Disallow explicit types on LHS

Except under quasiquotation. This is to prevent any arguments being
specialised to a more specific type than the function type suggests (one
place where typecase can arise).
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2014-12-19 13:17:13 +00:00
parent 957dd616c2
commit 6d54cb3e53
6 changed files with 127 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ split n t'
= do ist <- getIState
-- Make sure all the names in the term are accessible
mapM_ (\n -> setAccessibility n Public) (allNamesIn t')
(tm, ty, pats) <- elabValBind recinfo ELHS True (addImplPat ist t')
-- ETyDecl rather then ELHS because there'll be explicit type
-- matching
(tm, ty, pats) <- elabValBind recinfo ETyDecl True (addImplPat ist t')
-- ASSUMPTION: tm is in normal form after elabValBind, so we don't
-- need to do anything special to find out what family each argument
-- is in

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@ -374,11 +374,8 @@ toPat reflect tc = map $ toPat' []
toPat' [] (P Bound n ty) = PV n ty
toPat' args (App f a) = toPat' (a : args) f
toPat' [] (Constant (AType _)) = PTyPat
toPat' [] (Constant StrType) = PTyPat
toPat' [] (Constant PtrType) = PTyPat
toPat' [] (Constant VoidType) = PTyPat
toPat' [] (Constant x) = PConst x
toPat' [] (Constant x) | isTypeConst x = PTyPat
| otherwise = PConst x
toPat' [] (Bind n (Pi t _) sc)
| reflect && noOccurrence n sc

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@ -876,13 +876,13 @@ processTactic EndUnify ps
ns' = map (\ (n, t) -> (n, updateSolvedTerm ns t)) ns
(ns'', probs') = updateProblems ps ns' (problems ps)
tm' = updateSolved ns'' (pterm ps) in
traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("Dropping holes: " ++ show (map fst ns'')) $
return (ps { pterm = tm',
unified = (h, []),
problems = probs',
notunified = updateNotunified ns'' (notunified ps),
recents = recents ps ++ map fst ns'',
holes = holes ps \\ map fst ns'' }, "")
traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("Dropping holes: " ++ show (map fst ns'')) $
return (ps { pterm = tm',
unified = (h, []),
problems = probs',
notunified = updateNotunified ns'' (notunified ps),
recents = recents ps ++ map fst ns'',
holes = holes ps \\ map fst ns'' }, "")
processTactic UnifyAll ps
= let tm' = updateSolved (notunified ps) (pterm ps) in
return (ps { pterm = tm',
@ -897,24 +897,24 @@ processTactic (ComputeLet n) ps
computeLet (context ps) n
(getProofTerm (pterm ps)) }, "")
processTactic UnifyProblems ps
= let (ns', probs') = updateProblems ps [] (problems ps)
pterm' = updateSolved ns' (pterm ps) in
traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("Dropping holes: " ++ show (map fst ns')) $
return (ps { pterm = pterm', solved = Nothing, problems = probs',
previous = Just ps, plog = "",
notunified = updateNotunified ns' (notunified ps),
recents = recents ps ++ map fst ns',
holes = holes ps \\ (map fst ns') }, plog ps)
= do let (ns', probs') = updateProblems ps [] (problems ps)
pterm' = updateSolved ns' (pterm ps)
traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("Dropping holes: " ++ show (map fst ns')) $
return (ps { pterm = pterm', solved = Nothing, problems = probs',
previous = Just ps, plog = "",
notunified = updateNotunified ns' (notunified ps),
recents = recents ps ++ map fst ns',
holes = holes ps \\ (map fst ns') }, plog ps)
processTactic (MatchProblems all) ps
= let (ns', probs') = matchProblems all ps [] (problems ps)
(ns'', probs'') = matchProblems all ps ns' probs'
pterm' = updateSolved ns'' (pterm ps) in
traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("Dropping holes: " ++ show (map fst ns'')) $
return (ps { pterm = pterm', solved = Nothing, problems = probs'',
previous = Just ps, plog = "",
notunified = updateNotunified ns'' (notunified ps),
recents = recents ps ++ map fst ns'',
holes = holes ps \\ (map fst ns'') }, plog ps)
= do let (ns', probs') = matchProblems all ps [] (problems ps)
(ns'', probs'') = matchProblems all ps ns' probs'
pterm' = updateSolved ns'' (pterm ps)
traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("Dropping holes: " ++ show (map fst ns'')) $
return (ps { pterm = pterm', solved = Nothing, problems = probs'',
previous = Just ps, plog = "",
notunified = updateNotunified ns'' (notunified ps),
recents = recents ps ++ map fst ns'',
holes = holes ps \\ (map fst ns'') }, plog ps)
processTactic t ps
= case holes ps of
[] -> fail "Nothing to fill in."

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@ -553,6 +553,15 @@ deriving instance Binary Const
deriving instance NFData Const
isTypeConst :: Const -> Bool
isTypeConst (AType _) = True
isTypeConst StrType = True
isTypeConst ManagedPtrType = True
isTypeConst BufferType = True
isTypeConst PtrType = True
isTypeConst VoidType = True
isTypeConst _ = False
instance Sized Const where
size _ = 1

View File

@ -138,6 +138,13 @@ buildTC ist info emode opts fn tm
else return (tm, ds, is)
where pattern = emode == ELHS
data ElabCtxt = ElabCtxt { e_inarg :: Bool,
e_guarded :: Bool,
e_intype :: Bool,
e_qq :: Bool }
initElabCtxt = ElabCtxt False False False False
-- Returns the set of declarations we need to add to complete the definition
-- (most likely case blocks to elaborate)
@ -148,7 +155,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
when (loglvl > 5) $ unifyLog True
compute -- expand type synonyms, etc
let fc = maybe "(unknown)"
elabE (False, False, False, False) (elabFC info) tm -- (in argument, guarded, in type, in qquote)
elabE initElabCtxt (elabFC info) tm -- (in argument, guarded, in type, in qquote)
ptm <- get_term
when pattern -- convert remaining holes to pattern vars
@ -186,7 +193,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
-- and forces/delays. If you make a recursive call in elab', it is
-- normally correct to call elabE - the ones that don't are desugarings
-- typically
elabE :: (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool) -> Maybe FC -> PTerm -> ElabD ()
elabE :: ElabCtxt -> Maybe FC -> PTerm -> ElabD ()
elabE ina fc' t =
--do g <- goal
--trace ("Elaborating " ++ show t ++ " : " ++ show g) $
@ -247,7 +254,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
-- "guarded" means immediately under a constructor, to help find patvars
elab' :: (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool) -- ^ (in an argument, guarded, in a type, in a quasiquote)
elab' :: ElabCtxt -- ^ (in an argument, guarded, in a type, in a quasiquote)
-> Maybe FC -- ^ The closest FC in the syntax tree, if applicable
-> PTerm -- ^ The term to elaborate
-> ElabD ()
@ -257,7 +264,11 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
-- elab' (_,_,inty) (PConstant c)
-- | constType c && pattern && not reflection && not inty
-- = lift $ tfail (Msg "Typecase is not allowed")
elab' ina fc (PConstant c) = do apply (RConstant c) []; solve
elab' ina fc tm@(PConstant c)
| pattern && not reflection && not (e_qq ina) && not (e_intype ina)
&& isTypeConst c
= lift $ tfail $ Msg ("No explicit types on left hand side: " ++ show tm)
| otherwise = do apply (RConstant c) []; solve
elab' ina fc (PQuote r) = do fill r; solve
elab' ina _ (PTrue fc _) =
do hnf_compute
@ -296,7 +307,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
[pimp (sUN "A") lt True,
pimp (sUN "B") rt False,
pexp l, pexp r])
elab' ina@(_, a, inty, qq) _ (PPair fc _ l r)
elab' ina _ (PPair fc _ l r)
= do hnf_compute
g <- goal
case g of
@ -354,9 +365,12 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
-- elab' (_, _, inty) (PRef fc f)
-- | isTConName f (tt_ctxt ist) && pattern && not reflection && not inty
-- = lift $ tfail (Msg "Typecase is not allowed")
elab' (ina, guarded, inty, qq) _ (PRef fc n)
| (pattern || (bindfree && bindable n)) && not (inparamBlock n) && not qq
= do ctxt <- get_context
elab' ec _ (PRef fc n)
| (pattern || (bindfree && bindable n)) && not (inparamBlock n) && not (e_qq ec)
= do let ina = e_inarg ec
guarded = e_guarded ec
inty = e_intype ec
ctxt <- get_context
let defined = case lookupTy n ctxt of
[] -> False
_ -> True
@ -374,8 +388,12 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
bindable (UN xs) = True
bindable n = implicitable n
elab' ina _ f@(PInferRef fc n) = elab' ina (Just fc) (PApp fc f [])
elab' ina _ (PRef fc n) = erun fc $ do apply (Var n) []; solve
elab' ina@(_, a, inty, qq) fc (PLam n Placeholder sc)
elab' ina _ tm@(PRef fc n)
| pattern && not reflection && not (e_qq ina) && not (e_intype ina)
&& isTConName n (tt_ctxt ist)
= lift $ tfail $ Msg ("No explicit types on left hand side: " ++ show tm)
| otherwise = erun fc $ do apply (Var n) []; solve
elab' ina fc (PLam n Placeholder sc)
= do -- if n is a type constructor name, this makes no sense...
ctxt <- get_context
when (isTConName n ctxt) $
@ -383,8 +401,8 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
checkPiGoal n
attack; intro (Just n);
-- trace ("------ intro " ++ show n ++ " ---- \n" ++ show ptm)
elabE (True, a, inty, qq) fc sc; solve
elab' ina@(_, a, inty, qq) fc (PLam n ty sc)
elabE (ina { e_inarg = True } ) fc sc; solve
elab' ec fc (PLam n ty sc)
= do tyn <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "lamty")
-- if n is a type constructor name, this makes no sense...
ctxt <- get_context
@ -398,12 +416,15 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
hs <- get_holes
introTy (Var tyn) (Just n)
focus tyn
elabE (True, a, True, qq) fc ty
elabE (True, a, inty, qq) fc sc
elabE (ec { e_inarg = True, e_intype = True }) fc ty
elabE (ec { e_inarg = True }) fc sc
elab' ina@(_, a, _, qq) fc (PPi _ n Placeholder sc)
= do attack; arg n (sMN 0 "ty"); elabE (True, a, True, qq) fc sc; solve
elab' ina@(_, a, _, qq) fc (PPi _ n ty sc)
elab' ina fc (PPi _ n Placeholder sc)
= do attack; arg n (sMN 0 "ty")
elabE (ina { e_inarg = True, e_intype = True }) fc sc
elab' ina fc (PPi _ n ty sc)
= do attack; tyn <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "ty")
claim tyn RType
n' <- case n of
@ -411,10 +432,11 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
_ -> return n
forall n' (Var tyn)
focus tyn
elabE (True, a, True, qq) fc ty
elabE (True, a, True, qq) fc sc
let ec' = ina { e_inarg = True, e_intype = True }
elabE ec' fc ty
elabE ec' fc sc
elab' ina@(_, a, inty, qq) fc (PLet n ty val sc)
elab' ina fc (PLet n ty val sc)
= do attack
ivs <- get_instances
tyn <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "letty")
@ -427,12 +449,14 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
Placeholder -> return ()
_ -> do focus tyn
explicit tyn
elabE (True, a, True, qq) fc ty
elabE (ina { e_inarg = True, e_intype = True })
fc ty
focus valn
elabE (True, a, True, qq) fc val
elabE (ina { e_inarg = True, e_intype = True })
fc val
ivs' <- get_instances
env <- get_env
elabE (True, a, inty, qq) fc sc
elabE (ina { e_inarg = True }) fc sc
when (not pattern) $
mapM_ (\n -> do focus n
g <- goal
@ -448,7 +472,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
expandLet n (case lookup n env of
Just (Let t v) -> v)
elab' ina@(_, a, inty, qq) _ (PGoal fc r n sc) = do
elab' ina _ (PGoal fc r n sc) = do
rty <- goal
tyn <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "letty")
@ -457,10 +481,10 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
claim valn (Var tyn)
letbind n (Var tyn) (Var valn)
focus valn
elabE (True, a, True, qq) (Just fc) (PApp fc r [pexp (delab ist rty)])
elabE (ina { e_inarg = True, e_intype = True }) (Just fc) (PApp fc r [pexp (delab ist rty)])
env <- get_env
computeLet n
elabE (True, a, inty, qq) (Just fc) sc
elabE (ina { e_inarg = True }) (Just fc) sc
-- elab' ina fc (PLet n Placeholder
-- (PApp fc r [pexp (delab ist rty)]) sc)
@ -523,12 +547,16 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
-- | isTConName f (tt_ctxt ist) && pattern && not reflection && not inty && not qq
-- = lift $ tfail (Msg "Typecase is not allowed")
-- if f is local, just do a simple_app
elab' (ina, g, inty, qq) _ tm@(PApp fc (PRef _ f) args)
elab' ina _ tm@(PApp fc (PRef _ f) args)
= do env <- get_env
ty <- goal
when (pattern && not reflection && not (e_qq ina) && not (e_intype ina)
&& isTConName f (tt_ctxt ist)) $
lift $ tfail $ Msg ("No explicit types on left hand side: " ++ show tm)
if (f `elem` map fst env && length args == 1)
then -- simple app, as below
do simple_app (elabE (ina, g, inty, qq) (Just fc) (PRef fc f))
(elabE (True, g, inty, qq) (Just fc) (getTm (head args)))
do simple_app (elabE ina (Just fc) (PRef fc f))
(elabE (ina { e_inarg = True }) (Just fc) (getTm (head args)))
(show tm)
@ -557,7 +585,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
let (ns', eargs) = unzip $
sortBy cmpArg (zip ns args)
ulog <- getUnifyLog
elabArgs ist (ina || not isinf, guarded, inty, qq)
elabArgs ist (ina { e_inarg = e_inarg ina || not isinf })
[] fc False f ns'
(f == sUN "Force")
(map (\x -> getTm x) eargs) -- TODO: remove this False arg
@ -565,7 +593,8 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
ivs' <- get_instances
-- Attempt to resolve any type classes which have 'complete' types,
-- i.e. no holes in them
when (not pattern || (ina && not tcgen && not guarded)) $
when (not pattern || (e_inarg ina && not tcgen &&
not (e_guarded ina))) $
mapM_ (\n -> do focus n
g <- goal
env <- get_env
@ -646,13 +675,14 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
setInjective (PApp _ (PRef _ n) _) = setinj n
setInjective _ = return ()
elab' ina@(_, a, inty, qq) _ tm@(PApp fc f [arg])
elab' ina _ tm@(PApp fc f [arg])
= erun fc $
do simple_app (elabE ina (Just fc) f) (elabE (True, a, inty, qq) (Just fc) (getTm arg))
do simple_app (elabE ina (Just fc) f) (elabE (ina { e_inarg = True }) (Just fc) (getTm arg))
(show tm)
elab' ina fc Placeholder = do (h : hs) <- get_holes
movelast h
elab' ina fc Placeholder
= do (h : hs) <- get_holes
movelast h
elab' ina fc (PMetavar n) =
do ptm <- get_term
-- When building the metavar application, leave out the unique
@ -705,7 +735,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
elab' ina (Just fc) sc
elab' ina (Just fc) (PRef fc letn)
elab' ina@(_, a, inty, qq) _ c@(PCase fc scr opts)
elab' ina _ c@(PCase fc scr opts)
= do attack
tyn <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "scty")
claim tyn RType
@ -714,7 +744,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
claim valn (Var tyn)
letbind scvn (Var tyn) (Var valn)
focus valn
elabE (True, a, inty, qq) (Just fc) scr
elabE (ina { e_inarg = True }) (Just fc) scr
-- Solve any remaining implicits - we need to solve as many
-- as possible before making the 'case' type
@ -779,7 +809,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
elab' ina fc (PUnifyLog t) = do unifyLog True
elab' ina fc t
unifyLog False
elab' (ina, g, inty, qq) fc (PQuasiquote t goal) -- TODO: goal type
elab' ina fc (PQuasiquote t goal) -- TODO: goal type
= do -- First extract the unquoted subterms, replacing them with fresh
-- names in the quasiquoted term. Claim their reflections to be
-- of type TT.
@ -824,11 +854,11 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
case goal of
Nothing -> return ()
Just gTy -> do focus qTy
elabE (ina, g, inty, True) fc gTy
elabE (ina { e_qq = True }) fc gTy
-- Elaborate the quasiquoted term into the hole
focus qTm
elabE (ina, g, inty, True) fc t
elabE (ina { e_qq = True }) fc t
-- We now have an elaborated term. Reflect it and solve the
@ -854,7 +884,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
elabUnquote (n, tm)
= do focus n
elabE (ina, g, inty, False) fc tm
elabE (ina { e_qq = False }) fc tm
elab' ina fc (PUnquote t) = fail "Found unquote outside of quasiquote"
@ -966,7 +996,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
-- | Elaborate the arguments to a function
elabArgs :: IState -- ^ The current Idris state
-> (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool) -- ^ (in an argument, guarded, in a type, in a qquote)
-> ElabCtxt -- ^ (in an argument, guarded, in a type, in a qquote)
-> [Bool]
-> FC -- ^ Source location
-> Bool
@ -976,10 +1006,15 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
-> [PTerm] -- ^ (Laziness, argument)
-> ElabD ()
elabArgs ist ina failed fc retry f [] force _ = return ()
elabArgs ist ina failed fc r f (n:ns) force (Placeholder : args)
= elabArgs ist ina failed fc r f ns force args
elabArgs ist ina failed fc r f ((argName, holeName):ns) force (t : args)
= elabArg argName holeName t
= do hs <- get_holes
if holeName `elem` hs then
do focus holeName
case t of
Placeholder -> do movelast holeName
elabArgs ist ina failed fc r f ns force args
_ -> elabArg argName holeName t
else elabArgs ist ina failed fc r f ns force args
where elabArg argName holeName t =
do -- solveAutos ist fn False
now_elaborating fc f argName
@ -991,13 +1026,11 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
let elab = if force then elab' else elabE
failed' <- -- trace (show (n, t, hs, tm)) $
-- traceWhen (not (null cs)) (show ty ++ "\n" ++ showImp True t) $
case holeName `elem` hs of
True -> do focus holeName;
g <- goal
ulog <- getUnifyLog
traceWhen ulog ("Elaborating argument " ++ show (argName, holeName, g)) $
elab ina (Just fc) t; return failed
False -> return failed
do focus holeName;
g <- goal
ulog <- getUnifyLog
traceWhen ulog ("Elaborating argument " ++ show (argName, holeName, g)) $
elab ina (Just fc) t; return failed
done_elaborating_arg f argName
elabArgs ist ina failed fc r f ns force args
wrapErr f argName action =

View File

@ -3,12 +3,14 @@ module simple
plus_comm : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> (n + m = m + n)
-- Base case
(Z + m = m + Z) <== plus_comm =
-- (Z + m = m + Z) <== plus_comm = -- broken by typecase check
plus_comm Z m =
rewrite ((m + Z = m) <== plusZeroRightNeutral) ==>
(Z + m = m) in Refl
-- Step case
(S k + m = m + S k) <== plus_comm =
-- (S k + m = m + S k) <== plus_comm =
plus_comm (S k) m =
rewrite ((k + m = m + k) <== plus_comm) in
rewrite ((S (m + k) = m + S k) <== plusSuccRightSucc) in