2016-01-26 18:51:47 +01:00

214 lines
7.4 KiB

module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.Exit
import System.Info
import System.IO
import System.Process
-- Because GHC earlier than 7.8 lacks setEnv
-- Install the setenv package on Windows.
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import qualified System.Posix.Env as PE(setEnv)
setEnv k v = PE.setEnv k v True
import System.SetEnv(setEnv)
data Flag = Update | Diff | ShowOutput | Quiet | Time deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
type Flags = S.Set Flag
data Status = Success | Failure | Updated deriving (Eq, Show)
data Config = Config {
flags :: Flags,
idrOpts :: [String],
tests :: [String]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
isQuiet conf = Quiet `S.member` (flags conf)
showOutput conf = ShowOutput `S.member` (flags conf)
showTime conf = Time `S.member` (flags conf)
showDiff conf = Diff `S.member` (flags conf)
doUpdate conf = Update `S.member` (flags conf)
checkTestName :: String -> Bool
checkTestName d = (all isDigit $ take 3 $ reverse d)
&& (not $ isInfixOf "disabled" d)
enumTests :: IO [String]
enumTests = do
cd <- getCurrentDirectory
dirs <- getDirectoryContents cd
return $ sort $ filter checkTestName dirs
parseFlag :: String -> Maybe Flag
parseFlag s = case s of
"-u" -> Just Update
"-d" -> Just Diff
"-s" -> Just ShowOutput
"-t" -> Just Time
"-q" -> Just Quiet
_ -> Nothing
parseFlags :: [String] -> (S.Set Flag, [String])
parseFlags xs = (S.fromList f, i)
f = catMaybes $ map parseFlag fl
(fl, i) = partition (\s -> parseFlag s /= Nothing) xs
parseArgs :: [String] -> IO Config
parseArgs args = do
(tests, rest) <- case args of
("all":xs) -> do
et <- enumTests
return (et, xs)
("without":xs) -> do
t <- enumTests
(blacklist, ys) <- return $ break (== "opts") xs
return (t \\ blacklist, ys \\ ["opts"])
(x:xs) -> do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist x
return (if checkTestName x && exists then [x] else [], xs)
[] -> do
et <- enumTests
return (et, [])
let (testOpts, idOpts) = parseFlags rest
return $ Config testOpts idOpts tests
-- "bash" needed because Haskell has cmd as the default shell on windows, and
-- we also want to run the process with another current directory, so we get
-- this thing.
runInShell :: String -> [String] -> IO (ExitCode, String)
runInShell test opts = do
(ec, output, _) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode
((proc "bash" ("run":opts)) { cwd = Just test,
std_out = CreatePipe })
return (ec, output)
runTest :: Config -> String -> IO Status
runTest conf test = do
-- don't touch the current directory as we want to run these things
-- in parallel in the future
let inTest s = test ++ "/" ++ s
-- just pretend that backslashes are slashes for comparison
-- purposes to avoid path problems, so don't write any tests
-- that depend on that distinction in other contexts
let norm s = map (\c -> if c=='\\' then '/' else c) s
t1 <- getCurrentTime
(exitCode, output) <- runInShell test (idrOpts conf)
t2 <- getCurrentTime
expected <- readFile $ inTest "expected"
writeFile (inTest "output") output
res <- if (norm output == norm expected)
then do putStrLn $ test ++ " finished...success"
return Success
else if doUpdate conf
then do putStrLn $ test ++ " finished...UPDATE"
writeFile (inTest "expected") output
return Updated
else do putStrLn $ test ++ " finished...FAILURE"
_ <- rawSystem "diff" [inTest "output", inTest "expected"]
return Failure
when (showTime conf) $ do
let dt = diffUTCTime t2 t1
putStrLn $ "Duration of " ++ test ++ " was " ++ show dt
return res
printStats :: Config -> [Status] -> IO ()
printStats conf stats = do
let total = length stats
let successful = length $ filter (== Success) stats
let failures = length $ filter (== Failure) stats
let updates = length $ filter (== Updated) stats
putStrLn "\n----"
putStrLn $ show total ++ " tests run: " ++ show successful ++ " succesful, "
++ show failures ++ " failed, " ++ show updates ++ " updated."
let failed = map fst $ filter ((== Failure) . snd) $ zip (tests conf) stats
when (failed /= []) $ do
putStrLn "\nFailed tests:"
mapM_ putStrLn failed
putStrLn ""
runTests :: Config -> IO Bool
runTests conf = do
stats <- mapM (runTest conf) (tests conf)
unless (isQuiet conf) $ printStats conf stats
return $ all (== Success) stats
runShow :: Config -> IO Bool
runShow conf = do
mapM_ (\t -> callProcess "cat" [t++"/output"]) (tests conf)
return True
runDiff :: Config -> IO Bool
runDiff conf = do
mapM_ (\t -> do putStrLn $ "Differences in " ++ t ++ ":"
ec <- rawSystem "diff" [t++"/output", t++"/expected"]
when (ec == ExitSuccess) $ putStrLn "No differences found.")
(tests conf)
return True
whisper :: Config -> String -> IO ()
whisper conf s = do unless (isQuiet conf) $ putStrLn s
setPath :: Config -> IO ()
setPath conf = do
maybeEnv <- lookupEnv "IDRIS"
idrisEnv <- return $ fromMaybe "" maybeEnv
if (idrisEnv /= "")
then do
idrisAbs <- makeAbsolute idrisEnv
setEnv "IDRIS" idrisAbs
whisper conf $ "Using " ++ idrisAbs
else do
path <- getEnv "PATH"
let sandbox = "../.cabal-sandbox/bin"
hasBox <- doesDirectoryExist sandbox
bindir <- if hasBox
then do
whisper conf $ "Using Cabal sandbox at " ++ sandbox
makeAbsolute sandbox
else do
stackExe <- findExecutable "stack"
case stackExe of
Just stack -> do
out <- readProcess stack ["path", "--dist-dir"] []
stackDistDir <- return $ takeWhile (/= '\n') out
let stackDir = "../" ++ stackDistDir ++ "/build/idris"
whisper conf $ "Using stack work dir at " ++ stackDir
makeAbsolute stackDir
Nothing -> return ""
when (bindir /= "") $ setEnv "PATH" (bindir ++ [searchPathSeparator] ++ path)
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
args <- getArgs
conf <- parseArgs args
setPath conf
t1 <- getCurrentTime
res <- case tests conf of
[] -> return True
xs | showOutput conf -> runShow conf
xs | showDiff conf -> runDiff conf
xs -> runTests conf
t2 <- getCurrentTime
when (showTime conf) $ do
let dt = diffUTCTime t2 t1
putStrLn $ "Duration of Entire Test Suite was " ++ show dt
unless res exitFailure