Remove tactic proofs from List

Replaced with inline rewriting
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2015-08-12 22:27:56 +01:00
parent e2b14272f7
commit 8205c13489

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@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ zipWith : (f : a -> b -> c) -> (l : List a) -> (r : List b) ->
zipWith f [] (y::ys) Refl impossible
zipWith f (x::xs) [] Refl impossible
zipWith f [] [] p = []
zipWith f (x::xs) (y::ys) p = f x y :: (zipWith f xs ys ?zipWithTailProof)
zipWith f (x::xs) (y::ys) p = f x y :: (zipWith f xs ys (succInjective _ _ p))
||| Combine three lists of the same length elementwise using some function.
||| @ f the function to combine elements with
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ zipWith3 f [] (y::ys) _ Refl q impossible
zipWith3 f (x::xs) [] _ Refl q impossible
zipWith3 f [] [] [] p q = []
zipWith3 f (x::xs) (y::ys) (z::zs) p q =
f x y z :: (zipWith3 f xs ys zs ?zipWith3TailProof ?zipWith3TailProof')
f x y z :: (zipWith3 f xs ys zs (succInjective _ _ p) (succInjective _ _ q))
||| Combine two lists elementwise into pairs
zip : (l : List a) -> (r : List b) -> (length l = length r) -> List (a, b)
@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ appendNilRightNeutral : (l : List a) ->
appendNilRightNeutral [] = Refl
appendNilRightNeutral (x::xs) =
let inductiveHypothesis = appendNilRightNeutral xs in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in Refl
||| Appending lists is associative.
appendAssociative : (l : List a) -> (c : List a) -> (r : List a) ->
@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ appendAssociative : (l : List a) -> (c : List a) -> (r : List a) ->
appendAssociative [] c r = Refl
appendAssociative (x::xs) c r =
let inductiveHypothesis = appendAssociative xs c r in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in Refl
||| The length of two lists that are appended is the sum of the lengths
||| of the input lists.
@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ lengthAppend : (left : List a) -> (right : List a) ->
lengthAppend [] right = Refl
lengthAppend (x::xs) right =
let inductiveHypothesis = lengthAppend xs right in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in Refl
||| Mapping a function over a list doesn't change its length.
mapPreservesLength : (f : a -> b) -> (l : List a) ->
@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ mapPreservesLength : (f : a -> b) -> (l : List a) ->
mapPreservesLength f [] = Refl
mapPreservesLength f (x::xs) =
let inductiveHypothesis = mapPreservesLength f xs in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in Refl
||| Mapping a function over two lists and appending them is equivalent
||| to appending them and then mapping the function.
@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ mapDistributesOverAppend : (f : a -> b) -> (l : List a) -> (r : List a) ->
mapDistributesOverAppend f [] r = Refl
mapDistributesOverAppend f (x::xs) r =
let inductiveHypothesis = mapDistributesOverAppend f xs r in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in Refl
||| Mapping two functions is the same as mapping their composition.
mapFusion : (f : b -> c) -> (g : a -> b) -> (l : List a) ->
@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ mapFusion : (f : b -> c) -> (g : a -> b) -> (l : List a) ->
mapFusion f g [] = Refl
mapFusion f g (x::xs) =
let inductiveHypothesis = mapFusion f g xs in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in Refl
||| No list contains an element of the empty list by any predicate.
hasAnyByNilFalse : (p : a -> a -> Bool) -> (l : List a) ->
@ -835,11 +835,11 @@ hasAnyByNilFalse : (p : a -> a -> Bool) -> (l : List a) ->
hasAnyByNilFalse p [] = Refl
hasAnyByNilFalse p (x::xs) =
let inductiveHypothesis = hasAnyByNilFalse p xs in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in Refl
||| No list contains an element of the empty list.
hasAnyNilFalse : Eq a => (l : List a) -> hasAny [] l = False
hasAnyNilFalse l = ?hasAnyNilFalseBody
hasAnyNilFalse l = rewrite (hasAnyByNilFalse (==) l) in Refl
foldlAsFoldr : (b -> a -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
foldlAsFoldr f z t = foldr (flip (.) . flip f) id t z
@ -850,74 +850,3 @@ foldlMatchesFoldr : (f : b -> a -> b) -> (q : b) -> (xs : List a) -> foldl f q x
foldlMatchesFoldr f q [] = Refl
foldlMatchesFoldr f q (x :: xs) = foldlMatchesFoldr f (f q x) xs
-- Proofs
lengthAppendStepCase = proof {
rewrite inductiveHypothesis;
hasAnyNilFalseBody = proof {
rewrite (hasAnyByNilFalse (==) l);
hasAnyByNilFalseStepCase = proof {
rewrite inductiveHypothesis;
appendNilRightNeutralStepCase = proof {
rewrite inductiveHypothesis;
appendAssociativeStepCase = proof {
rewrite inductiveHypothesis;
mapFusionStepCase = proof {
rewrite inductiveHypothesis;
mapDistributesOverAppendStepCase = proof {
rewrite inductiveHypothesis;
mapPreservesLengthStepCase = proof {
rewrite inductiveHypothesis;
zipWithTailProof = proof {
rewrite (succInjective (length xs) (length ys) p);
zipWith3TailProof = proof {
rewrite (succInjective (length xs) (length ys) p);
zipWith3TailProof' = proof {
rewrite (succInjective (length ys) (length zs) q);