Improve display of documenation for named instances

This commit is contained in:
David Raymond Christiansen 2015-03-20 13:20:11 +01:00
parent c974e3bf4e
commit beda221e93
6 changed files with 79 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -628,7 +628,10 @@ Extra-source-files:
source-repository head

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, PatternGuards, MultiWayIf #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module Idris.Docs (pprintDocs, getDocs, pprintConstDocs, FunDoc, FunDoc'(..), Docs, Docs'(..)) where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ data Docs' d = FunDoc (FunDoc' d)
[(Maybe Name, PTerm, (d, [(Name, d)]))] -- instances: name for named instances, the constraint term, the docs
[PTerm] -- subclasses
[PTerm] -- superclasses
| NamedInstanceDoc Name (FunDoc' d) -- name is class
| ModDoc [String] -- Module name
deriving Functor
@ -183,6 +185,9 @@ pprintDocs ist (ClassDoc n doc meths params instances subclasses superclasses)
then vsep (map (\(nm,md) -> prettyName True False params' nm <+> maybe empty (showDoc ist) md) params)
else hsep (punctuate comma (map (prettyName True False params' . fst) params))
pprintDocs ist (NamedInstanceDoc _cls doc)
= nest 4 (text "Named instance:" <$> pprintFD ist doc)
pprintDocs ist (ModDoc mod docs)
= nest 4 $ text "Module" <+> text (concat (intersperse "." mod)) <> colon <$>
renderDocstring (renderDocTerm (pprintDelab ist) (normaliseAll (tt_ctxt ist) [])) docs
@ -203,13 +208,23 @@ getDocs n@(NS n' ns) w | n' == modDocName
" do not exist! This shouldn't have happened and is a bug."
getDocs n w
= do i <- getIState
docs <- case lookupCtxt n (idris_classes i) of
[ci] -> docClass n ci
_ -> case lookupCtxt n (idris_datatypes i) of
[ti] -> docData n ti
_ -> do fd <- docFun n
return (FunDoc fd)
docs <- if | Just ci <- lookupCtxtExact n (idris_classes i)
-> docClass n ci
| Just ti <- lookupCtxtExact n (idris_datatypes i)
-> docData n ti
| Just class_ <- classNameForInst i n
-> do fd <- docFun n
return $ NamedInstanceDoc class_ fd
| otherwise
-> do fd <- docFun n
return (FunDoc fd)
return $ fmap (howMuch w) docs
where classNameForInst :: IState -> Name -> Maybe Name
classNameForInst ist n =
listToMaybe [ cn
| (cn, ci) <- toAlist (idris_classes ist)
, n `elem` class_instances ci
docData :: Name -> TypeInfo -> Idris Docs
docData n ti
@ -270,6 +285,7 @@ docFun n
where funName :: Name -> String
funName (UN n) = str n
funName (NS n _) = funName n
funName n = show n
getPArgNames :: PTerm -> [(Name, Docstring DocTerm)] -> [(Name, PTerm, Plicity, Maybe (Docstring DocTerm))]
getPArgNames (PPi plicity name ty body) ds =

test/docs003/docs003.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module docs003
instance [mine] Functor List where
map m [] = []
map m (x :: xs) = m x :: map m xs
||| More functors!
instance [another] Functor List where
map f xs = map @{mine} f xs

test/docs003/expected Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Type checking ./docs003.idr
Type class Functor
f -- the action of the functor on objects
map : Functor f => (m : a -> b) -> f a -> f b
The action of the functor on morphisms
Functor List
Functor Stream
Functor Provider
Functor Binder
Functor PrimIO
Functor (IO' ffi)
Functor Maybe
Functor (Either e)
Named instances:
docs003.mine : Functor List
docs003.another : Functor List
More functors!
Traversable f
Applicative f
Named instance:
mine : Functor List
Named instance:
another : Functor List
More functors!

test/docs003/input Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
:doc Functor
:doc mine
:doc another

test/docs003/run Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
idris --consolewidth 80 --quiet --nocolor docs003.idr < input
rm *.ibc