Friendlier error on proof search failure

Now, proof search doesn't throw an INTERNAL ERROR when called on a goal
that isn't a datatype. Instead, it provides the following message:

    Prover error: Attempted to find an element of type Nat -> Bool using
    proof search, but proof search only works on datatypes with

When the goal is a function type, which seems to be a likely reason why
it would fail, it adds the sentence:

    In particular, function types are not supported.

Additionally, a variant of the Msg constructor for errors, called
FancyMsg, was introduced. This allows the use of the ErrorReportPart
type to define custom messages.

Fixes #2713.
This commit is contained in:
David Raymond Christiansen 2015-10-11 00:55:32 +02:00
parent 4f68012673
commit 83ca4aebec
6 changed files with 22 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -190,7 +190,8 @@ instance Binary a => Binary (Err' a) where
put e
put (ElabScriptStaging n) = do putWord8 43
put n
put (FancyMsg xs) = do putWord8 44
put xs
get = do i <- getWord8
case i of
0 -> fmap Msg get
@ -262,6 +263,7 @@ instance Binary a => Binary (Err' a) where
41 -> fmap NoValidAlts get
42 -> fmap RunningElabScript get
43 -> fmap ElabScriptStaging get
44 -> fmap FancyMsg get
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for Err'"
----- Generated by 'derive'

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@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ instance NFData Err where
rnf (ElabScriptStuck x1) = rnf x1 `seq` ()
rnf (RunningElabScript x1) = rnf x1 `seq` ()
rnf (ElabScriptStaging x1) = rnf x1 `seq` ()
rnf (FancyMsg x1) = rnf x1 `seq` ()
instance NFData ErrorReportPart where
rnf (TextPart x1) = rnf x1 `seq` ()

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@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ data Err' t
| ElabScriptStuck t
| RunningElabScript (Err' t) -- ^ The error occurred during a top-level elaboration script
| ElabScriptStaging Name
| FancyMsg [ErrorReportPart]
deriving (Eq, Functor, Data, Typeable)
type Err = Err' Term

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@ -507,6 +507,8 @@ pprintErr' i (ElabScriptStaging n) =
text "Can't run elaboration script because it contains pattern matching that has not yet been elaborated." <$>
text "Try lifting the script to a top-level definition." <$>
text "In particular, the problem is caused by:" <+> annName n
pprintErr' i (FancyMsg parts) =
fillSep (map (showPart i) parts)
showPart :: IState -> ErrorReportPart -> Doc OutputAnnotation
showPart ist (TextPart str) = fillSep . map text . words $ str

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import System.Directory
import Codec.Archive.Zip
ibcVersion :: Word16
ibcVersion = 123
ibcVersion = 124
data IBCFile = IBCFile { ver :: Word16,
sourcefile :: FilePath,

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@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ proofSearch rec fromProver ambigok deferonfail maxDepth elab fn nroot psnames hi
Nothing -> -- local variable, go for it
return True
TType _ -> return True
_ -> fail "Not a data type"
_ -> typeNotSearchable ty
conReady :: [Term] -> Name -> ElabD Bool
conReady as n
@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ proofSearch rec fromProver ambigok deferonfail maxDepth elab fn nroot psnames hi
-- since that's part of the point...)
$ checkConstructor ist others
tryCons d locs tys (others ++ getFn d fn)
Nothing -> fail "Not a data type"
_ -> fail "Not a data type"
Nothing -> typeNotSearchable t
_ -> typeNotSearchable t
-- if there are local variables which have a function type, try
-- applying them too
@ -326,11 +326,20 @@ proofSearch rec fromProver ambigok deferonfail maxDepth elab fn nroot psnames hi
let newhs = filter (\ (x, y) -> not x) (zip (map fst imps) args)
mapM_ (\ (_, h) -> do focus h
aty <- goal
psRec True d locs tys) newhs
psRec True d locs tys) newhs
isImp (PImp p _ _ _ _) = (True, p)
isImp arg = (False, priority arg)
isImp arg = (False, priority arg)
typeNotSearchable ty =
lift $ tfail $ FancyMsg $
[TextPart "Attempted to find an element of type",
TermPart ty,
TextPart "using proof search, but proof search only works on datatypes with constructors."] ++
case ty of
(Bind _ (Pi _ _ _) _) -> [TextPart "In particular, function types are not supported."]
_ -> []
-- In interactive mode, only search for things if there is some
-- index to help pick a relevant constructor