Evaluator bug fix

Weakening out of scope variables should not happen (we had a flawed
assumption about where the evaluator might be called from...)
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2014-02-21 17:57:11 +00:00
parent 0fa9239851
commit ecfb2935c1
10 changed files with 119 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -214,6 +214,10 @@ Extra-source-files:

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@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ eval traceon ctxt ntimes genv tm opts = ev ntimes [] True [] tm where
apply ntimes stk top env (VBind True n (Lam t) sc) (a:as)
= do a' <- sc a
app <- apply ntimes stk top env a' as
wknV (-1) app
wknV 1 app
apply ntimes_in stk top env f@(VP Ref n ty) args
| not top && hnf = case args of
[] -> return f
@ -513,10 +513,10 @@ instance Quote Value where
quote i (VTmp x) = return $ V (i - x - 1)
wknV :: Int -> Value -> Eval Value
wknV i (VV x) = return $ VV (x + i)
wknV i (VV x) | x >= i = return $ VV (x - 1)
wknV i (VBind red n b sc) = do b' <- fmapMB (wknV i) b
return $ VBind red n b' (\x -> do x' <- sc x
wknV i x')
wknV (i + 1) x')
wknV i (VApp f a) = liftM2 VApp (wknV i f) (wknV i a)
wknV i t = return t

View File

@ -796,10 +796,12 @@ updateProblems ctxt ns ps inj holes = up ns ps where
y' = updateSolved ns y
err' = updateError ns err
env' = updateEnv ns env in
case unify ctxt env' x' y' inj holes of
-- trace ("Updating " ++ show (x',y')) $
case unify ctxt env' x' y' inj holes of
OK (v, []) -> -- trace ("Added " ++ show v ++ " from " ++ show (x', y')) $
up (ns ++ v) ps
_ -> let (ns', ps') = up ns ps in
e -> -- trace ("Failed " ++ show e) $
let (ns', ps') = up ns ps in
(ns', (x',y',env',err', um) : ps')
-- attempt to solve remaining problems with match_unify
@ -873,7 +875,9 @@ processTactic t ps
(h:_) -> do ps' <- execStateT (process t h) ps
let (ns', probs')
= case solved ps' of
Just s -> updateProblems (context ps')
Just s -> traceWhen (unifylog ps')
("SOLVED " ++ show s) $
updateProblems (context ps')
[s] (problems ps')
(injective ps')
(holes ps')

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@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ match_unify ctxt env topx topy inj holes =
let v = highV (-1) tm in
if v >= length ns
then lift $ tfail (Msg "SCOPE ERROR")
else return [(x, bind (highV (-1) tm) ns tm)]
else return [(x, bind v ns tm)]
where inst [] tm = tm
inst ((n, _) : ns) tm = inst ns (substV (P Bound n Erased) tm)
@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ unify ctxt env topx topy inj holes =
let v = highV (-1) tm in
if v >= length ns
then lift $ tfail (Msg "SCOPE ERROR")
else return [(x, bind (highV (-1) tm) ns tm)]
else return [(x, bind v ns tm)]
where inst [] tm = tm
inst (((n, _), _) : ns) tm = inst ns (substV (P Bound n Erased) tm)

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@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ build ist info pattern opts fn tm
resolveTC 7 g fn ist) ivs
tm <- get_term
ctxt <- get_context
probs <- get_probs
when (not pattern) $ do matchProblems True; unifyProblems
probs <- get_probs
case probs of

test/reg035/expected Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
reg035b.idr:7:6:Can't convert
Additive -> Nat
Fin 0

test/reg035/reg035.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
elimId : (a : Type) ->
(a1 : a) ->
(a2 : a) ->
(m : (x : a) -> (y : a) -> x = y -> Type) ->
(f : (x : a) -> m x x refl) ->
(id : a1 = a2) ->
m a1 a2 id
elimId _ x _ _ f refl = f x
tran : (a : Type) -> (b : a) -> (c : a) -> (d : a) ->
(e : b = c) -> (f : c = d) -> b = d
tran = \ a : Type , b : a , c : a , d : a , e : b = c =>
(elimId a b c (\ f : a , g : a , h : f = g =>
(i : a) -> (j : g = i) -> f = i)
(\ f : a , g : a , h : f = g => h) e d)

test/reg035/reg035a.lidr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
> module Set
> %default total
> postulate soAndIntro : (p : alpha -> Bool) ->
> (q : beta -> Bool) ->
> (a : alpha) ->
> (b : beta) ->
> so (p a) ->
> so (q b) ->
> so (p a && q b)
> hasNoDuplicates : (Eq alpha) => List alpha -> Bool
> hasNoDuplicates as = as == nub as
> %assert_total
> setEq : (Eq alpha) => List alpha -> List alpha -> Bool
> setEq Nil Nil = True
> setEq Nil (y :: ys) = False
> setEq (x :: xs) Nil = False
> setEq {alpha} (x :: xs) (y :: ys) =
> (x == y && setEq xs ys)
> ||
> (elem x ys && elem y xs &&
> setEq (filter (/= y) xs) (filter (/= x) ys)
> )
> data Set : Type -> Type where
> setify : (as : List a) -> Set a
> instance (Eq a) => Eq (Set a) where
> (==) (setify as) (setify bs) = setEq as bs
> postulate reflexive_Set_eqeq : (Eq a) =>
> (as : Set a) ->
> so (as == as)
> unwrap : Set a -> List a
> unwrap (setify as) = as
> union : Set (Set a) -> Set a
> union (setify ss) = setify (concat (map unwrap ss))
> listify : (Eq a) => Set a -> List a
> listify = nub . unwrap
> arePairwiseDisjoint : (Eq a) => Set (Set a) -> Bool
> arePairwiseDisjoint (setify ss) =
> hasNoDuplicates (concat (map listify ss))
> isPartition : (Eq a) => Set (Set a) -> Set a -> Bool
> isPartition ass as = arePairwiseDisjoint ass && union ass == as
> partitionLemma0 : (Eq alpha) =>
> (ass : Set (Set alpha)) ->
> so (arePairwiseDisjoint ass) ->
> so (ass `isPartition` union ass)
> partitionLemma0 ass asspd = (soAndIntro (\ xss => arePairwiseDisjoint xss)
> (\ xs => union ass == xs)
> ass
> (union ass)
> asspd
> uasseqas) where
> uasseqas : so (union ass == union ass)
> uasseqas = reflexive_Set_eqeq (union ass)

test/reg035/reg035b.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import Data.Vect
finZEmpty : Fin Z -> a
fins : (n : Nat) -> (xs : Vect n (Fin n) ** ((x : Fin n) -> Elem x xs))
fins Z = ([] ** (finZEmpty {a=_}))
-- f : (a : Nat) -> a = S a -> _|_
-- f a = believe_me

test/reg035/run Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
idris --check reg035.idr
idris --check reg035a.lidr
idris --check reg035b.idr
rm -f *.ibc