replace code level class symbol with inferface

This commit is contained in:
zjhmale 2016-08-27 00:32:28 +08:00
parent 06cc10a5e0
commit c3f0755519
36 changed files with 299 additions and 299 deletions

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@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Library
, Idris.Elab.Clause
, Idris.Elab.Data
, Idris.Elab.Record
, Idris.Elab.Class
, Idris.Elab.Interface
, Idris.Elab.Instance
, Idris.Elab.Provider
, Idris.Elab.RunElab

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Classes.Verified
module Interfaces.Verified
import Control.Algebra
import Control.Algebra.Lattice

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ modules = CFFI, CFFI.Types, CFFI.Memory,
Data.Fun, Data.Rel,

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Default
class Default a where
interface Default a where
default : a
instance Default Int where

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ data EFFECT : Type where
||| Handler classes describe how an effect `e` is translated to the
||| underlying computation context `m` for execution.
class Handler (e : Effect) (m : Type -> Type) where
interface Handler (e : Effect) (m : Type -> Type) where
||| How to handle the effect.
||| @ r The resource being handled.

View File

@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ irAlt top vs _ (ConCase n t args sc) = do
LConCase (-1) n usedArgs <$> irSC top (methodVars `M.union` vs) sc
methodVars = case n of
SN (InstanceCtorN className)
SN (InstanceCtorN interfaceName)
-> M.fromList [(v, VI
{ viMethod = Just $ mkFieldName n i
}) | (v,i) <- zip args [0..]]

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ f = do
module Idris.ASTUtils(
Field(), cg_usedpos, ctxt_lookup, fgetState, fmodifyState
, fputState, idris_fixities, ist_callgraph, ist_optimisation
, known_classes, known_terms, opt_detaggable, opt_inaccessible
, known_interfaces, known_terms, opt_detaggable, opt_inaccessible
, opts_idrisCmdline, repl_definitions
) where
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ known_terms :: Field IState (Ctxt (Def, Injectivity, Accessibility, Totality, Me
known_terms = Field (definitions . tt_ctxt)
(\v state -> state {tt_ctxt = (tt_ctxt state) {definitions = v}})
known_classes :: Field IState (Ctxt ClassInfo)
known_classes = Field idris_classes (\v state -> state {idris_classes = idris_classes state})
known_interfaces :: Field IState (Ctxt InterfaceInfo)
known_interfaces = Field idris_interfaces (\v state -> state {idris_interfaces = idris_interfaces state})
-- | Names defined at the repl

View File

@ -449,12 +449,12 @@ addInstance :: Bool -- ^ whether the name is an Integer instance
-> Idris ()
addInstance int res n i
= do ist <- getIState
case lookupCtxt n (idris_classes ist) of
case lookupCtxt n (idris_interfaces ist) of
[CI a b c d e ins fds] ->
do let cs = addDef n (CI a b c d e (addI i ins) fds) (idris_classes ist)
putIState $ ist { idris_classes = cs }
_ -> do let cs = addDef n (CI (sMN 0 "none") [] [] [] [] [(i, res)] []) (idris_classes ist)
putIState $ ist { idris_classes = cs }
do let cs = addDef n (CI a b c d e (addI i ins) fds) (idris_interfaces ist)
putIState $ ist { idris_interfaces = cs }
_ -> do let cs = addDef n (CI (sMN 0 "none") [] [] [] [] [(i, res)] []) (idris_interfaces ist)
putIState $ ist { idris_interfaces = cs }
where addI, insI :: Name -> [(Name, Bool)] -> [(Name, Bool)]
addI i ins | int = (i, res) : ins
| chaser n = ins ++ [(i, res)]
@ -493,13 +493,13 @@ getOpenImpl :: Idris [Name]
getOpenImpl = do ist <- getIState
return (idris_openimpls ist)
addClass :: Name -> ClassInfo -> Idris ()
addClass n i
addInterface :: Name -> InterfaceInfo -> Idris ()
addInterface n i
= do ist <- getIState
let i' = case lookupCtxt n (idris_classes ist) of
[c] -> c { class_instances = class_instances i }
let i' = case lookupCtxt n (idris_interfaces ist) of
[c] -> c { interface_instances = interface_instances i }
_ -> i
putIState $ ist { idris_classes = addDef n i' (idris_classes ist) }
putIState $ ist { idris_interfaces = addDef n i' (idris_interfaces ist) }
addRecord :: Name -> RecordInfo -> Idris ()
addRecord n ri = do ist <- getIState
@ -1353,8 +1353,8 @@ expandParamsD rhs ist dec ps ns (PParams f params pds)
-- (map (expandParamsD ist dec ps ns) pds)
expandParamsD rhs ist dec ps ns (PMutual f pds)
= PMutual f (map (expandParamsD rhs ist dec ps ns) pds)
expandParamsD rhs ist dec ps ns (PClass doc info f cs n nfc params pDocs fds decls cn cd)
= PClass doc info f
expandParamsD rhs ist dec ps ns (PInterface doc info f cs n nfc params pDocs fds decls cn cd)
= PInterface doc info f
(map (\ (n, t) -> (n, expandParams dec ps ns [] t)) cs)
n nfc
(map (\(n, fc, t) -> (n, fc, expandParams dec ps ns [] t)) params)

View File

@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ data IState = IState {
, idris_infixes :: [FixDecl] -- ^ Currently defined infix operators
, idris_implicits :: Ctxt [PArg]
, idris_statics :: Ctxt [Bool]
, idris_classes :: Ctxt ClassInfo
, idris_interfaces :: Ctxt InterfaceInfo
, idris_openimpls :: [Name] -- ^ Privileged implementations, will resolve immediately
, idris_records :: Ctxt RecordInfo
, idris_dsls :: Ctxt DSL
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ primDefs = [ sUN "unsafePerformPrimIO"
data IBCWrite = IBCFix FixDecl
| IBCImp Name
| IBCStatic Name
| IBCClass Name
| IBCInterface Name
| IBCRecord Name
| IBCInstance Bool Bool Name Name
@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ data PDecl' t
-- | Type class: arguments are documentation, syntax info, source
-- location, constraints, class name, class name location,
-- parameters, method declarations, optional constructor name
| PClass (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC
| PInterface (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC
[(Name, t)] -- constraints
Name -- class name
FC -- accurate location of class name
@ -912,8 +912,8 @@ mapPDeclFC f g (PRecord doc syn fc opts n nfc params paramdocs fields ctor ctorD
(fmap (\(ctorN, ctorNFC) -> (ctorN, g ctorNFC)) ctor)
mapPDeclFC f g (PClass doc syn fc constrs n nfc params paramDocs det body ctor ctorDoc) =
PClass doc syn (f fc)
mapPDeclFC f g (PInterface doc syn fc constrs n nfc params paramDocs det body ctor ctorDoc) =
PInterface doc syn (f fc)
(map (\(constrn, constr) -> (constrn, mapPTermFC f g constr)) constrs)
n (g nfc) (map (\(n, nfc, pty) -> (n, g nfc, mapPTermFC f g pty)) params)
paramDocs (map (\(dn, dnfc) -> (dn, g dnfc)) det)
@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ declared (PParams _ _ ds) = concatMap declared ds
declared (POpenInterfaces _ _ ds) = concatMap declared ds
declared (PNamespace _ _ ds) = concatMap declared ds
declared (PRecord _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ cn _ _) = n : map fst (maybeToList cn)
declared (PClass _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ms cn cd) = n : (map fst (maybeToList cn) ++ concatMap declared ms)
declared (PInterface _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ms cn cd) = n : (map fst (maybeToList cn) ++ concatMap declared ms)
declared (PInstance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mn _)
= case mn of
Nothing -> []
@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ tldeclared (PParams _ _ ds) = []
tldeclared (POpenInterfaces _ _ ds) = concatMap tldeclared ds
tldeclared (PMutual _ ds) = concatMap tldeclared ds
tldeclared (PNamespace _ _ ds) = concatMap tldeclared ds
tldeclared (PClass _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ms cn _) = n : (map fst (maybeToList cn) ++ concatMap tldeclared ms)
tldeclared (PInterface _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ms cn _) = n : (map fst (maybeToList cn) ++ concatMap tldeclared ms)
tldeclared (PInstance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mn _)
= case mn of
Nothing -> []
@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ defined (PParams _ _ ds) = concatMap defined ds
defined (POpenInterfaces _ _ ds) = concatMap defined ds
defined (PNamespace _ _ ds) = concatMap defined ds
defined (PRecord _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ cn _ _) = n : map fst (maybeToList cn)
defined (PClass _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ms cn _) = n : (map fst (maybeToList cn) ++ concatMap defined ms)
defined (PInterface _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ ms cn _) = n : (map fst (maybeToList cn) ++ concatMap defined ms)
defined (PInstance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mn _)
= case mn of
Nothing -> []
@ -1412,18 +1412,18 @@ highestFC (PAppImpl t _) = highestFC t
-- Type class data
data ClassInfo = CI {
data InterfaceInfo = CI {
instanceCtorName :: Name
, class_methods :: [(Name, (Bool, FnOpts, PTerm))] -- ^ flag whether it's a "data" method
, class_defaults :: [(Name, (Name, PDecl))] -- ^ method name -> default impl
, class_default_superclasses :: [PDecl]
, class_params :: [Name]
, class_instances :: [(Name, Bool)] -- ^ the Bool is whether to include in instance search, so named instances are excluded
, class_determiners :: [Int]
, interface_methods :: [(Name, (Bool, FnOpts, PTerm))] -- ^ flag whether it's a "data" method
, interface_defaults :: [(Name, (Name, PDecl))] -- ^ method name -> default impl
, interface_default_super_interfaces :: [PDecl]
, interface_params :: [Name]
, interface_instances :: [(Name, Bool)] -- ^ the Bool is whether to include in instance search, so named instances are excluded
, interface_determiners :: [Int]
} deriving (Show, Generic)
deriving instance Binary ClassInfo
deriving instance NFData ClassInfo
deriving instance Binary InterfaceInfo
deriving instance NFData InterfaceInfo
-- Record data
@ -2241,7 +2241,7 @@ showDeclImp o (PParams _ ns ps) = text "params" <+> braces (text (show ns) <
showDeclImp o (POpenInterfaces _ ns ps) = text "open" <+> braces (text (show ns) <> line <> showDecls o ps <> line)
showDeclImp o (PNamespace n fc ps) = text "namespace" <+> text n <> braces (line <> showDecls o ps <> line)
showDeclImp _ (PSyntax _ syn) = text "syntax" <+> text (show syn)
showDeclImp o (PClass _ _ _ cs n _ ps _ _ ds _ _)
showDeclImp o (PInterface _ _ _ cs n _ ps _ _ ds _ _)
= text "interface" <+> text (show cs) <+> text (show n) <+> text (show ps) <> line <> showDecls o ds
showDeclImp o (PInstance _ _ _ _ cs _ acc _ n _ _ _ t _ ds)
= text "implementation" <+> text (show cs) <+> text (show n) <+> prettyImp o t <> line <> showDecls o ds

View File

@ -401,8 +401,8 @@ getClause :: Int -- ^ line number that the type is declared on
-> Idris String
getClause l fn un fp
= do i <- getIState
case lookupCtxt un (idris_classes i) of
[c] -> return (mkClassBodies i (class_methods c))
case lookupCtxt un (idris_interfaces i) of
[c] -> return (mkInterfaceBodies i (interface_methods c))
_ -> do ty_in <- getInternalApp fp l
let ty = case ty_in of
PTyped n t -> t
@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ getClause l fn un fp
sUN "z"]) used
-- write method declarations, indent with 4 spaces
mkClassBodies :: IState -> [(Name, (Bool, FnOpts, PTerm))] -> String
mkClassBodies i ns
mkInterfaceBodies :: IState -> [(Name, (Bool, FnOpts, PTerm))] -> String
mkInterfaceBodies i ns
= showSep "\n"
(zipWith (\(n, (_, _, ty)) m -> " " ++
def (show (nsroot n)) ++ " "

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ instance NFData PAltType
instance (NFData t) => NFData (PTactic' t)
instance (NFData t) => NFData (PDo' t)
instance (NFData t) => NFData (PArg' t)
instance NFData ClassInfo
instance NFData InterfaceInfo
instance NFData RecordInfo
instance NFData OptInfo
instance NFData TypeInfo

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ type FunDoc = FunDoc' (Docstring DocTerm)
data Docs' d = FunDoc (FunDoc' d)
| DataDoc (FunDoc' d) -- type constructor docs
[FunDoc' d] -- data constructor docs
| ClassDoc Name d -- class docs
| InterfaceDoc Name d -- class docs
[FunDoc' d] -- method docs
[(Name, Maybe d)] -- parameters and their docstrings
[(Maybe Name, PTerm, (d, [(Name, d)]))] -- instances: name for named instances, the constraint term, the docs
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ pprintDocs ist (DataDoc t args)
if null args then text "No constructors."
else nest 4 (text "Constructors:" <> line <>
vsep (map (pprintFDWithoutTotality ist False) args))
pprintDocs ist (ClassDoc n doc meths params instances subclasses superclasses ctor)
pprintDocs ist (InterfaceDoc n doc meths params instances sub_interfaces super_interfaces ctor)
= nest 4 (text "Interface" <+> prettyName True (ppopt_impl ppo) [] n <>
if nullDocstring doc
then empty
@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ pprintDocs ist (ClassDoc n doc meths params instances subclasses superclasses ct
else line <$> nest 4 (text "Named implementations:" <$>
vsep (map pprintInstance namedInstances)))
(if null subclasses then empty
(if null sub_interfaces then empty
else line <$> nest 4 (text "Child interfaces:" <$>
vsep (map (dumpInstance . prettifySubclasses) subclasses)))
vsep (map (dumpInstance . prettifySubInterfaces) sub_interfaces)))
(if null superclasses then empty
(if null super_interfaces then empty
else line <$> nest 4 (text "Default parent implementations:" <$>
vsep (map dumpInstance superclasses)))
vsep (map dumpInstance super_interfaces)))
params' = zip pNames (repeat False)
@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ pprintDocs ist (ClassDoc n doc meths params instances subclasses superclasses ct
dumpInstance :: PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation
dumpInstance = pprintPTerm ppo params' [] infixes
prettifySubclasses (PPi (Constraint _ _) _ _ tm _) = prettifySubclasses tm
prettifySubclasses (PPi plcity nm fc t1 t2) = PPi plcity (safeHead nm pNames) NoFC (prettifySubclasses t1) (prettifySubclasses t2)
prettifySubclasses (PApp fc ref args) = PApp fc ref $ updateArgs pNames args
prettifySubclasses tm = tm
prettifySubInterfaces (PPi (Constraint _ _) _ _ tm _) = prettifySubInterfaces tm
prettifySubInterfaces (PPi plcity nm fc t1 t2) = PPi plcity (safeHead nm pNames) NoFC (prettifySubInterfaces t1) (prettifySubInterfaces t2)
prettifySubInterfaces (PApp fc ref args) = PApp fc ref $ updateArgs pNames args
prettifySubInterfaces tm = tm
safeHead _ (y:_) = y
safeHead x [] = x
@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ pprintDocs ist (ClassDoc n doc meths params instances subclasses superclasses ct
updateRef nm (PRef fc _ _) = PRef fc [] nm
updateRef _ pt = pt
isSubclass (PPi (Constraint _ _) _ _ (PApp _ _ args) (PApp _ (PRef _ _ nm) args')) = nm == n && map getTm args == map getTm args'
isSubclass (PPi _ _ _ _ pt) = isSubclass pt
isSubclass _ = False
isSubInterface (PPi (Constraint _ _) _ _ (PApp _ _ args) (PApp _ (PRef _ _ nm) args')) = nm == n && map getTm args == map getTm args'
isSubInterface (PPi _ _ _ _ pt) = isSubInterface pt
isSubInterface _ = False
prettyParameters =
if any (isJust . snd) params
@ -287,24 +287,24 @@ getDocs n@(NS n' ns) w | n' == modDocName
" do not exist! This shouldn't have happened and is a bug."
getDocs n w
= do i <- getIState
docs <- if | Just ci <- lookupCtxtExact n (idris_classes i)
-> docClass n ci
docs <- if | Just ci <- lookupCtxtExact n (idris_interfaces i)
-> docInterface n ci
| Just ri <- lookupCtxtExact n (idris_records i)
-> docRecord n ri
| Just ti <- lookupCtxtExact n (idris_datatypes i)
-> docData n ti
| Just class_ <- classNameForInst i n
| Just interface_ <- interfaceNameForInst i n
-> do fd <- docFun n
return $ NamedInstanceDoc class_ fd
return $ NamedInstanceDoc interface_ fd
| otherwise
-> do fd <- docFun n
return (FunDoc fd)
return $ fmap (howMuch w) docs
where classNameForInst :: IState -> Name -> Maybe Name
classNameForInst ist n =
where interfaceNameForInst :: IState -> Name -> Maybe Name
interfaceNameForInst ist n =
listToMaybe [ cn
| (cn, ci) <- toAlist (idris_classes ist)
, n `elem` map fst (class_instances ci)
| (cn, ci) <- toAlist (idris_interfaces ist)
, n `elem` map fst (interface_instances ci)
docData :: Name -> TypeInfo -> Idris Docs
@ -313,30 +313,30 @@ docData n ti
cdocs <- mapM docFun (con_names ti)
return (DataDoc tdoc cdocs)
docClass :: Name -> ClassInfo -> Idris Docs
docClass n ci
docInterface :: Name -> InterfaceInfo -> Idris Docs
docInterface n ci
= do i <- getIState
let docStrings = listToMaybe $ lookupCtxt n $ idris_docstrings i
docstr = maybe emptyDocstring fst docStrings
params = map (\pn -> (pn, docStrings >>= (lookup pn . snd)))
(class_params ci)
(interface_params ci)
docsForInstance inst = fromMaybe (emptyDocstring, []) .
flip lookupCtxtExact (idris_docstrings i) $
instances = map (\inst -> (namedInst inst,
delabTy i inst,
docsForInstance inst))
(nub (map fst (class_instances ci)))
(subclasses, instances') = partition (isSubclass . (\(_,tm,_) -> tm)) instances
superclasses = catMaybes $ map getDInst (class_default_superclasses ci)
mdocs <- mapM (docFun . fst) (class_methods ci)
(nub (map fst (interface_instances ci)))
(sub_interfaces, instances') = partition (isSubInterface . (\(_,tm,_) -> tm)) instances
super_interfaces = catMaybes $ map getDInst (interface_default_super_interfaces ci)
mdocs <- mapM (docFun . fst) (interface_methods ci)
let ctorN = instanceCtorName ci
ctorDocs <- case basename ctorN of
SN _ -> return Nothing
_ -> fmap Just $ docFun ctorN
return $ ClassDoc
return $ InterfaceDoc
n docstr mdocs params
instances' (map (\(_,tm,_) -> tm) subclasses) superclasses
instances' (map (\(_,tm,_) -> tm) sub_interfaces) super_interfaces
namedInst (NS n ns) = fmap (flip NS ns) (namedInst n)
@ -346,11 +346,11 @@ docClass n ci
getDInst (PInstance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _) = Just t
getDInst _ = Nothing
isSubclass (PPi (Constraint _ _) _ _ (PApp _ _ args) (PApp _ (PRef _ _ nm) args'))
isSubInterface (PPi (Constraint _ _) _ _ (PApp _ _ args) (PApp _ (PRef _ _ nm) args'))
= nm == n && map getTm args == map getTm args'
isSubclass (PPi _ _ _ _ pt)
= isSubclass pt
isSubclass _
isSubInterface (PPi _ _ _ _ pt)
= isSubInterface pt
isSubInterface _
= False
docRecord :: Name -> RecordInfo -> Idris Docs

View File

@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ elabClause info opts (_, PWith fc fname lhs_in withs wval_in pn_in withblock)
addResolvesArgs fc (Bind n (Pi _ ty _) sc) (a : args)
| (P _ cn _, _) <- unApply ty,
getTm a == Placeholder
= case lookupCtxtExact cn (idris_classes ist) of
= case lookupCtxtExact cn (idris_interfaces ist) of
Just _ -> a { getTm = PResolveTC fc } : addResolvesArgs fc sc args
Nothing -> a : addResolvesArgs fc sc args
addResolvesArgs fc (Bind n (Pi _ ty _) sc) (a : args)

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ elabInstance :: ElabInfo
-> Idris ()
elabInstance info syn doc argDocs what fc cs parents acc opts n nfc ps pextra t expn ds = do
ist <- getIState
(n, ci) <- case lookupCtxtName n (idris_classes ist) of
(n, ci) <- case lookupCtxtName n (idris_interfaces ist) of
[c] -> return c
[] -> ifail $ show fc ++ ":" ++ show n ++ " is not an interface"
cs -> tclift $ tfail $ At fc
@ -89,22 +89,22 @@ elabInstance info syn doc argDocs what fc cs parents acc opts n nfc ps pextra t
let totopts = Dictionary : Inlinable : opts
let emptyclass = null (class_methods ci)
let emptyinterface = null (interface_methods ci)
when (what /= EDefns) $ do
nty <- elabType' True info syn doc argDocs fc totopts iname NoFC
(piBindp expl_param pextra t)
-- if the instance type matches any of the instances we have already,
-- and it's not a named instance, then it's overlapping, so report an error
case expn of
Nothing -> do mapM_ (maybe (return ()) overlapping . findOverlapping ist (class_determiners ci) (delab ist nty))
(map fst $ class_instances ci)
Nothing -> do mapM_ (maybe (return ()) overlapping . findOverlapping ist (interface_determiners ci) (delab ist nty))
(map fst $ interface_instances ci)
addInstance intInst True n iname
Just _ -> addInstance intInst False n iname
when (what /= ETypes && (not (null ds && not emptyclass))) $ do
when (what /= ETypes && (not (null ds && not emptyinterface))) $ do
-- Add the parent implementation names to the privileged set
oldOpen <- addOpenImpl parents
let ips = zip (class_params ci) ps
let ips = zip (interface_params ci) ps
let ns = case n of
NS n ns' -> ns'
_ -> []
@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ elabInstance info syn doc argDocs what fc cs parents acc opts n nfc ps pextra t
let pnames = nub $ map pname (concat (nub wparams)) ++
concatMap (namesIn [] ist) ps
let superclassInstances = map (substInstance ips pnames) (class_default_superclasses ci)
undefinedSuperclassInstances <- filterM (fmap not . isOverlapping ist) superclassInstances
mapM_ (rec_elabDecl info EAll info) undefinedSuperclassInstances
let superInterfaceInstances = map (substInstance ips pnames) (interface_default_super_interfaces ci)
undefinedSuperInterfaceInstances <- filterM (fmap not . isOverlapping ist) superInterfaceInstances
mapM_ (rec_elabDecl info EAll info) undefinedSuperInterfaceInstances
ist <- getIState
-- Bring variables in instance head into scope when building the
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ elabInstance info syn doc argDocs what fc cs parents acc opts n nfc ps pextra t
_ -> (zip headVars (repeat Placeholder), Erased)
logElab 3 $ "Head var types " ++ show headVarTypes ++ " from " ++ show ty
let all_meths = map (nsroot . fst) (class_methods ci)
let all_meths = map (nsroot . fst) (interface_methods ci)
let mtys = map (\ (n, (inj, op, t)) ->
let t_in = substMatchesShadow ips pnames t
mnamemap =
@ -142,16 +142,16 @@ elabInstance info syn doc argDocs what fc cs parents acc opts n nfc ps pextra t
t' = substMatchesShadow mnamemap pnames t_in in
(decorate ns iname n,
op, coninsert cs pextra t', t'))
(class_methods ci)
(interface_methods ci)
logElab 3 (show (mtys, ips))
logElab 5 ("Before defaults: " ++ show ds ++ "\n" ++ show (map fst (class_methods ci)))
let ds_defs = insertDefaults ist iname (class_defaults ci) ns ds
logElab 5 ("Before defaults: " ++ show ds ++ "\n" ++ show (map fst (interface_methods ci)))
let ds_defs = insertDefaults ist iname (interface_defaults ci) ns ds
logElab 3 ("After defaults: " ++ show ds_defs ++ "\n")
let ds' = reorderDefs (map fst (class_methods ci)) ds_defs
let ds' = reorderDefs (map fst (interface_methods ci)) ds_defs
logElab 1 ("Reordered: " ++ show ds' ++ "\n")
mapM_ (warnMissing ds' ns iname) (map fst (class_methods ci))
mapM_ (checkInClass (map fst (class_methods ci))) (concatMap defined ds')
mapM_ (warnMissing ds' ns iname) (map fst (interface_methods ci))
mapM_ (checkInInterface (map fst (interface_methods ci))) (concatMap defined ds')
let wbTys = map mkTyDecl mtys
let wbVals_orig = map (decorateid (decorate ns iname)) ds'
ist <- getIState
@ -199,14 +199,14 @@ elabInstance info syn doc argDocs what fc cs parents acc opts n nfc ps pextra t
mapM_ (rec_elabDecl info EAll info) wbVals'
mapM_ (checkInjectiveDef fc (class_methods ci)) (zip ds' wbVals')
mapM_ (checkInjectiveDef fc (interface_methods ci)) (zip ds' wbVals')
setOpenImpl oldOpen
-- totalityCheckBlock
checkInjectiveArgs fc n (class_determiners ci) (lookupTyExact iname (tt_ctxt ist))
checkInjectiveArgs fc n (interface_determiners ci) (lookupTyExact iname (tt_ctxt ist))
addIBC (IBCInstance intInst (isNothing expn) n iname)
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ elabInstance info syn doc argDocs what fc cs parents acc opts n nfc ps pextra t
(substMatchesShadow ips pnames t) expn ds
isOverlapping i (PInstance doc argDocs syn _ _ _ _ _ n nfc ps pextra t expn _)
= case lookupCtxtName n (idris_classes i) of
= case lookupCtxtName n (idris_interfaces i) of
[(n, ci)] -> let iname = (mkiname n (namespace info) ps expn) in
case lookupTy iname (tt_ctxt i) of
[] -> elabFindOverlapping i ci iname syn t
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ elabInstance info syn doc argDocs what fc cs parents acc opts n nfc ps pextra t
ctxt <- getContext
(cty, _) <- recheckC (constraintNS info) fc id [] tyT
let nty = normalise ctxt [] cty
return $ any (isJust . findOverlapping i (class_determiners ci) (delab i nty)) (map fst $ class_instances ci)
return $ any (isJust . findOverlapping i (interface_determiners ci) (delab i nty)) (map fst $ interface_instances ci)
findOverlapping i dets t n
| SN (ParentN _ _) <- n = Nothing
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ elabInstance info syn doc argDocs what fc cs parents acc opts n nfc ps pextra t
= iWarn fc . text $ "method " ++ show meth ++ " not defined"
| otherwise = return ()
checkInClass ns meth
checkInInterface ns meth
| any (eqRoot meth) ns = return ()
| otherwise = tclift $ tfail (At fc (Msg $
show meth ++ " not a method of class " ++ show n))

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Maintainer : The Idris Community.
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-missing-signatures #-}
module Idris.Elab.Class(elabClass) where
module Idris.Elab.Interface(elabInterface) where
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.ASTUtils
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ import Util.Pretty(pretty, text)
data MArgTy = IA Name | EA Name | CA deriving Show
elabClass :: ElabInfo
elabInterface :: ElabInfo
-> SyntaxInfo
-> Docstring (Either Err PTerm)
-> FC
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ elabClass :: ElabInfo
-> Maybe (Name, FC) -- ^ instance ctor name and location
-> Docstring (Either Err PTerm) -- ^ instance ctor docs
-> Idris ()
elabClass info syn_in doc fc constraints tn tnfc ps pDocs fds ds mcn cd
elabInterface info syn_in doc fc constraints tn tnfc ps pDocs fds ds mcn cd
= do let cn = fromMaybe (SN (InstanceCtorN tn)) (fst <$> mcn)
let tty = pibind (map (\(n, _, ty) -> (n, ty)) ps) (PType fc)
let constraint = PApp fc (PRef fc [] tn)
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ elabClass info syn_in doc fc constraints tn tnfc ps pDocs fds ds mcn cd
-- build data declaration
let mdecls = filter tydecl ds -- method declarations
let idecls = filter instdecl ds -- default superclass instance declarations
mapM_ checkDefaultSuperclassInstance idecls
mapM_ checkDefaultSuperInterfaceInstance idecls
let mnames = map getMName mdecls
ist <- getIState
let constraintNames = nub $
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ elabClass info syn_in doc fc constraints tn tnfc ps pDocs fds ds mcn cd
elabData info (syn { no_imp = no_imp syn ++ mnames,
imp_methods = mnames }) doc pDocs fc [] ddecl
dets <- findDets cn (map fst fds)
addClass tn (CI cn (map nodoc imethods) defaults idecls (map (\(n, _, _) -> n) ps) [] dets)
addInterface tn (CI cn (map nodoc imethods) defaults idecls (map (\(n, _, _) -> n) ps) [] dets)
-- for each constraint, build a top level function to chase it
cfns <- mapM (cfun cn constraint syn (map fst imethods)) constraints
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ elabClass info syn_in doc fc constraints tn tnfc ps pDocs fds ds mcn cd
-- add the default definitions
mapM_ (rec_elabDecl info EAll info) (concatMap (snd.snd) defs)
addIBC (IBCClass tn)
addIBC (IBCInterface tn)
sendHighlighting $
[(tnfc, AnnName tn Nothing Nothing Nothing)] ++
@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ elabClass info syn_in doc fc constraints tn tnfc ps pDocs fds ds mcn cd
chkUniq _ t = t
-- TODO: probably should normalise
checkDefaultSuperclassInstance :: PDecl -> Idris ()
checkDefaultSuperclassInstance (PInstance _ _ _ fc cs _ _ _ n _ ps _ _ _ _)
checkDefaultSuperInterfaceInstance :: PDecl -> Idris ()
checkDefaultSuperInterfaceInstance (PInstance _ _ _ fc cs _ _ _ n _ ps _ _ _ _)
= do when (not $ null cs) . tclift
$ tfail (At fc (Msg "Default superclass instances can't have constraints."))
i <- getIState
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ elabClass info syn_in doc fc constraints tn tnfc ps pDocs fds ds mcn cd
let conn = case con of
PRef _ _ n -> n
PApp _ (PRef _ _ n) _ -> n
let conn' = case lookupCtxtName conn (idris_classes i) of
let conn' = case lookupCtxtName conn (idris_interfaces i) of
[(n, _)] -> n
_ -> conn
addInstance False True conn' cfn
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ memberDocs (PTy d _ _ _ _ n _ _) = Just (basename n, d)
memberDocs (PPostulate _ d _ _ _ _ n _) = Just (basename n, d)
memberDocs (PData d _ _ _ _ pdata) = Just (basename $ d_name pdata, d)
memberDocs (PRecord d _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) = Just (basename n, d)
memberDocs (PClass d _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = Just (basename n, d)
memberDocs (PInterface d _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = Just (basename n, d)
memberDocs _ = Nothing

View File

@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
let isinf = f == inferCon || tcname f
-- if f is a type class, we need to know its arguments so that
-- we can unify with them
case lookupCtxt f (idris_classes ist) of
case lookupCtxt f (idris_interfaces ist) of
[] -> return ()
_ -> do mapM_ setInjective (map getTm args)
-- maybe more things are solvable now
@ -961,10 +961,10 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
Just b ->
case unApply (normalise (tt_ctxt ist) env (binderTy b)) of
(P _ c _, args) ->
case lookupCtxtExact c (idris_classes ist) of
case lookupCtxtExact c (idris_interfaces ist) of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ci -> -- type class, set as injective
do mapM_ setinjArg (getDets 0 (class_determiners ci) args)
do mapM_ setinjArg (getDets 0 (interface_determiners ci) args)
-- maybe we can solve more things now...
ulog <- getUnifyLog
probs <- get_probs
@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ elab ist info emode opts fn tm
_ -> return (n, False)
tcName tm | (P _ n _, _) <- unApply tm
= case lookupCtxt n (idris_classes ist) of
= case lookupCtxt n (idris_interfaces ist) of
[_] -> True
_ -> False
tcName _ = False
@ -1745,18 +1745,18 @@ pruneByType _ t _ _ as = as
-- to it later - just returns 'var' for now. EB)
isPlausible :: IState -> Bool -> Env -> Name -> Type -> Bool
isPlausible ist var env n ty
= let (hvar, classes) = collectConstraints [] [] ty in
= let (hvar, interfaces) = collectConstraints [] [] ty in
case hvar of
Nothing -> True
Just rth -> var -- trace (show (rth, classes)) var
Just rth -> var -- trace (show (rth, interfaces)) var
collectConstraints :: [Name] -> [(Term, [Name])] -> Type ->
(Maybe Name, [(Term, [Name])])
collectConstraints env tcs (Bind n (Pi _ ty _) sc)
= let tcs' = case unApply ty of
(P _ c _, _) ->
case lookupCtxtExact c (idris_classes ist) of
Just tc -> ((ty, map fst (class_instances tc))
case lookupCtxtExact c (idris_interfaces ist) of
Just tc -> ((ty, map fst (interface_instances tc))
: tcs)
Nothing -> tcs
_ -> tcs
@ -2321,15 +2321,15 @@ runElabAction info ist fc env tm ns = do tm' <- eval tm
| n == tacN "Prim__AddInstance"
= do ~[cls, inst] <- tacTmArgs 2 tac args
className <- reifyTTName cls
interfaceName <- reifyTTName cls
instName <- reifyTTName inst
updateAux $ \e -> e { new_tyDecls = RAddInstance className instName :
updateAux $ \e -> e { new_tyDecls = RAddInstance interfaceName instName :
new_tyDecls e }
| n == tacN "Prim__IsTCName"
= do ~[n] <- tacTmArgs 1 tac args
n' <- reifyTTName n
case lookupCtxtExact n' (idris_classes ist) of
case lookupCtxtExact n' (idris_interfaces ist) of
Just _ -> fmap fst . checkClosed $ Var (sNS (sUN "True") ["Bool", "Prelude"])
Nothing -> fmap fst . checkClosed $ Var (sNS (sUN "False") ["Bool", "Prelude"])
| n == tacN "Prim__ResolveTC"
@ -2819,12 +2819,12 @@ processTacticDecls info steps =
_ -> return ()
-- TODO: inaccessible
RAddInstance className instName ->
RAddInstance interfaceName instName ->
do -- The type class resolution machinery relies on a special
logElab 2 $ "Adding elab script instance " ++ show instName ++
" for " ++ show className
addInstance False True className instName
addIBC (IBCInstance False True className instName)
" for " ++ show interfaceName
addInstance False True interfaceName instName
addIBC (IBCInstance False True interfaceName instName)
RClausesInstrs n cs ->
do logElab 3 $ "Pattern-matching definition from tactics: " ++ show n
solveDeferred emptyFC n

View File

@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ pbinds i (Bind n (PVar t) sc)
= do attack; patbind n
env <- get_env
case unApply (normalise (tt_ctxt i) env t) of
(P _ c _, args) -> case lookupCtxt c (idris_classes i) of
(P _ c _, args) -> case lookupCtxt c (idris_interfaces i) of
[] -> return ()
_ -> -- type class, set as injective
mapM_ setinjArg args
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ getTCinj i ap@(App _ f a)
isTCName n = mapMaybe getInjName args
| otherwise = []
isTCName n = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_classes i) of
isTCName n = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_interfaces i) of
Just _ -> True
_ -> False
getInjName t | (P _ x _, _) <- unApply t = Just x

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Idris.Elab.Type
import Idris.Elab.Clause
import Idris.Elab.Data
import Idris.Elab.Record
import Idris.Elab.Class
import Idris.Elab.Interface
import Idris.Elab.Instance
import Idris.Elab.Provider
import Idris.Elab.RunElab
@ -271,10 +271,10 @@ elabDecl' what info (PNamespace n nfc ps) =
newNS = n : namespace info
ninfo = info { namespace = newNS }
elabDecl' what info (PClass doc s f cs n nfc ps pdocs fds ds cn cd)
elabDecl' what info (PInterface doc s f cs n nfc ps pdocs fds ds cn cd)
| what /= EDefns
= do logElab 1 $ "Elaborating class " ++ show n
elabClass info (s { syn_params = [] }) doc f cs n nfc ps pdocs fds ds cn cd
elabInterface info (s { syn_params = [] }) doc f cs n nfc ps pdocs fds ds cn cd
elabDecl' what info (PInstance doc argDocs s f cs pnames acc fnopts n nfc ps pextra t expn ds)
= do logElab 1 $ "Elaborating instance " ++ show n
elabInstance info s doc argDocs what f cs pnames acc fnopts n nfc ps pextra t expn ds

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ performUsageAnalysis startNames = do
case startNames of
[] -> return [] -- no main -> not compiling -> reachability irrelevant
main -> do
ci <- idris_classes <$> getIState
ci <- idris_interfaces <$> getIState
cg <- idris_callgraph <$> getIState
opt <- idris_optimisation <$> getIState
used <- idris_erasureUsed <$> getIState
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ forwardChain deps
-- | Build the dependency graph, starting the depth-first search from
-- a list of Names.
buildDepMap :: Ctxt ClassInfo -> [(Name, Int)] -> [(Name, Int)] ->
buildDepMap :: Ctxt InterfaceInfo -> [(Name, Int)] -> [(Name, Int)] ->
Context -> [Name] -> Deps
buildDepMap ci used externs ctx startNames
= addPostulates used $ dfs S.empty M.empty startNames
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ buildDepMap ci used externs ctx startNames
-- get Deps for a Name
getDeps :: Name -> Deps
getDeps (SN (WhereN i (SN (InstanceCtorN classN)) (MN i' field)))
getDeps (SN (WhereN i (SN (InstanceCtorN interfaceN)) (MN i' field)))
= M.empty -- these deps are created when applying instance ctors
getDeps n = case lookupDefExact n ctx of
Just def -> getDepsDef n def
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ buildDepMap ci used externs ctx startNames
-- generate metamethod names, "n" is the instance ctor
meth :: Int -> Maybe Name
meth | SN (InstanceCtorN className) <- n = \j -> Just (mkFieldName n j)
meth | SN (InstanceCtorN interfaceName) <- n = \j -> Just (mkFieldName n j)
| otherwise = \j -> Nothing
-- Named variables -> DeBruijn variables -> Conds/guards -> Term -> Deps
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ buildDepMap ci used externs ctx startNames
getDepsTerm vs bs cd app@(App _ _ _)
| (fun, args) <- unApply app = case fun of
-- instance constructors -> create metamethod deps
P (DCon _ _ _) ctorName@(SN (InstanceCtorN className)) _
P (DCon _ _ _) ctorName@(SN (InstanceCtorN interfaceName)) _
-> conditionalDeps ctorName args -- regular data ctor stuff
`union` unionMap (methodDeps ctorName) (zip [0..] args) -- method-specific stuff

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ data IBCFile = IBCFile {
, ibc_implicits :: ![(Name, [PArg])]
, ibc_fixes :: ![FixDecl]
, ibc_statics :: ![(Name, [Bool])]
, ibc_classes :: ![(Name, ClassInfo)]
, ibc_classes :: ![(Name, InterfaceInfo)]
, ibc_records :: ![(Name, RecordInfo)]
, ibc_instances :: ![(Bool, Bool, Name, Name)]
, ibc_dsls :: ![(Name, DSL)]
@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ ibc i (IBCStatic n) f
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_statics i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_statics = (n,v): ibc_statics f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCClass n) f
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_classes i) of
ibc i (IBCInterface n) f
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_interfaces i) of
Just v -> return f { ibc_classes = (n,v): ibc_classes f }
_ -> ifail "IBC write failed"
ibc i (IBCRecord n) f
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ process reexp phase archive fn = do
processImplicits archive
processInfix archive
processStatics archive
processClasses archive
processInterfaces archive
processRecords archive
processInstances archive
processDSLs archive
@ -545,18 +545,18 @@ processStatics ar = do
mapM_ (\ (n, s) ->
updateIState (\i -> i { idris_statics = addDef n s (idris_statics i) })) ss
processClasses :: Archive -> Idris ()
processClasses ar = do
processInterfaces :: Archive -> Idris ()
processInterfaces ar = do
cs <- getEntry [] "ibc_classes" ar
mapM_ (\ (n, c) -> do
i <- getIState
-- Don't lose instances from previous IBCs, which
-- could have loaded in any order
let is = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_classes i) of
let is = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_interfaces i) of
Just (CI _ _ _ _ _ ins _) -> ins
_ -> []
let c' = c { class_instances = class_instances c ++ is }
putIState (i { idris_classes = addDef n c' (idris_classes i) })) cs
let c' = c { interface_instances = interface_instances c ++ is }
putIState (i { idris_interfaces = addDef n c' (idris_interfaces i) })) cs
processRecords :: Archive -> Idris ()
processRecords ar = do
@ -1408,7 +1408,7 @@ instance (Binary t) => Binary (PDecl' t) where
put x10
put x11
put x12
PClass x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12
PInterface x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12
-> do putWord8 7
put x1
put x2
@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ instance (Binary t) => Binary (PDecl' t) where
x10 <- get
x11 <- get
x12 <- get
return (PClass x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12)
return (PInterface x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12)
8 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
x3 <- get
@ -2355,7 +2355,7 @@ instance (Binary t) => Binary (PArg' t) where
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for PArg'"
instance Binary ClassInfo where
instance Binary InterfaceInfo where
put (CI x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 _ x6)
= do put x1
put x2

View File

@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ removeOrphans list =
in filter ((flip S.notMember children) . (\(n, _, _) -> n)) list
where names (Just (DataDoc _ fds)) = map (\(FD n _ _ _ _) -> n) fds
names (Just (ClassDoc _ _ fds _ _ _ _ c)) = map (\(FD n _ _ _ _) -> n) fds ++ map (\(FD n _ _ _ _) -> n) (maybeToList c)
names (Just (InterfaceDoc _ _ fds _ _ _ _ c)) = map (\(FD n _ _ _ _) -> n) fds ++ map (\(FD n _ _ _ _) -> n) (maybeToList c)
names _ = []
-- | Whether a Name names something which should be documented
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ referredNss (n, Just d, _) =
where getFunDocs (FunDoc f) = [f]
getFunDocs (DataDoc f fs) = f:fs
getFunDocs (ClassDoc _ _ fs _ _ _ _ _) = fs
getFunDocs (InterfaceDoc _ _ fs _ _ _ _ _) = fs
getFunDocs (RecordDoc _ _ f fs _) = f:fs
getFunDocs (NamedInstanceDoc _ fd) = [fd]
getFunDocs (ModDoc _ _) = []
@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ createOtherDoc :: IState -- ^ Needed to determine the types of names
-> H.Html -- ^ Resulting HTML
createOtherDoc ist (FunDoc fd) = createFunDoc ist fd
createOtherDoc ist (ClassDoc n docstring fds _ _ _ _ c) = do
createOtherDoc ist (InterfaceDoc n docstring fds _ _ _ _ c) = do
H.dt ! ( $ toValue $ show n) $ do
H.span ! class_ "word" $ do "interface"; nbsp
H.span ! class_ "name type"

View File

@ -349,10 +349,10 @@ makeLemma fn updatefile l n
if (not isProv) then do
let skip = guessImps i (tt_ctxt i) mty
let impty = stripMNBind skip margs (delab i mty)
let classes = guessClasses i (tt_ctxt i) [] (allNamesIn impty) mty
let interfaces = guessInterfaces i (tt_ctxt i) [] (allNamesIn impty) mty
let lem = show n ++ " : " ++
constraints i classes mty ++
constraints i interfaces mty ++
showTmOpts (defaultPPOption { ppopt_pinames = True })
let lem_app = guessBrackets False tyline (show n) (show n ++ appArgs skip margs mty)
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ makeLemma fn updatefile l n
guessImps ist ctxt (Bind n (Pi _ ty _) sc)
| guarded ctxt n (substV (P Bound n Erased) sc)
= n : guessImps ist ctxt sc
| isClass ist ty
| isInterface ist ty
= n : guessImps ist ctxt sc
| paramty ty = n : guessImps ist ctxt sc
| ignoreName n = n : guessImps ist ctxt sc
@ -450,13 +450,13 @@ makeLemma fn updatefile l n
"_aX" -> True
_ -> False
guessClasses :: IState -> Context -> [Name] -> [Name] -> Term -> [Name]
guessClasses ist ctxt binders usednames (Bind n (Pi _ ty _) sc)
| isParamClass ist ty && any (\x -> elem x usednames)
guessInterfaces :: IState -> Context -> [Name] -> [Name] -> Term -> [Name]
guessInterfaces ist ctxt binders usednames (Bind n (Pi _ ty _) sc)
| isParamInterface ist ty && any (\x -> elem x usednames)
(paramNames binders ty)
= n : guessClasses ist ctxt (n : binders) usednames sc
| otherwise = guessClasses ist ctxt (n : binders) usednames sc
guessClasses ist ctxt _ _ _ = []
= n : guessInterfaces ist ctxt (n : binders) usednames sc
| otherwise = guessInterfaces ist ctxt (n : binders) usednames sc
guessInterfaces ist ctxt _ _ _ = []
paramNames bs ty | (P _ _ _, args) <- unApply ty
= vnames args
@ -464,16 +464,16 @@ makeLemma fn updatefile l n
vnames (V i : xs) | i < length bs = bs !! i : vnames xs
vnames (_ : xs) = vnames xs
isClass ist t
isInterface ist t
| (P _ n _, args) <- unApply t
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_classes ist) of
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_interfaces ist) of
Just _ -> True
_ -> False
| otherwise = False
isParamClass ist t
isParamInterface ist t
| (P _ n _, args) <- unApply t
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_classes ist) of
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_interfaces ist) of
Just _ -> any isV args
_ -> False
| otherwise = False

View File

@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ internalDecl syn
<|> params syn
<|> mutual syn
<|> namespace syn
<|> class_ syn
<|> interface_ syn
<|> do d <- dsl syn; return [d]
<|> directive syn
<|> provider syn
@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ declExtension syn ns rules =
(updateRecCon ns cname)
updateNs ns (PClass docs s fc cs cn fc' ps pdocs pdets ds cname cdocs)
= PClass docs s fc cs (updateB ns cn) fc' ps pdocs pdets
updateNs ns (PInterface docs s fc cs cn fc' ps pdocs pdets ds cname cdocs)
= PInterface docs s fc cs (updateB ns cn) fc' ps pdocs pdets
(map (updateNs ns) ds)
(updateRecCon ns cname)
@ -859,8 +859,8 @@ ClassBlock ::=
classBlock :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (Maybe (Name, FC), Docstring (Either Err PTerm), [PDecl])
classBlock syn = do reservedHL "where"
interfaceBlock :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (Maybe (Name, FC), Docstring (Either Err PTerm), [PDecl])
interfaceBlock syn = do reservedHL "where"
(cn, cd) <- option (Nothing, emptyDocstring) $
try (do (doc, _) <- option noDocs docComment
@ -899,11 +899,11 @@ Class ::=
class_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
class_ syn = do (doc, argDocs, acc)
interface_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl]
interface_ syn = do (doc, argDocs, acc)
<- try (do (doc, argDocs) <- docstring syn
acc <- accessibility
return (doc, argDocs, acc))
fc <- getFC
cons <- constraintList syn
@ -912,16 +912,16 @@ class_ syn = do (doc, argDocs, acc)
let n = expandNS syn n_in
cs <- many carg
fds <- option [(cn, NoFC) | (cn, _, _) <- cs] fundeps
(cn, cd, ds) <- option (Nothing, fst noDocs, []) (classBlock syn)
(cn, cd, ds) <- option (Nothing, fst noDocs, []) (interfaceBlock syn)
accData acc n (concatMap declared ds)
return [PClass doc syn fc cons' n nfc cs argDocs fds ds cn cd]
return [PInterface doc syn fc cons' n nfc cs argDocs fds ds cn cd]
<?> "type-class declaration"
fundeps :: IdrisParser [(Name, FC)]
fundeps = do lchar '|'; sepBy name (lchar ',')
classKeyword :: IdrisParser ()
classKeyword = reservedHL "interface"
interfaceKeyword :: IdrisParser ()
interfaceKeyword = reservedHL "interface"
<|> do reservedHL "class"
fc <- getFC
parserWarning fc Nothing (Msg "The 'class' keyword is deprecated. Use 'interface' instead.")
@ -1864,7 +1864,7 @@ loadSource lidr f toline
toMutual x = let r = PMutual (fileFC "single mutual") [x] in
case x of
PClauses{} -> r
PClass{} -> r
PInterface{} -> r
PData{} -> r
PInstance{} -> r
_ -> x

View File

@ -713,8 +713,8 @@ collect (PParams f ns ps : ds) = PParams f ns (collect ps) : collect ds
collect (POpenInterfaces f ns ps : ds) = POpenInterfaces f ns (collect ps) : collect ds
collect (PMutual f ms : ds) = PMutual f (collect ms) : collect ds
collect (PNamespace ns fc ps : ds) = PNamespace ns fc (collect ps) : collect ds
collect (PClass doc f s cs n nfc ps pdocs fds ds cn cd : ds')
= PClass doc f s cs n nfc ps pdocs fds (collect ds) cn cd : collect ds'
collect (PInterface doc f s cs n nfc ps pdocs fds ds cn cd : ds')
= PInterface doc f s cs n nfc ps pdocs fds (collect ds) cn cd : collect ds'
collect (PInstance doc argDocs f s cs pnames acc opts n nfc ps pextra t en ds : ds')
= PInstance doc argDocs f s cs pnames acc opts n nfc ps pextra t en (collect ds) : collect ds'
collect (d : ds) = d : collect ds

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@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ mkPE_TyDecl ist args ty = mkty args ty
mkty ((ExplicitD, v) : xs) (Bind n (Pi _ t k) sc)
= PPi expl n NoFC (delab ist (generaliseIn t)) (mkty xs sc)
mkty ((ImplicitD, v) : xs) (Bind n (Pi _ t k) sc)
| concreteClass ist t = mkty xs sc
| classConstraint ist t
| concreteInterface ist t = mkty xs sc
| interfaceConstraint ist t
= PPi constraint n NoFC (delab ist (generaliseIn t)) (mkty xs sc)
| otherwise = PPi impl n NoFC (delab ist (generaliseIn t)) (mkty xs sc)
@ -161,18 +161,18 @@ mkPE_TyDecl ist args ty = mkty args ty
gen tm = return tm
-- | Checks if a given argument is a type class constraint argument
classConstraint :: Idris.AbsSyntax.IState -> TT Name -> Bool
classConstraint ist v
| (P _ c _, args) <- unApply v = case lookupCtxt c (idris_classes ist) of
interfaceConstraint :: Idris.AbsSyntax.IState -> TT Name -> Bool
interfaceConstraint ist v
| (P _ c _, args) <- unApply v = case lookupCtxt c (idris_interfaces ist) of
[_] -> True
_ -> False
| otherwise = False
-- | Checks if the given arguments of a type class constraint are all either constants
-- or references (i.e. that it doesn't contain any complex terms).
concreteClass :: IState -> TT Name -> Bool
concreteClass ist v
| not (classConstraint ist v) = False
concreteInterface :: IState -> TT Name -> Bool
concreteInterface ist v
| not (interfaceConstraint ist v) = False
| (P _ c _, args) <- unApply v = all concrete args
| otherwise = False
where concrete (Constant _) = True

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ trivialTCs ok elab ist
tcArg env ty
| (P _ n _, args) <- unApply (getRetTy (normalise (tt_ctxt ist) env ty))
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_classes ist) of
= case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_interfaces ist) of
Just _ -> True
_ -> False
| otherwise = False
@ -412,13 +412,13 @@ resTC' tcs defaultOn openOK topholes depth topg fn elab ist
-- returns Just hs if okay, where hs are holes which are okay in the
-- goal, or Nothing if not okay to proceed
tcArgsOK ty hs | (P _ nc _, as) <- unApply (getRetTy ty), nc == numclass && defaultOn
tcArgsOK ty hs | (P _ nc _, as) <- unApply (getRetTy ty), nc == numinterface && defaultOn
= Just []
tcArgsOK ty hs -- if any determining arguments are metavariables, postpone
= let (f, as) = unApply (getRetTy ty) in
case f of
P _ cn _ -> case lookupCtxtExact cn (idris_classes ist) of
Just ci -> tcDetArgsOK 0 (class_determiners ci) hs as
P _ cn _ -> case lookupCtxtExact cn (idris_interfaces ist) of
Just ci -> tcDetArgsOK 0 (interface_determiners ci) hs as
Nothing -> if any (isMeta hs) as
then Nothing
else Just []
@ -451,9 +451,9 @@ resTC' tcs defaultOn openOK topholes depth topg fn elab ist
| Constant _ <- c = not (n `elem` hs)
notHole _ _ = True
numclass = sNS (sUN "Num") ["Interfaces","Prelude"]
numinterface = sNS (sUN "Num") ["Interfaces","Prelude"]
addDefault t num@(P _ nc _) [P Bound a _] | nc == numclass && defaultOn
addDefault t num@(P _ nc _) [P Bound a _] | nc == numinterface && defaultOn
= do focus a
fill (RConstant (AType (ATInt ITBig))) -- default Integer
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ resTC' tcs defaultOn openOK topholes depth topg fn elab ist
findInstances :: IState -> Term -> [Name]
findInstances ist t
| (P _ n _, _) <- unApply (getRetTy t)
= case lookupCtxt n (idris_classes ist) of
= case lookupCtxt n (idris_interfaces ist) of
[CI _ _ _ _ _ ins _] ->
[n | (n, True) <- ins, accessible n]
_ -> []

View File

@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ process fn (NewDefn decls) = do
getName (PTy docs argdocs syn fc opts name _ ty) = Just name
getName (PClauses fc opts name (clause:clauses)) = Just (getClauseName clause)
getName (PData doc argdocs syn fc opts dataDecl) = Just (d_name dataDecl)
getName (PClass doc syn fc constraints name nfc parms parmdocs fds decls _ _) = Just name
getName (PInterface doc syn fc constraints name nfc parms parmdocs fds decls _ _) = Just name
getName _ = Nothing
-- getClauseName is partial and I am not sure it's used safely! -- trillioneyes
getClauseName (PClause fc name whole with rhs whereBlock) = name
@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ process fn (Undefine names) = undefine names
undefOne n = do fputState (ctxt_lookup n . known_terms) Nothing
-- for now just assume it's a class. Eventually we'll want some kind of
-- smart detection of exactly what kind of name we're undefining.
fputState (ctxt_lookup n . known_classes) Nothing
fputState (ctxt_lookup n . known_interfaces) Nothing
fmodifyState repl_definitions (delete n)
undefClosure n =
do replDefs <- idris_repl_defs `fmap` get

View File

@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T (pack, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Idris.AbsSyntax (addUsingConstraints, addImpl, getIState, putIState, implicit, logLvl)
import Idris.AbsSyntaxTree (class_instances, ClassInfo, defaultSyntax, eqTy, Idris
, IState (idris_classes, idris_docstrings, tt_ctxt, idris_outputmode),
import Idris.AbsSyntaxTree (interface_instances, InterfaceInfo, defaultSyntax, eqTy, Idris
, IState (idris_interfaces, idris_docstrings, tt_ctxt, idris_outputmode),
implicitAllowed, OutputMode(..), PTerm, toplevel)
import Idris.Core.Evaluate (Context (definitions), Def (Function, TyDecl, CaseOp), normaliseC)
import Idris.Core.TT hiding (score)
@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ deleteFromArgList n = filter ((/= n) . fst)
-- | Asymmetric modifications to keep track of
data AsymMods = Mods
{ argApp :: !Int
, typeClassApp :: !Int
, typeClassIntro :: !Int
, interfaceApp :: !Int
, interfaceIntro :: !Int
} deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -253,18 +253,18 @@ instance Monoid Score where
type ArgsDAG = [((Name, Type), (Int, Set Name))]
-- | A list of typeclass constraints
type Classes = [(Name, Type)]
type Interfaces = [(Name, Type)]
-- | The state corresponding to an attempted match of two types.
data State = State
{ holes :: ![(Name, Type)] -- ^ names which have yet to be resolved
, argsAndClasses :: !(Sided (ArgsDAG, Classes))
, argsAndInterfaces :: !(Sided (ArgsDAG, Interfaces))
-- ^ arguments and typeclass constraints for each type which have yet to be resolved
, score :: !Score -- ^ the score so far
, usedNames :: ![Name] -- ^ all names that have been used
} deriving Show
modifyTypes :: (Type -> Type) -> (ArgsDAG, Classes) -> (ArgsDAG, Classes)
modifyTypes :: (Type -> Type) -> (ArgsDAG, Interfaces) -> (ArgsDAG, Interfaces)
modifyTypes f = modifyDag *** modifyList
modifyDag = map (first (second f))
@ -273,11 +273,11 @@ modifyTypes f = modifyDag *** modifyList
findNameInArgsDAG :: Name -> ArgsDAG -> Maybe (Type, Maybe Int)
findNameInArgsDAG name = fmap ((snd . fst) &&& (Just . fst . snd)) . find ((name ==) . fst . fst)
findName :: Name -> (ArgsDAG, Classes) -> Maybe (Type, Maybe Int)
findName n (args, classes) = findNameInArgsDAG n args <|> ((,) <$> lookup n classes <*> Nothing)
findName :: Name -> (ArgsDAG, Interfaces) -> Maybe (Type, Maybe Int)
findName n (args, interfaces) = findNameInArgsDAG n args <|> ((,) <$> lookup n interfaces <*> Nothing)
deleteName :: Name -> (ArgsDAG, Classes) -> (ArgsDAG, Classes)
deleteName n (args, classes) = (deleteFromDag n args, filter ((/= n) . fst) classes)
deleteName :: Name -> (ArgsDAG, Interfaces) -> (ArgsDAG, Interfaces)
deleteName n (args, interfaces) = (deleteFromDag n args, filter ((/= n) . fst) interfaces)
tcToMaybe :: TC a -> Maybe a
tcToMaybe (OK x) = Just x
@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ inArgTys :: (Type -> Type) -> ArgsDAG -> ArgsDAG
inArgTys = map . first . second
typeclassUnify :: Ctxt ClassInfo -> Context -> Type -> Type -> Maybe [(Name, Type)]
typeclassUnify classInfo ctxt ty tyTry = do
interfaceUnify :: Ctxt InterfaceInfo -> Context -> Type -> Type -> Maybe [(Name, Type)]
interfaceUnify interfaceInfo ctxt ty tyTry = do
res <- tcToMaybe $ match_unify ctxt [] (ty, Nothing) (retTy, Nothing) [] theHoles []
guard $ null (theHoles \\ map fst res)
let argTys' = map (second $ foldr (.) id [ subst n t | (n, t) <- res ]) tcArgs
@ -297,13 +297,13 @@ typeclassUnify classInfo ctxt ty tyTry = do
tyTry' = vToP tyTry
theHoles = map fst nonTcArgs
retTy = getRetTy tyTry'
(tcArgs, nonTcArgs) = partition (isTypeClassArg classInfo . snd) $ getArgTys tyTry'
(tcArgs, nonTcArgs) = partition (isInterfaceArg interfaceInfo . snd) $ getArgTys tyTry'
isTypeClassArg :: Ctxt ClassInfo -> Type -> Bool
isTypeClassArg classInfo ty = not (null (getClassName clss >>= flip lookupCtxt classInfo)) where
isInterfaceArg :: Ctxt InterfaceInfo -> Type -> Bool
isInterfaceArg interfaceInfo ty = not (null (getInterfaceName clss >>= flip lookupCtxt interfaceInfo)) where
(clss, args) = unApply ty
getClassName (P (TCon _ _) className _) = [className]
getClassName _ = []
getInterfaceName (P (TCon _ _) interfaceName _) = [interfaceName]
getInterfaceName _ = []
-- | Compute the power set
@ -345,12 +345,12 @@ matchTypesBulk istate maxScore type1 types = getAllResults startQueueOfQueues wh
<$> flipEqualities ty <*> flipEqualitiesDag xs
startStates (numEqFlips, sndDag, sndRetTy) = do
state <- unifyQueue (State startingHoles
(Sided (dag1, typeClassArgs1) (sndDag, typeClassArgs2))
(Sided (dag1, interfaceArgs1) (sndDag, interfaceArgs2))
(mempty { equalityFlips = numEqFlips }) usedns) [(retTy1, sndRetTy)]
return (score state, state)
(dag2, typeClassArgs2, retTy2) = makeDag (uniqueBinders (map fst argNames1) type2)
(dag2, interfaceArgs2, retTy2) = makeDag (uniqueBinders (map fst argNames1) type2)
argNames2 = map fst dag2
usedns = map fst startingHoles
startingHoles = argNames1 ++ argNames2
@ -376,13 +376,13 @@ matchTypesBulk istate maxScore type1 types = getAllResults startQueueOfQueues wh
ctxt = tt_ctxt istate
classInfo = idris_classes istate
interfaceInfo = idris_interfaces istate
(dag1, typeClassArgs1, retTy1) = makeDag type1
(dag1, interfaceArgs1, retTy1) = makeDag type1
argNames1 = map fst dag1
makeDag :: Type -> (ArgsDAG, Classes, Type)
makeDag :: Type -> (ArgsDAG, Interfaces, Type)
makeDag = first3 (zipWith (\i (ty, deps) -> (ty, (i, deps))) [0..] . reverseDag) .
computeDagP (isTypeClassArg classInfo) . vToP . unLazy
computeDagP (isInterfaceArg interfaceInfo) . vToP . unLazy
first3 f (a,b,c) = (f a, b, c)
-- update our state with the unification resolutions
@ -396,14 +396,14 @@ matchTypesBulk istate maxScore type1 types = getAllResults startQueueOfQueues wh
let transScore = fromMaybe 0 (abs <$> ((-) <$> ix1 <*> ix2))
return (inScore (\s -> s { transposition = transposition s + transScore }) state'', (ty1, ty2) : queue)
unresolved = argsAndClasses state
unresolved = argsAndInterfaces state
inScore f stat = stat { score = f (score stat) }
findArgs = ((,) <$> findName name (left unresolved) <*> findName name2 (right unresolved)) <|>
((,) <$> findName name2 (left unresolved) <*> findName name (right unresolved))
matchnames = [name, name2]
deleteArgs = deleteName name . deleteName name2
state' = state { holes = filter (not . (`elem` matchnames) . fst) (holes state)
, argsAndClasses = both (modifyTypes (subst name term) . deleteArgs) unresolved}
, argsAndInterfaces = both (modifyTypes (subst name term) . deleteArgs) unresolved}
resolveUnis ((name, term) : xs)
state@(State hs unresolved _ _) = case both (findName name) unresolved of
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ matchTypesBulk istate maxScore type1 types = getAllResults startQueueOfQueues wh
addScore additions theState = theState { score = let s = score theState in
s { asymMods = asymMods s `mappend` additions } }
state' = state { holes = filter (not . (`elem` toDelete) . fst) hs
, argsAndClasses = both (modifyTypes (subst name term) . deleteMany) (argsAndClasses state) }
, argsAndInterfaces = both (modifyTypes (subst name term) . deleteMany) (argsAndInterfaces state) }
nextStep = resolveUnis xs state'
@ -443,19 +443,19 @@ matchTypesBulk istate maxScore type1 types = getAllResults startQueueOfQueues wh
guard $ scoreCriterion (score state')
unifyQueue state' (queue ++ queueAdditions)
possClassInstances :: [Name] -> Type -> [Type]
possClassInstances usedns ty = do
className <- getClassName clss
classDef <- lookupCtxt className classInfo
n <- class_instances classDef
possInterfaceInstances :: [Name] -> Type -> [Type]
possInterfaceInstances usedns ty = do
interfaceName <- getInterfaceName clss
interfaceDef <- lookupCtxt interfaceName interfaceInfo
n <- interface_instances interfaceDef
def <- lookupCtxt (fst n) (definitions ctxt)
nty <- normaliseC ctxt [] <$> (case typeFromDef def of Just x -> [x]; Nothing -> [])
let ty' = vToP (uniqueBinders usedns nty)
return ty'
(clss, _) = unApply ty
getClassName (P (TCon _ _) className _) = [className]
getClassName _ = []
getInterfaceName (P (TCon _ _) interfaceName _) = [interfaceName]
getInterfaceName _ = []
-- 'Just' if the computation hasn't totally failed yet, 'Nothing' if it has
-- 'Left' if we haven't found a terminal state, 'Right' if we have
@ -496,24 +496,24 @@ matchTypesBulk istate maxScore type1 types = getAllResults startQueueOfQueues wh
| sds <- allMods ]
allMods = parallel defMod mods
mods :: Sided [( Classes, AsymMods, [Name] )]
mods :: Sided [( Interfaces, AsymMods, [Name] )]
mods = both (instanceMods . snd) unresolved
defMod :: Sided (Classes, AsymMods, [Name])
defMod :: Sided (Interfaces, AsymMods, [Name])
defMod = both (\(_, cs) -> (cs, mempty , [])) unresolved
parallel :: Sided a -> Sided [a] -> [Sided a]
parallel (Sided l r) (Sided ls rs) = map (flip Sided r) ls ++ map (Sided l) rs
instanceMods :: Classes -> [( Classes , AsymMods, [Name] )]
instanceMods classes = [ ( newClassArgs, mempty { typeClassApp = 1 }, newHoles )
| (_, ty) <- classes
, inst <- possClassInstances usedns ty
, newClassArgs <- maybeToList $ typeclassUnify classInfo ctxt ty inst
, let newHoles = map fst newClassArgs ]
instanceMods :: Interfaces -> [( Interfaces , AsymMods, [Name] )]
instanceMods interfaces = [ ( newInterfaceArgs, mempty { interfaceApp = 1 }, newHoles )
| (_, ty) <- interfaces
, inst <- possInterfaceInstances usedns ty
, newInterfaceArgs <- maybeToList $ interfaceUnify interfaceInfo ctxt ty inst
, let newHoles = map fst newInterfaceArgs ]
-- Stage 1 - match arguments
nextSteps (State hs (Sided (dagL, c1) (dagR, c2)) scoreAcc usedns) = results where
results = concatMap takeSomeClasses results1
results = concatMap takeSomeInterfaces results1
-- we only try to match arguments whose names don't appear in the types
-- of any other arguments
@ -532,18 +532,18 @@ matchTypesBulk istate maxScore type1 types = getAllResults startQueueOfQueues wh
-- Stage 2 - simply introduce a subset of the typeclasses
-- we've finished, so take some classes
takeSomeClasses (State [] unresolved@(Sided ([], _) ([], _)) scoreAcc usedns) =
map statesFromMods . prod $ both (classMods . snd) unresolved
takeSomeInterfaces (State [] unresolved@(Sided ([], _) ([], _)) scoreAcc usedns) =
map statesFromMods . prod $ both (interfaceMods . snd) unresolved
swap (Sided l r) = Sided r l
statesFromMods :: Sided (Classes, AsymMods) -> State
statesFromMods sides = let classes = both (\(c, _) -> ([], c)) sides
statesFromMods :: Sided (Interfaces, AsymMods) -> State
statesFromMods sides = let interfaces = both (\(c, _) -> ([], c)) sides
mods = swap (both snd sides) in
State [] classes (scoreAcc `mappend` (mempty { asymMods = mods })) usedns
classMods :: Classes -> [(Classes, AsymMods)]
classMods cs = let lcs = length cs in
[ (cs', mempty { typeClassIntro = lcs - length cs' }) | cs' <- subsets cs ]
State [] interfaces (scoreAcc `mappend` (mempty { asymMods = mods })) usedns
interfaceMods :: Interfaces -> [(Interfaces, AsymMods)]
interfaceMods cs = let lcs = length cs in
[ (cs', mempty { interfaceIntro = lcs - length cs' }) | cs' <- subsets cs ]
prod :: Sided [a] -> [Sided a]
prod (Sided ls rs) = [Sided l r | l <- ls, r <- rs]
-- still have arguments to match, so just be the identity
takeSomeClasses s = [s]
takeSomeInterfaces s = [s]

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module TestTypeclasses
module TestInterfaces
||| This is a test

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@ -1 +1 @@
Typeclasses are documented
Interfaces are documented

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Tests that documentation is generated for typeclasses
${IDRIS:-idris} $@ --mkdoc test_typeclasses.ipkg
[ -d test_typeclasses_doc ] && echo "Typeclasses are documented"
# Tests that documentation is generated for interfaces
${IDRIS:-idris} $@ --mkdoc test_interfaces.ipkg
[ -d test_interfaces_doc ] && echo "Interfaces are documented"
rm -rf *.ibc *_doc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package test_interfaces
opts = "--quiet"
modules = TestInterfaces

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
package test_typeclasses
opts = "--quiet"
modules = TestTypeclasses

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module ClassName
module InterfaceName
||| A fancy shower with a constructor
||| @ a the thing to be shown
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ badShow = MkMyShow (const "hej")
test1 : twiceAString 2 = "22"
test1 = Refl
test2 : twiceAString @{ClassName.badShow} 2 = "hejhej"
test2 : twiceAString @{InterfaceName.badShow} 2 = "hejhej"
test2 = Refl

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
${IDRIS:-idris} $@ --quiet --nocolour --consolewidth 70 ClassName.idr < input
${IDRIS:-idris} $@ --quiet --nocolour --consolewidth 70 InterfaceName.idr < input
rm -f *.ibc

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
||| Fixes a regression where previous methods used in a later method's
||| type would lead to "can't find interface" errors
module TypeClassDep
module InterfaceDep
import Data.Vect