Deal with shadowing better in patterns

Variable names in patterns should override global names, as long as
they are not applied to anything. If the global name is desired (e.g.
if it is the result of a dependency elsewhere, either use a _ or
give the qualified version of the name)
This commit is contained in:
Edwin Brady 2012-10-07 21:36:09 +01:00
parent 4ff3b25441
commit f26b42f8ce
10 changed files with 205 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Name: idris
Version: 0.9.4
License: BSD3
License-file: LICENSE
Author: Edwin Brady
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Data-files: rts/libidris_rts.a rts/idris_rts.h rts/idris_gc.h
Extra-source-files: lib/Makefile lib/*.idr lib/prelude/*.idr lib/network/*.idr
lib/control/monad/*.idr lib/language/*.idr
tutorial/examples/*.idr lib/base.ipkg
rts/*.c rts/*.h rts/Makefile
source-repository head
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Executable idris
IRTS.Lang, IRTS.LParser, IRTS.Bytecode, IRTS.Simplified,
IRTS.CodegenC, IRTS.Defunctionalise, IRTS.Inliner,
IRTS.Compiler, IRTS.CodegenJava, IRTS.BCImp,

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@ -705,13 +705,24 @@ addImpl' inpat env ist ptm = ai env ptm
aiFn :: Bool -> Bool -> IState -> FC -> Name -> [PArg] -> Either Err PTerm
aiFn inpat True ist fc f []
= case lookupCtxt Nothing f (idris_implicits ist) of
[] -> Right $ PRef fc f
alts -> if (any (all imp) alts)
= case lookupDef Nothing f (tt_ctxt ist) of
[] -> Right $ PPatvar fc f
alts -> let ialts = lookupCtxt Nothing f (idris_implicits ist) in
-- trace (show f ++ " " ++ show (fc, any (all imp) ialts, ialts, any constructor alts)) $
if (not (vname f) || tcname f
|| any constructor alts || any allImp ialts)
then aiFn inpat False ist fc f [] -- use it as a constructor
else Right $ PRef fc f
else Right $ PPatvar fc f
where imp (PExp _ _ _) = False
imp _ = True
allImp [] = False
allImp xs = all imp xs
constructor (TyDecl (DCon _ _) _) = True
constructor _ = False
vname (UN n) = True -- non qualified
vname _ = False
aiFn inpat expat ist fc f as
| f `elem` primNames = Right $ PApp fc (PRef fc f) as
aiFn inpat expat ist fc f as

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@ -342,6 +342,7 @@ updateNs ns t = mapPT updateRef t
data PTerm = PQuote Raw
| PRef FC Name
| PPatvar FC Name
| PLam Name PTerm PTerm
| PPi Plicity Name PTerm PTerm
| PLet Name PTerm PTerm PTerm
@ -650,6 +651,7 @@ prettyImp impl = prettySe 10
text "![" $$ pretty r <> text "]"
text "![" <> pretty r <> text "]"
prettySe p (PPatvar fc n) = pretty n
prettySe p (PRef fc n) =
if impl then
pretty n
@ -825,6 +827,7 @@ prettyImp impl = prettySe 10
showImp :: Bool -> PTerm -> String
showImp impl tm = se 10 tm where
se p (PQuote r) = "![" ++ show r ++ "]"
se p (PPatvar fc n) = show n
se p (PRef fc n) = if impl then show n -- ++ "[" ++ show fc ++ "]"
else showbasic n
where showbasic n@(UN _) = show n

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@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ elab ist info pattern tcgen fn tm
= trySeq as
where trySeq [] = fail "All alternatives fail to elaborate"
trySeq (x : xs) = try (elab' ina x) (trySeq xs)
elab' ina (PPatvar fc n) | pattern = patvar n
elab' (ina, guarded) (PRef fc n) | pattern && not (inparamBlock n)
= do ctxt <- get_context
let iscon = isConName Nothing n ctxt

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@ -1087,6 +1087,9 @@ instance Binary PTerm where
PTactics x1 -> do putWord8 25
put x1
PImpossible -> putWord8 27
PPatvar x1 x2 -> do putWord8 28
put x1
put x2
= do i <- getWord8
case i of
@ -1164,6 +1167,9 @@ instance Binary PTerm where
25 -> do x1 <- get
return (PTactics x1)
27 -> return PImpossible
28 -> do x1 <- get
x2 <- get
return (PPatvar x1 x2)
_ -> error "Corrupted binary data for PTerm"
instance (Binary t) => Binary (PTactic' t) where

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
idris test014.idr -o test014
rm -f test014 test014.ibc
rm -f test014 resimp.ibc test014.ibc

test/test015/expected Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

test/test015/parity.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module parity
data Parity : Nat -> Set where
even : Parity (n + n)
odd : Parity (S (n + n))
parity : (n:Nat) -> Parity n
parity O = even {n=O}
parity (S O) = odd {n=O}
parity (S (S k)) with (parity k)
parity (S (S (j + j))) | even ?= even {n=S j}
parity (S (S (S (j + j)))) | odd ?= odd {n=S j}
parity_lemma_2 = proof {
rewrite sym (plusSuccRightSucc j j);
parity_lemma_1 = proof {
intro j;
rewrite sym (plusSuccRightSucc j j);

test/test015/run Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
idris test015.idr -o test015
rm -f test015 parity.ibc test015.ibc

test/test015/test015.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
module main
import parity
import system
data Bit : Nat -> Set where
b0 : Bit 0
b1 : Bit 1
instance Show (Bit n) where
show b0 = "0"
show b1 = "1"
infixl 5 #
data Binary : (width : Nat) -> (value : Nat) -> Set where
zero : Binary O O
(#) : Binary w v -> Bit bit -> Binary (S w) (bit + 2 * v)
instance Show (Binary w k) where
show zero = ""
show (bin # bit) = show bin ++ show bit
pad : Binary w n -> Binary (S w) n
pad zero = zero # b0
pad (num # x) = pad num # x
natToBin : (width : Nat) -> (n : Nat) ->
Maybe (Binary width n)
natToBin O (S k) = Nothing
natToBin O O = Just zero
natToBin (S k) O = do x <- natToBin k O
Just (pad x)
natToBin (S w) (S k) with (parity k)
natToBin (S w) (S (plus j j)) | even = do jbin <- natToBin w j
let value = jbin # b1
natToBin (S w) (S (S (plus j j))) | odd = do jbin <- natToBin w (S j)
let value = jbin # b0
testBin : Maybe (Binary 8 42)
testBin = natToBin _ _
pattern syntax bitpair [x] [y] = (_ ** (_ ** (x, y, _)))
term syntax bitpair [x] [y] = (_ ** (_ ** (x, y, refl)))
addBit : Bit x -> Bit y -> Bit c ->
(bx ** (by ** (Bit bx, Bit by, c + x + y = by + 2 * bx)))
addBit b0 b0 b0 = bitpair b0 b0
addBit b0 b0 b1 = bitpair b0 b1
addBit b0 b1 b0 = bitpair b0 b1
addBit b0 b1 b1 = bitpair b1 b0
addBit b1 b0 b0 = bitpair b0 b1
addBit b1 b0 b1 = bitpair b1 b0
addBit b1 b1 b0 = bitpair b1 b0
addBit b1 b1 b1 = bitpair b1 b1
adc : Binary w x -> Binary w y -> Bit c -> Binary (S w) (c + x + y)
adc zero zero carry ?= zero # carry
adc (numx # bx) (numy # by) carry
?= let (bitpair carry0 lsb) = addBit bx by carry in
adc numx numy carry0 # lsb
readNum : IO Nat
readNum = do putStr "Enter a number:"
i <- getLine
let n : Int = cast i
return (fromInteger n)
main : IO ()
main = do let Just bin1 = natToBin 8 42
print bin1
let Just bin2 = natToBin 8 89
print bin2
print (adc bin1 bin2 b0)
---------- Proofs ----------
main.ntbOdd = proof {
intro w,j;
rewrite sym (plusZeroRightNeutral j);
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc j j;
refine Just;
main.ntbEven = proof {
intro w,j;
rewrite sym (plusZeroRightNeutral j);
refine Just;
-- There is almost certainly an easier proof. I don't care, for now :)
main.adc_lemma_2 = proof {
intro c,w,v,bit0,num0;
intro b0,v1,bit1,num1,b1;
intro bc,x,x1,bx,bx1;
rewrite sym (plusZeroRightNeutral x);
rewrite sym (plusZeroRightNeutral v1);
rewrite sym (plusZeroRightNeutral (plus (plus x v) v1));
rewrite sym (plusZeroRightNeutral v);
rewrite sym (plusAssociative (plus c (plus bit0 (plus v v))) bit1 (plus v1 v1));
rewrite (plusAssociative c (plus bit0 (plus v v)) bit1);
rewrite (plusAssociative bit0 (plus v v) bit1);
rewrite plusCommutative bit1 (plus v v);
rewrite sym (plusAssociative c bit0 (plus bit1 (plus v v)));
rewrite sym (plusAssociative (plus c bit0) bit1 (plus v v));
rewrite sym b;
rewrite plusAssociative x1 (plus x x) (plus v v);
rewrite plusAssociative x x (plus v v);
rewrite sym (plusAssociative x v v);
rewrite plusCommutative v (plus x v);
rewrite sym (plusAssociative x v (plus x v));
rewrite (plusAssociative x1 (plus (plus x v) (plus x v)) (plus v1 v1));
rewrite sym (plusAssociative (plus (plus x v) (plus x v)) v1 v1);
rewrite (plusAssociative (plus x v) (plus x v) v1);
rewrite (plusCommutative v1 (plus x v));
rewrite sym (plusAssociative (plus x v) v1 (plus x v));
rewrite (plusAssociative (plus (plus x v) v1) (plus x v) v1);
main.adc_lemma_1 = proof {
rewrite sym (plusZeroRightNeutral c) ;