2017-09-16 19:28:47 +02:00

82 lines
2.8 KiB

module Main where
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitSuccess, exitWith)
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.CmdOptions
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Info.Show
import Idris.Main
import Idris.Options
import Idris.Package
import Util.System (setupBundledCC)
processShowOptions :: [Opt] -> Idris ()
processShowOptions opts = runIO $ do
when (ShowAll `elem` opts) $ showExitIdrisInfo
when (ShowLoggingCats `elem` opts) $ showExitIdrisLoggingCategories
when (ShowIncs `elem` opts) $ showExitIdrisFlagsInc
when (ShowLibs `elem` opts) $ showExitIdrisFlagsLibs
when (ShowLibDir `elem` opts) $ showExitIdrisLibDir
when (ShowDocDir `elem` opts) $ showExitIdrisDocDir
when (ShowPkgs `elem` opts) $ showExitIdrisInstalledPackages
check :: [Opt] -> (Opt -> Maybe a) -> ([a] -> Idris ()) -> Idris ()
check opts extractOpts action = do
case opt extractOpts opts of
[] -> return ()
fs -> do action fs
runIO exitSuccess
processClientOptions :: [Opt] -> Idris ()
processClientOptions opts = check opts getClient $ \fs -> case fs of
[] -> ifail "No --client argument. This indicates a bug. Please report."
(c : _) -> do
setVerbose 0
setQuiet True
case getPort opts of
Just DontListen -> ifail "\"--client\" and \"--port none\" are incompatible"
Just (ListenPort port) -> runIO $ runClient (Just port) c
Nothing -> runIO $ runClient Nothing c
processPackageOptions :: [Opt] -> Idris ()
processPackageOptions opts = do
check opts getPkgCheck $ \fs -> runIO $ do
mapM_ (checkPkg opts (WarnOnly `elem` opts) True) fs
check opts getPkgClean $ \fs -> runIO $ do
mapM_ (cleanPkg opts) fs
check opts getPkgMkDoc $ \fs -> runIO $ do
mapM_ (documentPkg opts) fs
check opts getPkgTest $ \fs -> runIO $ do
codes <- mapM (testPkg opts) fs
-- check if any of the tests exited with an exit code other
-- than zero; if they did, exit with exit code 1
unless (null $ filter (/= ExitSuccess) codes) $
exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
check opts getPkg $ \fs -> runIO $ do
mapM_ (buildPkg opts (WarnOnly `elem` opts)) fs
check opts getPkgREPL $ \fs -> case fs of
[f] -> replPkg opts f
_ -> ifail "Too many packages"
-- | The main function for the Idris executable.
runIdris :: [Opt] -> Idris ()
runIdris opts = do
runIO setupBundledCC
processShowOptions opts -- Show information then quit.
processClientOptions opts -- Be a client to a REPL server.
processPackageOptions opts -- Work with Idris packages.
idrisMain opts -- Launch REPL or compile mode.
-- Main program reads command line options, parses the main program, and gets
-- on with the REPL.
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- runArgParser
runMain (runIdris opts)