Support multiple let bindings

This sort of thing now works:

  test : Nat -> Nat
  test n = let foo = n
               S k = plus foo foo
              in k

The bindings must be aligned, and the keyword 'in' (indented however you
like within the 'test' block) terminates the list.

Pattern match alternatives are also supported, for quickly catching

  test2 : Nat -> Nat
  test2 n = let foo = n
                S k = plus foo foo
                    | Z => 42
              in k

Fixes #1362
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2014-07-09 21:54:36 +01:00
parent 1269791525
commit ecb9da6d76
2 changed files with 28 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -780,23 +780,32 @@ TypeSig' ::=
let_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm
let_ syn = try (do reserved "let"; fc <- getFC; n <- name;
ty <- option Placeholder (do lchar ':'; expr' syn)
lchar '='
v <- expr syn
ts <- option [] (do lchar '|'
sepBy1 (do_alt syn) (lchar '|'))
let_ syn = try (do reserved "let"
ls <- indentedBlock (let_binding syn)
reserved "in"; sc <- expr syn
case ts of
[] -> return (PLet n ty v sc)
alts -> return (PCase fc v ((PRef fc n, sc) : ts)))
<|> (do reserved "let"; fc <- getFC; pat <- expr' (syn { inPattern = True } )
symbol "="; v <- expr syn
ts <- option [] (do lchar '|'
sepBy1 (do_alt syn) (lchar '|'))
reserved "in"; sc <- expr syn
return (PCase fc v ((pat, sc) : ts)))
return (buildLets ls sc))
-- <|> (do reserved "let"; fc <- getFC; pat <- expr' (syn { inPattern = True } )
-- symbol "="; v <- expr syn
-- ts <- option [] (do lchar '|'
-- sepBy1 (do_alt syn) (lchar '|'))
-- reserved "in"; sc <- expr syn
-- return (PCase fc v ((pat, sc) : ts)))
<?> "let binding"
where buildLets [] sc = sc
buildLets ((fc,PRef _ n,ty,v,[]):ls) sc
= PLet n ty v (buildLets ls sc)
buildLets ((fc,pat,ty,v,alts):ls) sc
= PCase fc v ((pat, buildLets ls sc) : alts)
let_binding syn = do fc <- getFC;
pat <- expr' (syn { inPattern = True })
ty <- option Placeholder (do lchar ':'; expr' syn)
lchar '='
v <- expr syn
ts <- option [] (do lchar '|'
sepBy1 (do_alt syn) (lchar '|'))
return (fc,pat,ty,v,ts)
{- | Parses a quote goal

View File

@ -439,7 +439,8 @@ closeBlock = do ist <- get
Nothing : xs -> lchar '}' >> return xs <?> "end of block"
Just lvl : xs -> (do i <- indent
isParen <- lookAheadMatches (char ')')
if i >= lvl && not isParen
isIn <- lookAheadMatches (reserved "in")
if i >= lvl && not (isParen || isIn)
then fail "not end of block"
else return xs)
<|> (do notOpenBraces
@ -462,7 +463,8 @@ keepTerminator = do lchar ';'; return ()
<|> do c <- indent; l <- lastIndent
unless (c <= l) $ fail "not a terminator"
<|> do isParen <- lookAheadMatches (oneOf ")}|")
unless isParen $ fail "not a terminator"
isIn <- lookAheadMatches (reserved "in")
unless (isIn || isParen) $ fail "not a terminator"
<|> lookAhead eof
-- | Checks if application expression does not end