Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/upstream/master' into wip/tactical

This commit is contained in:
David Raymond Christiansen 2015-06-15 09:59:51 +02:00
commit 6df52fa9cd
13 changed files with 96 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -5,13 +5,17 @@ Frequently Asked Questions
What are the differences between Agda and Idris?
The main difference is that Idris has been designed from the start to support
verified systems programming through easy interoperability with C and high
level language constructs to support domain specific language implementation.
Idris emphasises general-purpose programming, rather than theorem proving, and
as such includes higher level programming constructs such as type classes and
do notation. Idris also supports tactic based theorem proving, and has a
lightweight Hugs/GHCI style interface.
Like Idris, Agda is a functional language with dependent types, supporting
dependent pattern matching. Both can be used for writing programs and proofs.
However, Idris has been designed from the start to emphasise general purpose
programming rather than theorem proving. As such, it supports interoperability
with systems libraries and C programs, and language constructs for
domain specific language implementation. It also includes higher level
programming constructs such as type classes and do notation.
Idris supports multiple back ends (C and JavaScript by default, with the
ability to add more via plugins) and has a reference run time system, written
in C, with a garbage collector and built-in message passing concurrency.
Is Idris production ready?

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@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ can be used to calculate a return type:
.. code-block:: idris
mkSingle : (x : Bool) -> isSingleton x
mkSingle False = 0
mkSingle True = []
mkSingle True = 0
mkSingle False = []
Or it can be used to have varying input types. The following function
calculates either the sum of a list of ``Nat``, or returns the given
@ -278,9 +278,9 @@ calculates either the sum of a list of ``Nat``, or returns the given
.. code-block:: idris
sum : (single : Bool) -> isSingleton single -> Nat
sum False x = x
sum True [] = 0
sum True (x :: xs) = x + sum True xs
sum True x = x
sum False [] = 0
sum False (x :: xs) = x + sum False xs

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Control.Monad.State
import public Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans
import public Control.Monad.Trans
%access public

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@ -2,20 +2,27 @@ module Effect.Monad
import Effects
-- Eff is a monad too, so we can happily use it in a monad transformer.
data MonadEffT : List EFFECT -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type where
MkMonadEffT : EffM m a xs (\v => xs) -> MonadEffT xs m a
using (xs : List EFFECT, m : Type -> Type)
instance Functor (\a => EffM m a xs (\v => xs)) where
map f prog = do t <- prog
value (f t)
instance Functor (MonadEffT xs f) where
map f (MkMonadEffT x) = MkMonadEffT (do x' <- x
pure (f x'))
instance Applicative (\a => EffM m a xs (\v => xs)) where
pure = value
(<*>) f a = do f' <- f
a' <- a
value (f' a')
instance Applicative (MonadEffT xs f) where
pure x = MkMonadEffT (pure x)
(<*>) (MkMonadEffT f) (MkMonadEffT x)
= MkMonadEffT (do f' <- f
x' <- x
pure (f' x'))
instance Monad (\a => Eff m a xs (\v => xs)) where
(>>=) = Effects.(>>=)
instance Monad (MonadEffT xs f) where
(>>=) (MkMonadEffT x) f = MkMonadEffT (do x' <- x
let MkMonadEffT fx = f x'
implicit monadEffT : EffM m a xs (\v => xs) -> MonadEffT xs m a
monadEffT = MkMonadEffT
MonadEff : List EFFECT -> Type -> Type
MonadEff xs = MonadEffT xs id

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module Effect.Trans
import Effects
%access public
data Trans : (Type -> Type) -> Effect where
Lift : m a -> sig (Trans m) a
-- using (m : Type -> Type)
instance Monad m => Handler (Trans m) m where
handle st (Lift op) k = do x <- op
k x ()
TRANS : (Type -> Type) -> EFFECT
TRANS m = MkEff () (Trans m)
lift : m a -> Eff a [TRANS m]
lift op = call $ Lift op

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
package effects
opts = "--nobasepkgs -i ../prelude -i ../base"
modules = Effects, Effect.Default,
modules = Effects, Effect.Default, Effect.Monad,
Effect.Exception, Effect.File, Effect.State,
Effect.Random, Effect.StdIO, Effect.Select,
Effect.Memory, Effect.System
Effect.Memory, Effect.System, Effect.Trans

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@ -53,17 +53,26 @@ showDoc ist d
| otherwise = text " -- " <>
renderDocstring (renderDocTerm (pprintDelab ist) (normaliseAll (tt_ctxt ist) [])) d
pprintFD :: IState -> FunDoc -> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintFD ist (FD n doc args ty f)
pprintFD :: IState -> Bool -> FunDoc -> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintFD ist totalityFlag (FD n doc args ty f)
= nest 4 (prettyName True (ppopt_impl ppo) [] n <+> colon <+>
pprintPTerm ppo [] [ n | (n@(UN n'),_,_,_) <- args
, not (T.isPrefixOf (T.pack "__") n') ] infixes ty <$>
-- show doc
renderDocstring (renderDocTerm (pprintDelab ist) (normaliseAll (tt_ctxt ist) [])) doc <$>
-- show fixity
maybe empty (\f -> text (show f) <> line) f <>
-- show arguments doc
let argshow = showArgs args [] in
if not (null argshow)
(if not (null argshow)
then nest 4 $ text "Arguments:" <$> vsep argshow
else empty)
else empty) <>
-- show totality status
let totality = getTotality in
(if totalityFlag && not (null totality) then
line <> (vsep . map (\t -> text "The function is" <+> t) $ totality)
where ppo = ppOptionIst ist
infixes = idris_infixes ist
@ -87,15 +96,21 @@ pprintFD ist (FD n doc args ty f)
showArgs args ((n, True):bnd)
showArgs ((n, _, _, _):args) bnd = showArgs args ((n, True):bnd)
showArgs [] _ = []
getTotality = map (text . show) $ lookupTotal n (tt_ctxt ist)
pprintFDWithTotality :: IState -> FunDoc -> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintFDWithTotality ist = pprintFD ist True
pprintFDWithoutTotality :: IState -> FunDoc -> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintFDWithoutTotality ist = pprintFD ist False
pprintDocs :: IState -> Docs -> Doc OutputAnnotation
pprintDocs ist (FunDoc d) = pprintFD ist d
pprintDocs ist (FunDoc d) = pprintFDWithTotality ist d
pprintDocs ist (DataDoc t args)
= text "Data type" <+> pprintFD ist t <$>
= text "Data type" <+> pprintFDWithoutTotality ist t <$>
if null args then text "No constructors."
else nest 4 (text "Constructors:" <> line <>
vsep (map (pprintFD ist) args))
vsep (map (pprintFDWithoutTotality ist) args))
pprintDocs ist (ClassDoc n doc meths params instances subclasses superclasses ctor)
= nest 4 (text "Type class" <+> prettyName True (ppopt_impl ppo) [] n <>
if nullDocstring doc
@ -105,12 +120,12 @@ pprintDocs ist (ClassDoc n doc meths params instances subclasses superclasses ct
nest 4 (text "Parameters:" <$> prettyParameters)
<> line <$>
nest 4 (text "Methods:" <$>
vsep (map (pprintFD ist) meths))
vsep (map (pprintFDWithTotality ist) meths))
maybe empty
((<> line) . nest 4 .
(text "Instance constructor:" <$>) .
pprintFD ist)
pprintFDWithoutTotality ist)
nest 4 (text "Instances:" <$>
@ -195,7 +210,7 @@ pprintDocs ist (ClassDoc n doc meths params instances subclasses superclasses ct
else hsep (punctuate comma (map (prettyName True False params' . fst) params))
pprintDocs ist (NamedInstanceDoc _cls doc)
= nest 4 (text "Named instance:" <$> pprintFD ist doc)
= nest 4 (text "Named instance:" <$> pprintFDWithoutTotality ist doc)
pprintDocs ist (ModDoc mod docs)
= nest 4 $ text "Module" <+> text (concat (intersperse "." mod)) <> colon <$>

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Methods:
myShow : MyShow a => (x : a) -> String
The shower
The function is Total
Instance constructor:
MkMyShow : (myShow : a -> String) -> MyShow a
Build a MyShow
@ -25,3 +26,4 @@ MkMyShow : (myShow : a -> String) -> MyShow a
myShow : a -> String -- The shower
The function is Total

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Methods:
m : C t => t
member of class
The function is Total
instance of class

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@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
T1 : Type
Some documentation
The function is Total
T2 : Type
Some other documentation
The function is Total
T3 : Int
Some provided postulate
The function is not yet checked for totality

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Methods:
map : Functor f => (m : a -> b) -> f a -> f b
The action of the functor on morphisms
The function is Total
Functor List
Functor Stream

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@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ MkFoo : (bar : Nat) -> (baz : Bool) -> Foo a
baz : Bool -- A field baz
The function is Total
bar : (rec : Foo a) -> Nat
A field bar
The function is Total
baz : (rec : Foo a) -> Bool
A field baz
The function is Total

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Hello, World
main : IO ()
This is a docstring
The function is Total
Main.main is Total
Hello, World : a -> a
@ -26,8 +27,10 @@ main : IO ()
is a
The function is Total
main : IO ()
This is a docstring
The function is Total
Nat2 : Type
Invalid filename for compiler output "Test.idr"