Improve addImpl under PHidden

Under a PHidden we can't encounter new pattern variables, so make
addImpl aware of this. As a result, there's no longer any need to
qualify constant function names under a function application on the lhs.
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2015-09-01 20:26:35 +01:00
parent 908f2f241f
commit b573bf0e63
2 changed files with 92 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -1550,103 +1550,109 @@ addImpl = addImpl' False [] []
addImpl' :: Bool -> [Name] -> [Name] -> [Name] -> IState -> PTerm -> PTerm
addImpl' inpat env infns imp_meths ist ptm
= mkUniqueNames env [] (ai False (zip env (repeat Nothing)) [] ptm)
= mkUniqueNames env [] (ai inpat False (zip env (repeat Nothing)) [] ptm)
ai :: Bool -> [(Name, Maybe PTerm)] -> [[T.Text]] -> PTerm -> PTerm
ai qq env ds (PRef fc fcs f)
topname = case ptm of
PRef _ _ n -> n
PApp _ (PRef _ _ n) _ -> n
_ -> sUN "" -- doesn't matter then
ai :: Bool -> Bool -> [(Name, Maybe PTerm)] -> [[T.Text]] -> PTerm -> PTerm
ai inpat qq env ds (PRef fc fcs f)
| f `elem` infns = PInferRef fc fcs f
| not (f `elem` map fst env) = handleErr $ aiFn inpat inpat qq imp_meths ist fc f fc ds []
ai qq env ds (PHidden (PRef fc hl f))
| not (f `elem` map fst env) = PHidden (handleErr $ aiFn inpat False qq imp_meths ist fc f fc ds [])
ai qq env ds (PRewrite fc l r g)
= let l' = ai qq env ds l
r' = ai qq env ds r
g' = fmap (ai qq env ds) g in
| not (f `elem` map fst env) = handleErr $ aiFn topname inpat inpat qq imp_meths ist fc f fc ds [] []
ai inpat qq env ds (PHidden (PRef fc hl f))
| not (f `elem` map fst env) = PHidden (handleErr $ aiFn topname inpat False qq imp_meths ist fc f fc ds [] [])
ai inpat qq env ds (PRewrite fc l r g)
= let l' = ai inpat qq env ds l
r' = ai inpat qq env ds r
g' = fmap (ai inpat qq env ds) g in
PRewrite fc l' r' g'
ai qq env ds (PTyped l r)
= let l' = ai qq env ds l
r' = ai qq env ds r in
ai inpat qq env ds (PTyped l r)
= let l' = ai inpat qq env ds l
r' = ai inpat qq env ds r in
PTyped l' r'
ai qq env ds (PPair fc hls p l r)
= let l' = ai qq env ds l
r' = ai qq env ds r in
ai inpat qq env ds (PPair fc hls p l r)
= let l' = ai inpat qq env ds l
r' = ai inpat qq env ds r in
PPair fc hls p l' r'
ai qq env ds (PDPair fc hls p l t r)
= let l' = ai qq env ds l
t' = ai qq env ds t
r' = ai qq env ds r in
ai inpat qq env ds (PDPair fc hls p l t r)
= let l' = ai inpat qq env ds l
t' = ai inpat qq env ds t
r' = ai inpat qq env ds r in
PDPair fc hls p l' t' r'
ai qq env ds (PAlternative ms a as)
= let as' = map (ai qq env ds) as in
ai inpat qq env ds (PAlternative ms a as)
= let as' = map (ai inpat qq env ds) as in
PAlternative ms a as'
ai qq env _ (PDisamb ds' as) = ai qq env ds' as
ai qq env ds (PApp fc (PInferRef ffc hl f) as)
= let as' = map (fmap (ai qq env ds)) as in
ai inpat qq env _ (PDisamb ds' as) = ai inpat qq env ds' as
ai inpat qq env ds (PApp fc (PInferRef ffc hl f) as)
= let as' = map (fmap (ai inpat qq env ds)) as in
PApp fc (PInferRef ffc hl f) as'
ai qq env ds (PApp fc ftm@(PRef ffc hl f) as)
| f `elem` infns = ai qq env ds (PApp fc (PInferRef ffc hl f) as)
ai inpat qq env ds (PApp fc ftm@(PRef ffc hl f) as)
| f `elem` infns = ai inpat qq env ds (PApp fc (PInferRef ffc hl f) as)
| not (f `elem` map fst env)
= let as' = map (fmap (ai qq env ds)) as in
handleErr $ aiFn inpat False qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds as'
= let as' = map (fmap (ai inpat qq env ds)) as
asdotted' = map (fmap (ai False qq env ds)) as in
handleErr $ aiFn topname inpat False qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds as' asdotted'
| Just (Just ty) <- lookup f env =
let as' = map (fmap (ai qq env ds)) as
let as' = map (fmap (ai inpat qq env ds)) as
arity = getPArity ty in
mkPApp fc arity ftm as'
ai qq env ds (PApp fc f as)
= let f' = ai qq env ds f
as' = map (fmap (ai qq env ds)) as in
ai inpat qq env ds (PApp fc f as)
= let f' = ai inpat qq env ds f
as' = map (fmap (ai inpat qq env ds)) as in
mkPApp fc 1 f' as'
ai qq env ds (PCase fc c os)
= let c' = ai qq env ds c in
ai inpat qq env ds (PCase fc c os)
= let c' = ai inpat qq env ds c in
-- leave os alone, because they get lifted into a new pattern match
-- definition which is passed through addImpl again with more scope
-- definition which is passed through addImpl agai inpatn with more scope
-- information
PCase fc c' os
ai qq env ds (PIfThenElse fc c t f) = PIfThenElse fc (ai qq env ds c)
(ai qq env ds t)
(ai qq env ds f)
ai inpat qq env ds (PIfThenElse fc c t f) = PIfThenElse fc (ai inpat qq env ds c)
(ai inpat qq env ds t)
(ai inpat qq env ds f)
-- If the name in a lambda is a constructor name, do this as a 'case'
-- instead (it is harmless to do so, especially since the lambda will
-- be lifted anyway!)
ai qq env ds (PLam fc n nfc ty sc)
ai inpat qq env ds (PLam fc n nfc ty sc)
= case lookupDef n (tt_ctxt ist) of
[] -> let ty' = ai qq env ds ty
sc' = ai qq ((n, Just ty):env) ds sc in
[] -> let ty' = ai inpat qq env ds ty
sc' = ai inpat qq ((n, Just ty):env) ds sc in
PLam fc n nfc ty' sc'
_ -> ai qq env ds (PLam fc (sMN 0 "lamp") NoFC ty
_ -> ai inpat qq env ds (PLam fc (sMN 0 "lamp") NoFC ty
(PCase fc (PRef fc [] (sMN 0 "lamp") )
[(PRef fc [] n, sc)]))
ai qq env ds (PLet fc n nfc ty val sc)
ai inpat qq env ds (PLet fc n nfc ty val sc)
= case lookupDef n (tt_ctxt ist) of
[] -> let ty' = ai qq env ds ty
val' = ai qq env ds val
sc' = ai qq ((n, Just ty):env) ds sc in
[] -> let ty' = ai inpat qq env ds ty
val' = ai inpat qq env ds val
sc' = ai inpat qq ((n, Just ty):env) ds sc in
PLet fc n nfc ty' val' sc'
defs ->
ai qq env ds (PCase fc val [(PRef fc [] n, sc)])
ai qq env ds (PPi p n nfc ty sc)
= let ty' = ai qq env ds ty
ai inpat qq env ds (PCase fc val [(PRef fc [] n, sc)])
ai inpat qq env ds (PPi p n nfc ty sc)
= let ty' = ai inpat qq env ds ty
env' = if n `elem` imp_meths then env
else ((n, Just ty) : env)
sc' = ai qq env' ds sc in
sc' = ai inpat qq env' ds sc in
PPi p n nfc ty' sc'
ai qq env ds (PGoal fc r n sc)
= let r' = ai qq env ds r
sc' = ai qq ((n, Nothing):env) ds sc in
ai inpat qq env ds (PGoal fc r n sc)
= let r' = ai inpat qq env ds r
sc' = ai inpat qq ((n, Nothing):env) ds sc in
PGoal fc r' n sc'
ai qq env ds (PHidden tm) = PHidden (ai qq env ds tm)
ai inpat qq env ds (PHidden tm) = PHidden (ai inpat qq env ds tm)
-- Don't do PProof or PTactics since implicits get added when scope is
-- properly known in ElabTerm.runTac
ai qq env ds (PUnifyLog tm) = PUnifyLog (ai qq env ds tm)
ai qq env ds (PNoImplicits tm) = PNoImplicits (ai qq env ds tm)
ai qq env ds (PQuasiquote tm g) = PQuasiquote (ai True env ds tm)
(fmap (ai True env ds) g)
ai qq env ds (PUnquote tm) = PUnquote (ai False env ds tm)
ai qq env ds (PRunElab fc tm ns) = PRunElab fc (ai False env ds tm) ns
ai qq env ds (PConstSugar fc tm) = PConstSugar fc (ai qq env ds tm)
ai qq env ds tm = tm
ai inpat qq env ds (PUnifyLog tm) = PUnifyLog (ai inpat qq env ds tm)
ai inpat qq env ds (PNoImplicits tm) = PNoImplicits (ai inpat qq env ds tm)
ai inpat qq env ds (PQuasiquote tm g) = PQuasiquote (ai inpat True env ds tm)
(fmap (ai inpat True env ds) g)
ai inpat qq env ds (PUnquote tm) = PUnquote (ai inpat False env ds tm)
ai inpat qq env ds (PRunElab fc tm ns) = PRunElab fc (ai inpat False env ds tm) ns
ai inpat qq env ds (PConstSugar fc tm) = PConstSugar fc (ai inpat qq env ds tm)
ai inpat qq env ds tm = tm
handleErr (Left err) = PElabError err
handleErr (Right x) = x
@ -1654,14 +1660,15 @@ addImpl' inpat env infns imp_meths ist ptm
-- if in a pattern, and there are no arguments, and there's no possible
-- names with zero explicit arguments, don't add implicits.
aiFn :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
aiFn :: Name -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
-> [Name]
-> IState -> FC
-> Name -- ^ function being applied
-> FC -> [[T.Text]]
-> [PArg] -- ^ initial arguments
-> [PArg] -- ^ initial arguments (if in a pattern)
-> [PArg] -- ^ initial arguments (if in an expression)
-> Either Err PTerm
aiFn inpat True qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds []
aiFn topname inpat True qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds [] _
= case lookupDef f (tt_ctxt ist) of
[] -> Right $ PPatvar ffc f
alts -> let ialts = lookupCtxtName f (idris_implicits ist) in
@ -1669,7 +1676,7 @@ aiFn inpat True qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds []
if (not (vname f) || tcname f
|| any (conCaf (tt_ctxt ist)) ialts)
-- any constructor alts || any allImp ialts))
then aiFn inpat False qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds [] -- use it as a constructor
then aiFn topname inpat False qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds [] [] -- use it as a constructor
else Right $ PPatvar ffc f
where imp (PExp _ _ _ _) = False
imp _ = True
@ -1683,9 +1690,9 @@ aiFn inpat True qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds []
vname (UN n) = True -- non qualified
vname _ = False
aiFn inpat expat qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds as
aiFn topname inpat expat qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds as asexp
| f `elem` primNames = Right $ PApp fc (PRef ffc [ffc] f) as
aiFn inpat expat qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds as
aiFn topname inpat expat qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds as asexp
-- This is where namespaces get resolved by adding PAlternative
= do let ns = lookupCtxtName f (idris_implicits ist)
let nh = filter (\(n, _) -> notHidden n) ns
@ -1693,15 +1700,25 @@ aiFn inpat expat qq imp_meths ist fc f ffc ds as
[] -> nh
x -> x
case ns' of
[(f',ns)] -> Right $ mkPApp fc (length ns) (PRef ffc [ffc] (isImpName f f')) (insertImpl ns as)
[(f',ns)] -> Right $ mkPApp fc (length ns) (PRef ffc [ffc] (isImpName f f'))
(insertImpl ns (chooseArgs f' as asexp))
[] -> if f `elem` (map fst (idris_metavars ist))
then Right $ PApp fc (PRef ffc [ffc] f) as
else Right $ mkPApp fc (length as) (PRef ffc [ffc] f) as
alts -> Right $
PAlternative [] (ExactlyOne True) $
map (\(f', ns) -> mkPApp fc (length ns) (PRef ffc [ffc] (isImpName f f'))
(insertImpl ns as)) alts
(insertImpl ns (chooseArgs f' as asexp))) alts
-- choose whether to treat the arguments as patterns or expressions
-- if 'f' is a defined function, treat as expression, otherwise do the default.
-- This is so any names which later go under a PHidden are treated
-- as function names rather than bound pattern variables
chooseArgs f as asexp | isConName f (tt_ctxt ist) = as
| f == topname = as
| Nothing <- lookupDefExact f (tt_ctxt ist) = as
| otherwise = asexp
-- if the name is in imp_meths, we should actually refer to the bound
-- name rather than the global one after expanding implicits
isImpName f f' | f `elem` imp_meths = f

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@ -904,6 +904,8 @@ getProvenance :: Err -> (Maybe Provenance, Maybe Provenance)
getProvenance (CantUnify _ (_, lp) (_, rp) _ _ _) = (lp, rp)
getProvenance _ = (Nothing, Nothing)
setReady (x, y, _, env, err, c, at) = (x, y, True, env, err, c, at)
updateProblems :: ProofState -> [(Name, TT Name)] -> Fails
-> ([(Name, TT Name)], Fails)
-- updateProblems ctxt [] ps inj holes = ([], ps)
@ -1009,7 +1011,7 @@ processTactic (ComputeLet n) ps
computeLet (context ps) n
(getProofTerm (pterm ps)) }, "")
processTactic UnifyProblems ps
= do let (ns', probs') = updateProblems ps [] (problems ps)
= do let (ns', probs') = updateProblems ps [] (map setReady (problems ps))
pterm' = updateSolved ns' (pterm ps)
traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("(UnifyProblems) Dropping holes: " ++ show (map fst ns')) $
return (ps { pterm = pterm', solved = Nothing, problems = probs',
@ -1020,7 +1022,7 @@ processTactic UnifyProblems ps
holes = holes ps \\ (map fst ns') }, plog ps)
where notIn ns (h, _) = h `notElem` map fst ns
processTactic (MatchProblems all) ps
= do let (ns', probs') = matchProblems all ps [] (problems ps)
= do let (ns', probs') = matchProblems all ps [] (map setReady (problems ps))
(ns'', probs'') = matchProblems all ps ns' probs'
pterm' = orderUpdateSolved ns'' (resetProofTerm (pterm ps))
traceWhen (unifylog ps) ("(MatchProblems) Dropping holes: " ++ show ns'') $