Java FFI: imports included and dependencies downloaded via maven

This commit is contained in:
Jan Bessai 2013-03-17 17:31:16 +01:00
parent c37c4280b4
commit dc91b01dfd
5 changed files with 65 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@

samples/javaffi.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module Main
%include ""
%lib ""
binom : Int -> Int -> IO Int
binom n k = mkForeign (FFun "IntMath.binomial" [FInt, FInt] FInt) n k
main : IO ()
main = do print "The number of possibilities in lotto is 49 choose 6:"
res <- binom 49 6
print res

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import qualified Control.Monad.Trans as T
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, intercalate)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, intercalate)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Language.Java.Parser
@ -35,9 +35,11 @@ type CodeGeneration = StateT (CodeGenerationEnv) (Either String)
codegenJava :: [(Name, SExp)] -> -- initialization of globals
[(Name, SDecl)] ->
FilePath -> -- output file name
[String] -> -- headers
[String] -> -- libs
OutputType ->
IO ()
codegenJava globalInit defs out exec = do
codegenJava globalInit defs out hdrs libs exec = do
withTempdir (takeBaseName out) $ \ tmpDir -> do
let srcdir = tmpDir </> "src" </> "main" </> "java"
createDirectoryIfMissing True srcdir
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ codegenJava globalInit defs out exec = do
let outjava = srcdir </> clsName <.> "java"
let jout = either error
(flatIndent . prettyPrint)
(evalStateT (mkCompilationUnit globalInit defs out) (mkCodeGenEnv globalInit))
(evalStateT (mkCompilationUnit globalInit defs hdrs out) (mkCodeGenEnv globalInit))
writeFile outjava jout
if (exec == Raw)
then copyFile outjava (takeDirectory out </> clsName <.> "java")
@ -57,12 +59,16 @@ codegenJava globalInit defs out exec = do
(T.pack clsName)
(T.replace (T.pack "$ARTIFACT-NAME$")
(T.pack $ takeBaseName out)
(T.replace (T.pack "$DEPENDENCIES$")
(mkPomDependencies libs)
TIO.writeFile (tmpDir </> "pom.xml") execPom
mvnCmd <- getMvn
let args = ["-f", (tmpDir </> "pom.xml")]
(exit, _, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode mvnCmd (args ++ ["compile"]) ""
when (exit /= ExitSuccess) $ error ("FAILURE: " ++ mvnCmd ++ " compile\n" ++ err)
(exit, mvout, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode mvnCmd (args ++ ["compile"]) ""
when (exit /= ExitSuccess) $ error ("FAILURE: " ++ mvnCmd ++ " compile\n" ++ err ++ mvout)
if (exec == Object)
then do
classFiles <-
@ -72,8 +78,8 @@ codegenJava globalInit defs out exec = do
mapM_ (\ clsFile -> copyFile clsFile (takeDirectory out </> takeFileName clsFile))
else do
(exit, _, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode mvnCmd (args ++ ["package"]) ""
when (exit /= ExitSuccess) (error ("FAILURE: " ++ mvnCmd ++ " package\n" ++ err))
(exit, mvout, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode mvnCmd (args ++ ["package"]) ""
when (exit /= ExitSuccess) (error ("FAILURE: " ++ mvnCmd ++ " package\n" ++ err ++ mvout))
copyFile (tmpDir </> "target" </> (takeBaseName out) <.> "jar") out
handle <- openBinaryFile out ReadMode
contents <- TIO.hGetContents handle
@ -99,21 +105,40 @@ jarHeader =
++ "exec \"$java\" $java_args -jar $MYSELF \"$@\""
++ "exit 1\n"
mkPomDependencies :: [String] -> T.Text
mkPomDependencies deps =
T.concat $ map (T.concat . map (T.append (T.pack " ")) . mkDependency . T.pack) deps
mkDependency s =
case T.splitOn (T.pack ":") s of
[g, a, v] ->
[ T.pack $ "<dependency>\n"
, T.append (T.pack " ") $ mkGroupId g
, T.append (T.pack " ") $ mkArtifactId a
, T.append (T.pack " ") $ mkVersion v
, T.pack $ "</dependency>\n"
_ -> []
mkGroupId g = T.append (T.pack $ "<groupId>") (T.append g $ T.pack "</groupId>\n")
mkArtifactId a = T.append (T.pack $ "<artifactId>") (T.append a $ T.pack "</artifactId>\n")
mkVersion v = T.append (T.pack $ "<version>") (T.append v $ T.pack "</version>\n")
mkCodeGenEnv :: [(Name, SExp)] -> CodeGenerationEnv
mkCodeGenEnv globalInit =
CodeGenerationEnv $ zipWith (\ (name, _) pos -> (name, pos)) globalInit [0..]
mkCompilationUnit :: [(Name, SExp)] -> [(Name, SDecl)] -> FilePath -> CodeGeneration CompilationUnit
mkCompilationUnit globalInit defs out =
CompilationUnit Nothing [ ImportDecl False idrisRts True
, ImportDecl True idrisForeign True
, ImportDecl False bigInteger False
, ImportDecl False stringBuffer False
, ImportDecl False runtimeException False
, ImportDecl False scanner False
, ImportDecl False arrays False
] <$>
mkTypeDecl globalInit defs out
mkCompilationUnit :: [(Name, SExp)] -> [(Name, SDecl)] -> [String] -> FilePath -> CodeGeneration CompilationUnit
mkCompilationUnit globalInit defs hdrs out =
CompilationUnit Nothing ( [ ImportDecl False idrisRts True
, ImportDecl True idrisForeign True
, ImportDecl False bigInteger False
, ImportDecl False stringBuffer False
, ImportDecl False runtimeException False
, ImportDecl False scanner False
, ImportDecl False arrays False
] ++ otherHdrs
<$> mkTypeDecl globalInit defs out
idrisRts = J.Name $ map Ident ["org", "idris", "rts"]
idrisForeign = J.Name $ map Ident ["org", "idris", "rts", "ForeignPrimitives"]
@ -122,6 +147,12 @@ mkCompilationUnit globalInit defs out =
runtimeException = J.Name $ map Ident ["java", "lang", "RuntimeException"]
scanner = J.Name $ map Ident ["java", "util", "Scanner"]
arrays = J.Name $ map Ident ["java", "util", "Arrays"]
otherHdrs = map ( (\ name -> ImportDecl False name False)
. J.Name
. map (Ident . T.unpack)
. T.splitOn (T.pack ".")
. T.pack)
$ filter (not . isSuffixOf ".h") hdrs
flatIndent :: String -> String
flatIndent (' ' : ' ' : xs) = flatIndent xs

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ compile target f tm
(concatMap mkObj objs)
(concatMap mkLib libs) NONE
ViaJava ->
codegenJava [] c f outty
codegenJava [] c f hdrs libs outty
ViaJavaScript ->
codegenJavaScript JavaScript c f outty
ViaNode ->

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ fovm tgt outty f
case checked of
OK c -> case tgt of
ViaC -> codegenC c "a.out" outty ["math.h"] "" "" TRACE
ViaJava -> codegenJava [] c "a.out" outty
ViaJava -> codegenJava [] c "a.out" [] [] outty
Error e -> fail $ show e
parseFOVM :: FilePath -> IO [(Name, LDecl)]