Niklas Larsson b5a6637da8 Rename expected, input and run
Because cabal's wildcards are broken and doesn't allow
files without file endings.
2020-01-25 01:44:54 +01:00

129 lines
4.3 KiB

module Main where
import TestData
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (isLetter)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IMap
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Typeable
import Options.Applicative
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Info
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Golden
import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Rerun
import Test.Tasty.Options
import Test.Tasty.Runners
--------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Config ]
type Flags = [String]
-- Add arguments to calls of idris executable
idrisFlags :: Flags
idrisFlags = []
testDirectory :: String
testDirectory = "test"
-------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Options ]
-- The `--node` option makes idris use the node code generator
-- As a consequence, incompatible tests are removed
newtype NodeOpt = NodeOpt Bool deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)
nodeArg = "node"
nodeHelp = "Performs the tests with the node code generator"
instance IsOption NodeOpt where
defaultValue = NodeOpt False
parseValue = fmap NodeOpt . safeRead
optionName = return nodeArg
optionHelp = return nodeHelp
optionCLParser = NodeOpt <$> switch (long nodeArg <> help nodeHelp)
ingredients :: [Ingredient]
ingredients = defaultIngredients ++
[rerunningTests [consoleTestReporter],
includingOptions [Option (Proxy :: Proxy NodeOpt)] ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Core ]
-- Compare a given file contents against the golden file contents
-- A ripoff of goldenVsFile from Tasty.Golden
test :: String -> String -> IO () -> TestTree
test testName path = goldenVsFileDiff testName diff ref output
ref = path </> "expected.out"
output = path </> "output"
diff ref new | os == "openbsd" = ["diff", "-u", new, ref]
| otherwise = ["diff", "--strip-trailing-cr", "-u", new, ref]
-- Should always output a 3-charater string from a postive Int
indexToString :: Int -> String
indexToString index = let str = show index in
replicate (3 - length str) '0' ++ str
-- Turns the collection of TestFamily into actual tests usable by Tasty
mkGoldenTests :: [TestFamily] -> Flags -> TestTree
mkGoldenTests testFamilies flags =
testGroup "Regression and feature tests"
(fmap mkTestFamily testFamilies)
mkTestFamily (TestFamily id name tests) =
testGroup name (fmap (mkTest id) (IMap.keys tests))
mkTest id index =
let testname = id ++ indexToString index
path = testDirectory </> testname
test testname path (runTest path flags)
-- Runs a test script
-- "bash" needed because Haskell has cmd as the default shell on windows, and
-- we also want to run the process with another current directory, so we get
-- this thing.
runTest :: String -> Flags -> IO ()
runTest path flags = do
let run = (proc "bash" ("" : flags)) {cwd = Just path}
(_, output, error_out) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode run ""
writeFile (path </> "output") (normalise output)
when (error_out /= "") $ hPutStrLn stderr ("\nError: " ++ path ++ "\n" ++ error_out)
-- Normalise paths e.g. '.\foo.idr' to './foo.idr'.
-- Also embedded paths e.g. ".\\Prelude\\List.idr" to "./Prelude/List.idr".
normalise ('.' : '\\' : c : xs) | isLetter c = '.' : '/' : c : normalise xs
normalise ('\\':'\\':xs) = '/' : normalise xs
normalise (x : xs) = x : normalise xs
normalise [] = []
checkNode :: IO ()
checkNode = do
nodePath <- findExecutable "node"
nodejsPath <- findExecutable "nodejs"
let node = nodePath <|> nodejsPath
case node of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "For running the test suite against Node, node must be installed."
Just _ -> return ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
when ("--node" `elem` args) checkNode
defaultMainWithIngredients ingredients $
askOption $ \(NodeOpt node) ->
let (codegen, flags) = if node then (JS, ["--codegen", "node"])
else (C , [])
mkGoldenTests (testFamiliesForCodegen codegen) (flags ++ idrisFlags)