Fix visibility of imported things

Fixes #111
Previously, if a module B imports a module A, then a module C imports B,
the public names in A would also be visible to C (i.e. B would
automatically reexport everything from A). This seems to be a bad

This patch changes the default behaviour so that the only names exported
from a module are those defined in that module. If B imports A and wants
to reexport everything in A, then A should be imported with the "public"
modifier (i.e. "import public A").

Several changes have been made to the prelude, since several prelude
modules were taking advantage of the old broken behaviour.

This may cause lots of things to break. Sorry. The fix is typically just
to import the module you should have imported anyway :).
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2014-12-13 17:40:37 +00:00
parent b9e5895f94
commit 7b5f4aa392
29 changed files with 160 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Decidable.Decidable
import Data.Rel
import Data.Fun
%access public

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module Decidable.Order
import Decidable.Decidable
import Decidable.Equality
import Data.Fun
import Data.Rel
%access public

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
module System
import Prelude
%include C "unistd.h"
%default partial
%access public

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
module Effects
import Language.Reflection
import Control.Catchable
import Effect.Default
import public Effect.Default
--- Effectful computations are described as algebraic data types that
--- explain how an effect is interpreted in some underlying context.

View File

@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ module Decidable.Equality
import Builtins
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Classes
import Prelude.Either
import Prelude.List
import Prelude.Vect
import Prelude.Nat
import Prelude.Fin
import Prelude.Maybe

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import Builtins
import Prelude.List
%access public

View File

@ -1,29 +1,32 @@
module Prelude
import Builtins
import IO
import public Builtins
import public IO
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Classes
import Prelude.Cast
import Prelude.Nat
import Prelude.Fin
import Prelude.List
import Prelude.Maybe
import Prelude.Monad
import Prelude.Applicative
import Prelude.Functor
import Prelude.Either
import Prelude.Vect
import Prelude.Strings
import Prelude.Chars
import Prelude.Traversable
import Prelude.Bits
import Prelude.Stream
import Prelude.Uninhabited
import Prelude.Pairs
import public Prelude.Algebra
import public Prelude.Basics
import public Prelude.Bool
import public Prelude.Classes
import public Prelude.Cast
import public Prelude.Nat
import public Prelude.Fin
import public Prelude.List
import public Prelude.Maybe
import public Prelude.Monad
import public Prelude.Applicative
import public Prelude.Foldable
import public Prelude.Functor
import public Prelude.Either
import public Prelude.Vect
import public Prelude.Strings
import public Prelude.Chars
import public Prelude.Traversable
import public Prelude.Bits
import public Prelude.Stream
import public Prelude.Uninhabited
import public Prelude.Pairs
import Decidable.Equality
import public Decidable.Equality
%access public
%default total

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
module Prelude.Applicative
import Builtins
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Classes
import Prelude.Functor

View File

@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
module Prelude.Bits
import Builtins
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Cast
import Prelude.Classes
import Prelude.Foldable
import Prelude.Nat
import Prelude.Strings
import Prelude.Vect
import Prelude.Bool
%access public
%default total

View File

@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
import Builtins
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Classes
import Prelude.Maybe
import Prelude.List

View File

@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
module Prelude.Fin
import Builtins
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Cast
import Prelude.Classes
import Prelude.Maybe
import Prelude.Nat
import Prelude.Either
import Prelude.Uninhabited

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Prelude.Foldable
import Builtins
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Classes
import Prelude.Algebra

View File

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import Builtins
import Prelude.Algebra
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Classes
import Prelude.Foldable
import Prelude.Functor
import Prelude.Maybe

View File

@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ module Prelude.Maybe
import Builtins
import Prelude.Algebra
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Cast
import Prelude.Classes
import Prelude.Foldable
%access public

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Prelude.Nat
import Builtins
import Prelude.Algebra
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Cast
import Prelude.Classes

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
module Prelude.Stream
import Builtins
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Functor
import Prelude.Nat
import Prelude.Vect
%access public

View File

@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
module Prelude.Strings
import Builtins
import Prelude.List
import Prelude.Algebra
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Chars
import Prelude.Cast
import Prelude.Classes
import Prelude.Either
import Prelude.Foldable
import Prelude.Functor
import Prelude.List
import Prelude.Nat
||| Appends two strings together.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
module Prelude.Traversable
import Builtins
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Applicative
import Prelude.Foldable
import Prelude.Functor
traverse_ : (Foldable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f ()
traverse_ f = foldr (($>) . f) (pure ())

View File

@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
module Prelude.Vect
import Builtins
import Prelude.Basics
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Fin
import Prelude.Foldable
import Prelude.Functor
import Prelude.Maybe
import Prelude.List
import Prelude.Classes
import Prelude.Nat
import Prelude.Bool
import Prelude.Uninhabited
%access public

View File

@ -97,9 +97,10 @@ addAutoImport fp = do i <- getIState
addHdr :: Codegen -> String -> Idris ()
addHdr tgt f = do i <- getIState; putIState $ i { idris_hdrs = nub $ (tgt, f) : idris_hdrs i }
addImported :: FilePath -> Idris ()
addImported f = do i <- getIState
putIState $ i { idris_imported = nub $ f : idris_imported i }
addImported :: Bool -> FilePath -> Idris ()
addImported pub f
= do i <- getIState
putIState $ i { idris_imported = nub $ (f, pub) : idris_imported i }
addLangExt :: LanguageExt -> Idris ()
addLangExt TypeProviders = do i <- getIState
@ -382,7 +383,7 @@ addNameIdx' i n
getHdrs :: Codegen -> Idris [String]
getHdrs tgt = do i <- getIState; return (forCodegen tgt $ idris_hdrs i)
getImported :: Idris [FilePath]
getImported :: Idris [(FilePath, Bool)]
getImported = do i <- getIState; return (idris_imported i)
setErrSpan :: FC -> Idris ()
@ -1576,8 +1577,8 @@ aiFn inpat expat qq ist fc f ds as
_ -> True
getAccessibility n
= case lookupDefAcc n False (tt_ctxt ist) of
[(n,t)] -> t
= case lookupDefAccExact n False (tt_ctxt ist) of
Just (n,t) -> t
_ -> Public
insertImpl :: [PArg] -> [PArg] -> [PArg]

View File

@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ data IState = IState {
idris_libs :: [(Codegen, String)],
idris_cgflags :: [(Codegen, String)],
idris_hdrs :: [(Codegen, String)],
idris_imported :: [FilePath], -- ^ Imported ibc file names
idris_imported :: [(FilePath, Bool)], -- ^ Imported ibc file names, whether public
proof_list :: [(Name, [String])],
errSpan :: Maybe FC,
parserWarnings :: [(FC, Err)],
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ data IBCWrite = IBCFix FixDecl
| IBCMetavar Name
| IBCSyntax Syntax
| IBCKeyword String
| IBCImport FilePath
| IBCImport (Bool, FilePath) -- True = import public
| IBCImportDir FilePath
| IBCObj Codegen FilePath
| IBCLib Codegen String

View File

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ buildTree built fp = btree [] fp
(_, modules, _) <- parseImports f file
-- The chaser should never report warnings from sub-modules
ms <- mapM (btree done) [realName | (realName, alias, fc) <- modules]
ms <- mapM (btree done) [realName | (_, realName, alias, fc) <- modules]
return (concat ms)
else return [] -- IBC with no source available
-- (\c -> return []) -- error, can't chase modules here

View File

@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ import Codec.Compression.Zlib (compress)
import Util.Zlib (decompressEither)
ibcVersion :: Word8
ibcVersion = 87
ibcVersion = 88
data IBCFile = IBCFile { ver :: Word8,
sourcefile :: FilePath,
symbols :: [Name],
ibc_imports :: [FilePath],
ibc_imports :: [(Bool, FilePath)],
ibc_importdirs :: [FilePath],
ibc_implicits :: [(Name, [PArg])],
ibc_fixes :: [FixDecl],
@ -83,13 +83,18 @@ deriving instance Binary IBCFile
initIBC :: IBCFile
initIBC = IBCFile ibcVersion "" [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Nothing
loadIBC :: FilePath -> Idris ()
loadIBC fp = do imps <- getImported
when (not (fp `elem` imps)) $
do iLOG $ "Loading ibc " ++ fp
loadIBC :: Bool -- ^ True = reexport, False = make everything private
-> FilePath -> Idris ()
loadIBC reexport fp
= do imps <- getImported
let redo = case lookup fp imps of
Nothing -> True
Just p -> not p && reexport
when redo $
do iLOG $ "Loading ibc " ++ fp ++ " " ++ show reexport
ibcf <- runIO $ (bdecode fp :: IO IBCFile)
process ibcf fp
addImported fp
process reexport ibcf fp
addImported reexport fp
bencode :: Binary a => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
bencode f d = B.writeFile f (compress (encode d))
@ -250,8 +255,9 @@ ibc i (IBCPostulate n) f = return f { ibc_postulates = n : ibc_postulates f }
ibc i (IBCTotCheckErr fc err) f = return f { ibc_totcheckfail = (fc, err) : ibc_totcheckfail f }
ibc i (IBCParsedRegion fc) f = return f { ibc_parsedSpan = Just fc }
process :: IBCFile -> FilePath -> Idris ()
process i fn
process :: Bool -> -- ^ Reexporting
IBCFile -> FilePath -> Idris ()
process reexp i fn
| ver i /= ibcVersion = do iLOG "ibc out of date"
ifail "Incorrect ibc version --- please rebuild"
| otherwise =
@ -277,9 +283,9 @@ process i fn
pCGFlags (ibc_cgflags i)
pDyLibs (ibc_dynamic_libs i)
pHdrs (ibc_hdrs i)
pDefs (symbols i) (ibc_defs i)
pDefs reexp (symbols i) (ibc_defs i)
pPatdefs (ibc_patdefs i)
pAccess (ibc_access i)
pAccess reexp (ibc_access i)
pFlags (ibc_flags i)
pFnInfo (ibc_fninfo i)
pTotal (ibc_total i)
@ -317,21 +323,22 @@ pParsedSpan fc = do ist <- getIState
pImportDirs :: [FilePath] -> Idris ()
pImportDirs fs = mapM_ addImportDir fs
pImports :: [FilePath] -> Idris ()
pImports :: [(Bool, FilePath)] -> Idris ()
pImports fs
= do mapM_ (\f -> do i <- getIState
= do mapM_ (\(re, f) ->
do i <- getIState
ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir i
ids <- allImportDirs
fp <- findImport ids ibcsd f
if (f `elem` imported i)
then iLOG $ "Already read " ++ f
else do putIState (i { imported = f : imported i })
-- if (f `elem` imported i)
-- then iLOG $ "Already read " ++ f
putIState (i { imported = f : imported i })
case fp of
LIDR fn -> do iLOG $ "Failed at " ++ fn
ifail "Must be an ibc"
IDR fn -> do iLOG $ "Failed at " ++ fn
ifail "Must be an ibc"
IBC fn src -> loadIBC fn)
IBC fn src -> loadIBC re fn)
pImps :: [(Name, [PArg])] -> Idris ()
@ -428,8 +435,8 @@ pPatdefs ds
putIState (i { idris_patdefs = addDef n d (idris_patdefs i) }))
pDefs :: [Name] -> [(Name, Def)] -> Idris ()
pDefs syms ds
pDefs :: Bool -> [Name] -> [(Name, Def)] -> Idris ()
pDefs reexp syms ds
= mapM_ (\ (n, d) ->
do let d' = updateDef d
case d' of
@ -438,7 +445,10 @@ pDefs syms ds
solveDeferred n
i <- getIState
-- logLvl 1 $ "Added " ++ show (n, d')
putIState (i { tt_ctxt = addCtxtDef n d' (tt_ctxt i) })) ds
putIState (i { tt_ctxt = addCtxtDef n d' (tt_ctxt i) })
if (not reexp) then do iLOG $ "Not exporting " ++ show n
setAccessibility n Hidden
else iLOG $ "Exporting " ++ show n) ds
updateDef (CaseOp c t args o s cd)
= CaseOp c t args (map updateOrig o) s (updateCD cd)
@ -462,9 +472,13 @@ pDefs syms ds
pDocs :: [(Name, (Docstring D.DocTerm, [(Name, Docstring D.DocTerm)]))] -> Idris ()
pDocs ds = mapM_ (\ (n, a) -> addDocStr n (fst a) (snd a)) ds
pAccess :: [(Name, Accessibility)] -> Idris ()
pAccess ds = mapM_ (\ (n, a) ->
do i <- getIState
pAccess :: Bool -> -- ^ Reexporting?
[(Name, Accessibility)] -> Idris ()
pAccess reexp ds
= mapM_ (\ (n, a_in) ->
do let a = if reexp then a_in else Hidden
logLvl 3 $ "Setting " ++ show (a, n) ++ " to " ++ show a
i <- getIState
putIState (i { tt_ctxt = setAccess n a (tt_ctxt i) }))

View File

@ -109,13 +109,14 @@ moduleHeader = try (do noDocCommentHere "Modules cannot have documentation c
Import ::= 'import' Identifier_t ';'?;
import_ :: IdrisParser (String, Maybe String, FC)
import_ :: IdrisParser (Bool, String, Maybe String, FC)
import_ = do fc <- getFC
reserved "import"
reexport <- option False (do reserved "public"; return True)
id <- identifier
newName <- optional (reserved "as" *> identifier)
option ';' (lchar ';')
return (toPath id, toPath <$> newName, fc)
return (reexport, toPath id, toPath <$> newName, fc)
<?> "import statement"
where toPath = foldl1' (</>) . Spl.splitOn "."
@ -1132,14 +1133,14 @@ parseTactic :: IState -> String -> Result PTactic
parseTactic st = runparser (fullTactic defaultSyntax) st "(input)"
-- | Parse module header and imports
parseImports :: FilePath -> String -> Idris ([String], [(String, Maybe String, FC)], Maybe Delta)
parseImports :: FilePath -> String -> Idris ([String], [(Bool, String, Maybe String, FC)], Maybe Delta)
parseImports fname input
= do i <- getIState
case parseString (runInnerParser (evalStateT imports i)) (Directed (UTF8.fromString fname) 0 0 0 0) input of
Failure err -> fail (show err)
Success (x, i) -> do putIState i
return x
where imports :: IdrisParser (([String], [(String, Maybe String, FC)], Maybe Delta), IState)
where imports :: IdrisParser (([String], [(Bool, String, Maybe String, FC)], Maybe Delta), IState)
imports = do whiteSpace
mname <- moduleHeader
ps <- many import_
@ -1219,7 +1220,7 @@ loadModule' f
IDR fn -> loadSource False fn Nothing
LIDR fn -> loadSource True fn Nothing
IBC fn src ->
idrisCatch (loadIBC fn)
idrisCatch (loadIBC True fn)
(\c -> do iLOG $ fn ++ " failed " ++ pshow i c
case src of
IDR sfn -> loadSource False sfn Nothing
@ -1229,18 +1230,18 @@ loadModule' f
{- | Load idris code from file -}
loadFromIFile :: IFileType -> Maybe Int -> Idris ()
loadFromIFile i@(IBC fn src) maxline
loadFromIFile :: Bool -> IFileType -> Maybe Int -> Idris ()
loadFromIFile reexp i@(IBC fn src) maxline
= do iLOG $ "Skipping " ++ getSrcFile i
idrisCatch (loadIBC fn)
idrisCatch (loadIBC reexp fn)
(\err -> ierror $ LoadingFailed fn err)
getSrcFile (IDR fn) = fn
getSrcFile (LIDR fn) = fn
getSrcFile (IBC f src) = getSrcFile src
loadFromIFile (IDR fn) maxline = loadSource' False fn maxline
loadFromIFile (LIDR fn) maxline = loadSource' True fn maxline
loadFromIFile _ (IDR fn) maxline = loadSource' False fn maxline
loadFromIFile _ (LIDR fn) maxline = loadSource' True fn maxline
{-| Load idris source code and show error if something wrong happens -}
loadSource' :: Bool -> FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Idris ()
@ -1262,22 +1263,23 @@ loadSource lidr f toline
file <- if lidr then tclift $ unlit f file_in else return file_in
(mname, imports_in, pos) <- parseImports f file
ai <- getAutoImports
let imports = map (\n -> (n, Just n, emptyFC)) ai ++ imports_in
let imports = map (\n -> (True, n, Just n, emptyFC)) ai ++ imports_in
ids <- allImportDirs
ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir i
mapM_ (\f -> do fp <- findImport ids ibcsd f
mapM_ (\(re, f) ->
do fp <- findImport ids ibcsd f
case fp of
LIDR fn -> ifail $ "No ibc for " ++ f
IDR fn -> ifail $ "No ibc for " ++ f
IBC fn src -> loadIBC fn)
[fn | (fn, _, _) <- imports]
IBC fn src -> loadIBC True fn)
[(re, fn) | (re, fn, _, _) <- imports]
-- process and check module aliases
let modAliases = M.fromList
[(prep alias, prep realName) | (realName, Just alias, fc) <- imports]
[(prep alias, prep realName) | (reexport, realName, Just alias, fc) <- imports]
prep = map T.pack . reverse . Spl.splitOn "/"
aliasNames = [(alias, fc) | (_, Just alias, fc) <- imports]
aliasNames = [(alias, fc) | (_, _, Just alias, fc) <- imports]
histogram = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sortBy (comparing fst) $ aliasNames
case map head . filter ((/= 1) . length) $ histogram of
[] -> logLvl 3 $ "Module aliases: " ++ show (M.toList modAliases)
@ -1289,7 +1291,7 @@ loadSource lidr f toline
-- record package info in .ibc
imps <- allImportDirs
mapM_ addIBC (map IBCImportDir imps)
mapM_ (addIBC . IBCImport) [realName | (realName, alias, fc) <- imports]
mapM_ (addIBC . IBCImport) [(reexport, realName) | (reexport, realName, alias, fc) <- imports]
let syntax = defaultSyntax{ syn_namespace = reverse mname,
maxline = toline }
ds' <- parseProg syntax f file pos

View File

@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ process fn Execute
runIO $ hClose tmph
t <- codegen
ir <- compile t tmpn m
runIO $ generate t (head (idris_imported ist)) ir
runIO $ generate t (fst (head (idris_imported ist))) ir
case idris_outputmode ist of
RawOutput h -> do runIO $ rawSystem tmpn []
return ()
@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ process fn (Compile codegen f)
[pexp $ PRef fc (sNS (sUN "main") ["Main"])])
ir <- compile codegen f m
i <- getIState
runIO $ generate codegen (head (idris_imported i)) ir
runIO $ generate codegen (fst (head (idris_imported i))) ir
where fc = fileFC "main"
process fn (LogLvl i) = setLogLevel i
-- Elaborate as if LHS of a pattern (debug command)
@ -1403,7 +1403,7 @@ loadInputs inputs toline -- furthest line to read in input source files
then Just l
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
loadFromIFile f maxline
loadFromIFile True f maxline
inew <- getIState
-- FIXME: Save these in IBC to avoid this hack! Need to
-- preserve it all from source inputs

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Main
import Effects
import Effect.File
import Effect.State
import Effect.StdIO

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Main
import Effects
import Effect.State
import Effect.Exception
import Effect.Random

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Main
import System
import System.Concurrency.Process
ping : ProcID String -> ProcID String -> Process String ()