map (fst.snd) xs), v)
return $ STerm (snd ret) -- run out of arguments
match vs cs err = do cs <- mixture vs (partition cs) err
return cs
mixture :: [Name] -> [Partition] -> SC -> State CS SC
mixture vs [] err = return err
@ -166,7 +170,7 @@ argsToAlt rs@((r, m) : _)
addRs ((r, (ps, res)) : rs) = ((r++ps, res) : addRs rs)
getVar :: State CS Name
getVar = do v <- get; put (v+1); return (MN v "e")
getVar = do (t, v) <- get; put (t, v+1); return (MN v "e")
groupCons :: [Clause] -> State CS [Group]
groupCons cs = gc [] cs
@ -195,7 +199,7 @@ varRule (v : vs) alts err =
do let alts' = map (repVar v) alts
match vs alts' err
repVar v (PV p : ps , res) = (ps, subst p (P Bound v (V 0)) res)
repVar v (PV p : ps , (lhs, res)) = (ps, (lhs, subst p (P Bound v (V 0)) res))
repVar v (PAny : ps , res) = (ps, res)
prune :: SC -> SC

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@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ addCasedef n alwaysInline tcase covering ps psrt ty uctxt
ps' = ps -- simpl ps in
ctxt' = case (simpleCase tcase covering ps',
simpleCase tcase covering psrt) of
(CaseDef args sc, CaseDef args' sc') ->
(CaseDef args sc _, CaseDef args' sc' _) ->
let inl = alwaysInline in
addDef n (CaseOp inl ty ps args sc args' sc',
Public) ctxt in

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@ -1248,11 +1248,11 @@ matchClause' names x y = checkRpts $ match (fullApp x) (fullApp y) where
match (PEq _ l r) (PEq _ l' r') = do ml <- match' l l'
mr <- match' r r'
return (ml ++ mr)
match (PTyped l r) x = match l x
match x (PTyped l r) = match x l
match (PTyped l r) (PTyped l' r') = do ml <- match l l'
mr <- match r r'
return (ml ++ mr)
match (PTyped l r) x = match l x
match x (PTyped l r) = match x l
match (PPair _ l r) (PPair _ l' r') = do ml <- match' l l'
mr <- match' r r'
return (ml ++ mr)

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@ -128,6 +128,12 @@ elabClauses info fc opts n_in cs = let n = liftname info n_in in
else return False
pdef' <- applyOpts pdef
let tree = simpleCase tcase pcover pdef
case tree of
CaseDef _ _ [] -> return ()
CaseDef _ _ xs -> mapM_ (\x ->
iputStrLn $ show fc ++
":warning - Unreachable case: " ++
show (delab ist x)) xs
let tree' = simpleCase tcase pcover pdef'
tclift $ sameLength pdef
logLvl 3 (show tree)