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module NonLayout
Haskell and Idris use indentation for grouping in the concrete syntax.
How this works is defined as an automatic translation to the equivalent
syntax using { ; and }, which you are free to use yourself.
In Idris specifically, if let or where is followed by { then indentation no
longer matters for the following definitions until a balanced } appears. To
put multiple declarations on one line within the { } you put semicolons between
them: one ; for let declarations and ;; for where declarations. Whether this
discrepancy is a bug I don't know.
average : String -> Double
average str = answer where
wordCount : String -> Nat
wordCount str = length (words str)
wordLengths : List String -> List Nat
wordLengths strs = map length strs
answer =
let numWords = wordCount str in
let totalLength = sum (wordLengths (words str)) in
cast totalLength / cast numWords
average' : String -> Double
average' str = answer where {
wordCount : String -> Nat ;; wordCount str = length (words str)
wordLengths : List String -> List Nat ;; wordLengths strs = map length strs
answer = let {
numWords = wordCount str; totalLength = sum (wordLengths (words str))
} in cast totalLength / cast numWords